Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3341 The only chance to kill the evil bones!


"This is not good!"

"This damn Evil Bone Demon Lord actually has a backup plan!"

In the distance, countless geniuses from all races in the star fields who were watching the battle looked nervous and panicked.

Originally, Ling Feng and Xiao Xianling worked together to suppress the Evil Bone Demon Lord for an hour.

It seemed that everything was under control, but I never expected that the Evil Bone Demon Lord would use the heaven-defying secret method of rebirth to drag Ling Feng and Xiao Xianling to their limit.

Moreover, he was actually able to lay a trap and use Bei Ming Demon Kun's demonized blood to create a demonic fire poison pool that was absolutely beneficial to him.

In that poisonous pool, his speed, strength, and even the origin of his soul will be greatly increased.

Ling Feng will be suppressed everywhere, and the situation will become more severe and worse.

Duanmubai, Yin, Zongyan, Liuxu, Qinyu, Yujunyao, Kurosaki Ikkuang, Kakabel, Gaia, Kuchiki Kenpachi, Immortal River...

A genius from the Yuanshen Temple camp or from various races in the star fields clenched their fists nervously and held their breaths.

After a long hard battle with the Evil Bone Demon Lord, he finally saw a glimmer of hope.

Unexpectedly, it would end up like this.


On the battlefield, tens of thousands of demonic fire and poisonous dragons were seen frantically attacking the Chaos True Demonic Ape transformed by Ling Feng.

Under the poisonous fire, almost all the hair on Ling Feng's body was burned to the ground.

And his majestic and burly body retreated again and again, almost being driven into the Poison Pond of Demonic Fire.

Once the fire poison invades the body, even with Ling Feng's physique, a large amount of Yuan Power will be needed to suppress the fire poison.

The situation will undoubtedly become more severe.

"Damn it, we can't do anything to help!"

Gaia clenched her fists tightly, her eyes were red and bloodshot.

Not to mention stepping forward to help, even if they get within a thousand feet of the Demonic Fire Poison Pond, I'm afraid they will be immediately refined by the Demonic Fire, turning into a blazing blood steam, blending into the Poison Pond, and becoming the Evil Bone Demon Lord of nourishment.

Once upon a time, they were all competing on the same stage with Ling Feng on the stage of the Ten Thousand Races.

But now, they could no longer keep up with him. They could only look at his back and watch him intercept the ultimate fear that could destroy this world.

"Damn it! You stupid netherworld ant!"

Xiao Xianling bit her silver teeth, but felt a strange feeling in her heart.

All along, she just thought Ling Feng was a despicable, greedy and hateful boy, but at a critical moment of life and death.

He should obviously know that he still has many life-saving cards, but he still sent himself out of the battlefield resolutely.

At this time, why, did my conscience suddenly discover it?

She clenched her fists, but unfortunately, her tired body no longer allowed her to re-enter the battlefield.

"Hey, could it be that after all, the Dao is one foot high, the devil is one foot high, and the Evil Bone Demon Lord will dominate all the stars and all the realms?"

"Once General Secretary Ling is defeated, no one can stop the Evil Bone Demon Lord, and we will all become the food and slaves of the demon clan!"

The crowd was filled with panic and despair.

"Believing him is the biggest help."

At this moment, Yu Junyao took a deep breath. Even though her face was solemn, there was always a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Not for anything else, because of that person, his name is Ling Feng!

That's enough!

"Yes! It's enough to believe in him!"

"Even if heaven and earth fall, you can always believe in Brother Ling, because he is the one who creates miracles!"

Yu Junyao's words rekindled the fire of hope in everyone.

Countless people silently prayed and cheered for Ling Feng at the same time. The power of faith was injected into Ling Feng's body bit by bit through the substance in his eyes.

Ling Feng, who had already run out of energy, seemed to have been blessed by divine power, and once again started a fierce battle with the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

" power of faith?"

Xiao Xianling was shocked by this. Ling Feng had clearly not yet attained immortality. It was theoretically impossible for him to have his own godhead. How could he absorb the power of faith from others?

You must know that ordinary Immortal Lords, Immortal Lords, and even Immortal Emperors are not qualified to absorb the power of faith.

Only the powerful Immortal Emperor who has reached the Broken Realm and initially possesses his own godhead can absorb the power of faith, shape the world and control the world with thousands of faiths.

And Ling Feng, who is not even a virtual immortal, can actually absorb the power of faith?

Unless he possesses a divine weapon.

A true artifact!

Coming from the realm of gods, with its own divine personality, it is a supreme artifact that transcends the broken realm!

Or maybe he is the legendary supreme divine body!

There is only one person Xiao Xianling knows who has this kind of physique, and that is the supreme master of the Tianzhi organization.

And no matter which one it is, it is absolutely heaven-defying!

Of course, Ling Feng didn't know all this. He could absorb the power of faith just through the Donghuang Bell.

So far, Ling Feng has only used the Donghuang Bell as a treasure for teleportation.

A mere mortal, but able to absorb the power of faith!

This kid has the potential to advance to the realm of Broken Immortal Emperor!

Xiao Xianling's breathing became a little faster, and her eyes flickered.

No, we can’t let such a piece of jade die here!

Xiao Xianling gritted her teeth. She didn't have much mana left now, so she probably wouldn't be able to help Ling Feng.

However, if the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor can be successfully summoned again, the situation will be different.

Although Jiuyan Phoenix Emperor is just her mount, it has strength comparable to that of an Immortal Lord.

Even if it is suppressed by the laws of this world, it is not easy to destroy a demon in the virtual immortal realm?

"Phoenix Emperor, Phoenix Emperor, please, come out quickly!"

Xiao Xianling concentrated her mind and frantically tried to reestablish contact with the Nine Flames Phoenix Emperor.

As long as the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor is summoned, everything will be settled.

No one noticed that behind a huge rock, Ye Weiyang's body had almost become completely transparent and turned into a ghost-like form.

He raised his head weakly, looked at the battle between Ling Feng and the Evil Bone Demon Lord, and finally showed a faint smile.

He looked at Mu Qianxue, who was beside him with tears in his eyes, and smiled slightly: "It seems that my time has come."

"Brother Yagami!"

Mu Qianxue seemed to realize something and suddenly tried to grab Ye Weiyang's arm, but unfortunately, she missed it.

The next moment, Ye Shen's body turned into a blazing white light, rising into the sky, and then it was projected in the direction of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.


A teardrop rolled down from the corner of Mu Qianxue's eyes, and at this moment, Ye Weiyang's figure and everything about him seemed to become very blurry.

His presence, it seems, has begun to disappear.

"Give up! You have no chance!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord laughed crazily, "Without that girl's help, even if you summoned the flaw of the Border Prison Reincarnation, so what? You can't force me to use the Border Prison Reincarnation again! Jie Jie Jie..."

The sound of evil laughter was extremely harsh.

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, and almost all the hair on his body had been burned away.

There were horrific wounds on his limbs, chest, and ribs. The bones were visible, and the flesh and blood had long been burned to charcoal.

The blazing poisonous fire flowed through his body, making his chest feel like there was a huge stone pressing down on it. Every time he took a breath, he seemed to be inhaling countless poisonous smoke, which made him feel as if he was being burned by a raging fire, which was unbearable.

The poisonous fire was filled with the terrifying poisonous blood of Beiming Demon Kun. Even if Lingfeng had the Demonic Dragon Purifying Fire to protect him, it would be difficult to purify this poisonous miasma for a while.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord is indeed right.

Even though Ling Feng had just relied on the power of faith to regain his strength and continued to fight with the Evil Bone Demon Lord for more than ten rounds, without the suppression of Xiao Xianling's two magic weapons, it would be difficult for him to force the Evil Bone Demon Lord to use Border Prison. Reincarnation.

Even if he sees the flaw in the border prison reincarnation, it is useless.

Could it be that he would still be unable to save everything after all?

Ling Feng clenched his fists and used all kinds of trump cards, including the Eye of the Emperor, Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques, Origin of Creation, Dragon Roar, True Body of Chaos, Tianzhi Seal, and even the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation. all over.

However, it is still a little bit behind after all.

If you can give him another year, even half a year.

Perhaps, the situation will be completely different.

It's a pity that there is no what if in this world?

The Evil Bone Demon Lord is so aggressive that he has almost sealed the victory.

The most frightening thing is that the Evil Bone Demon Lord is still not careless at all. With the mentality of a lion fighting a rabbit, he goes all out and does not give Ling Feng any chance at all.

This opponent is really too terrifying!

"Heaven's Jue Destroy Attack!"

The entire body of the Evil Bone Demon Lord burst out with dazzling purple light again.

After a period of cultivation, he finally completed the condensation of strength again and was able to perform the Tianjue Attack for the second time.

But this time, without Xiao Xianling's nine-color body-protecting divine light, Ling Feng was afraid that he would no longer be able to resist.

Is it over?

Ling Feng tightly held the Shifang Deni in his hand, watching the void around the Evil Bone Demon Lord collapse and be annihilated little by little.

This terrifying magical power, which is comparable to the magic of great immortals, is about to be like a demon that devours everything, and is about to devour him completely.

However, just when Ling Feng fell into despair, a familiar voice suddenly appeared in his ears.

"Brother Ling, have you seen my shadow?"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly and he looked up, only to find a misty shadow actually appearing in the heart of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

That is……

Ye Weiyang!

Ye Weiyang's shadow seemed to be superimposed on the body of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, but the Evil Bone Demon Lord didn't seem to notice it at all.

How is this going?

Ling Feng didn't have time to think.

At this moment, he chose to believe.

Believe in Ye Weiyang and believe in yourself!

Holding the halberd that was transformed into "Destruction of All Directions", it was combined with the power of faith of countless people. From the depths of his soul, an unprecedented divine power seemed to burst out.

"Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques! Throw the Universe!"

In a flash of lightning, Ling Feng struck Ye Weiyang's shadow hard.

The halberd was like a black lightning. In an instant, like a rainbow that pierced through everything, it penetrated the chest of the Evil Bone Demon Lord at the last moment.


When the Evil Bone Demon Lord reacted, all directions were destroyed, and it had already penetrated from his chest.

His astonished eyes stared at Ling Feng in disbelief.

Why did my Heavenly Jue Destroy Attack suddenly seem to be ineffective?

Why did it seem like all of my body defenses had been disintegrated in an instant.

His body disintegrated little by little under the power of Heavenly Punishment, and both body and soul were destroyed.

Only a pair of eyes filled with hatred remained.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. He knew that the Evil Bone Demon Lord was about to be reborn in another form.

But this time, he will never let the Evil Bone Demon Lord be reborn again.

That unknown dimension, that independent space that only the Evil Bone Demon Lord himself can find the entrance to.

At this moment, Ling Feng had already seen through it!

That is the entrance that can only be found with the power of the fusion of immortals and demons.

Whether it is a simple immortal cultivator or a demon cultivator, it is impossible to find the entrance to that dimension.

And only Ling Feng has such ability!

In his eyes, the Yin-Yang fish floated.

In countless illusory dimensions, Ling Feng captured the aura of the Evil Bone Demon Lord with great precision.

The soul broke out of the body, and Ling Feng directly invaded that dimension without hesitation.

He broke into the independent space that originally belonged only to the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

As long as the second body of the Evil Bone Demon Lord is killed in this fused dimension, he will never be reincarnated again.

This is also the only chance to eliminate the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

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