Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3342 The end! Disappearing existence!

"Transactions are irreversible. Therefore, I will ask you one last time whether you want to make a transaction."

Chunzi Linghu's eyes were fixed on Ye Weiyang.


Ye Weiyang clenched her fists and seemed to have exhausted her last courage before slowly saying this word.

"Then, tell me your wish. You only have one chance to make a wish. Any wish can become a reality as long as it is within the limits allowed by the rules."

"I want……"

Ye Weiyang took a deep breath, "I hope to assist Ling Feng and completely eliminate the Evil Bone Demon Lord."

"This wish can come true."

Chunzi Linghu nodded slightly, "Although I cannot directly erase the evil bones in your mouth, the Ling Feng you mentioned will have such an ability."

After saying that, Chunzi Linghu slightly touched Ye Weiyang's forehead with his palm, and a light golden light poured directly into Ye Weiyang's spiritual sea from the center of his eyebrows.

"When your wish comes true and you see the Evil Bone Demon Lord fall, your soul will be automatically drawn into the hellfire of Mahakala and annihilated, and your existence will disappear forever and ever."

When the body finally turned into a ray of golden light and disappeared from the world, Ye Weiyang's mind flashed back to the scene when he originally traded with the Chunzi Spirit Husband.

He knew that his deal with Chunzi Linghu was finally going to take effect.

But, how should he help Ling Feng?

In the dark, he heard a cold voice, which seemed to be guiding him to do something.

That was the voice of Chunzi Linghu. As the law that guards Chunzi Divine Spring, Chunzi Linghu possesses incomparable miraculous power that transcends all rules in the world.

However, it cannot actively interfere with any order in this world.

Unless someone sacrifices his or her soul to make a wish to it.

Only then can it ignore the rules of this world and show its divine power.

At this moment, when the deal between Ye Weiyang and him began to take effect, its power was projected directly from the extremely distant Holy Snow Mountain.

The reason why Ye Weiyang's shadow appears in the heart of the Evil Bone Demon Lord is precisely because of the guidance of Chunzi Spirit Hut.

And Ling Feng was able to directly penetrate the chest of the Evil Bone Demon Lord with one blow as if he had divine help, directly destroying his first true body.

In fact, he was able to lock onto the special dimension of the Evil Bone Demon Lord in a flash of lightning. It was also the power of the Chunzi Spirit Husband that secretly interfered with everything.

All of this is a transaction, and Chunzi Linghu will not have the slightest personal emotion.

It has completed its deal and helped Ye Weiyang assist Ling Feng in defeating the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

As for whether Ling Feng can finally completely eliminate the Evil Bone Demon Lord, it all depends on Ling Feng himself.

Chunzi Linghu could not take action again to interfere with this result.

But the power of law he left in Ling Feng's body was still enough for Ling Feng to complete the final devastating blow to the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

As long as he has a fearless heart, that's enough.

As a bonus condition of the deal, Ye Weiyang's soul can see everything that happened after Ling Feng broke into the independent dimension of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

" did you get in here?"

The hideous evil bones stared at Ling Feng in disbelief.

He is trying to repeat his old tricks and be reborn through the art of reincarnation.

As long as he has the secret method of reincarnation in the Border Prison, even if he is killed a thousand times or ten thousand times, he can still remain unscathed.

But at this moment, Ling Feng actually appeared here.

If his second true body is also destroyed, then he will never have a chance to be reborn again.

"You should wake up!"

Ling Feng kept his eyes on the Evil Bone Demon Lord. He was able to enter here smoothly not just by relying on his own strength.

Ye Shen, Xiao Xianling, and everyone!

Everyone's faith and expectations helped him to reach this moment.

But at this moment, as long as one last sword smashes the evil bone in front of him, everything will be over!

It's all over!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

However, the Evil Bone Demon Lord laughed crazily, even to the point where his body was shaking violently.


The Evil Bone Demon Lord laughed more and more wildly, and became more ferocious and terrifying, "You don't think that someone can defeat me in this space, do you?"

His eyes became colder than ever before. From the initial shock, he became extremely cold. "After all, we are all fellow practitioners of immortals and demons. It is not impossible for you to know this place. It's just that you probably don't know yet." Know."

Evil Bone Demon Lord stared at Ling Feng and said word by word: "Here, I am the only master. As long as I have a thought, I can kill you a thousand or ten thousand times! This space, for me, The increase is thousands of times stronger than that of the Demon Fire Poison Pond! Even those supreme beings in the Immortal Realm must kneel down and surrender to me here!"

The words fell, as if to confirm the words of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, the surrounding time and space became extremely distorted.

The world is spinning, and time and space are chaotic.

All the laws that Ling Feng knew were invalid in this space.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord is like a god in this space. He can make whatever laws he wants as he pleases.

He is the god in this space!

The only God!

However, when the Evil Bone Demon Lord wanted to cut Ling Feng in half or even divide him into five pieces according to his own wishes, he was surprised to find that Ling Feng was surrounded by a layer of faint golden light.

It was under the protection of that golden light that Ling Feng seemed not to be suppressed or affected by anything.

In his eyes, there was just a ball of golden flames dancing.

This breath is very familiar, just like the shadow that guided him to attack the heart of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

That's the aura that belongs to Ye Weiyang!

He held tightly the Shifangju Destruction in his hand.

Although I don't understand what happened.

But he knew that at this moment, he was not fighting alone!

In a place that she couldn't see, Ye Weiyang's power merged with herself!

And it is this power that allows him to be temporarily immune to all the pressure of the Evil Bone Demon Lord!

"Okay! Brother Ye, let us defeat him together! Eliminate him completely!"

Invisibly, it seemed as if he and Ye Weiyang had grabbed the sword together.

He seemed to see an illusory figure of Ye Weiyang, nodding and smiling at him.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng's eyes became firmer.

"Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques!"

He raised the blade of the sword high above his head, and the cold sword energy had completely locked the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

As if with divine help, the power in Ling Feng's body seemed to be endless.

He roared loudly and unleashed the most difficult and most powerful secret killing move among the Nine Heavenly Punishment Techniques.

"Dominate the world!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Thousands of afterimages exploded in an instant with Ling Feng as the center.

And each afterimage, layer upon layer, continues to split and explode as it penetrates the void.

The number of those afterimages skyrocketed exponentially. Almost in an instant, the vast afterimages filled the entire space. The sword shadows were layered one after another. The terrible sense of oppression was already suffocating.

And in the flash of lightning, tens of millions, billions of afterimages all overlapped together, and all of them blasted towards the Evil Bone Demon Lord with incomparable precision.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Even though the Evil Bone Demon Lord was already frantically trying to use the Heavenly Destruction Attack to resist those afterimages, it was still to no avail.

Just like when he was in the outside world before, Ling Feng used the Qiankun Throw, directly ignoring his Heavenly Destruction Attack and piercing his chest.

At this moment, the remnants of the explosion were not destroyed in the Tianjue attack.

The powerful annihilation magic has completely failed!

This is of course also the power of Chunzi Linghu.

Ye Weiyang gained the power with her own existence.

The terrible explosion lasted for nearly half an hour!

And when the power of "dominating the world" was finally fully released, this independent dimension was completely penetrated and almost collapsed.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord's body was already filled with fear, and his vicious eyes were still staring at Ling Feng.

This guy actually has his last breath left!

"This is...impossible!"

The Evil Bone Demon Lord glared at Ling Feng resentfully. He made plans and thought he was in control of everything. Unexpectedly, he still failed to defeat his fate.

Ling Feng is his nemesis!

"Nothing is impossible! Because I am burdened with too many expectations, so I can never lose!"

Ling Feng slowly walked up to the Evil Bone Demon Lord and waved his palm lightly.

Then, the figure of the Evil Bone Demon Lord spread out like sand.

This demon that almost brought catastrophe to all the stars and realms was finally completely wiped out.

"it is finally over."

A strong feeling of weakness invaded, and Ling Feng's soul jumped out of this special space and finally returned to his own body.

The next moment, the huge chaotic true demon ape disappeared, leaving only a weak silver-haired man lying on a messy lava.


The rain fell in torrents.

The magma of purgatory is extinguished bit by bit by the rain.

But Ling Feng was lying on the ground with his upper body naked, and he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

However, a familiar figure appeared in the sky, dissipating little by little, heading towards the distant sky.

Like, fading light.

He looked so familiar.

But who is he?

Ling Feng had no memory of this person.

I just vaguely remembered that he and I seemed to be very good friends.



"It's over! It's all over!"

"The Evil Bone Demon Lord has been eliminated! Director Ling defeated the Evil Bone Demon Lord!"

"We really won! We won!"

Waves of cheers erupted in the crowd. Everyone cheered and swarmed madly in the direction of Ling Feng. That was their hero, the savior of the entire star field!

Even Xiao Xianling looked at Ling Feng in disbelief.

He actually won?

Incredible, really incredible!

Is he worthy of being the guy with the supreme divine body?

Xiao Xianling apparently secretly regarded Ling Feng as a being with a supreme divine body just like the Supreme Lord from the Tianzhi organization.

Thinking of this, a faint blush appeared on Xiao Xianling's pretty face.

Xiao Xianling has had the utmost admiration and admiration for that noble Lord since she was a child.

Even though just one look at the noble Lord from a distance was enough to make an ignorant girl fall in love with him for the first time.

And for a moment, Ling Feng's figure actually overlapped with His Majesty's.

She shook her head quickly and said "poof" secretly.

Even if he has the same physique, this brat from the lower world cannot be compared with your lord!

Unknowingly, Ling Feng had turned from an ant in the lower world into a brat.

It seems that Xiao Xianling's status in Xiao Xianling's heart has been greatly improved.

At this moment, everyone is watching Ling Feng, cheering for Ling Feng, and reveling in Ling Feng.

The crowd surged towards Ling Feng, surrounding him like a general greeting his triumphant victory.

Ling Feng lay on the ground exhausted, and everyone gathered around him spontaneously, no one bothered him.

Now, it's their turn to protect the heroes.

"Cousin, let's go see Ling Feng quickly!"

Yu Junyao rushed to Mu Qianxue quickly and saw Mu Qianxue hugging her knees and squatting aside in a daze. She couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong, cousin, Ling Feng defeated the Evil Bone Demon Lord, don't you think so?" Not happy?"

"Happy, of course I'm happy."

Mu Qianxue raised her head, her eyes a little red, "But Ye Shen...he is dead..."

"night God?"

Yu Junyao suddenly looked extremely confused and blurted out, "Who is the Night God?"

(PS: The Evil Bone Demon Lord has finally been eliminated, and the chapter in the lower realm is about to come to an end. However, will there be a chance to change the ending of Night God?)

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