Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3347 The real end! Phoenix true blood!

Phoenix rises in the sky, and the fire of Nirvana sweeps across the sky.

After many days, Xiao Xianling finally summoned her Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor again.

Different from her half-hearted level, the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor is a genuine divine beast. Even if it is suppressed by the laws of this world, the power it can exert is definitely not comparable to that of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

"Finally out!"

Xiao Xianling let out a long breath and finally successfully summoned the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor at the critical moment.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Xiao Xianling looked at Ling Feng and the Evil Bone Demon Lord who were having a fierce battle, looked up at the Nine Flames Phoenix Emperor high in the sky, and said loudly: "Feng Emperor, hurry up and kill that scumbag of the demon clan. Went out!"


The Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor flapped its wings, and the blazing fire of Nirvana suddenly exploded with it as the center.

Wave after wave of Nirvana fire, under the flapping of its huge wings, wound towards the direction of the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

Those flames, as if they had eyes, seemed to envelope Ling Feng and the Evil Bone Demon Lord, but they only caused damage to the Evil Bone Demon Lord.


The flames arose, and the Evil Bone Demon Lord let out a roar of pain. He stared at the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor high in the sky with great hatred. Unfortunately, before he had time to curse, he was burned to ashes by the fire of Nirvana. .

Ling Feng had cracked his side prison reincarnation before, so this time, he could not be reborn through the side prison reincarnation.

Under the burning fire of Nirvana, the Evil Bone Demon Lord was completely wiped out, without any possibility of rebirth.

Everything is finally over.

Ling Feng collapsed weakly to the ground. The third vertical pupil on his forehead slowly closed, and the blood-wrathed divine marks gradually dissipated.

What followed was more weakness and fatigue, as well as more serious injuries.

It's just that the physical injuries can be healed slowly, but the dead people...

But they had been reduced to ashes, and not even their bodies were left behind.

Under the annihilating light of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, almost ninety-nine percent of the disciples in the entire Sao Feng camp had died.

Companions, close friends, and confidants all died without warning.

We didn't even have time to see him for the last time.

Ling Feng clenched his fist tightly.

Killing the Evil Bone Demon Lord, deep down in his heart, there was no excitement or joy at all.

There is only sorrow and pain, and endless desolation.

From now on, there will no longer be a simple and honest young man by his side, his name is Jiang Xiaofan.

There is no such thing as a young man who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. His name is Li Bufan.

The young man who changed from a rival, to a companion, and then to a boy who could walk with him all the way, his name was Yan Jinghong...

When they met in the water, they had a life-saving grace for him from the beginning. Their love was deep and righteous, and the three-life lotus bloomed just for him to break through the demonic miasma. The girl who was as holy as a lotus, her name was Yue Yunlan.

Sharing adversity under the emperor's tomb, bonding with each other in the world of mortals, silent companionship for several years, and meticulous care have already become an inseparable habit in his life. This habit is called Tuoba Yan.

From the unruly and willful eldest lady, I changed little by little and became wiser. She was there when I was frustrated and lonely, and I was there when I was trapped and confused. I am not alone in my path, and the only one who can always stand by my side and believe in myself unconditionally is the one named Yujun. She is a woman from Yao.

Scenes of the past flashed through my mind, and those living lives had now completely disappeared, annihilated in the depths of the endless void.

In fact, not even the body was left behind.

Such an ending was difficult for Ling Feng to accept.

"Hey kid, are you okay?"

Xiao Xianling flew forward and lifted up Ling Feng who was lying on the ground. Ling Feng was in such a state that he almost didn't have the strength to speak.

He reluctantly opened his eyes and shook his head extremely weakly.

"Brother Ling..."

Mu Qianxue rushed over with red eyes, but when her hands were about to touch Ling Feng, Ling Feng's eyes clearly showed a trace of resistance and rejection.

Even though he knew in his heart, Mu Qianxue did not want things to turn out the way they did now.

It's just that as a daughter, she doesn't want her father to be killed, so what's wrong with that?

However, although Ling Feng could understand Mu Qianxue intellectually, emotionally it was difficult for him to forgive Mu Qianxue, let alone himself.

He needed time to calm down.

At least for now, he might not be able to accept Mu Qianxue for a while.

Little did he know that Ling Feng's careless gaze was like a sharp knife, piercing into Mu Qianxue's chest.

Her hands were frozen in mid-air, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes. She looked at the ruins behind her, and there seemed to be countless dead souls cursing at her.

It's all because of her that this happened!

Everything is because of her!

"Lord Souji! Great, you are still alive!"

"What's going on? What happened just now?"

"Why did it become like this? Where is everyone? What... happened to everyone else?"

Those disciples from Sao Feng Camp who were lucky enough to survive rushed over from the periphery of the island.

However, what they saw was just ruins.

And their Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng was lying powerlessly in the center of the ruins, as if he had experienced another battle.

"Dead, all dead..."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and turned away. He did not look at Mu Qianxue anymore, but said slowly in a hoarse voice: "I think... I just want to be alone and quiet now..."

"I see."

Mu Qianxue nodded, she took a deep breath, stood up slowly, tears rolled down her eyes, turned around and left silently.

Her back looks lonely, sad, and alone.

"Hey, brat, you can't blame her entirely, right? Why are you treating her like this?"

Xiao Xianling frowned and glared at Ling Feng.

"I know, but..."

Ling Feng clenched his fists, but in the end he did not continue to speak. He just turned his head and remained silent.

"Humph, what an attitude! If it weren't for my mission to lead you to the Three Ways River, I wouldn't care about your life or death!"

Xiao Xianling snorted softly, raised her head and glanced at the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor in the sky, and said loudly: "Phoenix Emperor, take a few drops of Phoenix true blood and use it!"

Jiuyan Phoenix Emperor flapped his wings a few times with an aggrieved look, but finally forced out a few drops of Phoenix's true blood and handed them over to Xiao Xianling's hands obediently.

"You brat, I'm taking advantage of you!"

Xiao Xianling directly integrated Phoenix true blood into Ling Feng's body.

With the powerful vitality of Phoenix's true blood poured into Ling Feng's body, I believe his injuries will be healed soon.

Even after complete recovery, it may not be impossible to move to the next level.

However, the physical injuries can be recovered quickly, but the pain in my heart, I'm afraid...

Unless the dead person comes back to life, I'm afraid he will be sad for a while.

Although she is a powerful person in the immortal realm, she does have some methods of bringing back the dead in the immortal realm.

But he died so completely that he didn't even leave a body. Even if the five immortal emperors came, he could only shake his head.

And there were so many casualties.

Even if they can be resurrected, which ones will be resurrected?

The best way is to wait for him to accept reality.

"Ling Feng."

At this time, Shenshui Yinji, who had been silent all this time, came over.

"No one wants to see a cover-up happen, but the dead are irrecoverable. Do you want to continue to harm the living?"

Shenshui Yinji glanced at Ling Feng meaningfully, "Think about it yourself."

After saying that, Shenshui Yinji flew up, and in an instant, her figure disappeared into the endless night.

She does not belong to this place. Although she has given up her ambition to dominate the world, she is a fallen god after all.

Perhaps, for her, finding a place to retreat is the best choice. people?

Looking at Shenshui Yinji's retreating figure, Ling Feng clenched his fists.

Under the influence of Phoenix's true blood, Ling Feng's body gradually recovered a bit of strength.

He struggled to get up.

Yes, the dead people are irreparable. Do I still want to hurt Mu Qianxue's heart?

His indifference will only make Mu Qianxue more painful!

She already blames herself very much!

If he couldn't even care about her and love her, she would probably collapse.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng quickly chased after Mu Qianxue in the direction he left.

No matter what, at least he can't hurt a woman with indifference.

"You still look like a man!"

Xiao Xianling nodded secretly. Only such useless trash would shift the responsibility to others.

It seems that this brat is finally a responsible man!

"It's all because of me, everything was caused by me!"

"I'm sorry to everyone. It was me who caused everyone to die in the hands of the Evil Bone Demon Lord!"

"It's me, it's all me! I'm the sinner!"

Mu Qianxue staggered back to her residence. The door was closed tightly, not wanting even a little light to shine into the house.

She hugged her knees and sat on her bed, crying uncontrollably.

Originally, no matter what happened, she could talk to Yujunyao, but now, even Yujunyao is no longer here.

Even Ling Feng, although he didn't say anything, she knew that Ling Feng must have resentment and blame for herself in his heart.

She bit her lip, wishing she could die to apologize. If she could save everything with her own life, she would never hesitate at all.

Just when this thought flashed through her mind, a ray of white light suddenly burst out from her forehead, and then enveloped her whole body.

At this moment, she seemed to have spanned an extremely long period of time and space. When the dazzling white light disappeared, she had already arrived in a desolate and ruined space.

In front of him, there turned out to be a spring that had dried up long ago.

If Ye Weiyang were here, he would naturally be able to recognize at a glance that this dry spring is the Spring Spring Divine Spring!

"I am Chunzi Linghu, Mu Qianxue. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes in your heart?"

Chunzi Linghu's indifferent voice rang in his ears. Mu Qianxue's complexion changed, and she saw the flowing pale golden air above the dry spring in front of her gradually condensing into a human shape.

It is Chunzi Linghu.

" know me?"

"I know everything within the scope of the divine spring."

Chunzi Linghu explained very calmly: "You are the witness at the moment when the transaction between Ye Weiyang and me is completed. According to the rules, when there is a strong desire in your heart, I can also conduct a transaction with you. This is The law of transmission of Chunzi’s divine power. Tell me, what wish you have in your heart? As long as it is allowed by the rules, it can be realized.”

"Ye Weiyang? Are you talking about Brother Ye Shen?"

Mu Qianxue's eyes widened, "Senior, can you tell me what all this is about?"

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