Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3348 The beautiful woman is laughing in the wind!


Chunzi Linghu nodded slightly and told Mu Qianxue very calmly about the deal between Ye Weiyang and it.

If you want to use the power of the spring spring to realize your wish, you must exchange your own existence for it.

This is the rule of Chunzi Shenquan, and it is also an irreversible transaction.

Once the transaction is made, there is no room for regret.

"So that's the case, no wonder..."

Mu Qianxue gritted her teeth. No wonder no one in the world remembered Ye Shen except herself.

It turned out that Ye Shen actually helped Ling Feng defeat the Evil Bone Demon Lord at the cost of his own existence, with the help of the power of the Spring Spring.

Thinking of Ye Shen's previous abnormal behavior, perhaps he had already seen his final ending before entering the Holy Snow Mountain.

However, he still chose to face his fate.

He is a true hero, even if no one in this world can remember his name.

"Then why am I the only one who remembers him? Why, me?"

"Perhaps it's because of the seven-life bond between you and him that you won't completely forget Ye Weiyang's existence in an instant. Originally, even as the last witness, you could only burst out with a strong will in your heart. Only then can you recall the person whose existence was erased. And when I summon you here, it means that you will face a choice."

Chunzi Linghu looked at Mu Qianxue very calmly.

As the Spirit of Spring, its only purpose of existence is to protect the Spring of Spring.

Therefore, it does not force Mu Qianxue to trade.

However, it needs the willingness of traders to nourish and restore the divine spring of spring. Perhaps one day, this spring that has long dried up will be rejuvenated.

This is the only reason why it trades with mortals.

Only those extremely pure and extremely strong wishes can become the nourishment for the spring spring.

At this moment, Mu Qianxue had just such a strong will.

"Do you want to make a wish to me at the cost of your own existence?"


Mu Qianxue held her pink fist.

She can now deeply feel what it means to be erased from existence.

Even his own tribe, compatriots, brothers, and even his closest relatives will completely forget him, as if he has never appeared in this world.

Is she really willing to accept such a price?

Mu Qianxue fell into silence.

Perhaps, when faced with such a choice, it is impossible for anyone not to fall into conflict and hesitation.

Sometimes death may not be terrible.

However, such a transaction is so cruel that it strips away every trace of your existence.

a long time……

For a long time...

In this space where time could not even be sensed, Mu Qianxue finally nodded after an unknown amount of time passed.

"I'm willing to trade with seniors."

Her eyes were red, and she seemed to have used all her strength to say such a sentence.

Even if he will be forgotten by everyone, even Ling Feng will completely forget him...

She must atone for her sins.

She had never seen Ling Feng so angry, so miserable.

If he could use his own existence to resurrect his brothers and his confidants.

As long as he can get over his grief...

Everything doesn't matter anymore.

Perhaps forgetting himself is the best ending for him.

"Is this your final choice?"

Mu Qianxue nodded.

"Won't you regret it?"

Mu Qianxue shook her head slightly.

Maybe you will regret it.

Maybe deep down in my heart, I don't want to leave this world like this, so let's leave Ling Feng like this.

But she had to take responsibility for the mistakes she made.

Even though all of this was definitely not what she wanted to see, she did cause this series of negative consequences.

"Okay, then, tell me your wish."

The expression of Chunzi Linghu is still calm, without joy or sorrow. It is just a law and does not have any human emotions.


Mu Qianxue clenched her fists, took a deep breath, and finally said slowly: "I hope that everyone who was killed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord will be resurrected? Is that okay?"

"A very clever wish."

Chunzi Linghu was not angry, but looked at Mu Qianxue appreciatively.

A single wish can almost resurrect hundreds of billions of creatures in all the stars and realms.

I have to say, this is a very smart and kind girl.

"In principle, any wish is fine as long as it does not violate the rules, but as a transaction, it must be exchanged of equal value."

Chunzi Linghu said calmly: "If you want to resurrect all the creatures killed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord, I'm afraid it's impossible. But if it's just the creatures killed within ten days, it can be done."

"That's enough."

Mu Qianxue nodded, this was already an unexpected gain.

The Evil Bone Demon Lord seized his body and was reborn, killing almost everyone in the Sao Feng Camp. This only happened not long ago.

In other words, Yao'er, Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan, Yue Yunlan, Tuoba Yan and the others...

Everyone who was killed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord last night will be resurrected!

At least, she no longer has to suffer from the inner torment. Likewise, Brother Ling, maybe he won't blame himself anymore.

This is enough.

"Okay, the contract has been concluded."

Chunzi Linghu raised his hand and gently touched Mu Qianxue's forehead.

A pale golden light spread from the center of his eyebrows and merged into Mu Qianxue's spiritual sea.

"You have one day left. At dusk tomorrow, the origin of your soul will be drawn into the hellfire and annihilated, and your existence will disappear forever..."

"Qianxue, open the door."

There was a knock on the door outside the room.

After Shenshui Yinji's advice, Ling Feng finally decided to apologize to Mu Qianxue.

No matter how painful it is in my heart, I shouldn't use my indifference to hurt someone who already blames himself so much.

"I'm sorry Qianxue, I just..."

Ling Feng leaned gently in front of the door. He tried his best not to think of his dead companions. "I know you don't want to see this happen. I can't blame you for all this. I should have been able to handle it." better one."

"Qianxue, please open the door. No one will blame you. You didn't do anything wrong. If you want to blame, you can only blame the Evil Bone Demon Lord for being too insidious and cunning!"

He kept trying to comfort Mu Qianxue and calm her down, but there was no movement inside.

Ling Feng could only wait quietly in front of the door.

This long night is finally over.

The morning sun rises as usual, but many things seem to be irreversible.

Ling Feng stood silently in front of Mu Qianxue's door all night, thinking and talking a lot.

However, that door never opened.

Although Ling Feng could easily push it away, he didn't.

He just stood silently all night.

Or maybe it would be better to just leave each other alone.

He took a deep breath and turned around to leave.

The door finally opened.

"Brother Ling..."

It was Mu Qianxue's voice.

Ling Feng looked back.

She was so beautiful, she seemed to have been carefully groomed, and there was no trace of pain, hesitation or self-blame from last night on her face.

However, the slightly red and swollen eyes proved that she had cried last night.

"How did you..."

Ling Feng was stunned. Although Mu Qianxue at this moment was intoxicatingly beautiful, she was also a little abnormal.

"Brother Ling, would you like to accompany me to the beach to see the rising sun?"

Mu Qianxue looked deeply at Ling Feng with pleading eyes.


Ling Feng nodded numbly, and saw Mu Qianxue walking quickly to Ling Feng's side with cheerful steps, and gently held his arm.

"Actually, I have always wanted to accompany my beloved and visit the beach. There are many, many places I want to visit!"

Mu Qianxue smiled softly and held Ling Feng's arm, but unknowingly, she pressed harder and harder.

It seemed as if he was afraid that Ling Feng would be suddenly taken away.

"If you want to go, I can accompany you. No matter whether you are in poverty or poverty, I will take you with me!"

Ling Feng gently arranged some hair on Mu Qianxue's temples.

After a while, the two sat down on a huge rock by the sea.

Mu Qianxue leaned lightly on Ling Feng's shoulder, but from the beginning to the end, she held Ling Feng's arm with no intention of letting go.

"Silly girl, I can't run away."

Ling Feng gently pinched Mu Qianxue's little nose, although he didn't know why Mu Qianxue became extra clingy today.

Maybe it has something to do with what happened last night.

Some things happen and can never be changed.

Although Ling Feng hid all his sadness deep in his heart and concealed it very well, he could never pretend that nothing had happened.

"Brother Ling, do you know?"

Looking at the blue sea in front of her, Mu Qianxue seemed to be talking in her sleep, and said quietly: "When I first met you in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, and when I saw you carefully healing Ye Yi, I knew that you were a A man you can rely on.”

"Is it?"

Ling Feng smiled and said with some emotion: "It's been a long, long time! Although you were like a little beggar at that time, but when I saw the look in your eyes, I knew that you were by no means an ordinary person. Sure enough, It turns out that you are the saint of the Jiuli Divine Clan in the Zhongyuan Domain!"

"So it turns out that I fell in love with you at first sight, but your brother Ling didn't."

Mu Qianxue looked at Ling Feng with a bit of annoyance, which made Ling Feng feel embarrassed. He scratched the back of his head and said with a bitter smile: "Actually, I have never told you one thing..."

He wanted to sigh and tell Mu Qianxue everything about what happened to the Su family in Kaiyang City.

This was the first time that Ling Feng told others about Su Lin. This was originally a scar in his heart that he never wanted to uncover.

Mu Qianxue looked at Ling Feng with great distress, gritted her teeth and said, "It turns out that Brother Ling actually has such an experience."

"Because of that incident, I have actually been wary of all women for a long time."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "But, gradually, I discovered that everyone is different. There are insidious and vicious women in this world, and there are also gentle and kind women like Qianxue. In fact, speaking of it, I still I should be grateful to that Miss Su, if it weren’t for her, how could I have met a better Qianxue.”

"They...they ignore you, you make fun of them!"

Mu Qianxue blushed and buried Zhen's head in Ling Feng's arms. She didn't expect that a dull guy like Ling Feng would say such words to coax a girl.

"I mean everything I say."

Ling Feng just hugged Mu Qianxue's waist gently and looked at the blue sea.

Neither of them spoke anymore. It would be great if time could be frozen at this moment!

However, time seems to be particularly ruthless.

From sunrise to dusk, it almost takes just an instant.

Ling Feng sat on the beach with Mu Qianxue quietly until dusk.

And when the afterglow of the setting sun finally spread over the earth, and the golden light shone little by little on the two of them, Mu Qianxue's body began to become transparent.

Ling Feng didn't realize it, he just sat cuddling with Mu Qianxue, watching the sunset and the sea.

All this is so beautiful and intoxicating.

"Farewell, Brother Ling..."

As if she felt a force calling her, a crystal tear fell from the corner of Mu Qianxue's eyes.

She raised her head slightly, wanting to kiss her lover's cheek one last time.

However, when she finally kissed Ling Feng on the face, her figure finally turned into a soft light, as if connected with the sunset, and slowly disappeared.

There was only one glistening hot tear left, which slipped quietly and landed on Ling Feng's cheek.

Tick ​​tock!

Tears melted on Ling Feng's cheeks. Ling Feng raised his hand to caress his cheeks and subconsciously turned his head, only to find that he was alone, sitting very quietly on the beach.

"Why am I here?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, feeling like he had lost something deep in his heart.

Tears couldn't stop falling from the corners of his eyes, but he clearly didn't feel the pain or sadness.

At this moment, a voice calling from behind came from afar, "Hey, brat, why are you sitting there alone? Do you want me to accompany you?"

Looking back, I saw the beautiful lady in her goose-yellow dress and flowing hair smiling in the wind.

Ling Feng rubbed his eyes, as if he was expecting something. The figure gradually became clearer, but it was none other than Yu Junyao.

(PS: Will Ling Fengfeng forget Mu Qianxue forever? Brothers, you can make bold predictions. But the Xuanling Continent chapter has officially ended, and it will definitely not continue, so don’t worry~)

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