Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3349 New power!

With the completion of the deal between Mu Qianxue and Chunzi Linghu, all the geniuses in the star fields who were killed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord were reborn from annihilation.

However, everyone has lost the memory of being killed by the Evil Bone Demon Lord, which means that for them, the Evil Bone Demon Lord has never been resurrected.

It was as if time had been erased for a day, and at the same time, all traces of Mu Qianxue's existence were erased.

According to the contract previously concluded with the Chunzi Spirit Husband, Mu Qianxue's soul origin will be automatically involved in the hellfire of Mahakala.

And her strong and pure will will also be turned into nourishment for the spring spring.

Inside the Holy Snow Mountain, in the desolate time and space, pitch-black flames spurted out from the depths of the dry springs.

Mu Qianxue's soul was quickly swallowed up by the flames.

Under the burning fire of Mahakala, all traces of her existence in this world and all causes and effects will completely disappear and vanish into thin air.

"Contract, completed."

Chunzi Linghu looked at the fierce fire in front of him, his face still indifferent.

There is no sadness or compassion for it.

It is just an order, a law.

"All the souls killed by the evil bones within ten days have been resurrected, but..."

Suddenly, the Evil Bone Demon Lord looked into the depths of the hellfire, where the soul had become extremely weak.

That is the soul origin that belongs to Ye Weiyang.

The terrifying thing about the Hellfire of Mahakala is that, after depriving the person who made a wish of all existence, it will also imprison this soul that has lost all memory and all wishing power in the depths of the Hellfire forever and ever. Enter reincarnation.

However, Mu Qianxue's wish seemed to cover the contract between Ye Weiyang and Chunzi Linghu to a certain extent.

"Theoretically speaking, this soul also died of evil bones, and it also happened within ten days."

Chunzi Linghu raised his hand and grabbed the origin of Ye Weiyang's soul from the depths of the hellfire.

"That's fine."

Chunzi Linghu held up the weak soul, and the golden light flickered slightly in his eyes.

The next moment, Ye Weiyang's spirit completely dissipated.

All his existence in this world has long since died, and there is no way he can be resurrected.

But at least, he can re-enter reincarnation without having to be imprisoned in the depths of hellfire for eternity without even a chance of reincarnation.

But Mu Qianxue was not so lucky.

The hellfire of Mahakala jumped out from the depths of the dry spring, like a devil's hand, dragging Mu Qianxue directly into the depths of the fire.

Burning with fierce fire, Mu Qianxue was burned bit by bit in the terrifying flames.

Not only will the world completely forget her existence, but even her memory will be completely burned away by the hellfire of Mahakala.

In the end, her soul will only become a blank spirit, with no memory, no past, and no future.

Her memory, everything about her, will be completely stripped away.

However, no matter how much the Hellfire of Mahakala burned him, there was always a figure deep in Mu Qianxue's memory that was indelible.


Suddenly, just as Chunzi Linghu was about to close the passage to the Hellfire, his eyes suddenly widened.

"That is……"

Chunzi Linghu looked at the soul burning in the hell fire in disbelief.

A new kind of power actually glowed in her body!

Moreover, what is even more strange is that the new power is actually grabbing the spiritual power of Chunzi Spring through the dry spring!

Rays of colorful rays of light continued to flow towards Mu Qianxue's abdomen, and then turned into a flowing light shield, protecting Mu Qianxue inside.

Thousands of hellfires cannot be added to your body!

But it turned out that Mu Qianxue was pregnant at this time! (PS: After Ling Feng’s robbery, in addition to the fusion of the original fire that night in the cave, the two of them also lived in seclusion together for a while. It’s not too much to create a villain~)

"So, is this the real way to revive Shenquan?"

Chunzi Linghu also showed a look of extreme shock. The new power could actually absorb Chunzi's spiritual power.

In other words, if Mu Qianxue gives birth to a newborn, then the child will possess the spiritual power of the Spring Spring Divine Spring upon birth, which is equivalent to the reincarnation of this sacred spring!

Of course, the more important thing is that the one in Mu Qianxue's arms is a descendant of Ling Feng, who, like Ling Feng, possesses the power of chaos.

It is also the power of chaos that can absorb the spiritual power of the spring spring.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that even if Mu Qianxue is pregnant, it will just be a tragedy of one body and two lives.

"It turns out that something has been decided for a long time."

The figure of Chunzi Linghu gradually dissipated and merged into the dry spring again.

It is the spirit that protects the Spring of Spring, and when the child in Mu Qianxue's belly is born and becomes the reincarnation of the Spring of Spring, in a sense, that child will also become the spirit of Chunzi...


Zhongyuan Domain, Xiaofeng Camp.

Naturally, Ling Feng didn't know that he and Mu Qianxue had a child together.

In fact, because of the cause and effect of the hellfire of Mahakala burning Mu Qianxue, he had completely forgotten the existence of Mu Qianxue.

This is a world without Mu Qianxue.

Under the influence of the butterfly effect, even the saintess of the Jiuli Divine Clan turned into Yu Junyao.

In Ling Feng's memory, he was probably still a... virgin.

"What are you doing here alone, little brat?"

The waves hit the rocks, the white waves rolled, and also pulled Ling Feng's mind back from a very far place.

When Ling Feng came to his senses, Yu Junyao had already walked in front of him.

She raised her jade hand and gently shook it in front of Ling Feng.


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, just staring at Yu Junyao.

It seemed that he saw another face on Yu Junyao.

Very familiar, but it seemed that he had never seen it before.

"Why are you looking at me like this..."

Yu Junyao blushed a little because of Ling Feng's gaze, lowered her head, and didn't dare to look at Ling Feng.

"Hehe, I was a little dizzy just now." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "By the way, what do you want to talk to me about?" "How dare you say that." Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng unhappily, "You are the dignified General of Xiaofeng, and the huge Xiaofeng Camp is waiting for you to take charge of the situation, but you are playing missing here!" "Hehe..." Ling Feng scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly, "Sorry, it's just that I forgot how I came here, maybe I was sleepwalking. Haha..." "How dare you smile foolishly !”

Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, “Let’s go, everyone is waiting for you!”

“Wait for me?”

“Of course, we are waiting for you!”

Yu Junyao took Ling Feng’s hand and pulled him up, “Have you forgotten that today is a celebration banquet to celebrate your annihilation of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, and it is also a farewell banquet for everyone! After today, everyone will return to their respective star regions.”

“Yeah, I almost forgot.”

Ling Feng nodded, as if he remembered it all of a sudden, but he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

He shook his head, probably because he was too tired these days, so he had some hallucinations.

“Let’s go.”

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, letting Yu Junyao pull him forward quickly.

However, halfway through the walk, Yu Junyao suddenly stopped, looked back at Ling Feng, hesitated, and said hesitantly: "Ling Feng..."


Ling Feng blinked and joked: "You are not Miss Yu's style to be hesitant!"


Yu Junyao snorted, gritted her teeth, and continued: "Well, are you going to go with Sister Xiao... to that Three Paths River soon?"


Ling Feng took a deep breath, nodded after a while, "I must go."

Whether for himself, for his grandfather, or for his parents, he must step into the fairyland, even if he will face the patrol clan, countless fairy kings, fairy lords, and even fairy emperors.


Yu Junyao stared at Ling Feng's eyes, and said with some expectation: "Then... can you take me with you?"

"I'm afraid... that's not possible."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly.

I'm not sure I can get along with him, so what's the point of taking Yu Junyao with me?

He wasn't going on vacation, and what's more, the fairyland is not like the lower world. Once his identity is exposed, he will inevitably face a catastrophe.

Taking Yu Junyao with him, wouldn't that be equivalent to harming her?

Only Yan Jinghong, after all, he has the divine pattern of the Xuntian clan. Relying on the identity of the Xuntian clan, he might be able to enter the fairyland and do better than himself.

"Why not?"

Yu Junyao pouted her lips and said angrily: "Eastern Spiritual Domain, Western Sword Domain, Central Yuan Domain, haven't we always walked together like this?"

"This time is different!"

Ling Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He wanted to refuse righteously, but when he saw Yu Junyao's tearful look, he felt a little soft-hearted.

"What's different?"

Yu Junyao continued to question Ling Feng, but unexpectedly, a faint voice came from afar.

"Of course it's different. Do you think ascending to the fairyland is a joke?"

It was Xiao Xianling, flying from a distance.

The guide from Tianzhi looked at Yu Junyao with great arrogance, "With your qualifications, it is impossible to cross the Three Paths River. What, are you going to let this guy collect your body?"

"Is there no way at all?"

Yu Junyao looked at Xiao Xianling pleadingly, "Sister Xiao, you have great magical powers, there must be a way, right?"

"Of course there is a way."

Xiao Xianling nodded and raised three fingers, "To ascend to the fairyland, the first way is to go to the Three Paths River under the leadership of this lady. After passing the test of the Three Paths River, you can be directly teleported to the holy land of my Tianzhi organization. This is one of them."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. This method sounded like the most suitable one for him so far.

"The second is to rely on your own strength to break through the immortal path, and then pass through the gate of breaking the world and ascend to the immortal realm. Unfortunately, during the ancient war of demons, the gate of breaking the world was already closed, so you don't have to think about this road."

"What's the third way?"

Yu Junyao blinked and stared at Xiao Xianling.

"The third way is to sign a spirit pet contract with someone who can ascend to the immortal realm!"

Xiao Xianling said calmly: "In other words, if you want to enter the immortal realm, you can sign a spirit pet contract with this kid."

"You want... to be a spirit pet?"

Yu Junyao bit her silver teeth and frowned immediately.

"Miss Jade, you have to give up now!"

Ling Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Yu Junyao was so arrogant, how could she possibly enter into a spiritual pet contract with him.

She is a big girl, a living person, how can she be treated as a pet?

"Isn't it just a spiritual pet contract? Is it the same as a bitch? It's pretty good!"

Who would have thought that Yu Junyao actually agreed without even thinking, "Ling Feng, I want to sign a spiritual pet contract with you, quickly, quickly!"

All in all, Jianlu has been with Ling Feng longer than he has.

It seems like being a spiritual pet is pretty good!

"Let's have some fun!"

Ling Feng's forehead darkened, and he flatly rejected Yu Junyao's "unreasonable" request.

Although Yu Junyao was trying hard, Ling Feng was determined not to take Yu Junyao with him to Santu River.

He could take risks on his own and venture into the dragon's pond and tiger's den alone, but how could he take Yu Junyao into danger with him?

Absolutely not!

Therefore, even if Yu Junyao cried, made trouble, and hung herself, Ling Feng would never change his mind.

Otherwise, Tuo Bayan and Yue Yunlan must be imitating him, and he would have a headache.

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