Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3350 If you had to choose one of three, who would you choose?

Half a month later.

After Ling Feng finished explaining everything, he finally decided to embark on a new journey with Xiao Xianling early tomorrow morning.

During this period, Ling Feng not only returned to the Eastern Spiritual Realm and the Western Sword Realm to bid farewell to his former elders and companions, but also passed on the position of Chief Sao Feng to the top ranked among the Ten Blades of the Gotei. The end of the sword is white.

At this time, Ling Feng was in the Hongmeng Dragon Mansion, teaching Duanmu Bai the "Hongmeng Divine Transformation Technique" that only previous chief ministers could practice.

This is a unique skill that has been passed down from generation to generation in Xiaofeng Camp, and naturally the inheritance cannot be interrupted.

In order to allow Duanmubai to achieve the level of transforming into a dragon pattern in a short period of time, Ling Feng also deliberately left a mark of his soul in Duanmubai's spiritual sea.

If there is any bottleneck, this divine soul imprint will automatically teach Duanmu Bai some of Ling Feng's experiences in practicing this magical power.

I believe that with the existence of this divine soul brand, Duanmubai should be able to achieve some success within half a year with his talent.

Not only that, Ling Feng also left some ancient scrolls and secret books that he obtained in the treasure house of all races to Duanmu Bai.

Coupled with the Tiangang Xuanxiao Mountain Protection Formation, I believe that even without me, the development of Xiaofeng Camp can be on the right track and it will be just around the corner to become the largest force in the Zhongyuan Domain.

"Duanmu Bai, from now on, you will be at the helm of this big ship called Saofeng Camp."

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Duanmubai on the shoulder. Although Duanmubai's qualifications were still relatively young, after experiencing the catastrophe of the Evil Bone Demon Lord, not only the Saofeng Camp, but also the entire Zhongyuan Domain, and the entire In the Star Territory, all the sects and clans, and those strong men of the older generation have basically fallen.

The younger generation has no choice but to shoulder the burden of reviving the sect and the ethnic group.

"Disciples must strictly follow the teachings of the Commander-in-Chief."

Duanmubai nodded heavily. After Ling Feng's guidance in the past few days, his strength has naturally improved by leaps and bounds.

I believe that it won't take too long to reach the level of the old boss.

As for Ling Feng...

This is completely a monster and a freak. If you compare yourself to him, you are asking for abuse.

"You forgot again, you are the Commander-in-Chief Sao Feng now."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Without the title of Chief Sao Feng, he felt lighter without an official title.

Although he has only served as Chief Sao Feng for a short period of time, during his tenure, he quickly attacked the fallen gods and re-established a mountain-protecting formation at the immortal level. Now he has passed on the Hongmeng God Transformation Technique, and he finally feels worthy of it. To the ancestors.

"No matter when, in the hearts of my disciples, you will always be the chief commander of Camp Sao Feng!"

Duanmu Bai stared at Ling Feng extremely seriously and bowed deeply to Ling Feng, with reverence and admiration in his eyes.

No matter how you look at it, Ling Feng can be called the best person in history.

Among future generations, I am afraid no one can surpass him.

"Get up."

Ling Feng supported Duanmu Bai, gave him a few more instructions, and left Hongmeng Dragon Mansion.

After a while, Ling Feng returned to his residence.

Although a farewell banquet had been held before, and Ling Feng was preparing to leave quietly, he didn't expect that everyone still came.

Yue Yunlan, Tuoba Yan, Yu Junyao, Yan Jinghong, Jiang Xiaofan, Li Bufan, Chu Chaonan, Zong Yan, Liu Catkin, Sheng, etc...

In addition to the geniuses from the various races in the Star Territory and the three upper-class gods who have left, at this moment, these geniuses of the same generation who have a good relationship with Ling Feng are basically all here.


Ling Feng took a deep breath and glanced at the "little fairy" sitting on the eaves. It must be this woman who leaked the news.

However, Ling Feng was somewhat touched by the fact that so many people came to say goodbye to him.

He just didn't want to face such a scene and face so many emotions of separation, so he thought of leaving silently with Xiao Xianling.

Unexpectedly, everyone still knew about it.

Jiang Xiaofan's eyes were even redder, and his eyes looking at Ling Feng were full of reluctance.

Although he is not smart, he also knows that this time the situation is different from before.

Ling Feng went directly to the legendary "Fairy Realm" this time, and of course he couldn't just come back.

After saying goodbye this time, will there really be a chance to see each other again next time?

The path to immortality is elusive, and perhaps it will be who knows how many thousands of years it will be before Ling Feng can really return to the lower realm.

"Brother, I...I can't let you go!"

Jiang Xiaofan's eyes were filled with tears. If it weren't for Ling Feng, he would never have been able to join Tianwei Academy and embark on the path of martial arts.

If it weren't for Ling Feng, he might still be just a hunter in the mountains and forests now.

It was Ling Feng who changed his life's destiny.

"You kid!"

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and patted Jiang Xiaofan on the shoulder, "It doesn't look good to cry for such a tall man!"

"Brother Ling!"

Li Bufan also stepped forward and took a deep look at Ling Feng. Although he did not say any more words, he could still see the reluctance in his eyes.

Once this goes, it will be the difference between immortals and mortals.

The day we see each other again may be far away.


Ling Feng nodded and smiled at him, "Practice hard, who can predict what will happen in the future! How can my brother be an ordinary person? Sooner or later, we brothers will meet again in the immortal realm!"

"I love hearing this!"

Chu Chaonan grinned and stepped forward. "Senior Brother Ling, you are only a few steps ahead of my brother. Don't get too carried away. When I, Chu Chaonan, also ascend to the Immortal Realm, I am destined to dominate the world and steal all your limelight!"


There was a burst of laughter from the crowd. This guy's joke made the atmosphere a little more cheerful.

"Haha, then I'll wait for you to steal my limelight!"

Ling Feng also narrowed his eyes and smiled, raised his hand and looked at Chu Chaonan, "Then it's an appointment!"


With a crisp sound, Chu Chaonan clasped his palms tightly with Ling Feng, nodded and said with a smile: "Well, it's an appointment!"

Although this may be just a distant fantasy, people have to miss it a little while they are alive, right?

"Our most respected General Manager Ling is leaving. How can he leave quietly?"

Yun Fu stepped forward with a smile and handed a wine jar directly to Ling Feng, "Master General, this is a bit unjust!"

"Hahaha! Okay, then I'll punish myself first!"

Ling Feng took the wine jar, raised his head and drank heavily.

It can be said that you are so heroic and your spirit is soaring to the sky!

In the blink of an eye, the jar of wine bottomed out. Ling Feng slammed the jar aside, wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth, and laughed loudly, "Good wine!"

All the brothers also raised their wine jars and drank heavily.

After three rounds of drinking, all the brothers left in a very sensible manner.

There were only three women left in the courtyard.

Yu Junyao, Yue Yunlan and Tuoba Yan.

However, to Ling Feng's expectation, none of the three women mentioned taking them to the fairyland together, nor did they cry or get entangled.

Yue Yunlan personally made a pot of hangover tea for Ling Feng, and glanced at Ling Feng with some resentment, "You, you should drink less alcohol in the future."


Ling Feng blinked and when he picked up the tea cup and was about to drink tea, a pair of weak, boneless palms climbed onto his shoulders.

Then, he started kneading very vigorously.

Ling Feng was about to stand up in a hurry, but Tuoba Yan pinned him down on the seat.

"Speaking of which, I have been by your side as a maid for so many years, but it seems that I have never given you a massage like a maid."


Ling Feng's old face turned red, but it was obvious that Tuoba Yan's techniques were still a bit immature. He probably learned a few tricks from the female disciples at the medical camp temporarily.

However, it is already very comfortable.

"Then it'll be hard work."

Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was leaning on the chair and preparing to enjoy, he saw Yu Junyao carrying a food box out of the house.

"You brat, you are in for a treat today. The three of us personally cooked this for you! You must eat it all!"


Ling Feng raised his head and looked at these three women, each with their own merits, but all beautiful and beautiful, and a warm current surged in his heart.

Although they have different identities, they are all pampered eldest ladies in their families and sects.

Now, he actually cooks for himself, gives massages and makes tea.

Be careful!

Who can refuse such tenderness?

Although all along, Ling Feng did not want to drag down these good girls because of his own destiny, so he did not really open his heart to them.

However, if you ask yourself, they have undoubtedly occupied a very important place in their hearts.

Ling Feng nodded heavily, "Okay, I will definitely finish it, finish it all!"

Ling Feng was so moved that he took the wooden chopsticks, picked up a piece of crispy meat, and put it into his mouth.

Well, it's so sexy and delicious...

The next moment, the piece of crispy meat seemed to explode in your mouth.

Spicy! Salty! Sweet! bitterness! …

Various flavors exploded in his mouth in an instant. Tears burst out of Ling Feng's eyes and cold sweat broke out all over his head.

There is some personal grudge in these foods.

"What's wrong? Isn't it delicious?"

Yu Junyao looked at Ling Feng with an innocent face, her big bright eyes blinking.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a smile: "Good... delicious."

"If it tastes good, just eat more."

Tuoba Yan came forward with a smile and personally gave Ling Feng another piece of crispy meat.

"Yeah, make sure you eat them all!"

Yue Yunlan also looked at Ling Feng with a serious face, "This is our intention."

Good guy!

A chill ran down Ling Feng's back. No wonder they said you can't offend a woman by offending anyone.

Seeing that there was a large plate full of food in the food box, Ling Feng almost cried.

The smell is simply terrible!

This is obviously more terrifying than another battle with the Evil Bone Demon Lord.

However, in the innocent and expectant eyes of the three women, Ling Feng didn't dare to refuse, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and eat them all.

In the end, even with Ling Feng's physique, his lips were so swollen that he burst into tears.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing Ling Feng's funny look, the three girls finally couldn't help laughing.

"You brat, you deserve it if you don't take me with you!"

"Hmph, you deserve it!"

"Yes, you deserve it!"

The three women held hands and walked away.

However, after they walked away, Ling Feng suddenly returned to normal.

It turned out that the embarrassment just now was just pretended by Ling Feng to calm the three girls down.

"Tsk, tsk, you really have good intentions."

Xiao Xianling's voice came to my ears. Naturally, everything that happened just now could not be hidden from the eyes of this little fairy.

"It would be nice if we could let them vent their anger."

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, probably, he was destined to let them pay the wrong price.


Xiao Xianling glanced at Ling Feng with some fun, and joked: "I'm very curious, if you had to choose one of the three of them to be your wife, who would you choose?"

"Choose one of three?"

Ling Feng shrugged and said, "Why not choose one of the four, plus you?"


Xiao Xianling glared at Ling Feng, her pretty face turned slightly red, she bit her silver teeth and asked: "Then... what about this young lady? If you choose one of the four, who do you choose?"

"I won't choose you anyway!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "They are all good girls, so I will not allow any of them to be at the bottom!"

"You brat, I'll fight you!"

Xiao Xianling was so angry that she almost vomited blood and rushed towards Ling Feng with bared teeth and claws...

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