Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3352 Arrival! The river of three journeys!

Why are they here?

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Xiao Xianling, did this woman know they were coming?

What the hell is she doing?

"What are you looking at me for?"

Xiao Xianling pursed her lips and said with a proud look on her face: "I finally made it to the lower world. When I go back, it's not too much to accept a few spiritual pets, right?"

"Spiritual pet?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly.

It’s impossible to guard against it!

Although I rejected Yu Junyao's request, I couldn't help Xiao Xianling, a woman with a wrong brain circuit, to do such an unexpected thing!

"Miss Xiao, you are a little bit like this..."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched. The reason why he was unwilling to take Yu Junyao and the others to the Immortal Realm was not because he thought they were a burden, but because his identity was too special.

Once exposed, it will face a huge crisis.

And if Yu Junyao and the others were with him, there was no chance that they would be implicated.

Ling Feng just didn't want to implicate them.

But who would have thought that Xiao Xianling would actually take them to the fairyland.

I don’t know what this woman is thinking?

Or is it that Yu Junyao and the others have reached some kind of agreement with Xiao Xianling?

Not long after, three girls, Yu Junyao, Tuoba Yan and Yue Yunlan, flew over and landed on the back of the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor.

Of these three women, except Yu Junyao, who is in the early stage of the ancestral realm, the other two are not even in the ancestral realm yet.

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, why are they doing this?

In order to go to the fairyland with him, he actually signed a spiritual pet contract with Xiao Xianling.

"Miss, we are here."

The three girls saluted Xiao Xianling in unison. Xiao Xianling's eyebrows were filled with excitement, and she cast a provocative look at Ling Feng, as if to say: How is it, you didn't expect it, did you?

"Miss Yu, Yun Lan, Yan'er, you..."

Ling Feng felt dizzy because he had to deal with such a bad teammate like Xiao Xianling.

Do things based on your preference, regardless of the consequences.

Yan Jinghong on the side just shrugged and stood silently in the corner.

It's none of your business, just hang it up high.

"Why, you are allowed to go to the Immortal Realm, but we are not allowed to go?"

Yujun Yao gouged out Ling Feng and pushed him away, "Go away, I'm not here to find you, we are going to the fairyland with the lady to see the world!"

"That's right, does our matter have anything to do with you?"

Tuoba Yan also walked quickly to Xiao Xianling's side and glanced at Ling Feng.

Even though Ling Feng had 10,000 reasons not to take them to the Immortal Realm, this was Chi Guoguo's abandonment!

Even Yue Yunlan, who had always been the most gentle and gentle, ignored Ling Feng. She was really a woman's heart, like a needle in the sea, completely unpredictable.

Ling Feng smiled bitterly. If they didn't take care of themselves, they would just kill him.

With a sigh, Ling Feng could only acquiesce to this result.

Since they were promoted to the Immortal Realm as Xiao Xianling's spiritual pets, they also belong to Tianzhi.

With Tianzhi as a backer, even if one day he is no longer by their side, at least they will not be left homeless.

In the fairyland, there is a place to stay.

From this point of view, this can be regarded as a blessing for them.

"Okay, okay, let's go!"

Xiao Xianling leaned down and gently stroked the Jiuyan Phoenix Emperor's huge head. The Jiuyan Phoenix Emperor understood and immediately flapped its huge wings. In the blink of an eye, he rushed directly into the sky.

"Lord Souji, take care!"

"Goodbye, Souji-sama!"

"If you have a chance, you must come back to see us!"

In the Sao Feng camp, countless disciples spontaneously knelt on the ground and worshiped in the direction where Ling Feng and the others left.

To them, Ling Feng was no longer just an ordinary person.

Not a god, but better than a god!

The power of faith turned into a beam of light that reached the sky and descended from the sky.

The words that everyone longed for and cherished, like Sanskrit sounds, appeared in their ears one by one.

Ling Feng looked down and nodded heavily at his companions in the Sao Feng Camp, "I will definitely come back!"

The road to Santu River was obviously much further than Ling Feng expected.

After Jiuyan Phoenix Emperor led a group of people up to an altitude of 90,000 feet, the surrounding environment seemed to change directly from the sky to a starry sky.

Moreover, the complexity of various void shuttles and time and space jumps far exceeded Ling Feng's imagination.

As for Jiu Yan Phoenix Emperor, it seemed that he would never stop flying.

Although the surrounding starry sky is so dim that one can hardly notice the passage of time.

But Ling Feng was still able to rely on the time and space mark left by Taixu Zhoulong to roughly calculate that the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor had been flying for almost three months since they left Camp Sao Feng.

After about the third day, the three girls Yu Junyao, Tuoba Yan and Yue Yunlan were directly absorbed into the space magic weapon by Xiao Xianling because they could not withstand the various squeezes and pressures of the void tide.

Not to mention them, even Ling Feng started to feel nauseated after almost ten days.

Such frequent void jumps and space shuttles are simply not something that mortals can bear.

Although Ling Feng's physique was already incredible, it was still difficult to resist the feeling of fainting and vomiting.

But the more this happened, the more excited Ling Feng became.

It's not that he is looking for abuse, but how many opportunities are there to be able to have such direct contact with the power of time and space?

This is simply an excellent training opportunity.

Therefore, Ling Feng endured the feeling of dizziness and vomiting, sat directly behind Jiuyan Phoenix Emperor, and actually started practicing.

Regarding Ling Feng's "seeking abuse" behavior, Xiao Xianling could only be speechless.

At the same time, it was secretly mixed with a little admiration.

No wonder this kid, who is obviously just a monk from the lower realm, can actually possess such heaven-defying strength at the age of more than 20 years old.

Although his physique and talent also play an important part, they are absolutely inseparable from his perseverance and almost crazy hard work.

You are both talented and hardworking, so why not go against the grain?

Time passed bit by bit, and three months passed by in a flash.

"Here we are!"

Xiao Xianling slowly opened her eyes. After Ling Feng started practicing, she also fell into a deep sleep.

Entering the Three Ways River from Xuanling Continent is a long journey, and the best way is to sleep directly.

The Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor flapped its huge wings and landed slowly, enveloped in flames.

Finally, it stopped firmly on the top of a cliff.

"Is this the River of Three Ways?"

Ling Feng jumped up, jumped down from behind Jiuyan Phoenix Emperor, and began to look at the world around him.

This is a very desolate and ancient world, oh no, this cannot even be said to be a world.

This is like a transit station. There are no stars, sun and moon in the sky. Instead, there are three chaotic universes.

One of them, shining with dazzling golden light, hung high in the center.

The group on the left is a light blue universe, and they came out of this universe. However, there seems to be a huge magic circle around this universe, sealing all the entrances and exits.

The group on the right is a dark red universe, and the surroundings of this universe are even more exaggerated.

It was no longer a formation seal, but countless shackles that sealed the entire universe.

The three universes are constantly hovering over the River of Three Ways, looking so deep that there is no end in sight.

Even Ling Feng, standing here, the only feeling is that he is so small.

"The so-called three paths refer to the three paths of immortals, humans, and demons. In the very ancient times, this place was also a transit point for traveling through the three realms."

Xiao Xianling explained very plainly: "It's just that later, the Demon Realm was completely blocked, and the Human Realm was sealed by various formations. The door to break the world can no longer be opened. And our Tianzhi Organization has mastered one of them. Passage, so it can lead mortals from your world to the River of Three Ways."

"In a world like your Xuanling Continent, there are countless people in the human domain. Even if we use the star domains as units, there are millions of beams that we in the fairy domain can directly observe. Therefore, you should feel lucky. , can become the favored target of our Tianzhi organization among these countless mortals."

"Looking at it this way, I'm really lucky!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but Xuanling Continent was not as ordinary as Xiao Xianling said.

At least, this is a world evolved from the Nine Springs of Heaven, and it must have its own special features.

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, he quickly turned away, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "Miss Xiao, what do you mean by this? Please respect yourself!"

But it turned out that Xiao Xianling started to take off her clothes as soon as she jumped off the Nine Flames Phoenix Emperor.

In the blink of an eye, the silk skirt she was wearing had been taken off.

What is this for?

"Gungungun, where did you think you were? Can this lady like you?"

Xiao Xianling glared at Ling Feng, then tugged on her body again, and finally took off an invisible soft armor.

The soft armor was as light as nothing. It was not until Xiao Xianling took off the soft armor completely that it gradually revealed its shape.

Obviously, this is why Xiao Xianling was able to resist the Evil Bone Demon Lord's killing move without getting hurt.

This piece of soft armor must be something extraordinary.

The next moment, as she stretched her muscles, Xiao Xianling's figure actually seemed to be taller. Not only did her aura seem to have suddenly increased a lot, but even the muscles on her chest seemed to be exaggerated. few.

Moreover, it becomes more and more exaggerated!


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly and he pointed at Xiao Xianling's chest, dumbfounded: "You... what kind of trick are you doing? Omelette turns into apple? Apple turns into watermelon?"

"Become a big-headed ghost like you!"

Xiao Xianling glared at Ling Feng angrily, "That's because the soft armor suppressed my perfect figure! Now that my strength has been fully restored, I naturally don't need to wear that life-saving soft armor." Got it!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and couldn't help but sigh a dozen times with the word "big" in his heart.

I really underestimated this woman before.

But he finally understood why this woman seemed to have no brain at all.

Because, X is so brainless!

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