Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3353 Wangchuan Station, Po Meng!

"What are you looking at!"

Xiao Xianling glared at Ling Feng fiercely, but she was secretly proud: Ha, man!

Ling Feng quickly looked away.

It's not that Ling Feng is so lustful, but Xiao Xianling suddenly grew from small to large, which really surprised Ling Feng.

Immediately afterwards, a dim light flashed, and the guy Jie Dong automatically jumped out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is the legendary River of Three Ways!"

Jianlu's eyes looked around. Like Ling Feng, Jianlu's expression was undoubtedly extremely shocked when he saw three completely different universes hanging directly above the Three Ways River.

Although he has always claimed to be a divine beast and indeed has an extraordinary origin, in the final analysis, he is just a big black donkey "born and raised" in Xuanling Continent.

"Look at you, you look like you have never seen the world!"

Xiao Xianling put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes angrily. With a thought, she released the three girls Yue Yunlan and Yan Jinghong from the space magic weapon.

It turned out that except for Ling Feng, no one could withstand this three-month time travel.

Yue Yunlan and the other three girls can't do it, and Yan Jinghong can't do it either.

Several golden lights flashed, and Yu Junyao, Tuoba Yan, Yue Yunlan and Yan Jinghong appeared one after another.

Like Ling Feng and the others, they all showed more or less shocked expressions when they saw their surroundings.

Then, they stared at Xiao Xianling's chest, and everyone's eyes widened.

Why did it suddenly get bigger?

Ling Feng immediately nodded in agreement, staring at Xiao Xianling, as if to say: Look, everyone would find it strange!


Xiao Xianling snorted angrily and didn't bother to explain any more. She just patted the Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor behind her. The Nine Flame Phoenix Emperor looked up to the sky and roared loudly. Then, it flapped its wings and soared high, disappearing in front of everyone in the blink of an eye. .

"Let's go and stay at Wangchuanyi first."

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes and said calmly: "To pass the test of the Three Ways River, you must first reach the realm of immortality. In other words, you still need to stay in Wangchuanyi for a while. As for how long it will be. , it’s hard to say. But I have to tell you something first.”

"What's up?"

Ling Feng stared at Xiao Xianling. This woman was rarely so serious. It must be a very important matter.

"One year later, that is, when the Tianzhi organization officially recruits disciples, if you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait another sixty years. However, for us immortal masters, one hundred years is just a snap of the fingers."

After a pause, Xiao Xianling continued: "From the time you get the Tianzhi Seal, you have a total of three opportunities to participate in the entry-level selection of the Tianzhi organization. Absence and failure will be counted once. If you fail to become a member after three times, If you are a member of the Tianzhi Sect, your Tianzhi Seal will automatically disappear."


Ling Feng nodded, "In other words, I still have one year."

"You guy, do you even understand human speech?"

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, "You don't think that in just one year, you can directly break through to the immortal path, right? My suggestion is that you hide your capabilities and bide your time here, practice for a while, and wait until your realm is stable. Then try to pass through the River of Three Ways and ascend to the Immortal Realm.”

"That's too long."

Ling Feng shook his head, stretched out a finger, and said calmly: "Within one year, I will definitely break through to the realm of immortality!"

Although for a strong person in the ancestral realm, it often takes hundreds or thousands of years of cultivation.

But Ling Feng never seemed to abide by this routine.

It has only been a little more than ten years since he set foot in the martial arts. For him, it would be extremely strange for him to stay in seclusion for a period of time in order to break through to the immortal path.

"it's up to you."

Xiao Xianling shrugged. This kid was very arrogant, so it would be better to let him hit a wall.

This place is no better than the lower realm. Although there are not many geniuses like him, they are by no means rare.

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath, Ling Feng could really put pressure on himself.

One year?

He tightened his fists. Since Ling Feng had the determination and confidence to break through to the Immortal Path within a year, he still had more than Ling Feng's thousand years of cultivation as Emperor Dutian.

He can do it, so there’s no reason why I can’t do it!

As for the three girls Yujunyao, as the "spiritual pets" around Xiao Xianling, they are not subject to any restrictive conditions and can easily ascend to the fairy realm without relying on their own efforts.

Otherwise, let alone a Jiazi, even in another three to five hundred years, it would be difficult for them to break through the immortal path with their own cultivation.

This is the limitation of talent. Unless you get an almost fate-changing opportunity like Yan Jinghong, otherwise, the limitation of talent cannot be broken.

Santu River is undoubtedly an extremely wonderful world.

The river here is floating in the air, but the mountains are under the river, separated by a thick layer of clouds, paved with extremely long and narrow serpentine roads.

Under the leadership of Xiao Xianling, everyone finally arrived at what she called "Forgetting River Station".

This is a tile-roofed house that looks to be only two stories high. It looks a bit dilapidated from the outside. There is a tall flag sail erected in front of the door with the word "驿" written on it.

The flags and sails were swinging in the wind, but there were only three black dogs grinding in front of the door, with blazing fire all around them.

A bit like the legendary hellhound.

"Hiss, hiss..."

At this moment, a low hissing sound came from the eaves. Everyone looked over and saw a huge black python slowly crawling down from the eaves.

Then, it transformed into an old woman covered in a black cloak.

"Snake demon?"

Ling Feng's face changed. Although the old woman did not exude any aura, his instinct told him that this old woman was very dangerous.

Even every hair on Ling Feng's body stood up automatically.

Yan Jinghong also held his breath, and almost sacrificed the patrol god pattern automatically.

The most unbearable one was the cheap donkey, who stretched out his legs and collapsed to the ground.

Not to mention the old woman transformed by the black python, even the three black dogs pulling the mill in front of the door almost made him tremble.

However, Xiao Xianling seemed to have expected it, and walked towards the old woman with a smile.

The old woman looked very short and hunched, holding a lantern in her hand. She slowly walked to Xiao Xianling and bowed to her, "I am honored to meet you, young lady."

"Senior Mengpo, you are embarrassing me!"

Xiao Xianling quickly supported the old woman, with a respectful look on her face, and slowly said: "Senior Mengpo has guarded the Wangchuan Station for many years, and has made great contributions. I should be the one to pay my respects to you."

"Etiquette cannot be abolished. I am just an outsider guarding the Wangchuan Station, and the young lady is the granddaughter of one of the three masters. Naturally, I should pay my respects to you, young lady."

"Mengpo, you are too modest."

Xiao Xianling quickly waved her hand and said again "Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced them yet. These people are the mortals I brought from the lower world. His name is Ling Feng, and he is also the recipient of the Heavenly Seal."

"Not bad, not bad."

Meng Po nodded, "I will only guard this Wangchuan Posthouse. Other things have nothing to do with me."

As she said that, the hunchbacked old woman made a gesture of invitation to Xiao Xianling, "Miss, please come in."


Xiao Xianling nodded, turned back and looked at Ling Feng and the others, "Remember to follow closely. When you enter Wangchuan Posthouse, you must not go out of the range of the light emitted by the lantern."


Ling Feng and the others looked at each other in bewilderment.

Just entering a two-story earthen building from the door, could they still get lost?

However, when a group of people followed Meng Po into the gate of Wangchuan Posthouse, they finally understood why Xiao Xianling said this.



From the moment they stepped into Wangchuan Posthouse, the whole world seemed to have undergone a drastic change.

The sound of spring water gurgling came to my ears, and the lake water under my feet was as smooth as a mirror.

Under the illumination of the lantern in Meng Po's hand, the lake water slowly extended a light path.

"The lantern in Meng Po's hand is a divine artifact, called the Divine Firefly. The light of the Divine Firefly can carry the heaven and earth, and naturally it can also carry us. And besides the light..."

Xiao Xianling narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Do you know what the water under our feet is?"

"Weak water! This is the Weak Water!"

While shivering, the donkey silently moved closer to Ling Feng.


Xiao Xianling raised her eyebrows and did not comment. Obviously, the donkey was right.

What they were stepping on was the legendary Weak Water.

Three thousand Weak Waters are so deep that even goose feathers cannot float.

Once you fall into the Weak Water, you will inevitably have only one way to go.

Only when the light of the Divine Firefly shines on the water surface, the light path formed can carry living people on the Weak Water.

No one knew how long it had been, but everyone followed Meng Po with great trepidation.

Finally, at the end of the Weak Water, they saw a building suspended in the air.

The tall building looked like a fairy palace on the clouds.

There really was another world inside the Wangchuan Posthouse!

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