Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3354: The other side of the Wangchuan River! The boundless ancient domain!

"Welcome to the other side of the River of Forgetfulness."

Po Meng looked back at everyone, then immediately put away the lantern, dragged her rickety body, and slowly stepped out into the air step by step.

And as she followed her steps, thick square bricks automatically floated up in the void and rested under her feet.

Taking a step forward, the next square brick floated up, and the original square brick seemed to disappear into the void, annihilated and invisible.

Everyone looked at each other and saw that this place was indeed full of mystery!

And right below the Wangchuan Station is the turbulent and tumbling weak water. If someone accidentally falls into the weak water, his life will be in danger.

For a moment, no one dared to step forward and could only look at Xiao Xianling for help.

"whispering sound!"

Xiao Xianling glanced at Ling Feng and the others, and when she saw these "bumpkins" from the lower world, she felt a sense of superiority in her heart.

"This is called Yunxu Floating Bridge. Okay, don't stand there stupidly. Just move forward. Don't worry."

After saying that, he walked forward leisurely, ascending step by step, and in a blink of an eye he followed Po Meng's footsteps.

Ling Feng and others finally felt relieved and followed.

The Yunxu Floating Bridge is really magical. Although the feet are on the air, no matter how they walk, they will not deviate from the direction at all. No matter where they go, there will be a square brick appearing firmly under their feet.

It's easier than walking on a flat road, and it's effortless.

There are approximately nine hundred and ninety-nine steps that have been rotated. It stands to reason that climbing such a high step will consume some physical strength.

But boarding the Yunxu Floating Bridge was extremely relaxing and relaxing, and suddenly I didn't feel like I was climbing high.

Finally, the last step of the stairs appeared, and everyone stood firmly in front of the gate of Nawangchuan Station from the stairs.


The door slowly opened, and with a flash of dazzling white light, everyone finally entered the so-called "Other Side of the River of Forgetfulness".

On the surface, it looks a bit like an inn in the lower world. Behind the counter, there is a huge golden toad with a waist thicker than a water tank and a long tongue.

In the lobby, there were about twenty tables scattered around, with some diners scattered here and there eating.

However, among these diners, there are few humans with pure blood. Almost all of them are aliens of different shapes. Werewolves, snakes, tigers, and eagles all obviously have the blood of the demon clan.

Seeing someone coming in, these foreigners also looked over.

When they saw that they were all human beings, they all lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

It seems that these alien races are inherently inferior in front of humans.


Seeing Po Meng coming in with a few outsiders, the golden toad jumped out from behind the counter, blinked his big copper bell eyes, and said with a smile: "Welcome the master! Gua!"

Po Meng nodded and said calmly: "Xiao Jin, how many Tianzi guest rooms are left?"

Jin Chan dug through his round belly for a long time, and finally took out a roster from the folds of his fat belly. He opened it and checked it for a moment, and then said: "Reporting to the master, there are two more Tianzi guest rooms."

"Two rooms?"

Xiao Xianling blinked, "That's enough."

She raised two fingers and said to the golden toad: "I want both of the two Tianzi rooms."

"But this, this..."

The golden toad had nowhere to place its claws, and muttered, "But one of the rooms has already been reserved."


Xiao Xianling frowned, "Who booked it?"

"it's me!"

At this moment, a girl with a hot figure and long silver hair walked in from outside the door.

Behind the girl, there was a man who looked quite handsome, tall and straight, with outstanding temperament. He was definitely a dragon among men.

And the person who led them in was actually another "Meng Po".

However, the figure of Po Meng dissipated on its own after entering the temple. It turned out that it was just a divine soul.

And it seems that Po Meng, who led Xiao Xianling and the others into Wangchuan Station, is the real "original body".

This is the one with great supernatural powers!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, this Meng Po was anything but simple.

And what do the three statues that Xiao Xianling and the others mentioned before mean?

Ling Feng was filled with doubts and couldn't wait to ask Xiao Xianling.

But now, it doesn't seem like the time is right.

"Junior sister Xiao, you're fine!"

The silver-haired girl twisted her waist, walked quickly to Jin Chan, and whispered softly: "Xiao Jin, can you still keep the room I reserved for me?"

"Of course, of course!"

Jin Chan nodded hastily, "Don't worry, Miss Mo. After you made the reservation half a year ago, the small one has been kept for you."

"Mo Yurou!"

Xiao Xianling was so angry that she almost jumped up, "When did Wangchuan Yi have more rules for booking Tianzi rooms? Why didn't I know?"

"You don't know, that's why you're stupid!"

The silver-haired girl named Mo Yurou narrowed her eyes and sneered, then glanced around Ling Feng and the others.

When she saw that Ling Feng actually had silver hair, she obviously frowned slightly.

What she has always been most satisfied with is her unique silver hair, which makes her temperament even more outstanding.

But now, there is someone like her with silver hair!

This made her feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"This is the holder of the Tianzhi Seal that you brought up from the lower world? Why are there so many people?"

Mo Yurou snorted softly, stared at Xiao Xianling, and said coldly: "Do you understand the rules?"

"It's not your turn to take care of this young lady's affairs!"

Xiao Xianling gritted her teeth and said: "Anyway, I want both rooms, so don't even think about it!"

"Xiao Xianling, don't think that just because you are the granddaughter of the Immortal Master, you can run wild here!"

Mo Yurou obviously had a bad temper. She was tit for tat with Xiao Xianling and refused to give in at all.

"Senior Po Meng, you make the decision!"

The two women were in a stalemate, and finally they could only look at Po Meng.

Here, in the final analysis, Meng Po calls the shots.

For a moment, the foreigners in the lobby also became interested and looked over.

Many people who were watching the excitement did not mind the matter, and even hoped that the two women would pinch each other.

After all, fairies fighting is still very rare these days.


Po Meng was a little confused for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "Wangchuan Yi does have rules for booking Tianzi rooms."

"Did you hear that?"

Mo Yurou felt proud for a moment, her eyebrows dancing with joy.

"It's just that there is no precedent for this happening so far in advance half a year."

"Did you hear me?"

Suddenly, it was Xiao Xianling's turn to feel proud again, "Mo Yurou, everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. This time you are still a step too late!"

"Anyway, I made a reservation! The Tianzi Room is mine!"

"First come, first served, do you understand? If no one teaches you, I can do it for you for free today!"

"Xiao Xianling, you are deliberately looking for trouble!"

"Mo Yurou, you are obviously being unreasonable!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting colder and colder, almost starting to fight, Xiao Xianling gritted her teeth and accidentally glanced at the man standing behind Mo Yurou, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Mo Yurou, don't say that I didn't give you a chance."

Xiao Xianling raised her eyebrows and said with high spirits: "It seems that you have also brought back the holder of the Tianzhi Seal from the Infinite Ancient Territory, so we might as well make a bet!"


Mo Yurou rolled her eyes and immediately understood what Xiao Xianling had planned.

When the time came, Xiao Xianling immediately laughed, "What, you want the people you brought back to compete with the people I brought back?"


Xiao Xianling nodded and looked back at Ling Feng, "Ling Feng, I don't need to teach you what to do, right?"

Ling Feng smiled helplessly. Although he didn't like fighting, he was on the same side as Xiao Xianling.

In this case, we can only bite the bullet.


Mo Yurou burst into laughter immediately, "Xiao Xianling, Xiao Xianling, I think you have lost your mind. I remember you went to the Star Territory, right? Not even the Nine Ancient Territories, and the one I went to Wuliang Ancient Territory is one of the top areas among the nine ancient domains! You don’t naively think that mere mortals from the Star Territory can compare with the geniuses of Wuliang Ancient Territory?”

"Just tell me, do you dare to bet?"


Mo Yurou immediately nodded and agreed, "If anyone loses, he will live in a subdivision apartment by himself, and there will be no complaints!"

"Okay! Whoever cheats will be an old aunt for the rest of his life, and will never get married for the rest of his life!"

"Who is afraid of whom?"

Mo Yurou gritted her teeth, took a deep breath and said, "Zhou Yan, don't embarrass me. You, a legendary evildoer from the Infinite Ancient Realm, won't lose, right?"

"That's natural!"

Zhou Yan took a step forward, and his robes suddenly stood up automatically. He looked at Ling Feng and said word by word: "Infinite Ancient Territory, Zhou Yan! Please give me advice!"

Infinite Ancient Realm?

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and stared at Zhou Yan.

And Zhou Yan happened to be staring at Ling Feng.

Geniuses must have their pride. Ling Feng is like this, and so is that man.

For a moment, there was a tit-for-tat exchange of breaths.

There was astonishing fighting intent in the eyes of both sides.

With a flash of dim light, Shifangjiannian automatically fell into the palm of his hand. Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Xuanling Continent, Ling Feng! Please advise!"

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