Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3356 Three statues and four wonders! Six emperors and nine radiances!

"Hmph! Remember this!"

Mo Yurou gritted her teeth, glared at Xiao Xianling fiercely, and finally walked away without breaking her promise.

Before leaving, I couldn't help but take another look at Ling Feng.

This man, who has silver hair like himself, seems to be...


Zhou Yan, on the other hand, clenched her fists, but was not completely beaten down by Ling Feng and lost her confidence.

After all, being able to become a peerless genius in a big world requires more than just having extraordinary talent.

His state of mind cultivation and willpower are by no means comparable to ordinary people.

He quickly adjusted his mentality. After all, in his opinion, he did not lose in strength, but only in the level of the alien fire.

If he had used other trump cards, this kid would have been defeated long ago.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that Ling Feng, who possessed the body of chaos, could almost be said to be an all-around genius.

No matter what aspect, there are no shortcomings.

Zhou Yan took a deep breath, stared at Ling Feng, and said word by word: "Remember what you said today, and you will soon understand that I am the proud man of heaven that you can't see from afar!"

After saying that, Zhou Yan quickly followed Mo Yurou and disappeared into the entrance of the stairs.

In this way, the remaining two Tianzi rooms were naturally taken over by Xiao Xianling and her party.

"Miss Xiao, please come with me. Gua!"

Jin Chan handed the two house numbers into Xiao Xianling's hands, then jumped his fat body and walked in front to lead the way.


Xiao Xianling nodded slightly, with a proud look on her face, and cast an appreciative look at Ling Feng, as if to say: Well done!

Then, he turned around and bowed to Po Meng Yingying, and said warmly: "Po Po Meng, let's go up first."

"Okay, if you need anything, just come to me, old lady."

Po Meng smiled slightly, and the wrinkles on her old face were almost twisted into a ball, making the whole face look like a twist, which looked a bit scary.

However, Xiao Xianling's attitude towards her was very respectful, even a little awe-inspiring.

This Meng Po is definitely not ordinary.

Soon, under the leadership of Na Jinchan, several people passed through a distorted time and space and arrived outside a huge manor.

Jin Chan pointed to two of the pavilions side by side and said slowly: "Miss Xiao, those two are your Tianzi houses. If you need anything, please tell me at any time."


Yu Junyao and Yue Yunlan suddenly showed a look of surprise on their faces. They didn't expect that the Tianzi house that Xiao Xianling mentioned was actually an entire attic.

Moreover, from the outside, it looks even more luxurious than the palace in the lower world.

"Well, it's none of your business, go down."

Xiao Xianling glanced at the golden toad and said calmly.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm leaving now!"

The golden toad jumped around and left, disappearing into the empty corridor in the blink of an eye.

This Wangchuan Station is not a simple pavilion. It contains countless overlapping time and space, and the hubs connecting these multiple spaces are the void corridors.

The keys in their hands can not only open their own doors, but more importantly, they can also guide the way through those chaotic void corridors.

Otherwise, with so many folded and disordered spaces, it is easy to lose your way completely.

"Hoo ho!"

After seeing the golden toad go away, Xiao Xianling stretched out her body beautifully and said with a smile: "It's a good thing that we didn't let that hateful Mo Yurou live in, otherwise, we would have to live next door to that white-haired monster. ?”

White-haired monster?

Ling Feng couldn't help but touch the bridge of his nose. Although he knew that Xiao Xianling was not talking about him, he still felt offended!

"Actually, it turns out that Tianzi Fang is an entire attic, so there's no need for us to compete with Miss Mo for it, right?"

Yu Junyao couldn't help but murmured softly.

"Of course not!"

Xiao Xianling pointed at the donkey, "How can I live with them? Forget about people, there is a strange person mixed in."

The bitch's donkey ears twitched slightly, and his expression suddenly became a little embarrassed. He moved to the side, then grinned and said, "Lingfeng boy, I'm talking about you!"

"Who is she talking about? You don't have any tricks up your sleeve."

Ling Feng shrugged. He was quite used to Xiao Xianling's various unruly and willful ways.

The bitch snorted softly and turned away. Who could not afford to offend that little bitch? He could only swallow this breath in his stomach.

"Come on, come on, I will open your eyes today, and you will know why you must stay in the Tianzi Room when you come to Wangchuanyi."

With that said, Xiao Xianling took out a house number and pressed it lightly a few times. Then, she saw a golden light falling from the sky, covering everyone present.

The next moment, the light in front of them turned, and everyone entered a hall directly.

"This is the main hall of the Tianzi Fang. Each Tianzi Fang is five stories high, and there is a special training room here. The passage of time inside will be much slower than the outside world, about three to one."

She narrowed her eyes and smiled, and said calmly: "You have been practicing in the Tianzifang training room for three years, and only one year has passed in the outside world. If you were in the Dizifang, you wouldn't have such treatment. Brat, Do you understand now? Please thank me quickly!”

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded, it was rare that this woman would actually think about herself.

It’s not easy!

"What's your attitude?"

Xiao Xianling frowned when she saw that Ling Feng just said "I see" in an understatement.

Fortunately, before she was about to have an attack, Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and bowed to her, "Thank you, Miss Xiao."

"That's pretty much it!"

Xiao Xianling pouted and handed another house number to Ling Feng, "Here, this is your house number. I will teach you how to use it now."


Ling Feng took the door number, and there were indeed some inscriptions on it, which looked quite complicated.

"The functions of this house plate include positioning, guidance, and opening various magic circles in the room, etc. The various imprints are..."

Soon, Xiao Xianling taught Ling Feng all the functions and uses of house cards.

Although these marks look complicated, they are actually just house numbers, and Ling Feng can naturally learn them.

However, I still secretly admired it in my heart. Everything in this Wangchuan Station was indeed full of mystery and magic.


Xiao Xianling pursed her lips, glanced at Ling Feng, turned around and walked to the main seat, sat down very leisurely, then narrowed her eyes and said lightly: "I'll give you half an hour now. If you want to ask anything, just ask!”

Obviously, Xiao Xianling also noticed that Ling Feng and the others were more or less full of curiosity about this new world.

"Then there's you, Miss Lao Xiao."

Ling Feng nodded, and then slowly said: "What are the three deities that Senior Po Meng mentioned?"

"Okay, it's time to let you know something about the internal situation of Tianzhi."

Xiao Xianling pondered for a moment, and then said: "In our Tianzhi organization, except for the Lord and a few remaining immortal emperor-level elders, and further down, there are three deities, four wonders, six emperors and nine brilliance! "

"Three statues and four wonders?"

"Six Yu Jiu Yao?"

Everyone in the hall looked at each other in confusion, and then all looked at Xiao Xianling, waiting for her detailed explanation.

"The so-called three deities are Jie Yin Zun, Ming Shen Zun and Wuwu Zun. These three deities are the most powerful immortals under the Immortal Emperor. Among them, Jie Yin Zun is my grandfather. Receive the Immortal Lord.”

When talking about Jie Yin Zun, Xiao Xianling thought with a hint of pride. She was obviously very proud of being the granddaughter of Jie Yin Zun.

"After the three deities, there are the four strange ones. They are also powerful immortals, but they are relatively mysterious compared to the three deities. In Tianzhi, they do not hold any real power, but they are in Tianzhi. The four sharpest blades. There are rumors that the strength of the Four Qi is actually not inferior to that of the Three."

"As for the Six Imperial Guards and the Nine Yao, relatively speaking, it is selected for the talented younger generation of Immortal Lord-level disciples. Therefore, it is not a fixed number of people, but is constantly changing."

"Tianzhi's disciples who can be named Liuyu Jiuyao can basically be steadily promoted to the realm of Immortal Lord. In the future, they will have more opportunities to become Tianzhi's worshipers or deacons. Every Tianzhi's disciples will It is to regard the title of Liuyu Jiuyao as the highest honor!"

Following Xiao Xianling's introduction, Ling Feng probably understood the general structure of the Tianzhi organization.

Is it the name of Liuyu Jiuyao?

Ling Feng took a deep breath. No wonder Zhou Yan had mentioned before that he would definitely be among the Six Imperial Guards and Nine Glory. That was what he meant.

"So, are you one of the Six Royal Guards or the Nine Yao?"

Ling Feng looked at Xiao Xianling and asked casually.


Xiao Xianling glared at Ling Feng angrily, "Do you think the name of Six Yus and Nine Glory is so good? Geniuses who can win the name of Six Yus and Nine Glory can all kill immortals in the realm of Immortal Lord. Dear! Once such a monster occupies this position, few people can shake it for decades or even centuries, I think!"

Ling Feng shrugged. It turns out that the lowest baseline for becoming the "Six Royals and Nine Glory" is to challenge the level?

That's just right, I like to do this kind of thing!

"By the way, there is also Senior Po Meng, you seem to be very respectful to her."

"Of course!"

Xiao Xianling took a deep breath, lowered her voice, and whispered: "You just need to know that Meng Po's strength is not inferior to the three gods and four wonders. Moreover, the lantern in her hand is a genuine artifact. ! If Po Meng didn’t have ancient demon blood, she might be one of the three gods.”

"Ancient demon bloodline?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched as he suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but ask: "By the way, when I was in the lobby below just now, I did see a lot of people. They all seemed to be monsters, and there were almost no humans with pure blood. Moreover, they seem to be a little afraid of you and Mo Yurou."

"That's because they are all descendants of ancient demons."

Xiao Xianling said calmly: "The situation in the fairyland is somewhat different from your lower world. The so-called demons in your lower world are all ancient demon hybrids in the fairyland. The descendants with ancient demon blood are naturally inferior to humans. In the fairyland, most of them serve as menials or slaves. Therefore, many descendants of ancient demons choose to live in the Three Paths River, and the existence of Wangchuan Station is actually a big part of the reason for providing shelter for these ancient demon descendants." "Meng Po's strength is indeed very strong. You have seen her true body before. It is a black python. Therefore, she is destined to be unable to become a senior of Tianzhi. That's why she took the initiative to come to Wangchuan Station to take charge, and she has been staying there for tens of thousands of years!"

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