Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3357 Four Spirit Holy Beasts!

"Damn, why should the demon clan be inferior to others! This divine beast refuses to accept it!"

After hearing what Xiao Xianling said, Bitch was the first to get emotional.

Although he keeps claiming to be a divine beast, there are no divine beasts like him. In the final analysis, he is just a monster.

"It's useless not to accept it."

Xiao Xianling glanced at Jianlu and said casually: "Since the decline of the Ancestral Dragon Era, the Immortal Realm has entered a new era. Even the branches of the ten major Ancestral Dragons have gradually declined and become ancient monsters. Now, in the Immortal Realm, Above all, only the Four Spirit Sacred Beasts are the orthodox bloodline of the divine beasts, and all other branches are regarded as the ancient demon bloodline."

"The so-called Four Spirit Sacred Beasts are the Eastern Blue Dragon, the Western White Tiger, the Southern Vermilion Bird, and the Northern Black Tortoise. Only these four bloodlines, as well as the branches of the Four Spirit Divine Beast bloodlines, are the sacred beast bloodlines recognized by the major forces in the Immortal Realm. The others All kinds of bloodlines are not recognized. After you arrive in the fairyland, you can't talk about the divine beasts. If the divine beasts of the four-spirited holy beasts hear it, I'm afraid they will treat you as a prank. You swallowed it.”

"It's just the four holy beasts, but this beast rarely touches them?"

The bitch was so angry that his teeth were itching. Who would have thought that there was such a strict hierarchy in the Immortal Realm.

Among the demon clan, they are actually divided into orthodox and unorthodox. Bloodlines other than the Four Spirit Saint Beasts have all become "ancient demons". It is really ridiculous.

It's no wonder that a powerful person like Meng Po would choose to stay here for a long time at Wangchuanyi.

No matter how strong she is, she can't fight against the entire Immortal Realm.

Therefore, we can only choose to retreat here to escape the world.

Xiao Xianling shrugged. Anyway, she had said everything she needed to say. As for whether this bitch would listen or not, that was his own business.

"It's almost time, that's it for today."

Xiao Xianling yawned, then stretched, and said lazily: "Bad boy, although you have the house number of Tianzi Room in your hand, it's better not to walk around randomly in Wangchuan Inn. You'd better Just practice in the room honestly and don't waste time, otherwise, even if you have three times the training time in the training room, you may not be able to successfully pass the test of the River of Three Paths."

After saying that, Xiao Xianling glanced at Ling Feng with a smile, "You have already let out your big words, so don't slap yourself in the mouth when the time comes."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Indeed, he had said before that he would definitely break through the Immortal Path within a year and pass the test of the River of Three Ways.

"Then we'll see."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, cupped his fists and saluted Xiao Xianling, and said calmly: "Then I'll take my leave first."

After saying that, Ling Feng's eyes swept over the three Yujun Yao girls one by one, and he smiled bitterly in his heart.

Whether they should come or not, they finally came here together. I hope they can achieve some success in Tianzhi in the future.

As for myself...

He knew that because of his special status, he might not be able to stay long even in Tianzhi.

If they can have the Tianzhi Organization as their backer, it will be enough for them to gain a firm foothold in the Immortal Realm.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng took out the door number and used it according to the method Xiao Xianling taught him before. Sure enough, he saw a golden light falling from the sky, covering him, Yan Jinghong and Jianlu.

The next moment, two people and one donkey had disappeared into the lobby.

"You brat, I hope you won't disappoint me!"

Xiao Xianling glanced at the direction in which Ling Feng and the others disappeared. Ling Feng had defeated Zhou Yan before, which could be said to have made her proud.

In her not too long career, there were not many times that she could "defeat" Mo Yurou so severely.

If Ling Feng can continue to stand out in the selection of the Tianzhi organization, and even surpass the geniuses of the top ten ancient regions, then she, the messenger, will be proud and proud.

According to the rules of the Tianzhi organization, if the geniuses brought back by the envoys successfully become members of the Tianzhi organization, they will receive a large reward.

If you can win the first place with an invincible posture, you can get rich rewards.

During this period of time, as Xiao Xianling got to know Ling Feng better, she felt more and more that this kid was a complete "freak".

Not only are various methods and trump cards emerging one after another, but they are also blessed by the power of faith. They are suspected to be the same supreme divine body as the Supreme Lord of the Tianzhi organization.

These kinds of heaven-defying conditions are superimposed on the same person. Not to mention the top ten ancient realms, even in the fairy realm, there are probably not many people who have Ling Feng's heaven-defying qualifications and talents.

What he lacks is probably just time.

"Miss, it seems you have high expectations for that brat!"

Yu Junyao walked forward with a smile, but suddenly thought of something again, bit her silver teeth, and asked tentatively: "You can't..."

"Of course it's impossible!"

Xiao Xianling immediately denied it, "Can I like him?"

"But, I haven't said what it is yet?"

Yu Junyao said quietly: "You mean there is no silver here!"

Yue Yunlan and Tuoba Yan also felt a little tight in their hearts. Well, it seems that there is another competitor, and now he is still their "master".

After all, in order to be able to sneak into the fairyland, they all entered into a spiritual pet contract with Xiao Xianling.

"You ghost, how dare you make fun of your 'master'?"

Xiao Xianling reached out and scratched Yu Junyao's creaky nest.

"Haha, I don't dare anymore! Hahaha... Ouch... please spare me!"

Yu Junyao laughed so hard that she almost burst into tears, begging for mercy again and again.

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at Yu Junyao before giving up.

The reason why she brought Yu Junyao and the three of them to the fairyland was not because she really had a habit of taking human beings as spiritual pets.

Naturally, she didn't agree with it at first. It was a bit awkward to accept a few beautiful girls as spiritual pets.

However, in the end, he still couldn't stand the three women's begging.

In addition, although Xiao Xianling is the granddaughter of Jie Yinxian Zun, with a high status, it seems that she should be able to get wind and rain, but in fact, precisely because of her status, she has rarely had any problems since she was a child. What are the true friends?

On the contrary, it was Yu Junyao who made her experience the warmth of a rare sisterly companion.

Therefore, she was extremely tolerant of Yu Junyao and even made an exception to bring her to the fairyland.

Moreover, it is even more expedient to adopt the three Yujunyao girls as spiritual pets.

After they ascend to the Immortal Realm, she will automatically terminate this contract and return them to freedom.

However, after all, they did not pass through the Three Rivers by their own strength, so it was naturally impossible for them to join the Tianzhi organization.

Probably she can only stay with Xiao Xianling as a maid.

As for whether there will be another opportunity in the future, that is another matter.

On the other side, Ling Feng brought Yan Jinghong and Jianlu to their Tianzi room.

Naturally, there was no "playing and playing" between the men. They quickly assigned a place to live and practice, and they were ready to start retreating.

In fact, even if Xiao Xianling didn't need to remind them, with the temperament of cultivating madmen like Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong, they would naturally not waste a single minute of their training time.

What's more, in the training room of Tianzifang, time passes three times slower than the outside world.

With three times the training time, both Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong should be able to make a qualitative change in their strength this year.

However, just as Ling Feng was about to return to his room for retreat, a golden light appeared on the house number in his hand.

Then, in the golden light, a figure emerged with long silver hair, which was very iconic.

Naturally, it was Mo Yurou, who also came from the Tianzhi organization.

"Miss Mo?"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he looked at the figure in the golden light in surprise.

Xiao Xianling also told him before that the door sign had the function of transmitting his own image, but Ling Feng didn't expect that this Mo Yurou would actually come to him?

I'm afraid, there may be other plans!

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