Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3359 Amanohara!

The lobby of Wangchuan Inn.

A large group of descendants of the ancient demon were all gathered in the lobby at this moment, surrounding a black donkey with its legs crossed. There was actually a hint of reverence in their eyes.

"Brother Divine Donkey, Brother Divine Donkey, you said last time that when you were in the lower realm, you participated in the battlefield of thousands of races at the entire star field level and finally won the first place. What do you think of the strength of your opponents?"

A descendant of the ancient demon clan with a crocodile head stared at the donkey with big copper bell eyes and asked.


The bitch raised his hooves and shook his head disdainfully, with a look of domineering look in his eyes.

"This mythical beast only wants to say one thing, that is, there is no one who can fight!"


"Brother Divine Donkey is really awesome!"

All the descendants of the ancient demon praised him again and again, and were even more fascinated by the regal posture of the mean donkey.

"Moreover, Brother Shenlu, you said that you defeated the evil bone demon king of your generation, and then saved the entire star field and saved all the people from water and fire. What is the strength of that evil bone?"

The other ancient demon blinked and asked.

"That evil bone is so powerful. Even this divine beast fought fiercely with that guy for ninety-nine and eighty-one days. The fight was so intense that the sky and the earth were pale, and the sun and the moon lost all light!"


"Brother Divine Donkey is truly the genius of our ancient demon clan!"

All the descendants of the ancient demon were even more impressed by the stupid donkey.

But it turns out that in the past eight months, Bitch has gradually become familiar with these descendants of the ancient demon. When he was bored, he began to tell these descendants of the ancient demon who had nothing to do and had enough to eat every day to tell them about his experiences in the lower world. During that time, he and Ling Feng experienced various explorations of secret realms and various experiences of narrowly avoiding death.

However, this protagonist naturally changed from Ling Feng to a bitch.

This guy's bragging skills are so good that he gradually accumulated a large group of "little fans" who are descendants of the ancient demon in this Wangchuan Station.

No matter what the bitch said, these guys were all cheering crazily and worshiping him enthusiastically.

It greatly satisfies the vanity of the bitch.

No, at this time every day, Jianlu will tell stories to these descendants of the ancient demon, such as the Sunset Chosen One, the Ten Thousand Foot Heavenly Hunter, and the Immortal Emperor’s orthodoxy...

As long as it can be blown, the bitch has blown it all.

It's just that the protagonist of the story has become him.

"I'm not ashamed!"

In a corner of the lobby, two girls, Yue Yunlan and Tuoba Yan, sat at the same table. They shook their heads repeatedly when they heard the stories told by Jie Lu every day.

However, even though they knew that Jie Lv was lying a lot, the two girls would still come to listen to Jie Lv's "stories" every day.

Once Ling Feng and the others were in seclusion, they couldn't leave here, which was really boring.

Secondly, after replacing the protagonist of the story told by Jianlu with Ling Feng, many of Ling Feng’s experiences were basically restored.

It was also because of this that they realized that Ling Feng had had so many glorious achievements and so many dangerous experiences.

"Why else would Master Ling keep calling him a bitch? He's quite mean!"

Yue Yunlan shook his head and smiled. At this moment, a blue figure flashed past the entrance, and then appeared next to Yue Yunlan's two daughters.

Of course it was Ling Feng.

"Master Ling (Ling Feng)!"

Yue Yunlan and Tuoba Yan's eyes lit up at the same time.

After eight months, Ling Feng finally came out of seclusion.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, nodding slightly towards the two girls, "Long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see."

Yue Yunlan smiled softly, but she felt a little disappointed. This wooden head, after not seeing him for so long, didn't even say a word of greeting.

If he hadn't known that Ling Feng had always had this kind of temper, he would have been heartbroken.

For a moment, two pairs of big watery eyes looked at Ling Feng quietly. Ling Feng laughed a few times and said quickly: "Ahem...ahem, she's beautiful again!"

The two girls rolled their eyes at the same time. Did this idiot regard them as little girls?

The atmosphere became a little awkward.

Ling Feng laughed a few times and saw a group of descendants of ancient demons surrounding Jian Donkey. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "What is that guy Jian Donkey doing? Is he a storyteller?"

"Yeah, there's a storyteller! Haha..."

Yue Yunlan pursed her lips and laughed, "That bitch, tell a story about your experience in the lower world and those descendants of the ancient demon. However, the protagonist of the story is not named Ling Feng."

"That rascal……"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Sure enough, some people just couldn't let him eat too much!

At this moment, Bitch was still talking eloquently, not noticing at all that Ling Feng, the real owner, had appeared.

However, Ling Feng had no intention of exposing that bitch. He could just let the guy brag as he pleased, since he had nothing to lose anyway.

Withdrawing his gaze, Ling Feng looked at Yue Yunlan and Yue Yunlan and asked, "By the way, where is Senior Po Meng? I have something to ask her."

"Are you looking for Senior Po Meng?"

Yue Yunlan blinked her eyes and said warmly: "She rarely shows up on weekdays, but the golden toad brother said that Senior Meng Po should be meditating at Amanohara most of the time. You can use the house number in your hand to Mark Amanohara’s seat.”

"Okay, I know."

Ling Feng nodded, Amanohara?

This Wangchuan Station is made up of countless different times and spaces, and naturally there may be countless different planes and spaces.

It is very normal to connect to a certain mountain forest, plain, or even the sea or desert.

"Then I'll go find Senior Po Meng first. See you later."

"Okay, see you later."

The two girls glanced at Ling Feng faintly, and their resentful eyes made Ling Feng feel a little nervous. After not seeing them for such a long time, he really should have a good time catching up with them.

However, Ling Feng had no time to waste right now. He had to complete the tribulation before Xiao Xianling returned.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng nodded slightly towards Yue Yunlan and the two girls, then stood up, turned around and walked towards the entrance.

"Amanohara, Amanohara..."

Following the guidance of the house number, not long after, after about twenty or thirty jumps in the void, we finally arrived at an extremely vast plain.

However, the mountains in the distance are endless, and it doesn't look like a plain area.

But the next moment, when Ling Feng saw that the "mountains" in the distance were actually squirming slightly, he finally reacted.

This is not a mountain, but Po Meng’s true body!

Her true form is a black python, and now it seems that the true form she saw outside Wangchuan Station is far less than one ten thousandth of her true form.

No, not even one in a million or one in ten million!

The black mountains in the distance are all filled with the bodies of Po Meng.

How big can this Po Meng's body be?

I'm afraid it's comparable to some stars in the universe!


Ling Feng swallowed hard. Such a huge body really gave people an indescribable sense of oppression.

At this moment, Ling Feng heard from a distance, "In this case, Zhou will resign first."

Then, I saw a figure in white swooping across the horizon.

Astonishingly, it was Zhou Yan, the peerless evildoer from the "Great Zhou Dynasty" who possessed the ancient divine flames of the Tuo Emperor.

How could I meet him by chance?

Zhou Yan apparently also discovered Ling Feng. His figure stagnated in the air, and then slowly fell from the air.

He stared at Ling Feng with a slightly hostile gaze and said coldly: "Is that you?"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, cupped his fists and saluted Zhou Yan, "Brother Zhou, you are well."

"Hmph! Who calls you a brother?"

"If I don't call you Brother Zhou? Then why should I call you? Zhou?"

Ling Feng shrugged, looking helpless.

"Cut the nonsense!"

Zhou Yan snorted softly and said in a deep voice: "I have long wanted to come to you again for advice, but who knew you would be in seclusion for eight months! It just so happens that now is the time for me to avenge my shame!"

Although eight months had passed, Zhou Yan became increasingly angry as he thought about it.

After cultivating, the first thing I wanted to do was find Ling Feng and compete with him again.

But he didn't expect that he would go to Ling Feng many times later, but Ling Feng had been in retreat.

So much so that the more he suppressed his tone, the more annoyed he became. Now that he finally saw Ling Feng, of course he couldn't let go of this opportunity to clear his name as the number one evildoer in the Infinite Ancient Territory.

How could a mere boy from the Star Realm be compared to the prince of his Great Zhou Dynasty?

"Ling Feng, are you brave enough to fight?"

For a moment, Zhou Yan's momentum burst out, and a divine soul that was more than 10 feet tall formed directly behind him, causing the heaven and earth to tremble!

"Why don't you dare?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, "It's just that this is Senior Po Meng's resting place after all. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to disturb her here."


Zhou Yan thought for a while, then regained his momentum, turned around and left Amanohara, but said from a distance, "I'll wait for you in the lobby above. If you don't come, you can change your name to a turtle!"

"It's quite angry."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but didn't take it to heart.

Eight months ago, Ling Feng was not afraid of him.

Eight months later, the gap between the two people will only become wider!

"Is this the little brother that the eldest lady brought back?"

Black light flashed, and an old voice came from a distance. Apparently, Po Meng had already noticed Ling Feng's arrival.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and quickly bowed in the direction of the source of the sound, "Junior Ling Feng, I came here to pay my respects to Senior Po Meng."

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