Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3360 Breakthrough opportunity! Wild ancient road!

"Junior Ling Feng, I'm here to pay my respects to Senior Po Meng."

Ling Feng bowed in the direction of Po Meng.

From a distance, Ling Feng could only see a pair of huge pupils like stars, emitting a faint brilliance.

Looking at Po Meng is like looking at the sky, the sun and the moon.

Her huge body is almost comparable to the eternal stars in the universe.

"In just a few months, my little brother has been promoted to the ninth level and half a step, and he has become a fellow cultivator of immortals and demons. He is indeed a son of heaven. He is indeed extraordinary."

What Meng Po said suddenly made Ling Feng break into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he thought he had hidden it very well, but unexpectedly, he was still seen through by Mrs. Meng.

Moreover, he even figured out that he was a fellow practitioner who was an immortal and a demon.

Is it possible that as long as he is a powerful immortal, he will be able to see through that he is a fellow practitioner of immortals and demons?

Then when he arrives in the Immortal Realm, wouldn’t he have no place to stand?

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. If this was really the case, wouldn't he be immediately regarded as a remnant of the demon clan and killed as soon as he arrived at the Tianzhi organization?

Also, since Mrs. Meng has completely seen through her trump card, why does it seem like...

Didn't show any hostility.

After all, possessing the power of a demon is enough to make him a public enemy of the entire fairyland.

"You seem to be very curious. Since I have seen through your identity, why didn't I take action against you, let alone expose you to that girl Xiao Xianling?"

Po Meng's old voice had a hint of desolation and indifference.


Ling Feng's whole body was a little stiff. In front of such a strong man, if the other party wanted to kill him, all he needed was a thought.

"For me, it doesn't make any difference whether you are from the Immortal Clan or the Demon Clan, and whether you are from the Tiandao Clan or not. The only thing I care about is to guard this Wangchuan Station and leave a pure land to the descendants of the ancient demon. That’s all.”

Ling Feng took a deep breath and couldn't help but secretly admire Meng Po's detachment.

Fortunately, otherwise, I would probably be a dead person.

"As for your aura, it is actually well hidden. You possess the power of chaos. Any power of any attribute can be directly transformed into chaos. Then, not to mention the Immortal Lord, even the powerful Immortal Emperor will not be able to see through your... Identity. It’s just that I happen to have a magical weapon in my hand that can reveal your heavenly bloodline.”

"Is that the lantern?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Xiao Xianling once introduced to him that the lantern was called "Shen Ying".

Unexpectedly, in addition to being able to carry all things on weak water, this artifact also has the ability to see through the true nature of everything.

It is truly an artifact!

"As far as I know, there are no more than three artifacts with similar abilities in the Immortal Realm."

Po Meng said slowly: "So, unless you accidentally exposed the bloodline power of the Tiandao clan, there will only be five fingers of people in the entire Immortal Realm who can see through your identity."

After hearing Po Meng's words, Ling Feng finally swallowed his heart.

If any immortal can see through me, then I'm still a fool.

He had to reconsider Keveli's words and just go to the Demon Realm to practice.

Although the progress may be countless times slower, at least if you can save your life, then there is still hope for everything.

"Thank you, senior, for telling me."

Ling Feng bowed deeply in the direction of Po Meng. He didn't seem to have much interaction with this senior, but she showed some... kindness towards him.

It seems to have some coaxing implications.

Thinking back carefully, it seems that the Blue Bull Python that he met in the terrifying sea of ​​fog on the battlefield of all races had the same attitude towards him.

They are all from the python lineage, descendants of ancient demons, and they are all inextricably linked to the Tianzhi organization.

This can't help but make Ling Feng have some associations.

"You may be curious in your heart, why I am willing to tell you so many things even though I know that you are from the Tiandao clan and possess the power of the demon clan."

Mrs. Meng's voice came again, "But you can rest assured that I have no plot against you. At least for now, there is no plot."

After a pause, Mrs. Meng continued: "Perhaps you can think of this as an investment. I am very optimistic about your future, so I am willing to help you. If you can achieve something in the future, you will owe me a favor. I owe you a favor." One lineage of ancient demons, one favor.”

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he probably had some guesses in his mind.

It seems that after the Xantian clan betrayed the Tiandao clan, they not only killed the Tiandao clan, but also carried out a very brutal purge within the Immortal Domain.

And these descendants of the ancient demon lineage should be the victims of that purge.

Therefore, neither the Blue Bull Python nor Po Meng in front of them had any hostility toward the Tiandao clan. Instead, they were quite resentful towards the current Immortal Realm.

However, I dare not speak out if I dare to be angry.

"Junior, I understand."

Ling Feng nodded. There are some things that you don't have to point out when you see through them.

He looked up at the sky and said slowly: "In that case, senior should have guessed the purpose of junior's visit, right?"

"If you want to find a place to break through where no one will disturb you, you can go to the ancient wild road."

A golden light fell from the sky. Ling Feng subconsciously opened his palms and saw a spindle-shaped treasure lying quietly in his palms.

"This is the Split Tissot, and it is the only magic weapon that can withstand a hundred thousand times the force of the void tide and enter the ancient wilderness. I will give it to you now."


Ling Feng took a deep breath. This Sky-Splitting Shuttle was similar to the Boundary-Breaking Shuttle that Keweili gave him.

However, the boundary-breaking shuttle focuses more on crossing the barrier.

"The Split Sky Suttle is not too precious in the Immortal Realm, so you don't have to refuse."

Po Meng said calmly: "However, even if you break through the wild ancient road, I'm afraid you will attract the attention of some angel patrols. If you need my help, just ask."

"Senior's kindness is appreciated by me. I've already helped you a lot, so why bother me anymore?"

Ling Feng waved his hand and joked. He had already hired Ke Weili, a powerful assistant, so there was no need to owe Po Meng any more favors.

"That's fine."

Po Meng did not insist, but simply said: "Then I wish you a smooth breakthrough and successfully join Tianzhi. Your status is special. If you want to walk in the fairyland, you really need a backer like Tianzhi."

"Junior understands."

Ling Feng once again cupped his fists and saluted Mrs. Meng, "Then, I will take my leave first and won't disturb you further."

Not long after, Ling Feng left Amanohara where Po Meng was, but he felt a wave of fear in his heart.

At this moment, the clothes on his back were completely soaked with cold sweat.

Fortunately, it was Po Meng, and fortunately Po Meng was not hostile to him.

Otherwise, once it is revealed that he is a fellow cultivator of immortals and demons, he may be immediately catastrophic.

It seems that we have to be more careful in the future.

In addition, I also got a lot of valuable information from Po Meng.

The next step is to rush to the "wild ancient road" mentioned by Po Meng as soon as possible and break through to the immortal path.

He is just missing the final kick, the last opportunity.

And the ancient wild road was his opportunity.

Of course, before that, some "personal grudges" must be resolved first.


With a loud noise, a strong and burly body hit the load-bearing pillar of the lobby, and then fell heavily to the ground.


Zhou Yan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, raised his head and stared at the silver-haired man opposite, burning with anger.

" is this possible?"

The body-refining skills that he had always relied on and was proud of were completely crushed by that kid.

His power was already second to none in the sect world of Wuliang Ancient Domain, but when his fist collided with Ling Feng.

It felt like a sheep bumping into an elephant.

Not on the same level at all!

In terms of the conjoined body, he was actually completely crushed again.

"It looks like I won."

Ling Feng shrugged. Zhou Yan was really interesting this time. What was wrong with the comparison? Why did he have to compete with himself?

In terms of pure brute force, Ling Feng has already reached the terrifying power of billions of dragons. When he was still in the lower realm, he could defeat the Evil Bone Demon Lord with his strength.

Now, with the continuous improvement of cultivation level, the power of billions of dragons has increased at least ten times.

Zhou Yan's strength was indeed the best among all the opponents Ling Feng had encountered before.

It's a pity that compared with myself, it's still not good enough.

"Don't be proud, next time I will definitely... pfft..."

Another mouthful of old blood spurted out, and Zhou Yan's vision went dark. He was so angry that he fainted from anger.

"Hey, being so angry can hurt your health!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, as if he had completely forgotten that it was he who made Zhou Yan so angry...

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