Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3364 Dragon Palace of Life and Death! Nine thousand thunder dragons!

The huge thunder dragon stretches across the sky, and the whole world is filled with rolling thunder.

And this is just the first round of the Dragon Palace Tribulation among the Immortal and Demon Tribulation of Life and Death.

There are nine thousand thunder dragons in the Dragon Palace. Being able to fully withstand the baptism of nine thousand thunder dragons is already incredible.

After all, what Ling Feng is fighting now is just the thunder dragon formed by the fusion of nine thunder dragons.

"bring it on!"

In Ling Feng's eyes, the yin-yang fish floated, and with a roar, a scarlet vertical pupil suddenly opened on his forehead.

This is not just a simple Shura Eye, but also a fusion of the Asura Demonic Eye. The power of immortals and demons is merged into one, increasing the power of the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation to the limit.

Above the sky, a giant ape with golden hair was seen, holding a halberd, and it was sending a burst of crazy output towards the thunder dragon.

With the power of a mortal, he can directly challenge the power of heaven, which is really unbelievable.

Boom boom boom!

The thunder dragon waved its claws, and wherever it passed, the law of thunder annihilated everything and tore apart the void.

Ling Feng's huge body was as small as an ant in front of the thunder dragon.

However, his halberd was able to leave huge cracks on the Thunder Dragon's body time and time again.

After holding on for a full quarter of an hour, the first thunder dragon in the Nine Dragons Unity was finally killed by Ling Feng.

However, before Ling Feng could take a breath, nine thunder dragons arrived again.

And then, crackle!

Nine heads!

Nine heads!

It’s Jiutou again!

A total of ninety-nine and eighty-one thunder dragons descended from the Dragon Palace Tribulation of Life and Death, and the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, the Nine Netherworlds...

In all directions, everything is filled with the terrifying power of thunder.

The nine-headed thunder dragon, with flashing electric arcs all over its body, intertwined and condensed into extremely terrifying thunder liquid!

Yes, the power of thunder actually liquefied because it was too rich!

Zi La La!

Arcs of electricity surged, and thunderstorms began to fall from the sky!

Every drop of rain is filled with the terrifying destructive power of thunder.

Not to mention mortals, even the powerful Void Immortal would feel his liver and gallbladder running cold and his mind and body trembling under this "thunderstorm".

If the Evil Bone Demon Lord at his peak is involved, he may regret coming to this world every minute.

Oh no, be a devil!


Ling Feng swallowed hard, looked at the nine-headed thunder dragon in the sky, and took a deep breath.

He had long expected that his catastrophe between immortals and demons would not be easy, but he never expected that he would be so perverted.

Nine heads after nine heads, when will it be possible?

In the next round, will nine times nine times nine, that is, a total of 729 thunder dragons, come together? , Thinking of this, Ling Feng's scalp felt numb.

But right now, I don't have time to think about what will happen in the future.

Because right now, the second round of the Dragon Palace Tribulation of Life and Death has already overwhelmed him.



The first round of thunderstorm has arrived, and the terrifying thunder liquid falls on Ling Feng, as if millions of tons of explosives exploded at the same time in a point of extreme compression.

Ling Feng's huge body was blown away by a drop of rain!


Bang bang bang bang bang!

The raindrops formed by the thunder liquid exploded Ling Feng's body like a deflated balloon, flying all over the sky and unable to stop at all.

Severe pain hit him, blood splashed all over Ling Feng's body, and even his flesh and blood were scorched, exuding bursts of extremely pungent burning smell.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and quickly released the form of Chaos True Body.

Such a huge body can only be used as a target by thunder liquid to blast it back to its normal form, and there is still some room for maneuver.

The next moment, when Ling Feng transformed into his normal form, most of the clothes on his body had been burned. There were burnt marks on his shoulders, chest, arms, and thighs.


It can be said that Ling Feng has never been so embarrassed by Jie Lei since he set foot in martial arts.

"Is this the Great Tribulation of Immortals and Demons? It really is a little different!"

Ling Feng used the movement technique of Li Lei Shen Ying, constantly trying to avoid the raindrops transformed by the thunder liquid.

Unfortunately, the raindrops are too dense. Even if Ling Feng's speed has exceeded the limit visible to the naked eye, even if he can directly break through the void with his physical body, but even if he hides in the void, those thunderstorms can still pass through the void and reality. , a double blow.

Boom boom boom!

In less than ten breaths, Ling Feng was bombarded at least a hundred times!


Ling Feng spit out a mouthful of blood and managed to survive the first wave of thunderstorm. When he looked up, the second round of rainstorm was already gathering momentum.

"If this continues, I'm dead!"

Blood spurted out from mouth to mouth, and every wound on his body was still bleeding.

If he continues like this, his energy and blood will be consumed crazily, and he may not be able to hold on for even half an hour.


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a terrifying roar that shook the sky.

In an instant, the terrifying wild spiritual energy emerged from his chaotic dantian.

He had almost absorbed all the spiritual energy of the wild spirit, and in this short period of time, it was far from being able to completely absorb and refine it.

At this moment, in order to fight against the terrible catastrophe of life and death, he could only spit out all the wild spiritual energy that had not yet been refined to resist a thunderstorm.

As for how long he can resist, it depends on his own destiny.


Amid the roar, the dark golden barbaric aura intertwined into a large golden net, covering Ling Feng's body directly above him.


The terrifying thunder liquid gathered on the golden light net, but what reassured Ling Feng was that he should be able to withstand it for a while.

He kept spitting out the wild spiritual energy, and at the same time, he was frantically thinking about ways to break the situation.

After thinking about it, the only thing I can rely on seems to be "Original Creation".

Previously, to absorb and refine the wild spirit, I used the sixth volume of the Awakening Spirit Volume, the Art of Seizing Heaven.

And further on, the seventh volume is about taking off; the eighth volume is about moving; the ninth volume is about dividing the soul; the tenth volume is about breaking the boundary; the eleventh volume is about crossing the sky; the twelfth volume is about annihilation...

So far, Ling Feng has only mastered the art of seizing heaven in the sixth volume. As for the content of the next six volumes, although he has meditated on it for a long time in the quiet room of Tianzi Fang in Wangchuanyi, he has never understood it. What a big breakthrough.

But at this moment, facing the terrible catastrophe of life and death, immortality and demon, at the moment of life and death, he seemed to have some vague understanding.

Whether it's flying or moving, it should be an ultimate secret technique of movement.

But at this moment, facing the heavy rain formed by the thunder liquid, it came like a waterfall, and it was impossible to dodge it with normal body skills.

However, if it is a body technique that integrates the power of time and space, there may be a chance.

So far, Ling Feng has also mastered a time and space secret technique of time and space replacement by relying on a time and space mark left by Taixu Zhoulong.

However, this secret technique of time and space replacement is too terrifying for the consumption of energy.

Even though Ling Feng has reached the limit of a ninth-grade half-step virtual immortal at this moment, being able to use it thirty times in a row is already the limit.

And to avoid those thunderstorms, thirty times is not enough?

Three thousand times, thirty thousand times, I'm afraid it's far from enough.

But if the art of soaring and the art of movement in "Original Creation" are used at the same time, maybe...

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, as if he had some realization.

It turns out that it's not that I don't have enough understanding to comprehend the mysteries of the art of soaring and the art of moving.

Rather, if you want to practice the two secret arts, the conditions are too harsh. You must be in such a desperate situation to get that momentary bliss of the soul.

In other words, breakthroughs must be made in actual combat.

There is only one chance to practice, either way.

Or, die!

"I hope my guess is correct!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists. He was going to die anyway, so he might as well fight.

Otherwise, when the wild spiritual energy in Chaos Dantian is exhausted, he will still be dead.

Moreover, the more thunder liquid gathered on the Golden Light Network, the more dangerous the situation becomes.

With a thought, Ling Feng directly untied the golden net. At the same time, the figure escaped directly into the void, traveling through the void, reality, and even time at an indescribable and unspeakable terrifying speed. Crossed over.

Because, when the techniques of soaring and moving are used to the limit, Ling Feng can actually transcend the future and the past in that one billionth of a millisecond!

Yes, it is exactly one billionth of a millisecond. Perhaps for ordinary people, it is a time span that cannot be perceived. However, in this critical moment of life and death, one billionth of a millisecond can already be avoided once. Critical fatal damage.

Precisely relying on this prediction that was one billionth of a millisecond ahead of his time, Ling Feng was actually unable to even drop a drop of rainwater. Until the power of the thunder law of the ninety-nine and eighty-one thunder dragons was completely exhausted, there was no one left. Can he hurt Ling Feng even a little bit more!


Eighty-one thunder dragons roared unwillingly and immediately dissipated at the same time.

But then, before Ling Feng had any time to breathe, the lightning reappeared!

Moreover, just as Ling Feng expected, nine times nine times nine times again, a total of seven hundred and twenty-nine thunder dragons soared out from the tribulation of the Dragon Palace of Life and Death.

The sky is filled with thunder dragons, endless.

But this time, the thunder dragons no longer merged, and all locked on the origin of Ling Feng's soul.

In other words, no matter how fast Ling Feng is, no matter how high his body skills are, he is destined to be locked by these thunder dragons. He will flee to the ends of the earth and endure the thunderous blow.

Oh no, it’s Thunder 729!

Desperate situation!

This is definitely the most desperate predicament I have ever faced in my life.

Every hair on Ling Feng's body stood on end, being locked by seven hundred and twenty-nine thunder dragons that were comparable to the powerful immortals. This feeling was like a sheep falling into a world full of hungry wolves. Among the wolves, so powerless, so...

despair! !

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