Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3365 Angel Patroller! The Queen has arrived!


The first thunder dragon landed at an extremely fast speed, and directly blocked the origin of Ling Feng's soul.

There is no way to hide, there is no way to avoid it!


As soon as there was an explosion, the thunder dragon penetrated Ling Feng's chest directly. The terrifying explosive force directly knocked Ling Feng away. At the same time, every pore in Ling Feng's body seemed to be completely opened, and blood mist burst out in circles. Come on, leaving bloody figures on the trajectory of Ling Feng's flying!

Every bloody shadow was condensed from Ling Feng's blood essence. Because of the speed, it actually condensed in the air and did not disperse!

After shouldering the first thunder dragon, Ling Feng's complexion quickly turned pale. Because he had lost too much energy and blood, his whole body became extremely weak.

This is just the first thunderbolt. If it is penetrated by seven hundred and twenty-nine thunder dragons in a row, the consequences can be imagined.

Ling Feng wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth, and wanted to curse at the sky.

What about this damn thief?

You are just going through a catastrophe by yourself, is it necessary to put yourself in danger of death?

Although I did disrespect Jie Lei a little bit in the past and swallowed it with my mouth, but this time the great calamity of immortals and demons was more or less a personal grudge.

It's a pity that the thunder law of the Immortal Demon Tribulation is too advanced, so advanced that even Ling Feng's Chaos Dantian dare not swallow it directly.

If he were to force himself to devour the Tribulation Thunder like before, I am afraid that the Chaos Dantian would be completely blown up, and by then, there would be no life left.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng's whole body was soaked with blood. His whole body and even his long silver hair turned a dark red color due to the adhesion of blood.

He held the hands that were destroyed in all directions and trembled slightly. Even the Eye of Shura at the center of his eyebrows became very tired and was about to close at any time.




But it was obvious that the life-and-death dragon palace tribulation did not give Ling Feng any chance to breathe. The first tribulation thunder dispersed, and then three more tribulation thunders fell.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth. This time, he directly summoned Zifeng and Jianlu, and simultaneously used life sharing and beast soul fusion.

The powerful energy and blood power of the two spiritual pets, fused into one body, more or less restored Ling Feng to 30 to 40% of his condition.


With a roar, behind Ling Feng, a divine dragon figure, whose body was burning with bloody flames, soared into the sky.

Astonishingly, it is the Dragon of Life and Creation—the Dragon Dharma of Taichu!

The dragon roared into the sky, soaring into the sky. Under the blessing of the powerful energy and blood, and then stimulated by the power of the essence and blood of the life dragon in the body, it actually succeeded in condensing the life dragon dharma.

Ling Feng clenched his fists and raised his head to the sky with a deafening roar, "Fus——Ro——Dah——"

The ancient dragon roars with unwavering power!

The roar of the dragon erupted in the sky, and the power that exploded in an instant crushed the three thunder dragons into powder.

The next moment, Ling Feng also spurted out a mouthful of blood. The Life Dragon Dharma behind him was crumbling and seemed to be about to dissipate at any moment.

However, with the full support of Jianlu and Zifeng's energy and blood, he still managed to survive.

"God, it seems like you can't kill me yet!"

Ling Feng let out a long breath and roared loudly: "You bitch, don't suppress the Yin fruit in your body, otherwise all the power of Xuan Yin will burst out!"

But it turned out that the reason why Ling Feng had to bring Jian Don with him was because he had already thought about it. The fruit of Yin in Jian Don's body was equivalent to a huge treasure.

However, for the bitch, it is like a time bomb. Ling Feng must help him absorb the spiritual power of the Yin Fruit regularly, so as not to affect his mind and turn him into a "donkey father-in-law".

But this time, Ling Feng decided to detonate this "bomb". He wanted to let the Yin Fruit's surging spiritual power confront his own catastrophe of immortals and demons!

"You brat, it turns out you are waiting for this beast here!"

The bitch complained, but still followed Ling Feng's instructions and directly activated the Yin Fruit in his body.

The surging power of Xuanyin immediately exploded in the body of the humble donkey, and the next moment, it was all pulled out by Ling Feng's power of chaos.

Then, the madness was transformed into the power of Qi and blood, and integrated into the Taichu Life Dragon Dharma.

Naturally, the only way to deal with this life-and-death catastrophe is to fight head-on.

Since there is no way to hide and no way to resist, we can only fight with attack. All we need to do is strangle all those thunder dragons.

The ancient dragon roar has such power.

Although it is just a Thunder Dragon transformed from the Thunder Law, it will still be affected by the pressure of the Ancestral Dragon to a certain extent.

Then with the help of the Life Dragon Dharma, use Dragon Roar to instantly kill all those thunder dragons, and you can survive this level.


"Feim——Zii——Gron——" (Ethereal Transformation)

"Yol——Toor——Shul——" (Dragon Flame Breath)

After figuring out how to deal with it, Ling Feng no longer had any scruples. Relying on the spiritual power of the Yin Fruit that was continuously transmitted from the body of the cheap donkey, he frantically used the three dragon roar magical powers he currently mastered in turn.

Thunder dragons were wiped out under the dragon's roar, and the violent baptism of thunder one after another caused almost all space within a radius of thousands of miles to collapse.

This means that the world power of the Wild Ancient Road is stable enough. If it were replaced by the Xuanling Continent, I am afraid that it would have been directly dispersed by Ling Feng's thunder. The entire Xuanling Continent would be torn into pieces and divided into lifeless pieces. world of death.

The violent baptism of thunder lasted for nearly an hour!

Ling Feng, on the other hand, also roared for a full hour using his magical power of dragon roar at the top of his lungs.

In the end, every time he roared, there were circles of blood mist in the sound waves.

With a human body and crazy use of dragon roar magical powers, the first thing that can't stand it is naturally his throat.

The bitch also started to get anxious. The bitch, who always had a loud voice, was so weak this time that he could only whisper. He said extremely weakly: "Little... boy, this... this beast is going... to die soon." …”

After frantically squeezing the spiritual power of the Yin Fruit from the body of the donkey for an hour, the spiritual power of the Yin Fruit was not exhausted yet, but the "container" of the donkey was the first to be unable to hold on.

Even if the power of Xuanyin was sucked away by Ling Feng as soon as it surged out, in a short period of time, so much power of Xuanyin surged and flowed in Jian Dong's veins, still making every bloodline in his body... I started to feel so exhausted that I almost collapsed.

"It's just...the last round."

Ling Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead. Ninety-nine percent of the seven hundred and twenty-nine thunder dragons had been destroyed by his own roar. Only the last few thunder dragons were left. If they endured it for a while, they would be over.

I tried my best to survive three rounds of the Dragon Palace Tribulation of Life and Death. This round of Thunder Tribulation should be over.

According to the rules of the previous tribulations, the next one should be the inner demon tribulation, the wind knife tribulation, etc. It is a mess. As long as it can be completed with willpower, it is nothing to Ling Feng.

As long as there is no more thunder tribulation, it will be fine.

However, when Ling Feng finally managed to suppress the last thunderous force, another round of terrifying thunder suddenly erupted in the Dragon Palace of Life and Death.

But this time, the thunder dragon that soared out of the Dragon Palace of Life and Death was actually nine times nine times nine times nine times again——

A total of six thousand five hundred and sixty-one, destroying the Thunder Dragon!

The Dragon Palace Tribulation of Life and Death is known as the Nine Thousand Thunder Dragons, and this round is the real last round of Thunder Tribulation.

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched and he almost collapsed. Are you still coming?

The last round of tribulation thunder cost him half of his life. This time, with 6,561 Thunder Dragons destroyed, he was really at the end of his rope.

"Bitch donkey, can you hold on for a while longer?"

Ling Feng swallowed hard and quietly sent a message to Jie Donkey.


The bitch made a bitter face, "Who can withstand this? Otherwise, you should let that stinky girl named Xiao make this beast into donkey meat and burn it!"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly in his heart, yes, this is indeed a bit difficult for the strong ass.

Not to mention being a bitch, my calves were trembling slightly when I saw the endless Thunder Dragons in the sky.

This catastrophe of immortals and demons is indeed not something that can be easily overcome!




My Queen, where are you?

There has never been such a moment when Ling Feng missed the charming Demon Queen so much.

In this situation, it seems that only Her Majesty the Queen can help me.

However, why did Her Majesty the Queen not show up even if she arrived in three days as promised?

Just when Ling Feng was eager to see the Demon Queen again, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared in the sky.

Ling Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart suddenly became filled with uncontrollable ecstasy.


Kavli must have arrived in time.

My Majesty the Queen, you are really reliable!

Ling Feng almost shed tears of emotion.

But the next moment, his heart almost sank to the bottom of the valley, falling directly to the freezing point.

Not Kavli!

The figure that came out of the whirlpool was not Keveli's graceful figure. It was clearly a man with a burly figure and as strong as an ox!

The Xuntian Clan!

Ling Feng felt a thump in his heart.

It was really a leak in the house and it rained all night. Before Keveli came, the guys from the Sky Patrol Clan discovered it first.

"Tiandao Clan! Hahahaha..."

The burly man, wearing dark golden armor and holding a spear eight feet long, stared at Ling Feng, who was blocked by thunder, and his eyes fell directly on the Shura eyes on Ling Feng's forehead.

"Remnants of the Tiandao clan, I have finally waited for you!"

The next moment, the burly man, with blazing flames all over his body, stood with his hands behind his back, but he was in no hurry to take action.

He could tell at a glance that Ling Feng was at the end of his strength and was powerless to face this last wave of thunder calamity.

Why should he take action? It would be unnecessary.

What's more, if you rashly attack Ling Feng at this time, you will be targeted by the Dragon Palace Tribulation of Life and Death, and will also be judged as an attack target. Then the gain will outweigh the loss.

After all, even he is easily unwilling to face such a terrifying calamity thunder.

And when Ling Feng heard the words of the angel patroller, his heart became even colder.

Above the Immortal Realm, whoever dares to claim to be the "I" must be a powerful person at the level of Immortal Lord!

Even if he successfully overcomes the tribulation, he still has to be manipulated by the opponent with one finger when facing the Immortal Lord.

Ling Feng's heart suddenly became extremely angry.

What I want is Kavli. Why didn’t Kavli come? Instead, an angel patrol came!

However, just when Ling Feng fell into an even deeper abyss of despair, a voice so charming that it made one's bones feel numb came from the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, it looks like you miss me a lot."

Ling Feng's heart skipped a beat.


Demon Queen Keveli is finally here!

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