Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3369 She is really good at it!

The thunderclouds in the sky gradually dispersed, but Ling Feng's figure was still a little shaky.

Everything below is a sea of ​​​​purgatory fire. Although with Ling Feng's current physique, he can still be unscathed even if he is soaked in magma.

However, when those thick smoke and poisonous miasma invade the body, they will cause some damage.

In a flash of dim light, a pair of huge purple wings spread out, and then, a tall and slender figure appeared behind Ling Feng and hugged him into his arms.

A faint fragrance came over, Ling Feng raised his head and glanced at Keveli, smiled weakly at her, "Thank you."

"Hmph, you weakling is not worthy of being my ally. I am only helping you to help myself."

Spreading her wings, Keveli's figure appeared thousands of miles away.

The next moment, he had landed firmly on a mountain.

"No matter what, I still want to thank you."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "It seems that I need to meditate here for a while."

All in all, this was the first time that Ling Feng could not immediately return to his peak condition after overcoming the tribulation.

After all, this time he mainly relied on Kavli's power. Otherwise, he might not be able to bear the life-and-death Dragon Palace Tribulation just by himself.

The Great Tribulation of Immortals and Demons was already a heaven-defying calamity. In order to overcome the calamity, the Evil Bone Demon Lord almost let Beiming Demon Kun devour the entire Stars and Ten Thousand Domains, hundreds of millions of creatures, and formed a seal of ten thousand souls. The Great Formation of Heaven barely succeeded in overcoming the tribulation.

And Ling Feng's catastrophe of life and death was a hundred times more terrifying than the catastrophe of immortals and demons.

Although Ling Feng received Keveli's power without considering the consumption of his own physical strength and Yuanli, it can also be said that he successfully overcame the disaster solely by relying on his own strong willpower.

From beginning to end, Kveliko did not take action.

But now, as Keweili pulled away, a strong feeling of weakness came over her. It was already very difficult for Ling Feng to stay awake.

"Don't worry, I have killed the angel patrol just now, and this place is isolated from the outside world. You have completed your tribulation, so no one should be able to find this place."

Kvelli pondered for a moment, and then said calmly: "You can retreat here for a while to stabilize your state, and I will protect you."


Ling Feng glanced at Keweili gratefully. In fact, with her identity, appearing here was already taking a huge risk.

And now, it is for his own sake that he wants to continue to stay. Ling Feng will naturally remember this kindness in his heart.

"You said thank you a lot today."

Kweli's beautiful eyes like crescent moons looked at Ling Feng with a smile, "According to you humans, when a man says thank you to a woman more than seven times, he will fall in love with that woman. You are still not good enough. several times?"


Ling Feng's old face turned slightly red, feeling a little frightened by being stared at by the Demon Queen.

This woman is really good at it!

Even a cultivator like Ling Feng can't help but have some distracting thoughts in his mind.


When Kweli saw that Ling Feng was a little shy, she couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Tsk, tsk, the little guy is just a little guy. He really can't stand being teased. Why don't you just do some luck and adjust your breath?"


Ling Feng took a deep breath and rolled his eyes at Keweili angrily. This woman was really a witch. She could make him angry and blood boiling with just a few words.

If he hadn't had quite good concentration, he might have made a mistake!

In the blink of an eye, another two months have passed.

Inside Wangchuan Station, it started to become more and more lively.

In addition to the descendants of the ancient demons who were already there, the holders of the Heavenly Seal brought back from other major human realms were also brought to the River of Three Ways one after another.

Basically, each of the ten ancient domains will have a genius brought back. As for the other great domains, it is relatively rare.

In the past few days, there have been less than twenty Tianzhi reception messengers and Tianzhi seal holders greeted by Wangchuan Yi.

In other words, except for the ten proud men of heaven in the ten ancient regions, the total number of geniuses in the other major regions does not exceed ten.

The gap between the top ten ancient domains and ordinary great domains is evident.

It's no wonder that Zhou Yan was so worried about his defeat at Ling Feng's hands.

And those holders of the Tianzhi Seal who were led here, after taking a short rest at Wangchuan Station, will go to the Pure Land of the Three Ways River before the next day to accept the test.

But it turns out that the selection of disciples organized by Tianzhi once in three hundred years has already begun.

The reason why Jieyin Xianzun came to Wangchuanyi was not only to meet the "Ling Feng" in his granddaughter's mouth, but of course there were more important things.

That is, the test of presiding over the River of Three Ways.

However, he waited for two months at Wangchuan Station, but failed to see Ling Feng. In desperation, he had no choice but to go to the Pure Land of the Three Ways River to treat those who were brought in from various major regions. The proud men who have returned will be screened.

Those who pass the test can successfully enter the Immortal Realm and participate in the selection of the Heavenly Execution Organization.

"Grandpa, just wait a little longer. Don't you want to see the Supreme Divine Body?"

Xiao Xianling took hold of Jieyin Xianzun's arm and stared at her grandfather with a look of resentment.

"No, no, the selection is about to begin. When the time comes, it will be the same in the original world."

Jie Yinxianzun opened Xiao Xianling's little hand and said, dumbfounded: "Girl, if you pester grandpa again, grandpa will be angry!"


Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes at the Immortal Master in annoyance, and couldn't help cursing in her heart: Where did you go, that damn brat? How many months has it been since you disappeared?

"Tsk, tsk, I'm afraid he ran away, right?"

A lazy voice came, and it was none other than the silver-haired girl Mo Yurou.

"Mo Yurou, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!"

Xiao Xianling glared at Mo Yurou angrily. The two of them had always been at each other's throats when they disagreed, and everyone around them was already used to it.

"whispering sound!"

Mo Yurou sneered, ignored Xiao Xianling, and just led Zhou Yan to the front of the Immortal Jieyin, bowed to the Immortal Jieyin, and said softly: "Grandpa Xiao, it just so happens that we are also preparing to leave today. Well, how about you take us to Shengyuan together?"

"Okay, okay."

The Immortal Master Jie Yin stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "It's our way anyway, so why not bring you with me."

"Thank you, Grandpa Xiao!" Mo Yurou narrowed her eyes with a smile, and her bright eyes curved into crescent moons.

"Thank you, senior!"

Zhou Yan also quickly thanked the Immortal Lord Jieyin, and at the same time bowed deeply to the Immortal Lord Jieyin, "Last time when I was going through a tribulation, I didn't have the opportunity to thank you in person, senior!"

"It's just a little effort."

Jie Yinxian Zun nodded slightly and said in his heart: This Zhou Yan has a good character.

Since by chance, I gave him an original talisman, if he can achieve something in the future, it won't matter if he is accepted as a disciple.

However, I’m afraid it will have to be a thousand years later.

The next moment, the Immortal Master was seen taking out the spirit boat, carrying Mo Yu and Rou Zhou Yan, and sailed directly into the weak water.

"Girl, grandpa is waiting for you at the Pure Land! Haha!"

The boatman dressed up to greet the immortal, waved towards Xiao Xianling from a distance, swayed the oar, and soon disappeared into the vast mist.

"Damn it!"

Recalling Mo Yurou's triumphant look, Xiao Xianling became furious and stamped her feet on the spot several times. Then she turned around and walked to a square table and sat down angrily. .

"Sister Xiao, you are so angry that it hurts you!"

Yu Junyao blinked her beautiful eyes and persuaded carefully.

"It's not all the fault of Ling Feng! I finally called grandpa here and wanted to give him some advice, but he turned out to be good. At the critical moment, he disappeared with me. It was so fun!"

Speaking of which, Xiao Xianling did have good intentions.

The reason why Jie Yinxian Zun was brought here was not to start a small business for Ling Feng.

He can even help Ling Feng overcome the calamity and so on.

The result was good, he invited grandpa here and made a wedding dress for that hateful Mo Yurou, and the Zhou Yan he brought back for her got a lot of blessings.

It's not that she has any prejudice against Zhou Yan, she just hates it. Zhou Yan was brought back by Mo Yurou. When she saw that Zhou Yan had picked up a big mistake, she naturally felt unhappy.

Now that grandpa is gone, all my good intentions are not in vain!

Seeing that there is less than one month left before the one-year deadline, where has this brat gone?

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Xiao Xianling was so angry that she slapped the table like crazy, which made Jin Chan feel distressed, "Miss Xiao, this is an antique table, ugh!"

"How big are you Gu!"

Xiao Xianling was worried that no one would vent her anger, so she kicked Jin Chan.

Poor Golden Toad, he was kicked to the ground and almost turned pale, croaking and screaming.

The descendants of the ancient demon around were all on tenterhooks.

You can't afford to offend this fierce bitch!

"Who provoked our Miss Xiao again?"

At this moment, a hearty voice came from outside Wangchuan Station.

But it turns out that Ling Feng is back!

"Ling Feng! (Brother Ling)"

Yue Yunlan, Yu Junyao, and Tuoba Yan's eyes suddenly lit up. Ling Feng was finally back!

After more than two months, Ling Feng seemed to have grown taller, and his whole aura seemed to have become more reserved.

Moreover, the whole person seems to be...

There is something indescribable...

Feng Shen is handsome!

It's like banishing an immortal.

"Smelly little boy!"

Xiao Xianling almost burst into tears when she heard this familiar voice.

My grandfather just left, and this kid came back?

Why don't you come back in three hundred years?

"Hey...what are you doing?"

Ling Feng was struck by Xiao Xianling's cannibalistic gaze, which made his heart tremble. "Didn't I come back within one year? Didn't I break my promise?"


Xiao Xianling was so angry that her teeth itched, "Do you know what you missed? Do you know? Do you know that the opportunities that I created for you with good intentions are just wasted by you?"

Xiao Xianling started to complain like a barrage of madness, until she looked at Ling Feng's aura and carefully observed his cultivation, and there was a brief moment of astonishment in her eyes.

" broke through?"

"A lucky break."

"Void Immortal...the...sixth level?"

Xiao Xianling's eyes were wide open. How could anyone reach the sixth level as soon as they broke through?

This guy, is he a monster?

"Well, the sixth level."

Ling Feng nodded, thought for a while, and wrote lightly: "Good luck, I will be on the seventh level soon."

Critical hit!

Another round of brand new critical attacks!

Xiao Xianling swallowed hard. It turned out that she was not only at the sixth level, but she had already stepped into the seventh level of the Void Immortal!



This guy is really a monster and a freak! !

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