Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3370 Yan Jinghong’s choice!

"How could it fast? This is too fast!"

Xiao Xianling stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, and even couldn't help but circle around Ling Feng several times, looking at Ling Feng carefully several times.

He is also a human being with two eyes and four hands. How could this guy be so outrageous?

But it turned out that after Ling Feng overcame the tribulation that day, because he was too weak, he directly meditated on the ancient road in the wilderness.

And the benefits of successfully surviving the tribulation of life and death, immortality and demons, gradually became apparent.

After ordinary people overcome the tribulation, it takes a lot of time to consolidate their realm, but this is not the case for Ling Feng.

After regaining his strength, Ling Feng seemed to be cheating, and his cultivation level increased even more, with new breakthroughs made almost every day.

Coupled with the ancient wild road in the depths, there was a lot of wild spiritual energy for Ling Feng to absorb.

The combination of many factors created the miracle of Ling Feng almost reaching the seventh level of the magic realm in just two months after overcoming the tribulation.

At this time, many eyes around him also looked over.

At this moment, in the lobby, in addition to the descendants of the ancient demons, there were other messengers from Tianzhi and holders of the Tianzhi Seal.

There are many geniuses from the ten ancient regions like Zhou Yan.

They had obviously heard the conversation between Ling Feng and Xiao Xianling just now.

When they learned that Ling Feng had been directly promoted to the seventh level of the magic realm not long after his breakthrough, they all had expressions as if they had seen a ghost.

Most of them had just broken through to the Immortal Realm, but some of the outstanding ones were able to rely on their stamina after the breakthrough to rush to the second level of the magic realm, or even the third level of the magic realm.

But it is simply unheard of for this breath to reach such a level that it is close to the seventh level of mana realm.

You know, even Zhou Yan, after receiving the original talisman seal from the Immortal Master, and spending several months in seclusion, he has only reached the third level of the magic realm.

Compared with a monster like Ling Feng, it pales into insignificance.

"It's just... not bad."

Ling Feng shrugged, with a nonchalant look on his face, as if he thought that breaking through to the seventh level of mana realm within a few months was just a trivial matter.


For a moment, there was silence among the full audience.

A series of cannibalistic gazes were glanced over at him, and then turned into envy, jealousy, and finally, into a long sigh.

How can the gap between people be so big?


Xiao Xianling even had the urge to strangle this guy to death, but she still endured it.

After all, the better Ling Feng is, the more proud he will be!

It's a pity that Mo Yurou couldn't witness this scene, otherwise, her expression would have been very exciting!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Xianling couldn't help laughing proudly.

Seeing Xiao Xianling's silly self-interest again, Ling Feng shrugged his shoulders and didn't bother to pay attention to this woman who was somewhat mentally ill. He walked directly in front of Yue Yunlan and the other three girls.

After a few words of greeting, Ling Feng couldn't help but ask: "By the way, why haven't you seen Yan Jinghong yet? Is he still in retreat?"

"That's not true."

Yu Junyao blinked her eyes and said slowly: "Yan Jinghong also left seclusion more than a month ago, and then he also asked Senior Meng Po about a secret realm to overcome the tribulation, and then went to seek a breakthrough."

"Not back yet?"

"He's back."

Yu Junyao bit her lip, "I came back three days ago, and then I didn't say anything and went into seclusion again."

"This kid really didn't disappoint me and successfully broke through."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled. After all, Yan Jinghong had the thousands of years of cultivation of Emperor Dutian. If he couldn't break through, it would be too inferior.

"Hey, you brat, thank me!"

Xiao Xianling finished her silly joy, and walked up to her with joy, pointed at herself, and said with a proud face: "I have done you a big favor!"


Ling Feng's eyes lit up, "What should I say?"

"After some talk from this young lady, grandpa has agreed to give the boy surnamed Yan a chance to take part in the test of Santu River. Tell me, how should you thank me?"

"Then I really have to thank you for Brother Yan."

A happy look appeared on Ling Feng's face, and Yan Jinghong felt sincerely happy.

If this kid can join Tianzhi, he will have his own backer in the Immortal Realm.

"No need."

At this moment, an icy blue figure flashed past the entrance.

The next moment, accompanied by a chill, it was Yan Jinghong.

After this guy broke through to the Immortal Path, the cold air that patrolled his body became even more terrifying.

It seems that his divine pattern of patrolling the sky has unlocked another seal, and his strength has naturally increased.

Even Ling Feng couldn't envy this.

Seemingly affected by the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, Yan Jinghong's originally indifferent temperament seemed to have become a little colder, and his whole body exuded an aura that was repelling people thousands of miles away.

"Brother Yan, you just said no, what did you mean?"

Ling Feng looked at Yan Jinghong and said a little puzzled.

"Ling Feng, there are some things I want to talk to you alone."

Yan Jinghong's eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, and his expression looked particularly cold, which seemed a little different from before.

"Hey, Yan Jinghong, aren't you acting stupid again?"

Tuoba Yan frowned, but she had not forgotten that when he was in Dongling Domain, Yan Jinghong had always regarded Ling Feng as his mortal enemy.

Now that he has broken through the immortal path, could it be that he feels that he is good again and wants to challenge Ling Feng?

Yu Junyao also frowned. She felt something was wrong with Yan Jinghong a few days ago. What on earth does this guy want to do?


Ling Feng waved his hand to signal the three girls to calm down, but smiled and glanced at Yan Jinghong, "I just have something to say that I want to talk to you alone."

The next moment, the two figures turned into electric shock at the same time, and disappeared into the lobby in the blink of an eye.

Only Yue Yunlan and the other girls were left, looking at each other in confusion, none of them knowing what kind of medicine these two people were selling in the gourd.

Not long after, Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong had returned to Tianzi Room.

"It seems that you met some people when you were promoted, right?"

Ling Feng looked at Yan Jinghong with a smile and said slowly.


Yan Jinghong nodded slightly and did not hide anything, "The Xuntian Divine Pattern in my body attracted the messengers from the Xuntian Ice Clan."

"Surveying the Ice Clan?"

Ling Feng's heart tightened.

His mother is also from the Xantian Ice Clan.

"They showed me another way."

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath and then slowly said: "I don't have to join Tianzhi like you. I can directly join the Xantian Ice Clan and become a member of the Xantian Ice Clan."

Ling Feng smiled. He took a deep look at Yan Jinghong. Seeing Yan Jinghong's determined eyes, he already understood many things.

"It seems that you have made your choice, right?"

Ling Feng smiled, with a flash of killing intent in his eyes.

Yan Jinghong's behavior was tantamount to betrayal of himself.

But soon, Ling Feng realized that if Yan Jinghong really wanted to betray him, why would he still stay here and wait for his return?

"Your reaction was calmer than I expected."

Yan Jinghong clasped his hands on his chest and said casually: "If it were me who was betrayed by my most trusted companion, I might have taken action. It seems that I am a little pretentious. In your heart, I have never They’re not important companions, are they?”

"In my impression, you are not such a hypocritical person, right?"

Ling Feng smiled lightly, "Because I know that you must have your own reasons for doing this."

"No one knows me better than you."

Yan Jinghong smiled with emotion, nodded immediately, and said slowly: "I chose to join the Xantian Ice Tribe for two reasons."

"you say."

"First of all, if you want to investigate some things, it will undoubtedly be much more convenient to break into the opponent's internal affairs. With the identity of the Xantian Clan as a protection, many things can be done naturally, right?"

"It makes sense."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "So, what about the second reason?"

"The Xuntian Ice Tribe is more suitable for me than Tianzhi. If I want to surpass you, follow you, step on your footprints, and repeat the path you have taken, it will only make me a little numb, and I will always be just chasing, but I can never surpass you."


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He had been defeated by many opponents, too numerous to count.

However, only Yan Jinghong never gave up.

Only such people are worthy of being their companions.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, raised his palm, and patted Yan Jinghong's shoulder gently, "Brother Yan, it's not easy to be an undercover agent. Have you thought clearly?"

"I think you should consider your own situation first. Even if you have Tianzhi's protection, I think with your restless temper, sooner or later the five immortal emperors will join forces to hunt you down."


Ling Feng couldn't help but raise his head and laugh, "If that day comes, will you become the executioner of the Xantian clan, or will you jump out and fight alongside me?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Yan Jinghong showed a rare smile and said calmly: "If that day comes, I will remember you as a brother and I will pick up your ashes."


Ling Feng nodded repeatedly, "This is my good brother!"

He took a deep look at Yan Jinghong, his lips trembled slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "We'll go our separate ways today. Be careful... in everything."


Yan Jinghong took a deep breath, which seemed to contain a thousand words, but in the end it just turned into one sentence: "Take care!"

After saying that, he crushed the talisman handed to him by the angel patroller.

From the River of Three Ways to the Immortal Realm, in addition to passing through the Plain of Rebirth, other major forces also have their own special passages.

Since Yan Jinghong is determined to join the Xantian Ice Clan, he will naturally not go to Changshengyuan with Ling Feng.

Seeing Yan Jinghong's figure gradually disappearing into the void, Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh and murmured to himself: "If that day comes, I hope you can remember your choice today..."

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