Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3374 The Avenue of Power!

The so-called Burning God Palace, as its name suggests, naturally tests the laws of fire.

If you are a monk who is proficient in the laws of fire, you will naturally take advantage of this level.

Because of this, when everyone entered the second palace of Burning God Palace one after another, Zhou Yan, who was rushing at the front, had already disappeared.

"The law of fire?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and put a smile on his lips. If the next levels were also powered by various laws, then it would be easy for him.

For him who has a chaotic body, he is proficient in all the five elements and three strange attributes.

Compared with those monks who only mastered the laws of a single system, or only had two or three systems of laws, they were simply blessed.

Since this palace is called the Burning God Palace, it is naturally not an ordinary ordinary fire.

The flames here have the ability to refine the origin of the soul.

If you lose your concentration for a moment and lose your footing, you will immediately fall into the weak water and lose your qualification for selection.

The person who rushed to the front seemed to be a little less lucky.

He is a monk with a single ultimate attribute, and his original law attribute is Western Geng Gold.

The laws of the metal system are just ordinary five-element attributes, and are not special. However, Western Geng Metal is mainly about killing, fierce and domineering, and it is the ultimate domineering attribute.

A monk who masters this law has all the abilities to attack rather than defend, and his killing aura is extremely fierce. If he fights against him, he will be frightened by his killing aura before he makes a move. With his strength, he will be timid first. Three points.

It's a pity that in the face of the flames of the Burning God Palace, it was restrained in every way.

Among the five elements, fire overcomes metal. The flames of the Burning God Palace are naturally capable of restraining Western Geng Metal. Not only that, he only attacks but does not defend, and has no ability to resist.

Under the strong attack, Western Gengjin's fierce aura was completely destroyed by the God-Burning Fire. In less than three breaths, the monk rushing at the front swayed, his feet were unsteady, and he fell directly into a weak state. in the water.

Then, with a flash of golden light, this person was eliminated.

At this level, the terrifying nature of the Nine Palaces of the Pagoda is truly revealed.

It's only the second level, and someone has already been eliminated.

You know, these people present are all the top genius monsters from all major domains!

In fact, the existence of the Nine Palaces of the Pagoda is to screen out geniuses who can condense more talismans and seals.

Although cultivating the ultimate single attribute does not absolutely mean that you cannot directly advance to the realm of Immortal Lord with a single Dao Fruit, such examples are extremely rare.

Therefore, using the Nine Palaces of the Buddha to screen out people whose attributes are too single or whose shortcomings are too obvious is also to allow them to get out of trouble as soon as possible.

Otherwise, even if they are allowed to join Tianzhi, their achievements throughout their lives will be very limited, and it will be a waste of Tianzhi's resources.

"It seems that attribute restraint is very important."

The monks who followed also understood the test of the Nine Palaces of the Pagoda.

Following closely behind him was a monk who was good at the laws of the three systems.

And one of the series is the ice series.

With the restraint of attributes, he successfully passed the test of Burning God Palace.

You only need to pass through the Nine Layers of Flame Gate in front of you, and you will be able to pass the level smoothly.

And with the lessons of the first eliminated monk, other monks, even if their attributes are restrained, or majoring in metal attributes, or majoring in wood attributes, will be converted into attributes that they are not good at, or give up. Attack, just defend.

If you can't dismantle the Flame Gate, then you can just resist it and pass the level.

Soon, when it was Ling Feng's turn, he saw Ling Feng open his mouth and inhale, swallowing the flames directly.

For his swallowing flames, these flames are good nourishment and should not be wasted.

And directly opening his mouth to swallow the strange fire is also a brand new ability awakened by Ling Feng's Chaos Dantian after he was promoted to Immortal Dao.

In the past, he could only swallow thunder, but now, he can swallow any ice, wind, rain, snow, or even magical weapons, immortal treasures, and magic weapons without hesitation. (Of course, the premise is that it is within the energy range that you can bear.)

In this regard, it is somewhat similar to the little goldfish.

After all, the little goldfish also integrates the blood of all the heavens and all races, as well as the blood of immortals and demons. In a sense, its belly is already very close to Ling Feng's chaotic dantian.


"What kind of monster is this guy?"

"You dare to swallow the fire that burns the gods?"

Ling Feng's operation immediately shocked many geniuses from various fields.

Among those present, there were many monks who majored in the fire element, or who also practiced the fire element, but none of them dared to swallow the God-burning fire like Ling Feng did.

Assuming that Zhou Yan walked quickly, otherwise, if he saw this scene, he would doubt his life.

It was also his luck. If Ling Feng's Chaos Dantian had already completed the evolution when he fought against Ling Feng before, his Tuo Di Ancient Divine Flame would probably have been swallowed up by Ling Feng.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

The milky voice sounded again, but it was the second head of the phantom god Qianjue, which was unwilling to be left alone and poked out of the cloak.

But it turns out that the field of vision between these two heads is also directly shared.

On the second head of the Phantom God Qianjue, he saw the big bright eyes staring closely at Ling Feng's back, with excitement flashing in his eyes.

"Jue, we have a rival! What do you think of that kid?"

On that young face, there was an expression of excitement.


The burly main body nodded slightly. Although he was still silent, the fighting spirit in his eyes could not be concealed at all.

As the saying goes, it is lonely at the top. Although the phantom god Qian Jue was born in the ancient domain of the wilderness, the largest and most powerful of the ten ancient domains, his strength was so strong that he suppressed all the geniuses of the same era, making them dim.

Even when he came to the Rebirth Plain and saw many monsters from other domains, few people could arouse his interest.

Ling Feng was the first existence that he took seriously.

After a while, it was finally the turn of the phantom god Qian Jue.

He stood in place, just raised his palm slightly and pushed forward.


In the whistling wind, the fire of burning gods was extinguished!

"The Great Way of Power?"

In the depths of the fog, the Jie Yin Tianzun, who was silently watching everything, finally couldn't sit still.

Even when Ling Feng swallowed the Burning God Fire just now, he was not so shocked.

Although there is no shortcut on the path of immortality, you need to condense the magic power step by step, condense the Dao fruit, and prove the ninth fruit to become an immortal.

But there is also a way, so-called one force breaks all laws.

The hand that the phantom god Qian Jue just showed was the ultimate pure law of power.

He and the first Western Gengjin cultivator who broke through the level also have similarities, but the difference is.

He just shattered the nine-layer Burning God Fire with one palm, and the Western Gengjin cultivator fell directly into the water.

The gap between them is completely incomparable.

"If this boy can really control the great way of power, I am afraid that his heaven-defying ability is not inferior to the Supreme God Body!"

The Immortal Master Jieyin stroked his long beard and took a deep breath.

I didn't expect that two such amazing monsters would appear at the same time in the same class.


A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Immortal Master Jie Yin. He looked at Ling Feng and the Illusion God Qian Jue as if they were two pieces of natural unpolished jade.

As long as they are polished and carved, their future achievements will be limitless!

After the Burning God Palace, there are the Ice Palace, the Fierce Wind Palace, and the Purple Thunder Palace.

These levels are also about the control of the power of the law, but every time you pass a palace, you will face three more gates of the law.

When you reach the Purple Thunder Palace, there are a full eighteen Purple Thunder Gates.

At this level, about 50% of the geniuses have begun to feel a little overwhelmed, and those who have been able to make rapid progress, in addition to Ling Feng and the Illusion God Qian Jue, there are three other geniuses from the ten ancient domains, who are not inferior.

Among them, Zhou Yan is included.

It can be said that Zhou Yan's performance to his current position is also very outstanding.

At least he did not stop all the way to the Purple Thunder Palace.

It must be said that although this guy likes to brag about himself, he does have some ability.

However, the further he went, the slower his speed became.

And at the Purple Thunder Palace, he was finally caught up by Ling Feng and his men.


When Zhou Yan smashed the last Purple Thunder Gate with one punch, Ling Feng also broke through the previous layer and appeared in the Purple Thunder Palace.

When Zhou Yan looked back and found that it was Ling Feng, his brows slightly frowned.

However, in front of Ling Feng, this guy obviously wanted to show off deliberately. He could have used 30% of his strength to break the Purple Thunder, but he used at least 90% of his strength.

Bang bang bang bang!

The earth-shaking explosion sounded throughout the Purple Thunder Palace, accompanied by a violent shaking of the pagoda bridge. Zhou Yan looked back at Ling Feng with great pride, as if to say: "See, this is my real strength!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. This guy showed off like this, and he was the one who suffered. If he couldn't pass the level at that time, it would be really interesting.

(PS: After a tiring day, I finally updated it without any interruption! Brothers, can you give me some votes or something?)

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