Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3375 Five Elements Palace!


In the Purple Thunder Palace, arcs of electricity surged, and the floating steps underfoot swayed more violently.

There are less than eight monks left who can reach Purple Thunder Palace all the way from Burning God Palace.

After the Purple Thunder Palace, there are still four palaces left.

The final passers-by will probably be no more than three, as Jieyin Xianzun guessed.

At the same time, after the geniuses from various regions entered the fog, the envoys directly crushed a talisman.

Naturally, they don't need to cross the Buddha Bridge, they can teleport directly to the other side.

"Follow me."

Xiao Xianling looked back at the three Yujunyao girls and gave them an explanation. The talisman in her hand flashed with brilliance. The girls only felt that there was a burst of light and darkness in front of their eyes, and they had already arrived on the other side of the Futu Bridge.

All the messengers will be waiting on the other side, and those geniuses who have been eliminated can only go back the same way, either back to Wangchuan Station, or to other places.

But for at least three hundred years, there will be no chance to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

This is also normal. You have just been promoted to the magic realm, and before your foundation is not deep enough, it is almost difficult to completely pass the Nine Palaces of the Pagoda.

After all the messengers arrived on the other side, another group of monks appeared on the Plain of Rebirth, coming from all directions.

These are the first two batches of Tianzhi Seal holders who have practiced in the Three Ways River for three hundred or six hundred years.

According to the law of Tianzhi's induction, three hours after the new batch of Tianzhi Seal holders enter the Nine Palaces of the Buddha, they can enter the Nine Palaces of the Buddha for the trial. (In other words, three hours have passed since Ling Feng and the others entered the Nine Palaces of Pagoda.)

As a price for practicing for hundreds of years, the trials they face will also become more difficult.

To put it another way, most of the new batch of monks brought up have just broken through, so of course there will be a period of novice protection.

And these people are already veterans. If they have been practicing for hundreds of years and cannot obtain sufficient improvement, they will naturally not be qualified to become members of Tianzhi.

Soon, nearly forty more people gathered on the Plain of Rebirth.

Unlike the new batch of Tianzhi Seal holders, they were not led by envoys.

After all, we are all veterans and we are very familiar with the rules.

"Are the testers from previous years also here?"

Deep in the mist, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Jieyinxian Zun's mouth. With a wave of his hand, some changes took place in the four previous palaces of the nine palaces of the pagoda.

It just increases the difficulty a little, but not too much. Otherwise, their chances of passing may be infinitely close to zero.

"This time, I won't be eliminated again!"

"With the experience last time and the three hundred years of hard training, I will definitely pass all the nine palaces this time!"

"This is my last chance. If I fail this time, I will never have the chance to advance to the Immortal Realm!"

Among the crowd, a kind of monks were gearing up.

They have all wasted at least one opportunity. If they fail to pass three times, it means that they can only die in the Three Rivers.

If you cannot ascend to the Immortal Realm, you will not be able to break through the magic realm in your life. When your life span is exhausted, you will have to wait for death.

Moreover, they cannot return to their original star field and reunite with their former relatives and loved ones.

It can be said that the moment you step into the River of Three Ways, you are destined to embark on a road of no return.

Or, advance all the way, ascend to the fairyland, and reach the top step by step.

Otherwise, it can only turn into withered bones in the Three Ways River.

Therefore, unlike those monks who broke into the Nine Palaces of the Buddha for the first time, most of their moods were excitement and anxiety.

"Everyone, you can enter the Nine Palaces of the Pagoda to participate in the trial."

Hearing the voice of Jie Yinxian Zun, the monks all tightened their fists, and then, the figures turned into electric shocks and rushed directly into the mist.

Based on past experience, if you fail to pass the Nine Palaces of the Pagoda the first time, the further you go, the smaller your chances of passing will actually be.

After all, real monsters are never built up over time.

But there are no absolutes, and perhaps there will be one or two exceptions.

Among the old and new batches of monks from the lower realm, it was enough for five people to pass through all the nine palaces of the pagoda.


On the other side, apart from Zhou Yan who was at the forefront, Ling Feng was the second genius to challenge the Purple Thunder Palace after him.

Unlike Zhou Yan who powerfully destroyed the Purple Thunder Gate, Ling Feng's strategy still only had one word.


He opened his mouth and swallowed without making any sense.

As his figure passed by, purple thunder intertwined, crushing him into powder.

However, Ling Feng just opened his mouth and inhaled, and the thunder was instantly absorbed into the Chaos Dantian and became the nourishment for the Dantian.

After all, it was only a test for mana realm monks. Ling Feng broke through and almost reached the seventh level of mana realm.

If he can't bear it, who else can pass the test?

The monks behind were dumbfounded one by one.

Since entering the Nine Palaces of the Pagoda, Ling Feng has swallowed fire, ice, wind, and thunder...

What is the structure of this guy's belly?

And the one who has also maintained high intensity and stable output is the Phantom God Qianjue.

Ling Feng can devour all kinds of attributes, and he can defeat all kinds of magic with one force.

Whether it's storm, ice, fire or thunder, it's all a punch!

From the beginning to the end, the illusory god Qianjue only exposed the ability of the burly body among them, but in fact, the illusory god clan is the twins of infants and spirits.

The ability of the young head on his shoulders is no less than that of the head on the burly torso!

Ling Feng and the Phantom God Qianjue are undoubtedly like two twin stars standing proudly in the sky, exuding absolutely crushing heat and light.

The rest of the geniuses and monsters were all dimly reflected.

After the Purple Thunder Palace, the test of the Nine Palaces of the Pagoda has obviously undergone new changes.

It is no longer a test of a single attribute, but the power of laws mixed together!

And the sixth palace of the nine palaces of the pagoda is the Five Elements Palace!

This level is not to break through the door to condense the Five Elements Laws, but to condense the Key to the Five Elements on the basis of controlling the Five Elements Laws.

In other words, you can pass the previous levels regardless of whether your destructive power or defense power is up to standard.

But when you reach the Five Elements Palace, you need to control the power of the law and reach the corresponding standards.

Otherwise, it will be impossible to tame the aura of the Five Elements in the Five Elements Palace and condense the key to the Five Elements.

Zhou Yan, who had been making great progress all the way and wanted to win the championship in one fell swoop, finally stopped at this level.

Among the five elements of attributes, he is best at the law of fire, while the other laws are relatively weak.

And if you want to condense the key of the five elements, even if you use the changes of the five elements, you still need at least three attributes to compensate for each other.

Zhou Yan only relies on a single fire law, so this level may be difficult for him.

After Ling Feng entered the Five Elements Palace, he quickly figured out the mystery.

For his body of chaos, this level is basically not difficult.

The power of chaos can be transformed into any attribute.

Not to mention, he also has the heaven-defying "Origin of Creation" supernatural power. Among them, the method of commanding orders, even if it has no attributes at all, can directly tame the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for his use.

Therefore, this level is even simpler for Ling Feng than the previous five levels.

In just a few blinks, Ling Feng had already condensed a flawless key to the Five Elements and successfully passed the level.

Seeing Ling Feng coming from behind, Zhou Yan suddenly became a little uneasy.

Although there was no time limit for the trial of the Nine Palaces of the Buddha, he was the first to rush in, but was overtaken by Ling Feng.

This is undoubtedly a shame for the arrogant Zhou Yan.

But soon, the guy calmed down.

In this case, the more impatient you are, the harder it will be to pass.

Soon, other people entered the Five Elements Palace one after another.

Like Zhou Yan, they were also in trouble.

Not everyone can master various five elements laws like Ling Feng.

After all, the attributes of the five elements are the most basic laws. Most monks, except for single-law monks, will choose more advanced laws when practicing the second original law.

For example, the three strange attributes, ice wind and thunder.

Another example is light and darkness, yin and yang, strength, speed, sound waves, and even killing attributes, sharp attributes, poison attributes, annihilation attributes, etc...

Of course, there are also spatial attributes and time attributes. These two attributes are relatively rare.

As we all know, the more advanced the attributes, the stronger the power you can get.

Therefore, when energy is limited, in addition to choosing the Five Elements attribute for the first attribute, relatively more advanced attributes will be chosen for the second attribute and even the third attribute.

Otherwise, not only will it consume a lot of time, but your own improvement will also be very limited.

Who knows, in this Five Elements Palace, if you follow the conventional method, you need to master at least three attributes of the Five Elements.

This alone is probably enough to screen out 99% of the monks.

Therefore, every monk who passed through the Purple Thunder Palace finally stopped after entering the Five Elements Palace, with nothing to do.

And until Phantom God Qianjue entered here, after knowing the rules, Phantom God Qianjue also frowned obviously.

It is true that one force can defeat all means, but in this situation, his power is completely useless.

Unless, he can destroy the entire magic circle.

However, if he really has this kind of power, he may be able to replace the seat of the Immortal Master.

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