Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3376 You’re leaving this alone!

"Sorry, how do I pass this level?"

"Damn it, I only have a single fire attribute, am I going to fail at this level?"

"I'm not willing to give in!"

Soon, all the geniuses from the lower world who had successfully passed through the five palaces in front had gathered here.

In addition to Ling Feng, even the Phantom God Qianjue, who had always been dominating the world and making great progress, was stopped.

There was a slight sweat on Zhou Yan's forehead. If he wanted to condense the key of the five elements, even if he used the rules of the five elements to transform, he would still need at least three attributes of the five elements.

Among the people present, it is true that there are more than three types of Five Elements attributes, but there are almost no people who have all three Five Elements attributes reaching the same level and can condense the key of the Five Elements.

After all, the condensation of the Key to the Five Elements requires a high degree of control over the laws of the Five Elements.

If there is an imbalance in the Five Elements Law, using the Five Elements to create and counteract the transformation of the Five Elements' spiritual power is just empty talk.

"I can't do it alone. If I work together, I should be able to do it!"

At this moment, among the crowd, a slightly thin man wearing a light blue robe suddenly said: "Since the rules here are not to go through the levels one by one, but for us to all gather together. Here, mutual cooperation should be within the scope allowed by the rules.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.


I would like to ask, if conditions permit, who would choose the most basic Five Elements attributes when choosing the second source attribute or even the third source attribute?

Doesn't that mean that, theoretically, no one should be able to pass this level?

But since he is a screening genius, there should be no such loopholes!

"I think this level tests not only personal abilities, but also collaboration abilities! After all, if we can join Tianzhi in the future, we are all brothers in the same sect, and it is natural for us to cooperate with each other. Right?"

"Yes, it must be so!"

Everyone nodded. Since he could not pass the test alone, then collaboration with multiple people should be the only way.

However, they have never cooperated before. In order to condense the secret key of the Five Elements with each other's cooperation, there must be sufficient tacit understanding.

If you want to condense the secret key of the Five Elements, you need to control the power of the Five Elements Law very accurately. If the attributes of any series are imbalanced, the Key of the Five Elements will automatically collapse.

Therefore, although the plan of multiple people cooperating to condense the key to the Five Elements has been proposed, it is still quite difficult to put it into practice.

Deep in the mist.

Jie Yinxian Zun narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a faint arc at the corner of his mouth: "The quality of this batch of little guys is pretty good. They actually thought of cooperating to pass the customs so quickly. However, it is not easy to succeed! "

First of all, absolute trust between each other is a huge threshold.

After all, it was basically their first time meeting each other, and they had almost no interaction with each other.

The words "absolute trust" are easy to say, but in practice, they are extremely difficult.

"In the final analysis, the Supreme Divine Body is still the Supreme Divine Body!"

Following the Immortal Lord's gaze, he directly entered the next level from the Five Elements Palace, the Three Wonders Palace.

As the name suggests, the Five Elements Palace tests the control of the Five Elements Laws, and the Three Wonders Palace naturally tests the control of the Three Wonders of Laws.

Ling Feng's body of chaos undoubtedly showed its true power at this time.

For Ling Feng, the key to the Three Wonders of the Three Wonders Palace was condensed in just thirty breaths.

"It seems that this little guy will probably break the historical record of clearing the nine palaces of the pagoda in the past ten thousand years!"

Jie Yinxianzun stroked his long beard. Before that, the monks from the lower realm passed through the nine palaces of the pagoda for a whole day and night.

So far, the trial has only been open for about three hours.

In other words, as long as Ling Feng passes through the remaining two palaces within nine hours, it will be enough to break the record.

"This kid will definitely shock the top management of Tianzhi!"

Jie Yin Xianzun smiled with satisfaction. His unreliable little granddaughter finally did something beautiful this time!

"The power of the five elements, the power of the three wonders..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, striding across the Gate of Three Wonders. He thought that the test of the Three Ways River would be so difficult.

Unexpectedly, from the beginning to the end, I broke through to the seventh level without even exerting my strength.

"I wonder what the next level will be like?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. He looked back and saw that there was nothing behind him. He was the only one in the entire Sanqi Palace.

"Would my performance be too outstanding?"

Ling Feng began to think deeply.

He infiltrated the Tianzhi organization just to find a backer so that he could have a place to stay in the fairyland.

By the way, you can hide it and leave yourself some time for "obscene development".

If it's too high-profile, I'm afraid it won't be easy to hide.

"Hey, it's so sad!"

Ling Feng sighed softly. He originally wanted to keep a low profile, but who knew that his strength would not allow it!

I just rushed in casually and rushed to the front before I even exerted my strength.

If his thoughts were known to the geniuses trapped in the Five Elements Palace, they would probably vomit blood.

You put it here and put it here!

"As the next level begins, we have to keep a low profile and wait until they are ready."

Ling Feng thought about it and still felt that he couldn't be too high-profile. If he left too many geniuses from other major ancient regions, then the possibility of his identity as a descendant of the Tiandao clan being exposed would undoubtedly be greatly increased.

After all, they all come from the ten ancient regions. Is it appropriate for me, an unknown junior from an ordinary star region, to be thousands of miles away from them?

How inappropriate this is!

While he was thinking wildly, with a burst of light and darkness in front of him, he had entered the eighth palace of the nine palaces of Pagoda, the Palace of Inner Demons!

This level tests the state of mind.

After a while, Ling Feng felt that the scene in front of him was changing, and his state of mind was being tested, which was nothing more than emotions, lust, wine, sex, and wealth.

For Ling Feng, this kind of test has long been numb.

In comparison, the test of the Three Thousand Floating Worlds in the Holy Snow Mountain was several times more difficult than that of the Heart Demon Palace.

However, Ling Feng made up his mind to keep a low profile and wait for the people behind him first.

Therefore, he directly sat down cross-legged on the floating steps, and then began his superb acting skills.

His forehead was sweating, his whole body was shaking slightly, and the expression on his face was sometimes intoxicated, sometimes fanatical...

Everything seems to be trapped in a quagmire of emotions and desires, and it is impossible to extricate oneself.

"You actually stopped at the Heart Demon Palace?"

Jie Yinxianzun watched all this and couldn't help but shook his head, "It seems that he is still too young after all, and his mental state of concentration cannot keep up with his own talent and cultivation!"

However, this is normal. Most of the monks who entered the Nine Palaces of the Buddha spent the longest time on this level.

As everyone knows, Ling Feng's performance was so painful and uncomfortable. I could only pray silently in my heart. Those "geniuses" behind me, please hurry up!

At the same time, the geniuses trapped in the Five Elements Palace also formed groups of three or four and began to try to cooperate to condense the key to the Five Elements.

However, this is not an easy task for these monks who are far from establishing a tacit understanding with each other.

Moreover, condensing the Key to the Five Elements requires a lot of mana.

Each failed attempt means that the distance to passing the level is further away.

Even the arrogant Zhou Yan could only put aside his pride and chose to cooperate with the other two monks.

Except for the phantom god Qian Jue.

I saw the cloak on his shoulders shaking, and his immature little head poked out again.

"Jue, it looks like you need my help?"

"No need."

Illusion God Qianjue shook his head, silently put the cloak back on his head, and stared ahead with a pair of bright eyes.

"Brother Qianjue, do you want... to come together?"

A man who looked a little thin, whose aura was not very powerful, who even looked a little pale, and whose temperament was a little gloomy, walked silently to the side of the phantom god Qian Jue.

At this moment, there are a total of eight geniuses from the lower realm gathered in the Five Elements Palace.

If there are three people in a group, there are two people left.

Illusion God Qianjue did not form a team with anyone else, so only the thin man was left.

Because he seemed to be the weakest, this man could not find a teammate, so he could only stay alone.

With the mentality of giving it a try, he could only find the illusory god Qian Jue.

Phantom God Qianjue looked back at the thin man. His tall and burly body was as majestic as a mountain of flesh in front of the thin man.

"What? Did I hear you correctly? You want me to be your teammate?"

A childish voice sounded. Before the Phantom God Qianjue could speak, his chatty head could no longer hold back.

"No...can't you?"

"No need."

Illusion God Qianjue withdrew his gaze and coldly rejected the thin man. His whole body was filled with aura, which made the man retreat in shock.

If you are not careful, you may be knocked off the floating steps and fall directly into the water.

"You are so inhumane!"

The young head poked out of the cloak again, frowned, and then said thoughtfully: "Yes, that guy is indeed a little weak, there is nothing we can do."


The so-called murder and heart-breaking, the face of the thin man suddenly became a little gloomier.

After all, he is also a genius who was brought back from the ten ancient realms. When he was in the lower realm, he was not the proud son of heaven who was admired by the stars.

Now actually...

What a shame!

But this is the law of this world, the strong is the king, and it is eternal no matter where he goes.

He tightened his fists and could only hope that if someone in the other teams was weak, he might still have a chance.

Time passed bit by bit.

The monks started trying again and again, but it was obvious that if the team lacked trust, they would still need to go through some trials if they wanted to succeed.

During this period, Illusion God Qianjue silently walked to the front, but did not try to condense the key of the five elements. Instead, he seemed to be sensing the surrounding aura of the five elements.

An hour...

Two hours...

Finally, the Illusory God Qianjue suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole aura suddenly changed dramatically.


The Pagoda Bridge swayed, and the heaven and earth seemed to resonate with his breath.

Immediately afterwards, the five elements of spiritual energy swirled around him, and the originally extremely violent spiritual energy turned toward him one after another...


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