Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3377 Guardian Spirit!

The spiritual energy of the five elements surrendered, and the Phantom God Qianjue's eyes condensed. The originally unruly spiritual energy actually condensed on its own according to the will of the Phantom God Qianjue.

Not long after, a perfect key to the Five Elements was suspended in front of the Phantom God Qianjue. As the Five Elements Gate opened, the Phantom God Qianjue flashed and passed directly through the light gate and entered the next palace.

"This this……"

"He He……"

"How can it be?"

In the presence, a genius from the lower world stared at the back of the illusory god Qian Jue with big eyes and small eyes.

Actually, there is such an operation?

It's a pity that they can only look at it.

After feeling sad for a while, we can only hope to cooperate with each other to condense a key to the Five Elements.

"Does the law suppress it? As expected of the Great Way of Power, his understanding of the law of power is no less than that of an ordinary little fairy!"

Jie Yinxian Zun stroked his long beard and nodded secretly.

He is only in the realm of magic power, but he can actually suppress and tame the five elements of spirits through laws.

You must know that the spirit of the five elements in the Five Elements Palace is different from the aura of heaven and earth in the lower realm.

If he were a young Immortal Lord from the Talisman Realm and could achieve this step, it would not be surprising at all to receive the Immortal Lord.

But Qianjue, the illusory god, is clearly only in the magic realm.

"There are monsters every year, but this year there are especially many."

Jieyin Xianzun smiled with satisfaction. You must know that the Phantom God Qianjue has only shown half of his abilities and has already reached this point.

I wonder what kind of surprise his second head will bring?

As the Phantom God Qianjue entered the Sanqi Palace, it didn't take long before some of the geniuses who had failed to pass the trials in the previous two sessions finally began to enter the Five Elements Palace.

Unlike the geniuses who came here for the first time, they are already experienced.

Therefore, when they came in, they were basically in groups of five or three. The team had already been formed long ago, and they had not been idle during the hundreds of years they had been in Santu River.

Once you enter the market, you are basically an expert.

The speed at which they can condense the Key to the Five Elements is obviously more than one level more efficient than the new batch of geniuses.

But even so, it is basically not a one-time success.

It can be seen from this that the condensation of the key to the five elements is by no means easy.

Time passed little by little.

After comprehending the suppression of the law, it was basically only a matter of time before the Phantom God Qianjue passed through the Sanqi Palace.

Different from the first time he used the Law to suppress, he used the Law of Power to suppress the Law of Five Elements, which took a full two hours.

But in the Sanqi Palace, it only took him an hour to suppress the Three Qi Laws.

The door of the three wonders opened, and there was another burst of light and darkness.

Finally, the second trialist also entered the Inner Demon Palace.

"Has someone finally arrived?"

Ling Feng, who had been waiting hard in the Heart Demon Palace, sensed the second breath entering the Heart Demon Palace, and was secretly surprised.

Good guy, but let yourself wait for a while!

It’s been three hours, and you’re finally here!

However, this level is a bit stretchy.

Isn't it just to condense the key to the five elements and the key to the three wonders? Is it so difficult?

How many more hours will it take?

However, Ling Feng still closed his eyes tightly, as if he was still addicted to the illusion of inner demons, unable to extricate himself, and was completely unaware of all external objects.

When the illusory god Qianjue entered the Heart Demon Palace, he couldn't help but look at Ling Feng.

"Jue, it seems he has been here for a long time?"

The cloak swayed, and the childish face poked out again. A pair of big black eyes scanned Ling Feng's body, and then he said: "I really didn't expect that he could condense the key of the Five Elements so quickly. He Sanqi's Key is many times faster than us."

"At this level, surpass him."

Illusion God Qianjue still cherished his words like gold, his eyes condensed, and the golden light in his eyes became a little dim.

"Qian, I leave it to you."

The next moment, the burly body seemed to shrink, shrinking rapidly.

And with this flash of silver light, the originally tall and burly Phantom God Qianjue turned into a thin boy who looked to be only eleven or twelve years old. He looked very childish and even a little cute.

The originally broad cloak was now like a big tent, covering the young man's body, almost squeezing his entire body inside.

But fortunately, the cloak seems to be a treasure.

Along with the figure of Phantom God Qianjue, it also shrank automatically, just matching its current body shape.

On his right shoulder, there was still a bulging head, but it was shrunk to a certain proportion and couldn't be seen at all under the cover of the cloak.

Different from the other chatty head, after changing his body, the other head was very calmly huddled in the cloak and did not even make a sound. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't have noticed that this boy actually had two heads. head.


The young man stretched out comfortably and said, "Jue, you should have a good rest. This kind of test that involves the soul still depends on me!"

It turns out that Huan Shen Qianjue should actually be two people, Huan Shen Qian and Huan Shen Jue, who are just twin infant spirits, sharing one body.

The young boy is Huan Shen Qian, and the burly man is Huan Shen Jue.

It may not be easy to believe it, but in fact, Qian is the elder brother, and Jue is the younger brother.

As he was talking to himself, the Phantom God Qian had already crossed the peak. Even though the soul-eating nightmare mist shrouded him, it was unable to disturb his mind at all.

The silver light flashed in his eyes, and wherever he passed, the world was clear. His powerful soul power actually had the ability to purify the nightmare mist.

As if being provoked, the soul-eating nightmare mist gathered crazily, seeming to want to directly invade Huan Shen Qian's spiritual sea.

It's a pity that he was completely purified before he could get within three feet of Huan Shen Qian.

Even Ling Feng was secretly stunned by such a powerful purification power.

Although he could completely ignore the interference from the soul-eating nightmare mist, he could never purify it so completely.

The physique of the Phantom God Qianjue is definitely not simple.

And this so-called Heart Demon Palace is naturally useless in front of the Phantom God Qianjue.

In only about thirty breaths of time, Illusion God Qianjue walked through all the floating steps very smoothly, and passed the test of the Heart Demon Palace in an understatement.

"It's actually a guardian spirit!"

The Immortal Lord Jieying, who was watching everything secretly, was once again shocked by the Phantom God Qianjue.

Others can't see it. With his vision and qualifications, how could he not understand it.

The second soul of the phantom god Qian Jue actually has a guardian spirit.

The so-called guardian spirit is someone who has accumulated cultivation skills in his past life and passed down the heaven-defying secret skills from generation to generation. It is a kind of parasitic spirit that is born from the soul aspirations of generations of predecessors, constantly superimposed and accumulated.

This kind of parasitic spirit will choose a descendant to be parasitic in each generation and protect it for life.

And before his end is approaching, he will also use the same secret technique, superimpose his own willpower, and continue to pass it on to the next generation of descendants.

After being passed down from generation to generation, the guardian spirits will become more and more powerful, and the descendants who obtain the guardian spirits will be born with incomparable divine soul origins that defy the heavens.

This secret technique of cultivating guardian spirits is extremely rare even in the fairyland.

Unexpectedly, I can actually see it here today.

Jieyin Xianzun took a deep breath and murmured to himself, "With the power of the avenue, coupled with the protection of the guardian spirit, the magic god Qianjue's defiance of the heavens is probably not as good as that Lingfeng!"

At the same time, after the Phantom God Qianjue passed through the Heart Demon Palace, Ling Feng finally stopped "acting".

However, the so-called full performance was when Ling Feng looked up to the sky and roared, as if he had some realization, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, he passed the Heart Demon Palace very smoothly and entered the last palace among the nine palaces of the Buddha, the Sky Wheel!

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