Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3378 The Wheel of Time! The gap between time and space!

"Successful! Hahaha, finally successful!"

Time passed little by little, and while the fantasy gods Qianjue and Ling Feng entered the last palace of the Nine Palaces of the Pagoda one after another, the monks who were trapped in the Five Elements Palace finally had a team that took the lead in condensing the Key to the Five Elements.

This is a team of five people. Each person is responsible for one of the attributes of the Five Elements. They directly use the power of the Five Elements to condense the key of the Five Elements. Compared with those three-person teams, they also need to use the changes of the Five Elements to create and destroy, and the difficulty is undoubtedly higher. Weakened a lot.

However, the cooperation of five people also adds more uncertainty, relatively speaking.

Three-person teams and five-person teams actually have their own advantages and disadvantages.

But no matter what, someone finally succeeded.

With the opening of the Five Elements Gate, this five-person team finally successfully entered the next level, the Sanqi Palace.

For this level, the five people must regroup, which means that among the five, only three at most can pass smoothly.

Seeing that someone successfully completed the condensation of the Five Elements Key, the other monks trapped in the Five Elements Palace began to feel a little anxious.

Suddenly someone's mentality becomes unstable, and all previous efforts are immediately wasted.

After repeated failures, everyone's mana was consumed very quickly. Including the previous two batches of lower realm geniuses, more than half of them have been eliminated.

"Damn it!"

Zhou Yan was unwilling to give up. Although the other two teammates he formed a temporary team were not bad, there was a lack of tacit understanding between the three of them and they were unable to truly build trust. Therefore, they also failed five times in a row. It has been unable to condense the key to the Five Elements for a long time.

"If this continues, all my mana will be exhausted before I can condense the Key to the Five Elements."

Zhou Yan clenched his fist tightly. If he continued like this, even if he was lucky enough to pass this level, there would be three more levels to come. He was afraid that he would not be able to pass this trial no matter what.

However, when he thought that Ling Feng had passed independently early, he was absolutely unwilling to give up.

"You two, there is no tacit understanding or trust between us. If this continues, we will all be eliminated."

Zhou Yan took a deep breath, stared at the two temporary companions, gritted his teeth and said: "If this is the case, we should give up as soon as possible, because no matter how hard we try, it will be in vain."

The other two, who can become top geniuses in their respective star fields and stand out, are naturally not fools.

They all knew that what Zhou Yan said was indeed true.

During these few hours, they were all working in separate camps, unable to move to the same place.

If this is the case, how can the five elements be in control and reincarnation?

"So, Brother Zhou, what do you think?"

One of the men, who was wearing a black robe and had a slim appearance, said in a deep voice.

The other person also stared at Zhou Yan, as if waiting to see if Zhou Yan had any good ideas.

"Both of you, we have met each other for the first time, so naturally there can be no tacit understanding or trust at all. And those monks who have participated in the trials a few years ago have probably known each other for at least three hundred years. We can't compare with them."

"Then what should we do? Should we just give up?"

The man in black robe frowned slightly, "It's not easy to get to this point. Although it is said that the trial can be carried out again in three hundred years, but if it is possible, who doesn't want to be promoted to the Immortal Realm as soon as possible instead of wasting time here? ”

"Of course I'm not giving up."

Zhou Yan took a deep breath, "I want to say that since it is impossible for us to achieve the same tacit understanding as those monks who have been working together for hundreds of years, then why not let one of us completely dominate and control us?" The bodies of the three are fused with the keys of the five elements.”

"did you mean……"

The black-robed man's eyelids twitched, "You want to put your soul into our two spiritual seas? And then, do three things at once?"


Zhou Yan nodded, "To be honest, I am an alchemist, and I have long mastered the method of distraction and multi-purpose. If you two can trust me, I can completely control your bodies and invoke the Five Elements Law in your body." !”


For a moment, Zhou Yan's two teammates fell into silence.

Opening up the spiritual sea to outsiders and leaving it undefended is undoubtedly a taboo for monks.

Once the intruder has ulterior motives, he may become the other party's puppet and slave for the rest of his life.

Without absolute trust, most people will never let outsiders break into their spiritual sea.

Although Zhou Yan's proposal is very constructive, it...

As the saying goes, people's hearts are separated from each other, but who can trust a stranger 100%?

"I know that my proposal is indeed somewhat inappropriate, but it is the only feasible way at the moment."

Zhou Yan looked at the two of them with great sincerity, "I can guarantee that after the matter is completed, Absolute Qiu will do nothing wrong and will not do anything unfavorable to the two of you. He also has two bottles of elixirs, which is just a little thought. ”

With that said, Zhou Yan directly handed over the elixir he had refined.

However, the two of them obviously still had some hesitation.

Looking at each other, neither dared to express their opinions easily.

"You two, even if you don't believe me, do I need to do something that I think is not self-serving? Don't forget, the reason why we are here is just to pass the test."

Zhou Yan continued to understand him with reason and moved him with emotion.

But everyone knows the truth, but putting your life and death in the hands of a stranger is equivalent to taking a big gamble with your life.

Ordinary people naturally do not have such courage.

"I believe you!"

Just when the two people were still hesitating, a woman's voice came.

Zhou Yan felt happy and turned around to see a graceful girl in a purple dress walking towards him.

Among the monks brought back from the lower realm, women account for a very small proportion.

And there is only one (among the newcomers) who can successfully pass the previous stages and reach the Five Elements Palace.

Zhou Yan still vaguely remembered that this woman seemed to be called Nangong Ziling, and she came from the Burial Flower Ancient Territory, the only one dominated by women among the ten ancient territories.

This Nangong Ziling is a direct descendant of the empress who dominated the Burial Flower Ancient Territory.

In terms of strength and talent, among the top ten newly promoted ancient geniuses, he should be second only to the Phantom God Qianjue.

And her cultivation has reached the astonishing fourth level of the magic realm!

"Miss Nangong."

Zhou Yan nodded slightly, "Okay, thanks to Miss's trust, now I only need one companion."

Zhou Yan looked at his two previous teammates. He only needed to gather three people. As for whether they were these two, it didn't matter.

"Let me do it!"

Before they could speak, the thin man who had been rejected by the Phantom God Qian Jue came over with his hand raised.

"I trust you!"

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I have been recharging my energy before, and the magic power in my body is still very sufficient. I should... have some advantages, right?"

"Okay, then it's you."

Zhou Yan nodded. Indeed, what this thin man said was a huge advantage!


Seeing that Zhou Yan had already selected his teammates, the two previous companions began to regret it again.

However, before they could speak, Zhou Yan shook his head and said calmly: "The opportunity is fleeting. If you miss it, it is gone. I'm sorry to you two."

He turned around and walked towards Nangong Ziling and the other thin man.

They exchanged their names with each other. It turned out that the thin man, named Li Lan, came from the Canglan Ancient Region. In total, he was the lowest among the ten ancient regions.

But it doesn't matter, being able to enter here has proven this guy's ability.

As the saying goes, people cannot be judged by appearance, and sea water cannot be measured.

I had never heard of the place where Ling Feng came from, and it was so unbelievable!

"Now, I need you to trust me absolutely and completely open the spiritual sea to me."

Zhou Yan stared at the two new teammates in front of him with a serious face. After explaining his thoughts, he started to take action.

Since there is a lack of tacit understanding between each other, then just let him be distracted and use the other two tools to pass the level together.

This is much easier than forcibly establishing a tacit understanding between three people with ulterior motives.

At the same time, Zhou Yan finally solved the problem of his teammates. On the other side, Ling Feng and Illusion God Qianjue, two monsters who had reached the final level directly, fell into an unprecedented dilemma. among.

"It's weird. This place is so weird!"

Huan Shenqian frowned and looked at the surrounding environment.

Here is the last palace of the nine palaces of the Buddha, the Kalachakra Palace, which can also be called the Kalachakra Palace.

Since he entered here, apart from seeing the huge windmill-like disk suspended in the air that kept rotating, the surrounding environment has not changed at all.

And similarly, Ling Feng also fell into the same impasse.

It was like an ordinary passage, and the light in front seemed to symbolize the exit, the end of the nine palaces of the pagoda.

However, when they carefully walked to the opposite side, they found that after the light, they were back to the original starting point.

It's like a maze with no exit. No matter how you go, you will end up in the exact same space, reincarnation and repetition.

again and again!

"When the wheel of time turns, everything returns to its original point. It is not easy to get out of the wheel of time!"

Jie Yinxian Zun witnessed all this, with a faint arc on his lips.

The laws of time and space are the most elusive and the most impenetrable of all laws.

As the saying goes, if you don't get out, time won't get out, and space is king.

Time and space, these two laws, are like dimensionality reduction attacks to other laws. They are top-level laws that are not at the same level at all.

It is the existence that stands at the top of the pyramid.

The time-traveling wheel is to fuse the laws of time and the laws of space.

Every time the Time Wheel rotates, the time and space in the Time Wheel Palace will be completely reset.

In other words, no matter how hard they try, they are just ants being played with by time and space.

If you want to jump out of the wheel of time, you must see through the so-called gap in time and space.

For top genius monsters, even if they have not mastered the laws of time and space, it is only a matter of time before they discover the gap between time and space.

However, the length of time for enlightenment is very revealing.

Being able to see through the gap in time and space within three days is an ordinary level that can be promoted to the Tianzhi organization.

If you understand the mystery in one day, you will have the opportunity to become an elite disciple.

Comprehension within six hours is the resource of Jiuyao and Six Yus.

If you gain insight within three hours, you can basically be sure that you have the qualifications to be promoted to Immortal Lord.

Before that, the record for the fastest genius to comprehend the gap between time and space was nearly two hours.

And if Ling Feng and Huan Shen Qianjue can both understand the gap between time and space within two hours, then, in other words, this time, two geniuses will appear at the same time, breaking the fastest record of passing through the nine palaces of the pagoda.

However, it is not yet known whether they can finally break the historical record.

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