Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3383 God controls the heaven!

In a vast white world, there is a vast glacier, and a cold figure hangs above the glacier.

However, the next moment, thousands of arrows were fired together, and the sharp arrowheads, like lightning and thunder, penetrated directly into the chest of the figure.

In an instant, both form and spirit were destroyed, and there was no recovery.


The next moment, Ling Feng woke up suddenly, and when he came to his senses, the clothes on his back were soaked with cold sweat.


After a while, Ling Feng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and murmured: "It turned out to be a dream..."

In the dream, the figure whose heart was pierced by thousands of arrows was clearly Yan Jinghong.

Half a month has passed since they said goodbye at Wangchuanyi.

At this moment, Ling Feng and his party, led by the Immortal Lord Jie Yin, followed the River of Three Ways and ascended to the legendary Immortal Realm.

"Why would you have such a strange dream?"

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed softly. He was meditating and adjusting his breath. Unexpectedly, he who seldom dreamed would actually dream about the scene of Yan Jinghong being killed.

"Is it possible that something unexpected happened to that guy?"

Ling Feng frowned, and Yan Jinghong went undercover to patrol the Ice Tribe. On the one hand, it was to better improve his cultivation, and on the other hand, it was also to help him find out information.

If Yan Jinghong was really killed, Ling Feng would not be able to escape the blame.

"Dreams and reality are contradictory. Perhaps, he has successfully sneaked into the Xantian Ice Clan."

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Now that he couldn't get in touch with Yan Jinghong at all, he had no choice but to believe in Yan Jinghong's good fortune.

As for myself...

Looking back, he and the Phantom God Qianjue were the only ones who successfully passed the test of the Nine Palaces of the Pagoda half a month ago.

There were actually two more people.

Zhou Yan from the Wuliang Ancient Territory, and Nangong Ziling from the Buried Flower Ancient Territory.

As for the geniuses left over from the previous two sessions, they were all wiped out again.

Facts have proved that if you fail the first time, then even if there are two more opportunities, the probability of passing is still very slim.

It was a fluke that Zhou Yan and Nangong Ziling were able to pass the level. They started from the Five Elements Palace and cooperated all the way until they entered the final Wheel of Time Palace.

In the end, after spending almost two days, I finally understood the gap between time and space and passed the last palace.

In other words, in this selection of the Nine Palaces of the Pagoda, there are a total of four people who finally pass the test.

There was one more person than Jie Yinxian Zun originally expected.

Therefore, it seems that the mood of receiving the Immortal Master is still good, and he actually personally led the four people who passed the customs to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

Not everyone can experience this kind of treatment.

After all, according to past practice, after presiding over the trial of the Nine Palaces of the Buddha, the Immortal Immortal Lord will leave, and those who pass the test will be introduced to the Immortal Realm by their envoys and taken to the gods where the Tianzhi Organization is located. Execute the heaven domain.

Those who are lucky enough to be personally guided by the Immortal Master and promoted to the Immortal Realm have already been promoted invisibly before they have even started.

To sum it up, Zhou Yan and Nangong Ziling are considered to have benefited from Ling Feng and Huanshen Qian.

And it has been almost ten days since he was taken to the Shenzhi Heavenly Realm by the Immortal Lord.

However, because the entrance selection assessment has not officially started yet, Ling Feng and several other geniuses from the lower world are temporarily arranged to live in a separate courtyard.

As for Yue Yunlan, Tuoba Yan and Yu Junyao, although they have terminated their spiritual pet contract with Xiao Xianling according to the previous agreement, they still continue to stay with Xiao Xianling as maids.

With Xiao Xianling as a "backer", she finally has a foothold in the fairyland.

Even if they are no longer in Tianzhi in the future, they can live a good life.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, throwing all distracting thoughts behind him.

Right now, the most important thing is tomorrow's entry selection.

I have been in this courtyard for ten days, and I can't wait to see the details of the Tianzhi organization.

If you are successfully promoted to Tianzhi Sect, you should be able to open up your cultivation resources and various immortal secrets to you.

"Brother Yan, I hope we can meet again in the future."

Ling Feng sighed softly, recalling the previous nightmare, feeling somewhat uneasy.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Ling Feng didn't think much and started meditating again. Soon, he fell into a state of emptiness and darkness again.

The East spits out white.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Early in the morning, there was a fierce knock on the door. Xiao Xianling was still sleeping. She was woken up by the knock on the door. She immediately frowned and said with an impatient look: "Who is it, so early in the morning?"

"Sister Xiao, it's us!"

Yu Junyao's voice came, "Today is the entry selection for brats. You said you would take us to see it!"

"Entry selection?"

In an instant, Xiao Xianling suddenly jumped up from the bed, "Is the day of selection and assessment coming so soon?"

He quickly put on his clothes and boots, and as soon as his figure flashed, he saw the door opening and closing, and Xiao Xianling had appeared in front of the three women.


Yu Junyao couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, and very familiarly stepped forward to arrange Xiao Xianling's clothes and accessories.

Xiao Xianling's carefree temperament really doesn't look like a young lady raised in a boudoir.

"Go, go, go!"

Xiao Xianling grinned, waved to Yue Yunlan and Tuoba Yan who were behind her, and said with a smile: "The so-called absence of one day is like three autumns. Are you guys in a hurry to see your lover?"

"What...what kind of lover!"

Yue Yunlan's pretty face immediately turned red to her ears, and she lowered her head, not daring to look into Xiao Xianling's eyes.

Tuoba Yan also looked away with a guilty conscience, his face flushed and almost bleeding.

"I don't know who begged for it in the first place. Otherwise, would this young lady be so short of maids that she would accept three at a time?"

Xiao Xianling continued to tease.

"Yes, yes, I just like that brat, so what!"

Yu Junyao, on the other hand, admitted openly and openly, and took Xiao Xianling's arm anxiously, "Lead the way, the selection is about to begin!"

"Hehe, someone is making a fuss!"

Xiao Xianling chuckled, but without wasting any more time, she led the three girls to the outer school grounds.

The Tianzhi Organization's entry-level selection, which only happens once every three hundred years, is held in the outer school grounds.

Not long after, when Xiao Xianling and the girls arrived at the school, a group of disciples participating in the selection had already entered the venue.

And the Immortal Lord Jieyin was sitting on a high platform, controlling the overall situation.

In addition, this year's entry-level selection is entirely under the sole responsibility of Yufeng Xianjun, one of the six emperors.

Immortal Lord Yufeng is also Mo Yurou's elder brother, Mo Qingfeng.

"Well, that's the contestants' bench over there. Your brother Ling Feng should be there."

Xiao Xianling pursed her lips and said casually.

"There are so many people!"

Yu Junyao couldn't help but be curious, "Didn't it happen that only four people passed the test of the Pagoda Bridge?"

"You are so naive."

Xiao Xianling shook her head and smiled, "You don't think that our Tianzhi organization will only recruit geniuses from the lower world, right? In this Shenzhi Tianyu, there are many immortal sects, thousands of families, and countless geniuses and evildoers. I want to join Tianzhi at my wits’ end, not to mention that in the Immortal Realm, there are no less than three thousand in a realm like ours.”

"Whenever our Tianzhi organization recruits disciples, there are at least hundreds of millions of people who sign up. Those in the contestants' seats have been screened at all levels, and they must be under three hundred years old. of young talents.”


The three girls Yu Junyao were obviously a little shocked. They did not expect that the competition for the entry-level selection of the Tianzhi organization would be so fierce.

Not only do they have to compete with the geniuses from the lower world, but they actually also have to compete with those young talents from the fairyland.

His background and starting point alone were already much higher than those of geniuses from the lower world like Ling Feng.

"However, don't worry, that brat was brought back by me personally, so of course there will be no problem!"

Xiao Xianling patted her chest, obviously not worried that Ling Feng could pass the selection.

After all, even if she made a mistake, how could grandpa make a mistake?


During the conversation, the eyes of Yu Junyao and the other girls naturally began to look for Ling Feng.

However, the Illusion God Qianjue, Zhou Yan and Nangong Ziling are all already in the contestants' seats, waiting for the selection to begin.

However, Ling Feng was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing that the selection was about to officially begin, could Ling Feng be absent?

For a moment, all three women became nervous, and even Xiao Xianling frowned.

"What's going on? Just disappear at the critical moment!"

Xiao Xianling was so angry that her teeth itched. This was not the first time!

According to the selection rules, even if you pass the trial of the Nine Palaces of the Buddha, if you are absent from the entry selection, it means losing the qualification for the selection.

Moreover, he is permanently disqualified!

The Tianzhi organization focuses on the word "zhi", with strict rules and strict law enforcement.

If you don't even respect the rules of entry selection, how can you become a Heavenly Advocate?

Xiao Xianling and the other girls were anxious, but not far away, Mo Yurou felt secretly proud when she saw this scene.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter how talented that kid is. If he misses even the entry selection, he will never be qualified to become a Heavenly Executor for the rest of his life! Xiao Xianling, you are still too young to fight with me!"

But it turns out that Ling Feng's absence is actually related to Mo Yurou!

At this moment, Ling Feng was also in trouble and felt helpless.

Because he is actually in countless palaces...

be lost!

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