Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3384 The Immortal Formation! Hanjiang Guying!

"Damn it, if I find that bastard, I will kill him!"

On the school grounds, geniuses from all walks of life have arrived and are waiting, and the entry selection is about to officially begin.

At the same time, Ling Feng lost his way among the palaces and towers.

And the root cause starts from an hour ago.

Originally, Ling Feng got up early in the morning and planned to go to the entrance selection venue earlier to survey the scene.

However, as soon as he went out, he met a Tianzhi disciple.

This disciple of Tianzhi claimed that a senior wanted to meet him. Ling Feng did not doubt that he was there, so he left with him to meet the senior.

After all, Jie Yinxian Zun had also said before that with his talent, he might be directly accepted as a direct disciple by that lord.

Maybe the senior this disciple refers to is your lord?

However, after the disciple led Ling Feng to a large hazy lake, he asked himself to wait here for a while.

He said that the senior would be here soon.

Ling Feng didn't have the slightest doubt. After all, he was a senior expert, so it was not surprising that he felt a bit mysterious.

However, after waiting for nearly half an hour, Ling Feng finally realized that something was wrong.

I will soon participate in Tianzhi's entry-level selection. I would like to ask the top management of Tianzhi, who doesn't know this, and why would they waste their time waiting here at this time?

Moreover, Xiao Xianling had repeatedly warned her about the seriousness of missing the selection.

Once absent, you will be permanently deprived of the qualification to become a Tianzhi Sect member.

How could the senior leaders of Tianzhi not understand this and deliberately delay their own time, making him absent and late.

This intention is not evil!

"I'm new here. I shouldn't have any enemies in Tianzhi, right? Why did you trick me like this?"

Ling Feng frowned. Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and a figure appeared in his mind.

That stunningly beautiful woman with silver hair just like me, Mo Yurou!

"It must be her!"

Apart from that woman, it was impossible and there was no reason for anyone else to do such a boring thing.

"You actually used this method to make me lose my qualification to compete! She really has the most vicious heart!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, not expecting that the overt and covert fight between Mo Yu Rou and Xiao Xianling would actually implicate him.

But this is more or less related to the fact that he flatly refused Mo Yurou's solicitation.

"If you can't get me, you want to destroy me?"

A trace of anger flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. If he was absent from the selection, even if the Immortal Master Jie Yin valued him, he would not challenge Tianzhi's rules for his own sake.

In other words, he will be expelled from the Divine Realm.

With his current level of cultivation and the fact that he knows almost nothing about the Immortal Realm, without Tianzhi as a backer, the situation would probably be very bad.

"This woman is really cruel. Next time we see you, I must teach her a lesson!"

Ling Feng snorted, but quickly calmed down.

Now is not the time to get angry, you must rush back to the school grounds as soon as possible to participate in the selection.

But soon, Ling Feng found that he was trapped.

With the big lake in front of it as its core, it turned out to be a huge maze within a radius of three hundred miles.

The so-called maze formation is different from the ordinary magic formation.

The most important thing about a magic circle is to trap the people in it with a barrier, but that's not the case with the maze circle.

Ling Feng has the boundary-breaking shuttle that Keweili gave him. If it is just a magic circle, he can directly use the boundary-breaking shuttle to break the barrier and leave easily.

But in the maze array, if you can't find out where the exit is, you will just wander around in the array without being able to find a way out.

This maze itself is already very difficult to deal with, not to mention that Ling Feng himself has the attribute of being a road addict.

Seeing time passing by, Ling Feng was trapped in the maze for almost half an hour.

In just one more moment, the entry selection will officially begin.

At this moment, Ling Feng was like an ant on a hot pot. Even with his state of mind, he could not help but become a little upset.

"no solution anymore!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and could only secretly activate the Eye of the Emperor to open his infinite horizons.

Originally, Ling Feng planned to stay within Tianzhi, and he would definitely not use the ability of the Eye of the Emperor if he could.

But right now, I can’t care about that much.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't even have a chance to get started.

"Dong dong dong!——"

In the school grounds, drums were beating loudly.

On the high platform, the Immortal Master Jie Yin sat upright, looking around the venue, stroking his long beard, with a faint smile on his lips.

There are a lot of talents in this entry-level election, and the major clans in the Immortal Realm, not to mention, there are two monsters emerging at the same time in the lower realm alone.

A born supreme divine body, comparable to the Supreme Being.

The other one, the twin infant spirit, is both the powerful avenue and the guardian spirit.

These two people are undoubtedly the future stars that the Immortal Master is optimistic about.

Just when Jie Yinxian Zun was lamenting that the great times were coming and the geniuses were rising together, his little granddaughter rushed up in a hurry.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!——"

Jie Yinxian Zun frowned slightly. This girl was really spoiled by him on weekdays. She would wander around everywhere and completely ignore the occasion.

"You girl!"

Jie Yinxian Zun could only stand up and hold Xiao Xianling, and said helplessly: "Girl, if you don't just stay in the audience seat, why did you come to grandpa! Let me declare in advance that grandpa cannot let you sit in the audience seat." Inside the cloud platform.”

"Who wants to sit on the cloud platform? Something happened!"

Xiao Xianling said angrily: "It's Ling Feng! Ling Feng..."

"Ling Feng?"

Jie Yinxian Zun's eyelids twitched, "What's wrong with him?"

"He...he's not here yet!"


Jie Yin Xianzun's expression suddenly changed. When did Ling Feng disappear at this time?

If Ling Feng was really absent, even as one of the three deities, he would not be able to help Ling Feng.

"What should we do, grandpa? If that brat is absent, then... wouldn't everything be in vain?"

Xiao Xianling looked anxious, "Grandpa, please find him quickly!"


Jie Yin Xianzun shook his head and smiled bitterly. Seeing his little granddaughter getting angry in a hurry, he said helplessly: "Okay, I will divide into three external incarnations to find him. Can you rest assured?"

"But in terms of time..."

Xiao Xianling pointed to the referee's seat below and saw Mo Qingfeng, the Immortal Lord of the Wind, who had already taken out the red incense used to worship heaven, lit it, and was about to insert it into the bronze cauldron directly in front of the school ground.

It takes almost a moment for that stick of incense to burn out.

Even if Jie Yin Xianzun sends three external incarnations, the incense may have burned out before Ling Feng can find it.

"Leave it to Grandpa."

Jie Yinxian Zun sighed, he was heartbroken for this little granddaughter!

The figure flashed, and at the same time as three external incarnations were separated, the next moment, the Immortal Master Jieyin also appeared next to the Immortal Lord Yufeng.


Jieyin Xianzun raised his hand and gently pressed it on Mo Fei's shoulder.

"Lord Immortal!"

Mo Qingfeng's eyelids twitched, and he quickly turned around and bowed to Jieyin Xianzun.

"No need to be polite."

Jie Yinxian Zun waved his hand and said with a slight smile: "Today is the day of the entry-level election of our Tianzhi organization once in three hundred years, and this election is full of talents and talented people. It can be said that the great world has come. Since it is How can we still use this kind of small incense in the big world? When the big world comes, of course we must use big incense!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Immortal Master Jieyin took out a two-meter-long large incense stick from his sleeve. With a flick of his hand, the incense stick was automatically inserted into the bronze cauldron and ignited.

There was a whirlwind of green smoke, and there was a commotion in the audience.

Immortal Lord is Immortal Lord, this situation is completely different!


The corner of Mo Qingfeng's mouth twitched slightly, "Good guy, such a long incense will take at least half an hour to burn."

"Sister, sister, I have really tried my best for my brother. Secretly ordering someone to help you lead that boy into the Immortal Enchantment Array is already breaking the rules. Now that the Immortal Lord has ended personally, there is nothing I can do about it. As for whether that boy can do it or not. It’s up to him to be there.”

Mo Qingfeng secretly smiled bitterly in his heart. If his sister hadn't begged hard and played a trick of crying, making trouble and hanging herself, he had no choice but to interfere and ordered someone to lead Ling Feng into the fairy formation.

"Infinite world, open!"

In the left eye, the Yin-Yang fish floated.

The fog that shrouded his eyes seemed to dissipate in an instant.

Above the lake, it was clear and clear.

Since he is surrounded by this big lake and can't get out no matter how far he goes, it is obvious that the living gate is not around and should be in the center of the lake.

The scope of the infinite world is rapidly expanding.

The lake is vast and stretches endlessly, extending to three hundred miles. An invisible barrier actually blocks out Ling Feng's perception.

"Don't try to stop me!"

Ling Feng frowned. It was related to whether he could successfully join Tianzhi and establish himself temporarily. No matter what, Ling Feng would not give up such an opportunity easily.

Gritting his teeth, Ling Feng's eyes secretly turned golden.

However, the infinite world is still unable to cross that barrier.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng gritted his teeth, and the golden eye of the emperor turned from gold to dark red again, directly opening the eye of the bloody emperor.

This time, the barrier trembled slightly, and Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts finally penetrated through the moment the barrier wavered.

The whole view of the center of the lake is finally in view.

But it turns out that there is a small island in the middle of the lake, only three to five feet in diameter, with a small building standing in the middle of the lake, which looks like a quiet place.

Then, the sound of the piano came faintly, and Ling Feng continued to observe, only to see a figure in white sitting on a rock, crossing his legs and playing the piano.

The figure on the back is thin and thin, without a trace of fireworks. The white clothes are whiter than the snow, like a solitary shadow on a cold river.


The next moment, the sound of the piano suddenly changed. Before Ling Feng could see whether the person was a man or a woman, he was shocked by the sound of the piano, and his consciousness was directly bounced back into his body.

This person is actually able to perceive his own infinite vision!


Ling Feng suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and felt that his soul was wandering out of the world. He was only a little bit close to death, and he was afraid that he would be doomed.

The strength of the expert in the middle of the lake was beyond Ling Feng's imagination.

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