Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3387 One side of the sky! Sideways!

Tianzhi's entry-level selection is divided into three levels of assessment.

The first level is to test the purity of mana essence. You only need to have more than three mana attributes, and you can activate the test copper pillar to above the ninth level, which means you have successfully passed the level.

The second level is the assessment of understanding. All young talents who pass the first level need to understand a kind of artistic conception of the law on the Buddha Lingbi within three hours. Within a limited time, the artistic conception of understanding The more, the higher the score.

The first two levels were naturally not difficult for Ling Feng, and he passed both with excellent or even top-notch results.

Even compared with the top monsters from the major clans in the Immortal Realm, Ling Feng will never be inferior to others as long as they are in the same magic realm.

In fact, even the Illusion God Qianjue, Zhou Yan, and Nangong Ziling, the three geniuses from the lower world, are not inferior to the geniuses in the fairyland.

Even more so.

After all, if you want to break through the magic realm before the age of three hundred from an environment like the lower realm where resources are relatively scarce and spiritual energy is barren, how can you not have high understanding?

However, what geniuses in the lower realm lack compared to geniuses in the fairy realm is family background.

Being in the magic realm, those geniuses in the fairy realm have already mastered various magical powers, and they are not limited to small fairy arts, but more advanced great fairy arts, and even royal fairy arts.

When he was in the lower realm, the Evil Bone Demon Lord relied on a small fairy technique called the Law of Annihilation, Tianjue Destroy, to bring Ling Feng countless near-death experiences.

The various immortal arts mastered by those clans in the Immortal Realm are dazzling and extremely mysterious.

This is their advantage, family heritage.

As for geniuses in the lower world, compared to geniuses in the fairyland, they are like blind men crossing the river. There is no trace of the footsteps of their predecessors.

Even if they get some magical skills in some ruins and monuments, they will only have some broken chapters and incomplete pages.

It’s not easy to practice it, let alone how much heat it takes.

Therefore, what the geniuses in the lower world lose is not their intellectual talent, but their family heritage.

Therefore, Ling Feng, Huan Shen Qianjue and four others successfully passed the first two levels of assessment.

As long as you pass the final assessment, you can successfully advance to Tianzhi and become a Tianzhi.

"After passing the previous two tests, there are now a total of two hundred contestants left."

On the high platform, Immortal Lord Yufeng stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes scanning the upper bodies of the two hundred people on the field one by one.

"First of all, congratulations to all of you for standing out among all the talented people."

Immortal Lord Yufeng looked solemn and said slowly: "Being able to reach this step has actually proven that you all have the qualifications to become Heavenly Holders!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was filled with joy.

Could it be said that they have all been successfully promoted to the Tianzhi organization?


Yufeng Immortal Lord paused and uttered two words again, and everyone's hearts sank again.

Sure enough, it’s not that simple!

"Just having innate understanding is not enough!"

Yufeng Immortal Lord, with piercing eyes, said word by word: "The Tianzhi organization takes sword-wielding and defense as its own duty. To become a qualified Tianzhu, you must go to various places in the fairyland and complete various tasks. , In these missions, you may face various threats and difficulties, and at this time, apart from the weapons in your hands, the only thing you can rely on is your companions around you! "

"As a Heavenly Advocate, you must understand what unity and cooperation mean, and what it means to work together! Therefore..."

Yufeng Immortal Lord's eyes narrowed, his voice raised an octave, and he said loudly: "If you want to become a Heavenly Executor, the third level of the assessment is to form a team to complete a task! Now, the two hundred of you can form your own team Teams of three to five people will get their respective tasks by drawing lots, and the time is limited to one month!”

As soon as the words fell, the two hundred geniuses on the field began to look around and consider their teammates.

As for Ling Feng and the others, these four geniuses from the lower world, needless to say, naturally formed a team.

First of all, several of them are from the lower realm, and they all had some understanding of each other when they were in the Santu River.

Furthermore, most of the geniuses in the Immortal Realm looked down upon the people from the lower realm and would basically not consider forming a team with them.

Fortunately, the size of the team is three to five people. Ling Feng and the four of them can just form a team.

"Everyone, please be patient."

Seeing that these contestants had already begun to form a team, Yufeng Immortal Lord raised his hand again to signal everyone to quiet down.

"Everyone should also note that this assessment is divided into three levels: A, B, and C. There are only five A-level tasks, ten B-level tasks, and there is no limit to C-level tasks."

"Only five Grade A's? Immortal Lord, I want Grade A!"

"I want Grade A too!"

"Nonsense, of course you need Class A!"

For a moment, everyone started fighting for it.

If you think about it with your toes, the higher the level of completing the task, the higher the evaluation will definitely be.

This is a big advantage.

"Everyone wants Grade A, but you should also note that although Grade A tasks have the highest rewards and the highest ratings, they are also the most difficult! This assessment mainly tests your ability to work as a team. In other words, in theory, as long as you complete the task, you can become a Heavenly Executioner. However, as long as you fail, no matter what level the task is, failure will be eliminated! And all team members will be eliminated!"


As soon as this statement came out, everyone began to hesitate.

Indeed, the higher the difficulty, the better the reward, but what if you fail?

If everyone is eliminated, then the gains outweigh the losses.

To be on the safe side, perhaps B-level missions and C-level missions should be a more sensible choice.

Seeing everyone's performance, Yufeng Immortal Lord smiled faintly and continued: "I would also like to remind everyone that the pass rate of Class A tasks is one fifth. In other words, generally only one team can complete five tasks. , even sometimes, the whole army is annihilated!”


The whole audience gasped. This kind of pass rate is nothing!

Even those geniuses who were ready to take action and want to become famous began to retreat a little.

If it fails, it will be a huge loss.

Only a fool would choose Class A!

“However, the greater the difficulty, the higher the rewards and rewards.”

Yufeng Immortal Lord narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "First of all, you can join the Tianzhi organization after completing the task. Needless to say, secondly, everyone in the team that has completed the Class A task can choose to A... King! Immortal!"

Kingly magic!

Everyone's eyes suddenly widened.

That is the royal magic!

The royal way!

"And there is no attribute limit!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was another uproar.

The royal magic is already tempting enough, and it is not limited to attributes. Doesn't that mean that power attributes, speed attributes, and even time and space attributes that are more advanced than the five elements attributes can be selected?

Before everyone could get excited, Yufeng Immortal Lord continued: "Also, those who complete the Grade A task will be rewarded with a Xuanzhen Pill of Creation, and one pill can increase the skill by five hundred years! In other words, In other words, as long as you complete the A-level mission and come back, you can directly use this fortune-making Xuanzhen Pill to try to break through the Talisman Realm and become a Little Immortal Lord!"



The sounds of swallowing saliva and gasping for cold air came and went.

This is really one side of the sky and one side of the earth.

If you fail, get out, but if you pass successfully, the reward is no joke!

For a time, everyone was caught in an extremely fierce ideological struggle.

"If you ask me, although Class A missions are good, the cost of failure is too high."

"That's right, be sensible, be calm, and don't get carried away by the rewards."

"If you fart, people will die and birds will fly to the sky. They will not die for tens of millions of years. The bold ones will be starved to death and the timid ones will be starved to death! If you are afraid of a ball, just do it!"

"I say so. With the royal magic and the Mysterious Pill of Creation, I will never give up!"

"Then go on your own, I won't be on your team anymore!"

Everyone had an extremely heated discussion about how to choose. Some wanted to take risks, while others wanted to be on the safe side.

Therefore, the team that was originally formed is faced with the dilemma of falling apart again at any time.

"Everyone, you can now start to gather your teammates and choose tasks. Note that all tasks are first come, first served, so consider it yourself."

With that said, three Tianzhi disciples came over carrying three wooden boxes, with the words "A, B, and C" engraved on the front.

The wooden box is placed on the table, and everyone must draw it as a team.


Among the team of four geniuses from the lower realm where Ling Feng was, Zhou Yan took a deep breath, looked at the other three, and was the first to speak: "Tell me what you think?"

"Class A!"

The illusory god Qian Jue had a calm look in his eyes and just slowly uttered one word.

The Fantasy God Qianjue at this moment is in the form of a burly man, that is, the Fantasy God Jue.

The next moment, the cloak on Huan Shen Jue's shoulders trembled, and a head poked out from it, but it was Huan Shen Qian, who said in a milky voice: "Of course it's Grade A. A genius like me can only Only Grade A is worthy of me!”

Zhou Yan swallowed and looked at Ling Feng again, "What do you think?"

"Class A."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. In his heart, there was no second choice.

What is the difficulty level and what is the elimination rate? Sorry, I can’t hear it.

He only heard about Wangdao Immortal Technique and Creation Xuanzhen Pill.

Well, these things are already in my pocket and I won’t give them up.

"Class A is Class A!"

Seeing that Ling Feng chose Class A without even thinking, Zhou Yan's unwillingness to admit defeat arose again.

He is a genius from the ten ancient regions and the Zhou royal family. He must not lose to Ling Feng!

At least, you can't lose in terms of momentum.

"Three people, that's enough."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Now three of them have decided to choose Class A. The remaining Nangong Ziling, no matter how she chooses, they are enough to form the smallest unit.

However, out of respect for their teammates, the three of them still looked at Nangong Ziling, waiting for her final decision.

"You have already made your decision, do I still have a choice?"

Nangong Ziling smiled helplessly. Although she could leave the team, when she joined the team of geniuses in the fairyland, she would naturally be reduced to a vassal. Moreover, she might have to put down her pride and sacrifice her appearance.

This was not what she wanted.

Therefore, no matter what Ling Feng's choice was, she had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Since Ling Feng and the others are so confident, perhaps, they can still hold their thighs and successfully obtain a royal magic and the Xuanzhen Pill of Creation!

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