Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3388 Tianyong City, Cheng Tianyong!

"It seems that no one has any objections."

Ling Feng nodded. It seemed that although they were both from the lower world, they all had a desire to compete for supremacy.

After all, although those geniuses in the Immortal Realm are definitely no worse than Zhou Yan, Nangong Ziling and others in terms of talent and understanding, in an environment like the Immortal Realm, most of them can only be regarded as geniuses at best.

There are many people who are stronger and more evil than them. Therefore, they do not have the same invincibility as Zhou Yan and others.

But Zhou Yan and the others are not like that. In the lower world, they are the top existences, and they are the unrivaled geniuses.

In terms of spirit and ambition, Zhou Yan and his ilk can definitely kill 99% of the immortal geniuses instantly.

"At this point, we still need to choose an interim captain."

Ling Feng looked at his three teammates and said calmly.

"You must be Mr. Lao Ling."

Nangong Ziling suggested directly.


Huanshen Jue, as always, cherishes words like gold.

Although Zhou Yan was a little dissatisfied, the minority obeyed the majority, so he could only remain silent, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Ling Feng shrugged slightly, "In that case, I will do my part."

While Ling Feng and others were talking, several teams had already begun to extract tasks from the three large wooden boxes.

However, so far, no one has walked towards the wooden box of the Class A mission.

For the sake of safety, more teams will prefer B-level tasks or C-level tasks.

Soon, all ten B-level missions were selected, but so far, no team has selected the A-level mission.

At this moment, a three-person team, two men and one woman, led by a man wearing armor and holding a spear, strode out and walked directly to the wooden box of the Class A mission.

There was an uproar among the crowd.

"It's Wu Chengkong from the Holy Spear Immortal Sect. His grandfather is a powerful Immortal Emperor, dominating the world. It makes sense that this guy would choose a Class A mission."

"The results in the previous tests on the purity and comprehension of mana essence were very amazing. It seems that Wu Chengkong wants to be the first among the new disciples this time!"

"Hmph, number one, is he that good?"

"It seems that you don't know the background of the Holy Spear Immortal Sect at all, and you don't know anything about Wu Chengkong's level of evil."

"Not only Wu Chengkong, but also the two teammates he selected, my dear, the young master of Sun Moon Immortal Palace Zhong Ruoxin, and the young master of Qianji Villa Nan Xiaolie, both of them have been in the Shenzhi Heaven Realm recently. , a rising star who has gained a lot of fame!”

"The team of three of them is invincible!"

Amid everyone's discussion, Wu Chengkong, the leader, walked to the Class A mission wooden box expressionlessly. Without any hesitation, he directly pulled out a seven-inch long wooden sign from the wooden box.

On the wooden sign, the tasks that need to be performed this time are engraved.

Wu Chengkong glanced at the wooden sign, then bowed slightly in the direction of Yufeng Immortal Lord, and then retreated to the side with his two teammates.

"We'll go too."

As the temporary captain, Ling Feng glanced at several teammates and then took steps towards the wooden box of the Class A mission.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, these bumpkins from the lower realms actually dare to choose a level A mission?"

"They are the weakest in the first place, but now they dare to choose a level A mission? Why, you know that you will be eliminated, so do you want to die a more heroic death?"

"Well, that makes sense!"

In the first two rounds, the performance of Ling Feng and others was quite impressive, even exceeding the average level of geniuses in the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, many people are quite unhappy with "ants" like Ling Feng and the others in the lower world.

Seeing that Ling Feng and the others still dared to choose a Class A mission that even they didn't dare to choose, they couldn't help but feel sarcastic.

Ling Feng turned a blind eye, his mouth was on others, and he let them say whatever they wanted.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng put his hand into the wooden box.

This wooden box is obviously no ordinary wood. It completely blocks the perception of spiritual consciousness, thus eliminating any possibility of cheating.

Which mission will be chosen is completely random.

Ling Feng randomly selected a wooden sign and took it out. He took a closer look and saw the words on it: Collect Beichen Crystal.


Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, would such a task be difficult?

However, Ling Feng didn't say much. He just passed the wooden sign to several other teammates to read. There was more or less a look of surprise on everyone's faces, obviously they didn't quite understand what the mission was.

And just when Ling Feng finished the task and was about to leave, suddenly, a man wearing an emerald green gown with a green hairband on his head walked forward quickly.

This guy looks handsome with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, but his figure is a little thin, as if a gust of wind can blow him down.

"Wait a minute!"

The man in green walked quickly to Ling Feng, opened his arms, and blocked Ling Feng's path, "This dear brother, my little brother Cheng Tianyong, Cheng Tianyong's Cheng, Tianyong from Tianyong City, be polite and courteous!"

"It turns out to be Brother Cheng."

Ling Feng took a look at Cheng Tianyong. This guy's green gown was not just green. It had some fancy flowers embroidered on it. From the inside out, all over his body, there were four words.


Even when talking to Ling Feng, he couldn't help but glance at Nangong Ziling a few more times.

Definitely a purebred old-blooded batch!


Cheng Tianyong scratched the back of his head and said with some embarrassment: "Well, my previous team kicked me out, so I actually came to seek refuge with you, dear friend."


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, "This..."

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng couldn't help but reiterate: "I chose a Class A mission."

"Yes, it's a Grade A mission."

Cheng Tianyong said quickly: "My previous team had to choose the B-level mission. Although I have no special skills and is extremely mediocre, the B-level mission is obviously not in line with our temperament."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he cursed in his heart: What kind of temperament do you have? Does he have the temperament of an old customer?

"Then I went to find that Wu Chengkong again. Hey, that kid was very arrogant and said he didn't want me. No, I have no choice but to join you, my brother. There are four people in your team. Add one more, it's just right! "


Ling Feng looked back at his teammates. This Cheng Tianyong looked like a dragster. If he took him with him, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?

"I disagree!"

Nangong Ziling immediately frowned. She had long been very dissatisfied with Cheng Tianyong's squinting eyes, and naturally she was unwilling to let Cheng Tianyong join the team.

"I don't agree either!"

Zhou Yan also flatly refused, "I don't think we need to add one more teammate."

Ling Feng shrugged helplessly, looked at Cheng Tianyong, and smiled slightly: "Brother Cheng, you heard that the minority obeys the majority. It seems that we are afraid..."

Cheng Tianyong narrowed his eyes and smiled, looked at Ling Feng meaningfully, and began to mutter something, "The jade of Nanshan, the crystal of Beichen, the sea of ​​stars, the land of heaven."

Beichen Crystal?

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, did this guy see it?

How did he see it?

Ling Feng looked at Cheng Tianyong with some surprise. I'm afraid this guy is not the loser he seems.

Yes, being able to stand out among countless immortal geniuses has proven that this person is extraordinary.

When looking at people, you really can’t just look at their appearance!


Ling Feng took a deep breath and said, "Brother Cheng, please give me some advice in the next month."

"Easy to say, easy to say! Hehe..."

Cheng Tianyong smiled slightly and walked to Nangong Ziling very leisurely, "Girl, you are polite, I'm Cheng Tianyong, Cheng Tianyong's Cheng, Tianyong from Tianyong City!"

Nangong Ziling's face was frosty, "I'm not interested in what your name is."

"But I'm very interested in what the girl's name is! Do you dare to ask her her name?"

Nangong Ziling glared at Cheng Tianyong fiercely, but this guy was very shameless and stubborn.

With such a teammate...

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, I'm afraid it will be difficult to have peace next time!

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