Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3389 Beichen Crystal!

About half an hour later, all fifty-eight teams were selected.

What is intriguing is that among the five teams that chose five Grade A missions, except for Ling Feng and his team, which has five people, the other four teams all have three people.

Although simple and precise, they are the most top-notch existences in this entry-level selection.

"Very good, it seems that all teams have been selected."

Immortal Yufeng stood with his hands behind his back, standing on a high platform, his eyes swept across the crowd, and then he raised his head to look in the direction of Immortal Jingyin.

Immortal Jie Yin slightly nodded towards Immortal Yufeng. Immortal Yufeng understood, and immediately raised his hand and made a hand gesture.

Then, all the giant bronze pillars originally used for testing were taken back underground, and were replaced by a huge magic circle with rotating light.

It looks a bit like the teleportation circle in the lower realm, but it is different and larger in scale.

Three circular star rail brackets were seen, enclosing a huge sphere that shone with golden light.

The ball of light was flickering, and there were countless light groups that looked like whirlpools on it, like a nebula.

"This is the starry instrument in the sky. Everyone walks towards this starry instrument in order in their respective teams. The mission token in your hands will lead you through the starry instrument and to the mission location."

Yufeng Immortal Lord narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Okay, without further ado, you can set off now, or you can prepare the area where the outer disciples are active first. It's up to you to decide. In short, within a month, You can use this starry instrument at any time.”

As soon as he finished speaking, many contestants who had chosen Level C missions were already passing mission tokens and heading directly to the mission location.

After all, it is the simplest task, there is no need to waste time.

And the team headed by Wu Chengkong from the Holy Spear Immortal Sect, without saying a word, directly activated the teleportation array of the Starry Instrument.

One month, time is tight, and the tasks are heavy, so naturally we cannot waste time in vain.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, was more cautious.

Since the rules allow staying to prepare, maybe this is a reminder?

As the saying goes, it is better not to be in a hurry when sharpening your knife and chopping wood.

Seeing Ling Feng's delay in taking action, Zhou Yan frowned and said with some dissatisfaction, "Why haven't you set off yet?"

Ling Feng shrugged slightly, "Don't worry, wouldn't it be better if we go to the activity area for outer disciples mentioned by the Wind Control Immortal Lord first?"

"What are you still moving about?"

Zhou Yan was furious, "We are on a Class A mission. If we fail, we will all be eliminated."

Ling Feng smiled slightly, "So, don't be anxious!"

"Yes, yes, brother Ling is right!"

Cheng Tianyong nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Illusion God Qianjue thought for a moment, and then slowly said one word: "Yes."

"Miss Nangong, what did you say?" Zhou Yan could only look at Nangong Ziling.

"I also think Ling Feng is right."

Four against one, even if Zhou Yan had differences, he could only obey the opinions of the majority.

"Let's go!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and took his middle teammates directly out of the school grounds and headed straight to the area where the outer disciples had the most intensive trading activities.

As a result, among the teams that went directly to perform the mission, Ling Feng's team became the most unique.

"Sure enough."

On the high platform, the Immortal Master Jie Yin stroked his long beard, narrowed his eyes, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The newly released Nine Turns Great Return Pill, you can make money if you buy it!"

"The best fairy treasure Tianluo Umbrella, big sale on broken bones, don't miss it if you pass by!"

"Take a look, take a look, the five elements of the best little fairy magic, don't be too lazy, take home ten fairy stones!"

The commercial district was bustling with activity, which even surprised Ling Feng.

Unexpectedly, the street stall culture in this fairyland is even worse than that in the lower realm!

Ling Feng looked at everything around him with interest, but Zhou Yan, on the other hand, complained all the way, "I'm so anxious and you're wasting time. I really don't understand what you are thinking about?"

"Brother Zhou, don't you know that sharpening a knife does not stop chopping wood?"

"Humph, what can you prepare for coming here?"

"But I'm much more prepared."

Ling Feng opened his hands and counted them, "First, ask about the Beichen Crystal. Forgive me for being ignorant. Before this, I have never heard of the Beichen Crystal."

"Secondly, we are all new here. Since we are leaving Tianzhi for a while, shouldn't we buy a map first and learn about some of the local customs?"

"Thirdly, didn't you understand the hint from the Wind Control Immortal Lord? I'm sure that there must be some clues about this mission here!"


After hearing what Ling Feng said, even Zhou Yan couldn't help but admire Ling Feng secretly, and she couldn't help but admire in her heart: I'm not as good as him!

"Okay, let's all split up first. Brother Zhou, Brother Huanshen, I'll leave the matter of finding out the information to you. As for Miss Nangong, you are responsible for purchasing the map."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, glanced at Cheng Tianyong, and grabbed his arm directly, "Brother Cheng, let's go look for clues!"

"Ah, this..."

Cheng Tianyong's eyes were fixed on Nangong Ziling from beginning to end, and he said reluctantly: "Brother Ling, I'd better go with Miss Nangong!"

"No, no, you have to do it!"

Ling Feng pulled Cheng Tianyong hard, and after a while, the two disappeared at the end of the street.

The other three people looked at each other and went their separate ways.

Judging from Ling Feng's confident look, if he trusted him, he should be able to successfully complete the task.

"Oh Brother Ling, don't pull me, don't pull me!"

Let's say that Cheng Tianyong was dragged directly into an alley by Ling Feng, and then he let go of his arm.

Cheng Tianyong frowned slightly, adjusted his colorful gown, and said with an unhappy look on his face: "Brother Ling, two grown men are pulling and tugging at each other, what do they look like? I'm not good at cutting off my sleeves!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he had the urge to kick him directly.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and said in a deep voice: "The jade of Nanshan, the crystal of Beichen, the sea of ​​stars, the land of heaven. What do these four sentences mean?"

If it weren't for these four sentences, Ling Feng would never have let this guy who looked unreliable at first sight join the team.

Also, the land of Tianyong, the city of Tianyong, and Cheng Tianyong.

This guy mentioned Tianyong City again and again, it must not be that simple.


Cheng Tianyong raised his index finger and wiped it between the wings of his nose, "You may not believe it, but sometimes things are so coincidental. The Beichen Crystal is a unique crystal mine in the Sea of ​​Stars area of ​​Tianyong City. Beichen’s crystal is worth tens of thousands of fairy crystals, not fairy stones!”

Cheng Tianyong said with joy, "You know, when we were in Tianyong City, at the most luxurious Ningxiang Pavilion in the city, even if we summoned ten girls in one night and hired them for a month, we only needed two or three immortal stones to survive. And. One Immortal Crystal is worth ten thousand Immortal Stones. One Beichen Crystal is worth tens of thousands of Immortal Crystals. You can calculate how valuable Beichen Crystal is."

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly. Although Cheng Tianyong's words were a bit harsh, Ling Feng could understand them instantly.

This Beichen Crystal is indeed very valuable!

"But, if we were to mine honestly, just a few of us, working together, wouldn't be able to dig out one in a month. Generally, it would only be a strong man with seven talismans and above, at the level of the Little Immortal Lord." Beichen Crystal can be mined.”

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, and it seemed that this was the crux of the problem.

It is indeed a Class A mission, and it is indeed not that simple to complete.

"Then if you still join our team, isn't it obvious that you are going to fail?"

Ling Feng looked at Cheng Tianyong and asked tentatively.

"Hehe, there are no absolutes in the world. Although we will certainly not be able to mine the Beichen Crystal with brute force, there is a tribe called the Tianjing Tribe in the Sea of ​​Stars area. They are naturally good at sensing the existence of various mineral veins. Moreover, no matter how solid the rock formations or mineral formations are, they can be easily corroded by their blood or saliva.”

"In other words, if we can get help from the Tianjing Clan, our mission can be completed."


Cheng Tianyong nodded, "How about it, you won't regret it now, just accept me into the team."

"You really helped a lot."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. Although he might be able to get some clues in this neighborhood, the information would never be as complete and detailed as Cheng Tianyong's.

As for how to collect the Beichen Crystal, Ling Feng already had a comprehensive plan in mind.

"Okay, let's take a look around and see if there's anything we can buy."

When Ling Feng first arrived, the "currency" circulating in the Immortal Realm was Immortal Stone.

Fortunately, the Yuan stones and Yuan crystals on his body can also be exchanged for immortal stones according to a certain proportion.

It's just that the proportion will be slightly lower. Fortunately, Ling Feng still has some treasures and secrets that he brought back from the ruins. After exchanging some, he has raised a total of almost 10,000 fairy stones and more than ten fairy crystals.

Although Ling Feng had left nearly 90% of his wealth to Xiaofeng Camp when he left Saofeng Camp and prepared to go to the Immortal Realm, he never expected that Yuan Jing would be so worthless after arriving in the Immortal Realm. In exchange for this little fairy stone and fairy crystal, I suddenly changed from a wealthy family to a poor peasant.

It seems that the most important thing right now is to make money first!

Since the Beichen Crystal is so valuable, in addition to what is required for the mission, I should also prepare some more in case of emergency.

"Let's go."

After exchanging the immortal stones, Ling Feng was about to go back to join the Phantom God Qianjue and the others. At this moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of Ling Feng.

Yufeng Immortal Lord, Mo Qingfeng!

Mo Qingfeng walked straight over and locked eyes with Ling Feng. For a moment, Ling Feng was a little confused as to what this guy's intentions were.

But, Mo Qingfeng and Mo Yurou.

They all have the surname Mo. Are they a family?

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