Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3391 Public humiliation!

Tianyong City is one of the ten ancient cities in the territory of Shenzhi Tianyu, with a long history and dominating the area.

Its momentum is as majestic as a mountain, radiating from the center of the city to the surrounding areas, stretching for thousands of miles!

Entering the city, there are indeed palaces and pavilions, and the fairy temples and houses are lined up one after another. The style is extraordinary, far better than any imperial city or any holy place in Xuanling Continent.

There are also rumors that there are strong men at the level of the Wheel Realm Immortal Emperor in this Tianyong City, which shows that the foundation and power of this city are extraordinary.

However, even such a majestic city has to bow to the jurisdiction of Tianzhi, which shows the status of Tianzhi in the entire fairyland.

Under the leadership of Cheng Tianyong, the group has been walking along the most lively and prosperous streets since entering the city.

About half an hour later, he led everyone to stop in front of a pavilion called "Ningxiang Pavilion".

"Ningxiang Pavilion?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Why did this name sound familiar?

Suddenly, Ling Feng suddenly remembered that Cheng Tianyong seemed to have said that this Ningxiang Pavilion seemed to be a place for pleasure!

In an instant, Ling Feng's forehead was covered with black lines.

This guy is really unreliable. As soon as he entered the city, he brought them to such a place!

As the sun was setting, this place of fireworks had just opened its doors to welcome guests. After a while, the atmosphere began to become lively.

The beautiful women in the attic frequently flirted with the passers-by and made coquettish gestures.

Sure enough, whether it was the lower world or the fairy world, such places were always indispensable.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, but saw that Cheng Tianyong was already holding one in his left hand and one in his right hand, hugging left and right, so cool and comfortable!

"Second Young Master, you went to participate in the Tianzhi selection, how come you are back so soon!"

Those prostitutes were obviously very familiar with Cheng Tianyong, and they even knew that Cheng Tianyong went to participate in the Tianzhi selection.

"I miss you sisters, it feels like a long time since we last met!"


"Second Young Master, you are really good at making people happy!"

Cheng Tianyong's words made the women who were welcoming guests tremble.


Nangong Ziling blushed, bit her silver teeth tightly, and cursed those prostitutes in her heart, saying that their clothes were revealing and it was a disgrace to the gentleman!

And Cheng Tianyong was even more vulgar and shameless, and he was unworthy of being a cultivator!

"Brother Cheng!" Ling Feng took a deep breath and glared at Cheng Tianyong coldly, "Now is not the time to go looking for flowers and willows. You seem to have said that you would take us to find a place to stay first, right?" "Yes, that's right!" Cheng Tianyong actually said as if it was a matter of course, "I have always lived in Ningxiang Pavilion. Don't be polite, don't be polite. In this Ningxiang Pavilion, all the rooms are open to you, and all the girls are open to you!" Ling Feng was even more stunned. He had seen many lustful people, but Cheng Tianyong, who actually lived directly in a brothel, was really---He was the only one, and there was no one else like him! "Come on, come on, don't be embarrassed!" Cheng Tianyong grabbed Ling Feng's wrist and said with a smile: "Everyone knows that Tianyong City has three treasures. The first is the dancers in Ningxiang Pavilion, the second is the fine wine in Lengyuequan, and the third..." "The third is the treasure of you, Mr. Cheng, right!" At this moment, a cold voice came from afar, and the voice came from far away. The next moment, the crowd that was not in front of Ningxiang Pavilion stepped back to make a way. A man in golden brocade clothes, a purple gold crown on his head, and a long sword inlaid with gems on his waist came in leisurely. Six burly men led the way, and there were twelve maids behind him, dressed in white clothes, with light gauze covering their faces, accompanying them all the way, carrying flower baskets, and everywhere they passed, there was the fragrance of flowers and the flowers were dazzling. The man had a face like a crown of jade, and his appearance was quite handsome and extraordinary. A closer look showed that he was somewhat similar to Cheng Tianyong. Seeing this man appear, Cheng Tianyong's eyes seemed to flash a trace of anger, but he hid it well. He first clenched his fists, then squeezed out a smile, and greeted him with a smile on his face, "Whatever the elder brother said, that's it. The elder brother said I am a treasure of the present world, haha, then of course I am a treasure of the present world!"


There was a burst of laughter in the crowd, as if they had long been accustomed to it.

Obviously, such a scene is not the first time in Tianyong City.

Only a few dancers seemed to be a little reluctant and turned their heads away, unwilling to see Cheng Tianyong trample on their dignity like this.

Are they brothers?

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, it seems that the relationship between the two brothers is very ordinary!

No, it should be said that Cheng Tianyong's elder brother is deliberately humiliating Cheng Tianyong, and Cheng Tianyong, who looks like a playboy, can actually have such endurance.

"Glad to know!" The young man raised his palm and patted Cheng Tianyong's cheek a few times without any courtesy, "Second brother, didn't you go to participate in the Tianzhi selection? Why didn't you get selected? You came back so soon?" "Haha, not really." Cheng Tianyong smiled and said, "I came back to do something. Big brother is really well-informed. He came to pick me up as soon as I came back!" "Hehe!"

Cheng Tianqi snorted coldly. He seemed a little displeased when he heard that Cheng Tianyong had not been eliminated yet. His eyes narrowed, and then he pointed at the soles of his shoes. He frowned slightly and said, "Second brother, eldest brother, I've walked all the way and the soles of my shoes have been dirty." , you said, what should I do?”

Cheng Tianyong frowned, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, I still have some friends here today. Otherwise, why don't you show your kindness and spare me some noodles?"

"Face? Do you still have face?"

Cheng Tianqi kicked Cheng Tianyong directly in the face, kicking him to the ground hard, "Cheng Tianyong, do you really think of yourself as the second son of the Cheng family? Face is only for talents, and you are just a child of my Cheng family. It’s just a dog!”

As soon as these words came out, not only Ling Feng, but also Zhou Yan and Nangong Ziling, who had never had a good impression of Cheng Tianyong, became a little angry.

No matter how bad Cheng Tianyong is, he is still their teammate.

"It's enough!"

Nangong Ziling couldn't stand it anymore, "He seems to be your brother, right? Have you ever humiliated your brother like this?"

Cheng Tianqi looked at Nangong Ziling, and then sneered, "You are just a bastard born of a cheap maid, but he is worthy of being my brother, Cheng Tianqi? I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, otherwise, there will be no more of you in Tianyong City. The place to stand!”


Nangong Ziling clenched her fists tightly and glared at Cheng Tianyong who was lying on the ground. "Cheng Tianyong, a dignified seven-foot man has been humiliated in public. If you are still a man, stand up and return the favor. Don't be like a man." Like a dead dog, lying on the ground pretending to be dead!”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Cheng Tianqi laughed strangely, "Trash, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful! Did you hear that, that little girl told you to get up and return the favor to me? Get up, I'm standing here, come and hit me, come on, Come hit me!"

Cheng Tianqi waved wildly at Cheng Tianyong, his attitude was so arrogant and arrogant that it was simply disgusting.

However, Cheng Tianyong had no intention of fighting back from the beginning to the end. He just lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, motionless.

"damn thing!"

Cheng Tianqi still felt it was not enough, so he stepped forward and kicked Cheng Tianyong hard several times, but Cheng Tianyong still didn't react at all.

"Hmph! You dare not hit me even if I ask you to do so. You are a waste! You are a waste!"

As if he felt that Cheng Tianyong's lack of response was too boring, Cheng Tianqi spat at Cheng Tianyong a few more times, and then left with a group of servants.

After Cheng Tianqi had gone far, the dancer dared to step forward and help Cheng Tianyong up.

"Second Young Master, are you okay?"

"Does it hurt, Second Young Master?"

Cheng Tianyong spat out a few mouthfuls of blood and returned to his playful smile, "That guy's fists and feet are all soft, as if he hasn't eaten. He has no strength at all. Of course he doesn't feel any pain!"

"Are you okay?"

Ling Feng also took a deep look at Cheng Tianyong. No matter how he looked at it, Cheng Tianyong was more talented than the eldest young master, and his cultivation level was also stronger than that of him.

But how could Cheng Tianyong not fight back when hit or scolded?


Cheng Tianyong shook his head, smiled lightly and said, "I'll make you laugh."

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Tianyong pursed his lips again and said slowly: "Don't worry, early tomorrow morning, I will take you to the Sea of ​​Stars to find the Tianjing Clan, and the mission will not be delayed. Go up, the Ningxiang Pavilion is not If you really don't care about this horrible place as you imagine, I can take you to the inn."

"No need."

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Cheng Tianyong on the shoulder, "Every time a dog is slaughtered in a righteous way, there is also a righteous lady in the entertainment scene. Before, I was narrow-minded."

Cheng Tianyong's forbearance today made Ling Feng couldn't help but give him a high look.

However, I'm afraid there is something hidden in this, but since Cheng Tianyong didn't want to mention it, he couldn't ask more questions.

Perhaps those singers and dancers who are familiar with Cheng Tianyong know something about the inside story.

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