Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3392 Tianyong’s Past!

Although Ningxiang Pavilion is a brothel, it is also a quiet place.

Led by a singer named Yan Hong, the group temporarily moved into a villa relatively far away from the main building of Ningxiang Pavilion.

That night.

Ling Feng tossed and turned for a long time, but could not calm down to meditate. He could only push the door open and go to the courtyard to get some fresh air.

In the distance, the main building of Ningxiang Pavilion is still brightly lit.

A place like this is naturally full of music and entertainment every night, and the late at night, the more lively it becomes.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and couldn't help but sigh. For people in the lower world, the Immortal Realm is a dream place. All warriors practice throughout their lives just to take the step of the Immortal Path and ascend to the Supreme Immortal Realm.

As everyone knows, even in the Immortal Realm, there are still distinctions between high and low.

Most of the people here are no different from ordinary people in the lower world.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, the weak eat the strong.

There are also peddlers and pawns, as well as actors and dancers.

The only difference is that they were born in the fairyland, that's all.

Just when Ling Feng looked at the moon and sighed at the darkness, outside the garden, a dancing girl carrying a lantern walked past the door.

Ling Feng still remembered this dancer. Cheng Tianyong was kicked to the ground by Cheng Tianqi before. Among the women who stepped forward to help Cheng Tianyong was this dancer.

"Girl, stay here."

The figure flashed, and Ling Feng appeared beside the dancing girl.


The woman was obviously startled by Ling Feng and paused on the spot. When she saw Ling Feng's appearance clearly, she patted her chest and took a breath and said, "It turns out he is a friend of the second young master. It's so late. , why don’t you rest?”

"I have some doubts in my heart and I can't figure it out, so I can't sleep at night."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "Girl, if you are free, could I invite you to chat in the courtyard for a while?"

The woman blinked her eyes, raised her eyes to look at Ling Feng, and said timidly: "Young Master, want to ask about the Second Young Master, right?"


Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "The girl is indeed very smart."

After saying that, Ling Feng bowed his hands to the girl again, "Ling Feng, do you know the girl's name?"

"The slave's name is Chao Zi."

"It turns out to be the beautiful girl."

Ling Feng smiled at Sha Zi, made an invitation gesture, and invited her to sit in the pavilion in the courtyard.

"Can Miss Shazi tell me about Brother Cheng?"


Shao Zi gritted her silver teeth, thought for a while, and then sighed, "Okay, then I'll tell you. Since you are the second young master's friend, I think you also care about him so you ask the slave family. ”

"Thank you very much!"

Ling Feng bowed his hand to Shan Zi again, thought for a moment, and took out a small bag of fairy stones, ten in total, and pushed them in front of Shan Zi, "This is a little thought."

Shao Zi blinked her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and accepted Ling Feng's "intention".

If there was no shortage of money, who would be willing to fall into the trap of prostitution? Therefore, Yanzi did not refuse falsely, but accepted it generously.

"Actually, the second young master is also a pitiful person!"

Shao Zi sighed softly and then slowly explained everything.

"Actually, the second young master's mother was originally... originally a dancer in this Ningxiang Pavilion."


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. It seemed that Cheng Tianyong's story would be very bloody.

"Actually, the second young master used to be in the Cheng family. Although his mother was born in a lowly position, he finally entered the Cheng family and became a concubine because of the nobleness of his mother. And the second young master in the Cheng family, although his treatment was not too good. Okay, but he is also the second son of the Cheng family. In addition, the second son is very talented and has a much higher talent than the eldest son, so he has always been highly valued by the city lord in the Cheng family. "

The Cheng family of Tianyong City is actually the lineage of the lords of Tianyong City.

Among the Cheng family, in addition to the old man (city lord) who is in the realm of Immortal Lord, there is also a hidden ancestor who is in the realm of Immortal Emperor. He is considered a very huge force in the entire Shenzhi Heavenly Domain.

Therefore, Cheng Tianyong was the second son of the Cheng family. Regardless of whether he was a concubine or not, he was still the blood of the family head. Even if Cheng Tianqi looked down on Cheng Tianyong, he should not have scolded Cheng Tianyong as a dog in public.

"It's just that something happened three years ago, which made the second young master infamous throughout Tianyong City. He had no place to stand within the Cheng family. He was even kicked out by the Cheng family and was forced to live in exile. Come and live in our Ningxiang Pavilion.”

"What's up?"

"Yes Yes……"

Shao Zi bit her silver teeth, hesitated for a moment, and then sighed: "I've also heard that, it seems that the second young master was so obsessed with lust that he sneaked into his father's concubine's room in the middle of the night, and... …He was also caught red-handed and raped.”

No wonder.

Ling Feng shook his head. As a son, he actually tried to get involved with his father's woman. It was simply a loss of morals!

"However, I believe that the second young master must be innocent. He... Although the second young master is joking and squinting on weekdays, in fact, he is a real gentleman! To us sisters, he is just a It’s just a bargain, it’s so much better than those other stinky men who are ungrateful!”

"Only he truly respects us sisters and treats us as friends! So, how could a good man like the Second Young Master do such a shameless thing?"


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Sure enough, you can't just look at people by their appearance.

From this point of view, what Cheng Tianyong and himself experienced back then could be said to be "similar but similar", both because of a woman, they were almost irreversible!

When he thought about this, Ling Feng felt a sense of sympathy for Cheng Tianyong.

"It's true. I absolutely believe that the second young master is innocent. However, there is irrefutable evidence at the scene. The second young master had his hands and feet broken that night, and was thrown out of the city lord's palace, and then left Tianyong City. In total, it was just He came back half a year ago and has been living in our Ningxiang Pavilion since then. He didn’t leave until he said he was going to participate in some Tianzhi selection. I didn’t expect to come back so soon.”

"That is to say..."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. From the time Cheng Tianyong had his limbs broken and was thrown out of the city lord's mansion to when he made a comeback, there were actually nearly three years in between. No one knew what happened to him.

It seems that Cheng Tianyong is indeed not simple!

In fact, even Ling Feng never really saw through this guy.

In other words, his cultivation should be at least the same as Ling Feng, at the ninth level of the magic realm.

Even higher!

With this kind of strength, it was obvious that Cheng Tianqi could easily be defeated, but he still held back and even allowed the other party to humiliate him with words, punches and kicks.

From this point of view, even Ling Feng felt a little ashamed of himself.

If it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to help but break Cheng Tianqi's neck.

"Master Ling, this is all I know. The second master is a good person. Really. Although I don't know what you are doing here this time, but if you can, I hope you can help the second master. Don't do it again." Let him be bullied by that bad guy, the eldest son, he is so pitiful!"

Shao Zi bit her lip. This kind-hearted girl actually returned half of the immortal stones, "No matter what, I'll return...half of the immortal stones to you."

"Haha, Miss Shazi, Brother Cheng is my friend, don't worry."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, how could a mere Cheng Tianqi bully Cheng Tianyong?

It seems that the reason why Cheng Tianyong is so forbearing may have a deeper meaning.

"Okay, it's already late at night, Miss Shazi, so I won't disturb you. Girl, please go back and rest early. By the way, I hope that girl can keep the secret for me about what happened tonight. This is between you and me. My little secret, don’t mention it to anyone else, okay?”

"Yeah! No way!"

Shao Zi shook the small bag in her hand, narrowed her eyes, and smiled like a flower. She earned ten fairy stones just by asking a few questions. No wonder she was so happy.

Ling Feng smiled and sent Yan Zi away, looking towards Cheng Tianyong's room.

"Brother Cheng, Brother Cheng, how deep are you hiding?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, took a deep breath, and walked towards Cheng Tianyong's room.

"Bang bang bang!"

Ling Feng gently knocked on the door, but there was no response for a long time.


Ling Feng smiled faintly, with a curve on his lips, "It seems that someone is going to be unlucky tonight."

If Ling Feng's guess was correct, the unlucky guy's surname should also be Cheng.

Well, Cheng Tianyong’s Cheng!

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