Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3393 Revenge does not last overnight!

It's late at night.

Inside the Ningxiang Pavilion, there was still lively singing and dancing.

Generally speaking, most of these fun-seekers spend all night drinking and not leaving until dawn.

At this moment, a group of fierce and tough men suddenly came outside the door. They behaved rudely and barbarically. They pushed all the guests, singers and dancers aside, and they were menacing. It was obvious that they were not malicious. .

Immediately afterwards, I saw an eight-carrying sedan slowly landing in front of the door, and out of the sedan came a man who was covered in bandages, with a bruised nose and face, and was beaten into a pig's head.

As soon as the man came out, his legs went weak and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, several maids stepped forward to help him in time to avoid making a fool of himself in public.

"come out!"

The man who was beaten into a pig's head roared at the top of his lungs at the Ningxiang Pavilion, "Cheng Tianyong, you bastard, get out of here!"

For a moment, everyone in the hall gathered together. Who was causing trouble in the Ningxiang Hall in the middle of the night?

Soon, the steward and the madam of Ningxiang Pavilion came out to greet them. When they saw this menacing group of guys, they were so frightened that their legs weakened.

These are obviously the guards of the City Lord's Mansion!

Then, isn’t that guy roaring in front of the sedan chair...

Although the man had been beaten into a pig's head, it was still vaguely identifiable that the guy seemed to be the eldest son of the City Lord's Mansion, Cheng Tianqi!

"Oh my god, how could the eldest young master be beaten like this? Could it be that the second young master did it? No... it's impossible, right?"

The old madam Sister Hua quickly stepped forward with an apologetic smile on her face and said, "Young Master, we still have business to do here. Please show your respect, please show your support!"

"Get out of here, motherfucker!"

Cheng Tianqi raised his leg and kicked Sister Hua aside. Using all his strength, he looked up to the sky and roared, "Cheng Tianyong, you are such a shy turtle, you have the guts to sneak up on me, don't you have the guts to come out today? I'm here today. I'm going to peel off your skin, twitch your muscles, and drink your blood, you bastard. I want you to die without a complete body!"

From Cheng Tianqi's angry curses and roars, everyone vaguely guessed that the injury to the eldest son Cheng was probably caused by the second son Cheng Tianyong.

But, is the second young master so powerful? He can actually sneak into the city lord's mansion late at night, attack the eldest young master, beat him into this state, and still escape unharmed.

"You bastard Cheng Tianyong, get out of here! If you don't show up within three breaths, I will burn down the Incense Pavilion!"

Cheng Tianqi's face was ferocious, and anger almost burst out of his head.

It turned out that this guy was hugging each other, and in his sleep, suddenly a masked man in black broke in through the window.

Immediately afterwards, there was a unilateral beating!

Cheng Tianqi was beaten for a quarter of an hour. Dozens of bones in his body were broken, his teeth were shattered, and his originally handsome face was beaten into a pig's head.

Although the masked man didn't say a word from beginning to end, he was sure that it must be Cheng Tianyong.

Because in Tianyong City, only Cheng Tianyong hated him so much, and only Cheng Tianyong could know the defenses of the City Lord's Mansion so well that he could sneak into the City Lord's Mansion silently and beat him up.




The anger in Cheng Tianqi's chest almost spit out from his mouth.

Ever since he was young, only Mr. Cheng could teach others a lesson, and no one had dared to beat him like this!

"You bastard, you're not coming out, are you! Someone is here, set fire to this Incense Pavilion!"

"Young Master, you must not do it, you must not do it!"

Madam Sister Hua rolled around and hugged Cheng Tianqi's thigh, "Can't set the fire, can't set the fire!"


Cheng Tianqi kicked out again, kicking Sister Hua away, his eyes blazing with anger, almost turning into a beast that chooses and devours people.

"Who is so noisy that you can't let anyone sleep?"

At this moment, Cheng Tianyong, belatedly arrived, appeared in front of the Ningxiang Pavilion.

Naturally, it was impossible for Ling Feng and his party to be completely unaware of such a loud commotion outside the Ningxiang Pavilion.

"How is this going?"

"I don't know. I vaguely heard that someone was going to set fire to the Ningxiang Pavilion?"

"There are still people calling Cheng Tianyong's name."

Soon, Illusion God Qianjue, Nangong Ziling and Zhou Yan all pushed out the door from their respective rooms.

As for Ling Feng, he had already landed on the eaves early in the morning, narrowing his eyes and looking at the farce outside.

"Although this guy is tolerant, he is also a ruthless person and will not wait for revenge overnight."

Ling Feng's mouth curled up, watching all this with interest.

Whoosh whoosh!

The next moment, Zhou Yan, Nangong Ziling and others also flew down beside Ling Feng. From this perspective, they could see everything happening at the door.

"How's it going? What's going on?"

Nangong Ziling blinked his eyes and asked curiously.

"You'll know if you take a look."

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled lightly.

"It seems that Cheng Tianyong's eldest brother is causing trouble for him again."

Nangong Ziling frowned, "Ling Feng, do we want to help him?"


Ling Feng couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Nangong Ziling. He didn't expect that Nangong Ziling, who had always "disgusted" Cheng Tianyong, would actually want to help him.

It seems that Cheng Tianyong is really good with women!

"Let's wait and see what happens."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I think he should have a way to solve it. If it doesn't work, let's take action again. No matter what, we are now companions on missions together!"

"It's really troublesome!"

Zhou Yan snorted lightly, but did not object.

In front of the Ningxiang Pavilion.

I saw Cheng Tianyong walking out with a lazy look and sleepy eyes.

This guy is quite good at pretending. He pretends to have just woken up and is completely ignorant of everything outside.

"Yeah, this is it?"

Cheng Tianyong walked to the front steps and looked at Cheng Tianqi intently, but showed an extremely surprised expression, "This...this...isn't this eldest brother? Brother, how come you were beaten into a pig's head? Who is it?" You are so brave, you dare to fight even the eldest son of our city lord's palace, and risk your life? "

Cheng Tianyong walked up to Cheng Tianqi with an exaggerated expression, "Brother, I didn't expect that you would come to see me personally after you were injured like this. I'm so touched!"

"Cheng Tianyong! Stop pretending to be innocent!"

Cheng Tianqi stared at Cheng Tianyong, "You bastard, you actually attacked me at night. Today, your death has come!"

"I was wronged!"

Cheng Tianyong repeatedly waved his hands and complained, "My eldest brother, you have misunderstood me too deeply. How dare you sneak up on me? I have always respected your eldest brother from the bottom of my heart. I will never fight back or scold you. Everyone, you guys We all know that only the eldest brother has ever taught me a lesson. How could I, the younger brother, dare to do anything to the eldest brother? I was wronged, I was so wronged!"

"Yes, that seems to be the case!"

"During the day, I also saw the eldest young master teach the second young master a lesson. He was punched and kicked, but the second young master didn't dare to fight back."

"If the second young master was so capable, he would have fought back long ago."

"Yes, yes, it shouldn't be the second young master who did it!"

For a moment, everyone started talking, and even one of the commanders of the accompanying guards couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "My lord, could it be that you made a mistake?"


Cheng Tianqi slapped the squad leader hard on the face, "Cheng Tianyong, you can fool others, but you can't fool me! You bastard! Come on, please remove his limbs first!"


As soon as the words fell, the eight monks immediately launched an attack. At the same time, they attacked from eight different directions, aiming to kill Cheng Tianyong in all directions.

"Brother, you are a bastard. I am a bastard, so what are you? Aren't you also a bastard? Doesn't our father become a bastard? Tsk, tsk, tsk, do you have a son like this?"

But Cheng Tianyong still pretended to be crazy and acted like a fool. In short, he said one sentence: He will never admit it!

Cheng Tianqi was so angry that the flesh on his face was trembling, and he roared hysterically, "Tear his mouth open first! Let's see how he keeps talking nonsense!"

The eight guards, with stern eyes, formed a large formation and attacked Cheng Tianyong.

In an instant, the sky was filled with light, and eight colors of divine light rose into the sky.

These eight people have obviously cooperated for many years. With the power of eight different laws, the power of the formation formed is not as simple as "one plus one equals two".

Cheng Tianyong shrugged, with a hint of disdain clearly flashing in his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't take those guards seriously at all.

But he still pretended to be panicked, "Brother, we are all brothers, do you need to kill them all like this?"

"Who is a brother to you bastard?"

Cheng Tianqi clenched his fists tightly and roared viciously, "Do it, hurry up and do it!"


At this moment, a red light streaked across the night sky.

In the next moment, one of Cheng Tianqi's eight guards was kicked away, like a cannonball, and was blasted hundreds of miles away.

"I can testify that Brother Cheng is not a sneak attack in the dark."

A clear voice came from the night sky. Everyone looked around and saw a man with fluttering purple clothes and long silver hair falling slowly from the void.

Surprisingly, it is Ling Feng!

"Brother Ling!"

Seeing Ling Feng take action, Cheng Tianyong was slightly shocked at first, then stepped forward and grabbed Ling Feng's arm firmly, "Yes, yes, yes, I have Brother Ling who can testify for me!"

This guy reacts pretty quickly!

Ling Feng secretly chuckled in his heart, and then turned to look at Cheng Tianqi, "Young Master, right? I can testify that Brother Cheng has been drinking with me in the courtyard this night. How come he appeared in the City Lord's Mansion at the same time? What about sneak attack on you?"

The muscles on Cheng Tianqi's face twisted. "You're full of farts. Who are you? If you say you're a witness, is that true? Now you dare to hurt the guards of my city lord's palace. Very good, very good!"

Cheng Tianqi's eyes were about to burst as he stared at Ling Feng and Cheng Tianyong, "Both of you, go to hell!"

He shouted violently, and at the same time ordered more than a dozen guards around him, "Why are you still standing there? Come to me, no matter life or death, whoever kills that bastard Cheng Tianyong, I will reward him with 10,000 immortal stones!"

"what about me?"

At this moment, unexpectedly, a cold voice came from behind.

Cheng Tianqi felt a chill running down his spine and turned around suddenly, only to find that Ling Feng had appeared behind him at some unknown time.

Moreover, a sharp sword was stuck so tightly to his waist.

If he stabbed forward just a few inches, his waist would be stabbed all the way through.

"My eldest son, how many fairy stones are you going to reward me with for my life?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and spoke word by word.

To say that this law of time and space is really easy to use, the method of time and space replacement is simply a killer weapon when the opponent is unprepared.

Not to mention, this Cheng Tianqi is just a fool and cannot be called an opponent at all.

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