Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3397 Alchemist!

As Cheng Tianyong narrated, it turned out that what happened back then was simply a frame-up.

The reason why he appeared in his father's concubine's room that day was because he fell into the villain's trick.

However, this is almost the same as Ling Feng's guess.

After all, I have fallen into similar traps before, so this can be regarded as "speaking from experience".

"So, Brother Cheng's experience is indeed tragic."

Ling Feng sighed softly and said in a deep voice: "So, does Brother Cheng have any guesses about the person who framed you? Could it be your nominal eldest brother, Cheng Tianqi?"

Cheng Tianyong shook his head slightly, "I also thought about whether it could be him, but he obviously does not have such a scheming mind. With his little means, he cannot design such a tight layout."

"That's true. Cheng Tianqi is just an arrogant and domineering second generation ancestor. He really has no brains."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, then raised his eyes and looked at Cheng Tianyong, "Then are there any enemies who want to frame you?"

"Everyone in the Cheng family basically looks down on me. If it weren't for the old man, I would have no place in the Cheng family. Therefore, even if the old man ordered me to be expelled from the Cheng family, I would never treat him. No resentment at all.”

Cheng Tianyong tightened his fists, "In fact, if it weren't for the old man, I would never have returned to Tianyong City. However, I don't want to live up to his old man's expectations. I want to wash away my grievances and let him know that he You never see the wrong person!”

"It seems that you respect that old man very much."


Cheng Tianyong took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and continued: "After my mother passed away, the only one in the Cheng family who could make me feel the warmth of a relative was his old man."

Ling Feng felt a little emotional and couldn't help but think of his grandfather.

He has done a lot for himself. Although he does not fully approve of his methods, from beginning to end, everything he does is for himself.

And it was also for himself that he was captured by the Xantian clan, and his life or death was uncertain.

When he thought of this, Ling Feng felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

I just regret that I am too weak, too alone, and far from being able to challenge the Xantian clan head-on.

"Brother Cheng, if you regard me as a friend, I will help you with this matter!"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Cheng Tianyong and seemed to be able to see some shadow of himself in Cheng Tianyong.

This made Ling Feng feel more sympathetic towards Cheng Tianyong.

"Thank you very much."

Cheng Tianyong smiled knowingly, "I didn't expect that on a whim that day, I could get to know a good brother like you, Brother Ling. It's just a matter of fate. It's really wonderful."

"It's really wonderful."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Speaking of which, when he first saw Cheng Tianyong, Ling Feng felt not only disgust, but also disgust.

It's just that, more or less, I can see that there is something mysterious about Cheng Tianyong.

"However, Brother Ling does not need to take this matter to heart for the time being. I have been wronged for three full years, and I am not in a hurry to clear up my grievances. Our mission is more important. Early tomorrow morning, we will go to the Sea of ​​Stars. ”

"Yes, yes, the mission is the most important thing. Hahaha..."

Ling Feng slapped his forehead, and in a moment of righteous indignation, he almost forgot all about the business.

"By the way, there is one more thing, I wonder if I should ask?"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and looked at Cheng Tianyong. He still had too many doubts in his heart that he wanted to ask.

"You want to ask, since my limbs were broken three years ago and I left Tianyong City alone, how can I come back intact and get the Tianzhi Seal?"

"I'm indeed a little curious." Ling Feng nodded slightly.

"I have indeed climbed back from the edge of life and death. For me, these three years have been like crawling through the depths of hell."

Cheng Tianyong tightened his fists, "That day, I dragged my crippled body and crawled out of Tianyong City step by step. But where can a cripple go, even if the sky is huge? In fact, it was only the third day. I have almost lost the faith to survive and am ready to die in the wilderness and return to hell.”

"I don't know if it was God's blessing, but when I was about to die, I met a mysterious alchemist."


Ling Feng blinked, "Is he similar to an alchemist?"

"In a sense, it's almost the same, but alchemists are often famous and respected by the world, while alchemists are like rats crossing the street, with a bad reputation. Because rather than refining alchemy, alchemists prefer refining poisons and refining All kinds of poisons are mostly harmful to people.”

"No wonder."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Although poisons and elixirs can often be converted into each other, people who refine poisons are indeed difficult to be understood by the world.

Just like when we were in the West Sword Region, the ghost doctor in the Valley of the Evil got the name "Ghost Doctor" because he was good at refining poison.

Ghost doctor, ghost doctor, doesn’t look like he heals people, but he looks like he heals ghosts!

"The person who saved me was such a notorious, even notorious alchemist."

Cheng Tianyong took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. After a while, he showed some pain again, "I don't know if I was lucky or unlucky to be rescued by him. He said that my physique is very rare. Withered Poison Body is the top medicine man, so I can give him a test. Then, my nightmare began."

As he spoke, Cheng Tianyong clenched his fists so tightly that his palms turned white, as if he was remembering some extremely painful memory.

No wonder he remained unmoved even when faced with Cheng Tianqi's humiliation and even punches and kicks.

It seemed that compared to his previous experiences, Cheng Tianqi was already a kind "angel".

"I was treated as a medicine man for more than two years, and I was tortured by the various poisons he refined for more than two years. However, because of this, my cultivation actually improved by leaps and bounds. In just over two years, I was treated as a medicine man. In that time, I have reached the eighth level of magic power! This was something I could never imagine before. Therefore, I don’t hate him, but I won’t be grateful to him either.”

Cheng Tianyong took a deep breath and said slowly: "After all, it was the alchemist who was unlucky. When he took me to a deserted place to find a poison strain, he unfortunately died, but I was a blessing in disguise. ”

"However, I know very well that I still have a long way to go before that! I want to become stronger, at least stronger than Cheng Yugong. In this world, only the strong are qualified to seek The so-called justice!”

What happened to Cheng Tianyong really shocked Ling Feng.

However, Ling Feng could still feel that Cheng Tianyong had not completely confessed to him.

At least, he should be hiding something, such as the identity of the alchemist? For example, is there another force behind the alchemist?

But it doesn't matter, everyone has secrets that they hide in their hearts and don't want to tell.

Just like the fact that he was a member of the Tiandao clan, he would never mention it to anyone.

"You have seen it clearly. Yes, no matter where and whenever, the strong is respected. This is the only unchanging iron law."

Ling Feng looked at Cheng Tianyong with approval, took a deep breath, and slowly stood up after a long while, "Brother Cheng, that's it for tonight. I'll ask you to lead the way tomorrow morning."

The next day, Cheng Tianyong seemed to have regained his playboy rogue temperament, as if what happened last night had not affected him at all.

Should he tease the girl or tease the girl, should he quarrel with Nangong Ziling or quarrel with her? People can't help but wonder how deep this guy's heart is!

"Dear sisters, I'm going to do some business right now, so don't miss me too much!"

Cheng Tianyong said goodbye to all the singers and dancers in the Ningxiang Pavilion with a smile, and gave someone a fairy stone with just a squeeze of his little hand. This guy really performed the image of a romantic young man vividly.

Who could see that this guy had experienced so many tragic and painful things?

"What a stinky man. Fortunately, I thought yesterday that he had a little bit of masculinity! Illusion, it is indeed an illusion!"

Nangong Ziling held her forehead and frowned.

"It's a waste of time!"

Zhou Yan also looked unhappy. Everyone in the team was waiting for Cheng Tianyong to say goodbye to his "sisters". He was really cool and charming!

Let alone them, Ling Feng couldn't help but want to give him a kick.

Although I know that Cheng Tianyong is really hiding himself, can you stop being so exaggerated!

However, the cloak on the shoulders of Huan Shen Qianjue kept shaking. Seeing so many beauties, Huan Shen Qianjue became a little restless.

It's a pity that Huan Shenjue hasn't rested, and he can't take the initiative to fight for control of his body.

After a long while, Cheng Tianyong finally said goodbye to all his "sisters" and returned to the team satisfied with a lot of lip marks on his face.

Looking at his coquettish and proud look, Ling Feng definitely has reason to believe that this guy is really miserable, but he is also really cool!

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