Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3398 Star Stone! The moment of the stars!

About a day later, the group finally arrived at their destination.

Sea of ​​Stars.

From a distance, it looks like a blue sky, as bright as a galaxy. The whole space gives people a dreamlike feeling.

The area of ​​tens of thousands of miles is the drainage basin of the Sea of ​​Stars. The seaside is an empty plain with some colorful rocks scattered here and there. The veins on them are like the annual rings of ancient trees, twisting around in circles. , each circle reflects a different color, which is also a wonderful landscape.

"These stones are called star stones, and the patterns on them are called star era carvings. Each of the lines represents a star era, and a star era is a full sixty-six thousand six hundred and six hundred Sixteen years!”

Cheng Tianyong led everyone to the Sea of ​​Stars while introducing some of the conditions here.

"It takes more than 60,000 years to complete one era. There are more than tens of millions of lines on it?"

Zhou Yan couldn't help but be speechless, "Have these stones been standing here since ancient times?"

"Maybe so."

Cheng Tianyong narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Because these star stones are colorful and very bright, and because they have existed forever and have never changed, they are also regarded as marriage stones by our subjects near Tianyong City. Legend has it that if two A man and woman who are in love make a wish together in front of the star stone. As long as the star stone shines, it means that the two are destined to be in love for a lifetime! "

As he said that, Cheng Tianyong couldn't help but glance at Nangong Ziling with a smile.


Nangong Ziling glared at Cheng Tianyong angrily, "Who would believe such nonsense!"

"It's not necessarily nonsense."

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "These stones are eternal and exist here. I'm afraid they have already contained some great laws. Maybe they are really marriage stones. I can't say for sure."

"Yes, yes, I'd rather believe it!"

Cheng Tianyong grinned, "Anyway, I believe it. Otherwise, Miss Nangong, let's give it a try?"

As Cheng Tianyong said this, he rubbed Nangong Ziling's shoulder very coquettishly.

"Try you big-headed ghost!"

Nangong Ziling glared at Cheng Tianyong with disgust, "We are here to find Beichen Crystal, not to test our marriage!"

"Forget it, are you afraid that if you find out that you are destined to be with me for three lifetimes, you won't know how to face me, your destined husband? Haha?"


Nangong Ziling couldn't tell Cheng Tianyong what he said. He was so angry that he stamped his feet repeatedly and had the possibility of running away at any time.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, his eyes fell on the star stone, and suddenly, a woman's face flashed in his mind.

I never seem to know this person, but why does her figure always appear in my mind.

Moreover, I still have a very familiar and friendly feeling.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng couldn't help but stay on the spot and couldn't help himself for a long time.


Just when Ling Feng was in a daze, a star stone half a man's height in front of him actually cracked.

Then, a colorful ball, the size of a pinky finger, rolled down from the crack, and then rolled directly to Ling Feng's feet.


In an instant, Cheng Tianyong showed a look of extreme horror. He stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, looked at the star stone, and then looked at Ling Feng. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Isn't it just a cracked stone? Is there any need to make such a fuss?"

Zhou Yan rolled his eyes and couldn't help but mutter.

"Isn't it just a cracked stone?"

Cheng Tianyong said with a shocked look on his face: "Brother Zhou, do you know how hard this star stone is? Legend has it that even an ordinary Immortal Emperor cannot split it with a single blow."

"Hey, it's true."

Zhou Yan looked unbelieving, raised his hand and punched the star stone hard.

The next moment, screams like those of a pig were heard.

Zhou Yan was seen grabbing the wrist of his right hand, first he took more than ten steps on his hind legs, and then he rolled on the ground in pain.

With this punch, the stars and stones remained motionless, but his fist directly shattered the bones!

The entire palm of his right hand, not even a single intact bone, was shattered into powder.

Even with his physical condition, it would take at least ten days and a half to recover.

"This... this is too hard!"

Zhou Yan was so painful that she burst into tears, regretting that she should not believe in evil.

"The star stone actually split open on its own. It's really unprecedented. At least, it's the first time I've seen it."

Cheng Tianyong raised his eyes and looked at Ling Feng, "Brother Ling, it seems that you and this star stone may be destined."

"Is it?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then stooped down and picked up the small ball that fell from the star stone.

A special feeling lingers in my heart, as if it has established some kind of connection with myself.

"Since it's destined, just put it away."

After thinking about it, Ling Feng casually put the colorful ball into the spirit ring. In the future, he might be able to make it into a necklace, bracelet, or the like, and carry it around with him.

The tide rose and fell, and soon, everyone had arrived at the edge of the Sea of ​​Stars.

Near the coast, you can see dozens of huge ships docked together, connected through some bridges and stairs, like a huge sea castle.

"The Sea of ​​Stars has always been windless and waveless, so these large ships are connected together and there is no danger of colliding with each other and sinking."

Cheng Tianyong looked at the ships in the distance and said calmly: "In the offshore area of ​​the Sea of ​​Stars, there are many rare mineral veins on the seabed. These large ships are actually affiliated with the major sects in the area near Tianyong City. Here, Ore veins are being mined everywhere. Look at the small boats that are lowered from the big ships, which are the ore ships of the major sects. There are more than a dozen disciples in them as miners, performing mining tasks. "

"Because it is necessary to dive into the seabed to mine, miners who go to mine can get very considerable rewards."

Cheng Tianyong narrowed his eyes and smiled, and then said: "Our mission this time is actually similar to theirs."

"Then in this sea of ​​stars, is there also a mine ship organized by Tianzhi?"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he couldn't help but ask.

"The Sea of ​​Stars is a domain attached to Tianyong City. Therefore, only the sect forces that have established a sect in Tianyong City can mine here. Of course, it does not rule out that Tianzhi or has cooperated with a certain force. , that’s not something I can know.”

Cheng Tianyong shrugged and said: "Therefore, we cannot mine in the offshore area under the banner of Tianzhi. However, in the far sea area, there are no such restrictions. As long as you can come back alive, you can mine whatever you want. "

After a pause, Cheng Tianyong continued: "In addition, the mineral veins of Beichen Crystal are very rare. They are usually scattered ores, and it is not easy to mine them."

"It's truly a level-A difficulty mission."

Ling Feng pursed his lips, already expecting that this task would not be easy.

First of all, if you have to go deep into the deep sea area, you will face the threat of sea monsters. Not only that, you must also avoid other mining teams. Otherwise, even if you mine it, you may not be able to keep it.

Also, the ore of Beichen Crystal is very hard, and it is impossible for people like them to complete independent mining.

"So, our first step is not to rent a boat and go to sea, but to look for the saliva or blood of the Tianjing tribe."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "So, how can we find this Tianjing clan? If their blood has such effects, they may be easily besieged and hunted by some greedy forces, right?"

"That's a good guess. The so-called ordinary man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a treasure. For a long time, in order to obtain the blood of the Tianjing tribe, many forces arrested the Tianjing tribe and collected their blood, so that the population of this ethnic group dropped sharply. Almost 99%. In order to prevent this ethnic group from being completely exterminated, in the end, the Tianzhi organization came forward and explicitly banned the hunting of the Tianjing tribe, and they were able to escape the disaster of annihilation. "

"However, because of their special physiques, most of the remaining Tianjing tribe members are engaged in work related to mining and smelting. In fact, there are also many Tianjing tribe members in the Sea of ​​Stars area."

Cheng Tianyong raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Come with me, I think there is a place where you can definitely find the Tianjing clan members!"

"Fortunately, I chose you to join the team in the first place!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Cheng Tianyong on the shoulder, secretly feeling lucky for his original decision.

If it weren't for Cheng Tianyong, they would probably have no choice but to rush around like headless flies. In the end, they would not only waste time, but also take many detours.

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