Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3399 Tianjing Clan, Kuangshan!

In the coastal area of ​​​​the Sea of ​​Stars, the sea fortresses are connected by huge ships. They echo each other from a distance, and they seem to have formed a majestic city on the sea.

After thousands of years of development and evolution, the mining industry in this sea area has obviously become extremely developed. Almost every moment, there are ore ships departing from the dock for mining. Similarly, the returning ore ships are also An endless stream.

After some simple processing, it will be sent to major forces through caravans.

Under the leadership of Cheng Tianyong, the group soon boarded a small boat. After a simple registration and paying some fees, they could use this small boat to go to the "fortress" formed by connecting large ships.

The fortress they were heading to on this trip was the "Tian Ming", a relatively neutral fortress composed of more than ten large forces in this sea area.

For thousands of years, competition for resources has been common in this sea area.

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties and conflicts, a neutral organization is naturally needed to allocate resources.

Tianming Hao is such an organization.

Tianming is a super fortress connected by a total of eighty-one giant ships, which is almost comparable to a large city.

It can be said that the Tianming Ship has everything that ordinary cities have, and the Tianming Ship also has things that ordinary cities don’t have!

It is such a sea fortress, and the number of people living here all year round has already exceeded one million!

Most of the few remaining Tianjing tribe members live here.

However, they have basically been taken as slaves by major forces in order to gain more wealth for them.

The few Tianjing people who can live here freely are either strong enough and have ordinary forces, so they don't dare to provoke them easily.

Or they are some great masters of forging and forging who have a certain reputation in the Sea of ​​Stars.

And these are the people Cheng Tianyong is looking for.

"This is it! Kuangshan Blacksmith Shop!"

Cheng Tianyong held a map in his hand, narrowed his eyes, and said with joy: "I have a hunch that this time it will be successful!"


Ling Feng, Zhou Yan and Nangong Ziling rolled their eyes at the same time.

This is the seventeenth time this guy has said this.

In fact, before this, they had already visited more than a dozen blacksmith shops and weapon shops, and the owners of these shops were all the remaining Tianjing tribe members.

However, before they could finish explaining their purpose, the other party immediately turned against him. If he encountered someone with a bad temper, he would just pick him up and chase him out to kill him.

It's no wonder that because of their special talents, the Tianjing people have indeed endured too many tragic memories.

Nowadays, there are still people who dare to come to the door. It's strange that they have a good temper.

"Believe me, the premonition this time is very strong!"

Cheng Tianyong curled his lips, "The owner of this blacksmith shop is called Kuangshan. The weapons he forges are very famous in the Sea of ​​Stars. Even the weapons of the Lord's Palace of Tianyong City are mostly made by this master." hand!"

"Have vision!"

Just when Cheng Tianyong was blowing the rainbow fart, a burly and strong middle-aged man strode out of the inner hall of the store.

The Tianjing people, in appearance, are not much different from ordinary people, except that their skin is relatively whiter and slightly transparent, and the blood vessels and patterns under the skin can be seen at a glance.

However, these lines that look like blood vessels are not real blood vessels, but crystal veins unique to the Tianjing Clan.

The reason why they can sense the mineral deposits deep underground and on the seabed is because of these crystal veins.

Moreover, only the blood extracted from the crystal veins can smelt all ores and extract the minerals inside.

And this middle-aged man, although his whole body was covered by clothes, his neck still showed the unique features of the Tianjing clan.

Obviously, he is the owner of this blacksmith shop, Kuang Shan.

Kuangshan glanced at Cheng Tianyong with admiration, and immediately showed a little complacency. He was obviously quite confident in his forging skills.

"You must be Senior Kuangshan!"

Cheng Tianyong's eyes lit up, and he immediately picked up a long sword placed on the shop floor for display. He tsked a few words of appreciation and said with a smile: "Cheng Tianyong, I have heard about the name of my senior for a long time. When I saw it today, it was as good as hearing it a hundred times." See you soon!”

"Is your surname Cheng?"

Kuang Shan narrowed his eyes and remembered that Cheng Tianyong mentioned the City Lord's Mansion just now. He suddenly grinned, thinking that there was a big deal, and he quickly said with a smile: "Looking at the extraordinary bearing of this little brother, he should be the son of the City Lord's Mansion, right?"

"Haha, don't mention this, don't mention this."

Cheng Tianyong waved his hand and smiled, "Actually, I came here specifically to pay a visit to you, senior."

With that said, Cheng Tianyong winked at Ling Feng again. Ling Feng agreed and hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to Kuang Shan, "I have met Senior Kuang Shan, and I have heard of Senior's name for a long time under Ling Feng."


Kuang Shan narrowed his eyes and looked at Ling Feng, and seemed to see something extraordinary. He wondered why so many young talents suddenly came here today.

Judging from their well-dressed appearance, they look like fat sheep!

The monks who have been in the Sea of ​​Stars all year round basically have to go to sea to mine. Over the years, they either have dark skin, unkempt hair, or sunken eye sockets, looking very tired.

This kind of people are working as workers, and young men like Ling Feng and the others with "fine skin and tender flesh" should be here to play.

There must be money in your pocket!

How can you be worthy of yourself if you don't kill a fat sheep when it comes to your door?

Thinking of this, Kuangshan almost drooled from the corner of his mouth. He sucked the saliva from the corner of his mouth and quickly made a gesture of invitation, "Mr. Ling, Mr. Cheng, these exhibits outside, no matter how good they are, they are just my random things. Since both gentlemen are distinguished guests, why not come to the inner hall to talk about it? I have some treasures to display, please!”

"Then it's Senior Lao!"

Ling Feng and Cheng Tianyong looked at each other. It seemed that Kuangshan's weakness was his greed for money.

Since you are greedy for money, it will be much easier to handle.

As long as the price is right, you should be able to buy some blood.

"Brother Zhou, Brother Huanshen, Miss Nangong, please wait here for a while. Brother Cheng and I will come back as soon as we go."

Ling Feng explained to Zhou Yan and others, then turned around and followed Kuangshan with Cheng Tianyong into the inner hall.

Nangong Ziling looked at the backs of several people and couldn't help but murmured, "Do you think Mr. Ling and the others can succeed this time?"

Zhou Yan shrugged, "I'm tired of seeing it. I'll probably be kicked out by that crazy old man with a broom."

Nangong Ziling shook his head and smiled. Indeed, most of the previous situations were like this. They talked well at first, but as soon as the matter of blood collection was mentioned, the other party immediately fell out.

This time, I'm afraid there will be no exception...

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