Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3400: Easy come, easy go!

"What? Get out! Get out of here!"

As Zhou Yan and the others expected, everything went smoothly. However, when Ling Feng mentioned borrowing blood, Kuang Shan suddenly seemed to be a different person. His face that was originally full of smiles also changed. It was completely green.

"Senior, listen to me..."

Cheng Tianyong quickly tried to explain, but before he could speak, Kuang Shan had already picked up a copper hammer from the weapon rack and swung it at Ling Feng and the two.

"There's nothing to say, grandma, I just know that none of you humans are good birds!"

Kuang Shan was so angry that his beard was trembling, and he looked extremely excited.

Ling Feng frowned. If this continues, they may not be able to obtain the blood of the Tianjing clan through normal means.

Could it be that we can only do it hard?

Although Ling Feng doesn't think he is a good person or a great saint, he still has his own bottom line and principles and is unwilling to do something against his will.

But this time, if you stick to your own principles, you may really not be able to mine the Beichen Crystal within the stipulated time.

There was only one month left, and they had already been delayed for several days in order to obtain the blood of the Tianjing clan.

In addition, it will take time to find the Beichen Crystal. If it is delayed any longer and the mission fails, everyone in their team will be wiped out and will no longer be able to join Tianzhi.

And the next chance will be three hundred years from now!

Three hundred years may not be anything to a powerful immortal.

But for Ling Feng, it would be too long.

He didn't want his grandfather and mother to continue to suffer for another three hundred years!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, he grabbed the handle of the copper hammer that Kuangshan swung over, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me, what are the conditions before you are willing to lend some blood!"

Kuang Shan was obviously startled by Ling Feng's momentum. His eyelids twitched. After a long while, he took back the copper hammer angrily.


Kuangshan sighed, a trace of sadness appeared on his face, "Is this the fate of the descendants of the Tianjing clan? Because our blood can refine all ores, it will arouse the greed of other clans and treat us The blood is flocking to it! Haha, this is fate, nothing can be avoided! "

Kuangshan sighed endlessly, and in an instant, he seemed to have aged dozens of years.

Ling Feng clenched his fists, seeming to remember that part of the reason why the Tiandao clan was in danger of being exterminated was because of the "celestial weapons" that the Tiandao clan was born with.

It's like the ten directions of oneself are destroyed.

This kind of magical weapon that can be continuously promoted, constantly break through boundaries, and has no end, is the companion of every Tiandao tribesman.

Others may not be able to obtain the divine weapon in their lifetime, but the Tiandao people can automatically obtain it after awakening the Eye of the Emperor.

In a sense, how similar is the destiny of the Tiandao clan to that of the Tianjing clan?

For a moment, Ling Feng actually felt a sense of sympathy, and felt regret and self-blame for his attitude just now.

Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. If it were you, you wouldn't do it to yourself.

"Senior, I...sorry..."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, turned around and left.

Since the other party is unwilling, I won’t force it.

He didn't believe that without the blood of the Tianjing clan, it would be impossible to mine the Beichen Crystal!

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, Kuangshan actually called out to Ling Feng, "Boy, haven't I finished speaking yet?"

"What do you have to teach me, senior?"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Kuang Shan and was no longer prepared to draw blood from Kuang Shan.

"Hey, as a descendant of the Tianjing clan, I have long known that this kind of thing cannot be avoided."

Kuangshan shook his head, "Well, I think you are quite pleasing to the eye. I can give you the blood of the Sky Crystal, but..."

"But what?"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. It was such a turn of events. He never expected that Kuang Shan would actually agree!

"However, the blood of Tianjing is different from ordinary blood. When it comes to the blood of Tianjing, it will cause certain damage to the body of the Tianjing clan. So, in your case, you have to pay more!"

As he said this, the old guy rubbed his hands at Ling Feng, looking like a money man.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng almost choked on a mouthful of saliva.

Good guy!

This old boy who has a good relationship is making trouble and playing the emotional card. He is just wallowing in self-pity. It turns out that he is waiting for him here!

Add money?


If you add more money, add more money. He is willing to give him the blood of the Sky Crystal. If you add more money, add more money!

"Tell me, what's the right price?" Ling Feng took a deep breath. In order to complete the task, he had no choice but to admit it.

"One price, one million!"

"one million?"

Ling Feng's eyes widened, and after a long while, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

It's really easy come, easy go.

He had just knocked off the young man of the Cheng family, and now he had paid it all back so quickly.

However, it was a good thing that he had extorted one million from Cheng Tianqi in advance, otherwise he would have been short of money and not be able to come up with so many fairy stones.

Anyway, he came back through "blackmail", so Ling Feng didn't feel too distressed.

Anyway, Beichen Crystals are valuable. If you can mine a few more Beichen Crystals, you will get everything back.

However, Ling Feng still pretended to be in great pain and frowned: "Senior, one million is not a small amount!"

"That's because you begged me, and it's not like I have to sell you my blood. If you give it, I'll give it to you. If you don't, I'll throw you away!"

Kuang Shan was indeed a profiteer and did not give any room for bargaining. However, seeing Ling Feng's hesitation, he still explained: "This million is not for nothing. It is absolutely worth it." value."

“What a great value for money?”

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he stared at Kuang Shan intently.

Cheng Tianyong also blinked, "Yes, is the senior planning to let out a basin of blood?"

"Holy shit, a basin? It will cost me my life!"

Kuang Shan glared at Cheng Tianyong fiercely, "What I mean is that this time, I will go to sea with you! Aren't you looking for the Crystal of Beichen? Without me to guide you, you stupid young people will not be able to survive even if you float on the sea for half a year. You may not be able to find a Beichen Crystal!”

"Senior, are you willing to lead the way?"

Ling Feng was immediately overjoyed. If this was true, this million was indeed well spent!

"All in all, I haven't left the Tianming ship for a long, long time."

Kuangshan took a deep breath and said with emotion: "It's okay, it's okay to go out for a walk!"

"Thank you, senior!"

Ling Feng bowed deeply towards Kuangshan. Unexpectedly, in the final twist, not only could he obtain the blood of the Sky Crystal, but there would also be a Sky Crystal clansman who would personally lead the way.

It seems that after completing this Tianzhi selection and assessment task, victory is already within reach.

One day later.

A three-foot-long ore ship was lowered from the right wing deck of the Tianming and sailed into the endless sea of ​​stars.

And on board this ore ship was Ling Feng and his party.

In addition to Zhou Yan, Cheng Tianyong and the Phantom God Qianjue, there is another strong and burly middle-aged man in the team, Kuang Shan.

In fact, Kuangshan's age is already over a thousand years old. However, for a powerful immortal who often has a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, being over a thousand years old is still very young.

Because there is no wind or waves on the sea of ​​​​stars, the ore ship traveling on the sea must burn the immortal stone to extract the immortal energy in it and drive the magic circle on the ore ship before it can move.

On average, every day of sailing requires thousands of fairy stones.

Coupled with the 200,000 fairy stones required to rent this mining ship, the little wealth Ling Feng had managed to save was suddenly emptied out again.

As for people like Zhou Yan, none of them are reliable.

He just said that he was a genius who had risen from the top ten ancient domains, but the result was good. Each one was poorer than the other. No one knew how to redeem the fairy stones in advance. The total fairy stones on several people's possessions was less than 10,000!

Not to mention Cheng Tianyong, whose pockets were clean and tidy. After asking, he found out that when he left Tianyong City, he had given them all to the sisters at the Ningxiang Pavilion.

Ling Feng almost vomited blood. You, Mr. Cheng, spent your money in a smart way. You are in a good relationship and I am the only one paying for this mission? ? ?

But fortunately, the little assets I have can finally withstand it for almost a month. If everything goes well, when they return to the Tianzhi organization, they should still have tens of thousands of fairy stones left in their pockets.

"Let's go!"

Cheng Tianyong swung the long sword in his hand and pointed forward, looking particularly high-spirited.

Those who don’t pay have it easy!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He really regretted why he extorted one million yuan in the first place?

What a mistake! What a mistake!

You've already been extorted, why don't you go for 10 million?

Still too kind!

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