Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3401 Deep in the Star Sea! Heaven crystal veins!

In the blink of an eye, Ling Feng and his party have been drifting on the sea of ​​stars for ten days.

In these ten days, even with the guidance of Kuangshan from the Tianjing clan, they still found nothing.

This is not surprising. After all, the offshore area of ​​the Sea of ​​​​Stars has been mined for millions of years. Basically, except for some low-quality and cheap mineral deposits, or the mining cost is too high, there is no good stuff left.

If you want to mine rare mineral deposits like Beichen Crystal, you must go deep into the far sea area.

As the group of people continued to delve deeper into the distant sea area of ​​​​the Sea of ​​Stars, it was far from being as orderly as the offshore area.

In this sea area, in addition to the ore ships of the major forces, there are also some pirate ships flying skull flags, plundering and plundering the ore ships in this sea area.

What's more, even at the risk of provoking the "Tian Ming" alliance, they also rob the ore ship and search for supplies.

After all, in the face of interests, there are always people who take desperate risks, but after all, there are only a few who dare to provoke the Tianming Alliance.

It has to be said that although the small boat that Ling Feng and the others rented back from the Tian Ming was not impressive in appearance, it was still flying the flag of the Tian Ming and had not encountered any pirates.

This is why Ling Feng would rather spend an extra 200,000 immortal stones to rent a mine ship instead of using his own boundary-breaking shuttle.

The flag of Tianminghao is already worth 200,000!

Otherwise, just dealing with those star pirates would probably waste a lot of time.

"Senior Kuangshan, how are you doing? Do you feel anything?"

Ling Feng stood on the deck with his hands behind his hands, staring at the sea in the distance. It had been ten days since he went to sea, but he had found nothing. Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

In fact, not only Ling Feng, but also several other teammates became more or less impatient.

After all, it depends on whether you can pass Tianzhi's entrance examination.

And now half of the time has passed, but not even the shadow of Beichen Crystal has been seen.

"Don't be anxious. Sensing something like this requires opportunity."

Kuang Shan stroked his long beard and said, "It must be within a certain range before the induction can occur. Otherwise, wouldn't all the mineral deposits under the sky belong to our Tianjing Clan?"

Zhou Yan sighed, "Having said that, we really don't have much time."

"There's nothing we can do about it. In short, our route is definitely fine. Head all the way north. Anyway, if we keep going deeper, we will definitely gain something."

Kuangshan leaned carelessly against the mast next to him, then took out a big sword and began to wipe it very carefully.


When Zhou Yan saw Kuangshan's leisurely look, he was immediately furious, "Speaking of Lingfeng, I always feel that you have been deceived. If you want to find the Crystal of Beichen, just go all the way north. I can do it too." ah!"

“Haste makes waste, I believe Senior Kuangshan knows this well.”

Ling Feng took a deep breath. There was no need to be anxious. Now he had no choice but to believe in Kuang Shan.

Although they have not gone into the sea to mine once during this period of time, if they were just like headless flies and just found a place to start mining, they would only waste more time.

In the blink of an eye, another five days passed.

During this period, no one went into the sea for mining once.

Seeing that time flies by, there are only less than ten days left before the deadline for delivering the task.

After half a month of continuous sailing, Ling Feng and his small mining ship had arrived at the core of the far sea area.

This area is vast, and the calm water seems to have a dark black color due to its stagnant flow, with a chilly feel.

And under this sea area, there live some terrifying sea monsters that are comparable to Immortal Lords or even Immortal Emperors.

Therefore, when entering this sea area, Kuangshan specifically stated that the sailing speed must be slowed down, otherwise, if the giant monster on the seabed is disturbed, they may be completely annihilated.

"Fifteen days!"

Ling Feng stood on the deck, his expression becoming more serious.

If they can no longer mine the Beichen Crystal, they may not even have enough time to return home.

Returning to the Tianming from here, even if sailing at full speed, will take at least seven days.

In other words, they must return within three days.

If they can't find the Beichen Crystal within three days, their mission will be declared a failure.

Otherwise, even if the Beichen Crystal is found, there will be no time to return to Tianzhi and deliver the mission.

"No! If this continues, we will be eliminated without even doing anything!"

Zhou Yan clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Stop the ship, we have to take a gamble. Let's try our luck in this area! The sea is far enough here!"

"I agree too."

Nangong Ziling took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "If we don't try again, we will have failed before we even take action."

Ling Feng also frowned, looked at Kuangshan, and said in a deep voice: "Senior, what do you think?"

"Try, of course I have to try, but being impatient won't accomplish anything."

Kuangshan narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Believe me, give me another day, I think I will feel it."

"Still believe in his induction?"

Zhou Yan was so angry that he almost jumped up, "One day? Do you know what one day means to us now? I don't agree!"


Kuang Shan shrugged and looked at Ling Feng, "Boy, what do you say?"

For a man like Kuang Shan, he had naturally noticed that Ling Feng was the leader and core figure of this team.

The final decision depends on Ling Feng's wishes.

"Since I have chosen Senior Kuangshan as my guide, I naturally trust him unconditionally!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "Then let's sail forward for another day!"

After saying that, he looked at everyone again and said calmly: "What do you think?"

"You rented the boat, and you provided the immortal stones to maintain the magic circle. You have the final say."

Cheng Tianyong shrugged slightly and said casually.


Illusion God Qianjue opened his eyes slightly, then closed them again, sitting cross-legged and meditating to adjust his breathing.

"Since everyone has said so, I... have no objection."

Nangong Ziling bit her silver teeth and chose to obey Ling Feng's decision.

"Haha, what else can I say?"

Zhou Yan shrugged helplessly. He now felt like he had no place to vent all his strength.

Along the way, he was said to have completed the assessment task, but from beginning to end, he had no chance to contribute.

Somewhat aggrieved.

"Do not worry."

Ling Feng naturally saw Zhou Yan's little thoughts, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, squinted his eyes and smiled slightly: "Brother Zhou, there will be a time when you can help!"


Zhou Yan snorted lightly and turned his head to one side, looking arrogant.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Now that things have happened, he can only trust Kuangshan and continue sailing forward for one day.

As for the return time.

Ling Feng thought for a while and realized that the speed of this small mining ship was indeed a bit slow. If it really couldn't do anything, he could only use his own boundary-breaking shuttle when he went back.

With the speed of the boundary-breaking shuttle, we should be able to save two or three days.

Everyone had their own thoughts, but the day seemed extremely long.

And finally, at the moment when the red sun rose, and the golden morning sun scattered on the sea, Kuangshan suddenly opened his eyes, and along with the crystal veins all over his body, lavender light flashed, and his face , a faint smile appeared, "This is it! This is it!"

Kuangshan's excited roar immediately woke everyone up.

On the sixteenth day of sailing at sea, has the harvest moment finally arrived?


Kuangshan looked up to the sky and laughed, "The last time I came here was more than five hundred years ago! At that time, I had already sensed that there was a mineral deposit of Beichen Crystal under this sea area, but at that time I As a slave, how could I have benefited from those scumbags in vain? Therefore, I did not tell the owner about the mine at that time, but I just kept it in my heart. "

"Five hundred years! For five hundred years, I have been planning this opportunity. Unexpectedly, I met you at this time!"

Kuangshan's eyebrows were dancing and he said: "Boy Lingfeng, you should believe that your one million won't be spent in vain this time! The Beichen Crystal deposit below is probably close to ten meters long. You can imagine how many crystals can be mined. The Crystal of Beichen?”


Even Ling Feng couldn't help but swallow.

The more than ten meters long Beichen Crystal mineral deposit can almost be called a small vein!


This time it is really developed!

The one million guide fees were indeed not in vain!

"Senior is really hiding his secrets!"

Ling Feng bowed his hands to Kuang Shan and couldn't help but rub his hands together with excitement.

Zhou Yan, Cheng Tianyong and others were also eager to give it a try.

Now, isn't it time for them to show off their skills?

Even if you dig day and night, you still have to uproot the entire vein!

"Don't rush to be happy first."

Kuangshan stroked his long beard and said slowly: "Let's decide how to allocate the following resources first, so as not to get into arguments later, which would be boring."


Ling Feng nodded. Indeed, the brothers were still settling accounts. It was better to explain the issue of profit distribution clearly in advance.

"Okay, then, I want 50%!"

Kuangshan directly raised his palm, and a lion opened his mouth directly.

"Senior, you are a little too greedy!"

Ling Feng frowned. Although it was true that the mine was found through Kuangshan, he was 50% satisfied as soon as he opened his mouth. His appetite is really big.

"If I don't say more, how can I give you room to bargain?"

Kuang Shan chuckled. After all, he was a profiteer, and he sounded like a veteran when he opened his mouth.

In the end, after some deliberation and taking into account various factors, the final distribution ratio was 30% for Kuangshan, 30% for Lingfeng, and the remaining 40% between Zhou Yan, Cheng Tianyong, Nangong Ziling and Huan Shen Qianjue. One person per person.

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