Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3402 The ancient secret technique of the Tianjing Clan!

In order to prevent the ore ship from being attacked by sea monsters or discovered by other pirate ships when mining the Beichen Crystal on the seabed, someone must stay behind the ore ship while the mine is being mined.

After several people discussed it, it was finally decided that two people would work in groups and take turns guarding the ship, while the remaining people would follow Kuang Shan and go deep into the seabed to mine the Beichen Crystal.

After drawing lots, Ling Feng was paired with Huan Shen Qian Jue, Kuang Shan was paired with Zhou Yan, and Nangong Zi Ling could only be paired with Cheng Tianyong.

"Ha ha!"

As soon as the results of the grouping came out, Cheng Tianyong immediately beamed with joy and stared at Nangong Ziling with a smile, "Miss Nangong, it must be a special fate that we are assigned to a group!"

Nangong Ziling glared at Cheng Tianyong fiercely, cursing his bad luck in his heart, but he could only obey the result of the draw.

At this juncture, there is no need to waste everyone's time on these trivial matters.

"Then, Brother Cheng, Miss Nangong, you will stay on the boat and watch over us, and we will get off first."

Ling Feng looked at the two of them, considering that Nangong Ziling was a woman after all, rough guys like them had priority for hard work like mining.

Anyway, they will be rotated in a while, it’s just a matter of who comes first and who comes last.

"Don't worry, Brother Ling. I'm here to watch over you, and no one will steal your home."

Cheng Tianyong grinned and gave Ling Feng a no problem gesture.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then looked at Kuang Shan, "Senior, you're done."

Kuangshan stroked his long beard and immediately plunged directly into the sea with a "pop" sound.

Then, Ling Feng, Zhou Yan, and Huan Shen Qianjue also jumped down one after another.

The moment he entered the sea, everyone shuddered almost simultaneously.

This sea water is too cold.

That kind of coldness penetrates deep into the bone marrow, and even the original true fire in the body is suppressed.

The cold air invaded the body, Ling Feng took a deep breath, and immediately brought up the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire and swam in the body, only then did he regain a little warmth.

The rest of the people also showed their magical powers. Although the sea water was extremely cold, it was not difficult for geniuses like them.

But according to Ling Feng's estimation, these monks who are only in the magic realm may not be able to hold on for a few hours at most before they have to return to the boat to rest. Otherwise, they may not be able to hold on.

"Hehe, we are the only ones left now."

Cheng Tianyong watched everyone's figures gradually disappear in the sea water, then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Nangong Ziling, showing an extremely silvery smile, "Is this called a world of two?"

"You...what do you want to do?"

Nangong Ziling felt a little panicked. What did this guy want to do?

"Hey, I think so."

Cheng Tianyong grinned and seemed to be answering the wrong question.

However, Nangong Ziling was stunned for a moment and immediately realized what kind of filthy things were in this guy's mind!

"you you……"

Nangong Ziling quickly crossed her arms and took a few steps back subconsciously, "Don't mess around!"

"Hey hey hey..."

Cheng Tianyong grinned strangely, while rubbing his hands, he walked closer to Nangong Ziling.

However, halfway through, he suddenly turned around and laughed, "I mean, I wanted to take a moment and let you help guard me for a while. Where did you want to go?"


Nangong Ziling's pretty face turned red and she glared at Cheng Tianyong fiercely.

Cheng Tianyong stretched himself very comfortably, turned around and walked aside, but there was obviously a trace of amusement in his eyes.

"Damn you brat! Remember this!"

Nangong Ziling was so angry that he stamped his feet repeatedly. It was obvious that this guy was deliberately teasing him!

On the other side, Ling Feng and his party have also dived into the deep sea tens of thousands of feet.

The cold is getting worse and worse, because there is no sunlight all year round, and it is even more difficult to see my fingers.

Fortunately, Kuangshan, a member of the Tianjing clan, can sense the location of the mineral deposits. Otherwise, even if he knew that the Beichen Crystal was under this sea area, it would probably take several days to find the specific location. .

"This is it!"

Kuangshan looked back at everyone with a hint of ecstasy on his face, "Everyone, the Beichen Crystal Mine, which is more than ten meters long, is already at our feet!"

"Finally found!"

Zhou Yan rubbed his hands together excitedly. All the strength he had accumulated during this period finally found a place to vent.


With a swing of the sword's edge, Zhou Yan directly pulled out a long sword, already eager to try.

"Crazy Flame Slash!"

Hearing Zhou Yan yell loudly, he couldn't help but chop down a rock at his feet.

However, the imaginary scene of the rock shattering did not appear. Instead, Zhou Yan was directly shaken back more than ten feet. Even his proud fairy sword actually "clicked" and was directly broken into a gap. .

"My blazing sun sword!"

Zhou Yan looked at his sword with great distress. Even though there was a gap in it, there was actually a crack that spread directly from the gap, almost extending to the hilt.

I'm afraid, with one more blow, this blazing sun sword will be completely useless.

"You kid, why are you in such a hurry?"

Kuang Shan chuckled, "If the Beichen Crystal is so easy to mine, then why do you need me to do it? I see you are also a lover of swords. Boy, bring your sword and I will repair it for you."


Zhou Yan's eyelids twitched, "Senior, can you cultivate?"

"Nonsense, have you forgotten what I do? I am a top swordsmith!"

"Thank you, senior! Thank you, senior!"

When Zhou Yan heard that there was still a chance to repair his sword, he hurriedly thanked Kuangshan.

"Don't rush to say thank you yet!"

Kuangshan grinned, and then slowly raised a finger, "I can help you repair the sword, but after the mined Beichen Crystals are distributed, you have to give me an extra one!"

One Beichen Crystal is worth tens of thousands of Immortal Crystals, and one Immortal Crystal is equivalent to ten thousand Immortal Stones.

In other words, just one Beichen Crystal is equivalent to hundreds of millions of Immortal Stones.

This old guy is truly a profiteer!

"Aren't you taking advantage of the situation?" Zhou Yan was so angry that his teeth itched. This old guy was simply out of money's sight.

"There's nothing you can do about it. If you like to practice or not, it's not my sword."

Kuangshan shrugged, looking indifferent.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Brother Zhou, show me, maybe I can fix it."


Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment, "Are you okay?"

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "You'll know if you try it."

"You don't want to directly use the original fire to smelt my sword and then recast it, do you? You are overthinking it. My Blazing Sun Sword is forged from extraterrestrial Blazing Sun Stones and Netherworld Cold Crystals. It is integrated. If you calcine it with the original fire again, if there is even a slight mistake, the sword will be completely useless. What's more, it is impossible to smelt the extraterrestrial blazing sun stone with ordinary flames."

Zhou Yan clenched his fists, "If I could, I would do it myself! I am also an alchemist, and my original fire is Tuo Di's ancient divine flame!"

"Tuo Di's ancient divine flame? It's interesting."

Kuang Shan stroked his chin and smiled, "If you don't want to make alchemy, it would be good to be a swordsmith. Are you interested in becoming my teacher?"


Zhou Yan snorted, obviously unwilling to talk to this old money fan.

"It's okay, I'll just take a look."

Ling Feng smiled and took the blazing sun sword from Zhou Yan's hand. With a thought, he directly used the flame-swallowing fire.

It is not suitable to use the Demonic Dragon's Purifying Fire to cast an immortal sword. After all, the Demonic Dragon's Purifying Fire is a kind of flame of destruction. Anything under the Demonic Dragon's Purifying Fire will only be burned to ashes.

If you want to reforge the fairy sword, your own flame swallowing is pretty good.

In an instant, Ling Feng's palm was blazing with fire. Under Ling Feng's precise control, Zhou Yan's blazing sun sword actually turned dark red and shimmered.

In just a moment, it melted into molten iron, and under Ling Feng's exquisite control, it condensed without breaking up, and finally recovered bit by bit. Although it was a little short, not only did the cracks disappear, but there were even more A divine forged inscription was written.

The divine forging inscription is equivalent to the elixir pattern on the elixir.

Just this divine forged inscription has almost raised the quality of this blazing sun sword to a new level.

"Okay! That's good!"

Zhou Yan's eyes widened and he looked at his fairy sword in disbelief, but his mood couldn't help but become a little complicated.

How come this guy knows everything!

I can't compare, I really don't deserve to be compared with Ling Feng!

The Kuangshan Master also showed a hint of surprise at this moment.

The forging talent displayed by Ling Feng was simply astonishing.

In fact, Ling Feng only dabbled in forging a craft when he was in the lower realm.

I just followed the big hammer in the Valley of the Evil and learned for a while.

However, as his cultivation became more and more sophisticated, and his control over the original fire and fire laws reached a new level, his blacksmithing skills actually increased.

Kuangshan took a deep breath and couldn't help but murmur to himself, "The ancient forging secrets of our Tianjing clan will probably be cut off after I come to this place. But this kid's talent is, even compared to that of the Tianjing clan, The genius monster at his peak will definitely not give in. If the secret of forging can be taught to him, he will have a chance to flourish in the future. "


Seeing Kuang Shan muttering to himself, Ling Feng couldn't help but remind him: "It's almost time, tell us how to mine the Beichen Crystal?"


Only then did Kuangshan come back to his senses, narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Okay, let me tell you!"

As he spoke, Kuangshan also took out a long sword, and then used the blade to lightly scratch his arm.

I saw the crystal veins on his arm, purple light flashed, and there was lavender blood, which automatically blended into the blade, and there was actually a hint of purple.


Kuangshan threw the long sword to Ling Feng, "Such a sword that is fused with the blood of the sky crystal can be used for about half a month! Use this sword to split the ore, and you don't need to be afraid of the repercussions of the ore. The power!”

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