Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3404 Weird Star Stone!

The sea of ​​stars is calm without wind or waves, so naturally there is no such thing as a favorable wind or a favorable wind.

Therefore, in order to increase the sailing speed, it all depends on the ship's own magic circle and the supply of energy ores.

In order to return to Tianzhi within the specified time, Ling Feng and his party naturally raced against time and sailed at full speed.

The return voyage takes about six or seven days. The group of people take turns steering the ship while the others return to the cabin to rest.

After all, they have worked hard for several days to dig the mine, but it is still a bit too much for monks like them who are only in the realm of virtual immortals.

At this moment, Ling Feng was sitting cross-legged on the deck. After a few days, Ling Feng was the only one in the best condition. Therefore, the burden of being the first to operate the boundary-breaking shuttle naturally fell on Ling Feng's shoulders.

In Ling Feng's hand, he also held a Beichen Crystal, emitting a faint blue-purple light, crystal clear, like a gem.

Just by holding it in his hand, Ling Feng could sense that this ore contained extremely pure fairy energy.

Moreover, it seems to coincide with some special law of heaven and earth.

All in all, it is full of mysterious and unpredictable power.

According to Kuang Shan, this Beichen Crystal can not only be used to forge immortal weapons, serve as an energy core, and can even be used to refine elixirs.

Moreover, if one's cultivation reaches the realm of Immortal Lord, one can also directly absorb the Immortal Origin Principles contained in it.

In other words, Beichen's Crystal can actually be regarded as an ultimate energy for powerful immortals to improve their cultivation.

This is no wonder why a single Beichen Crystal can cost as much as a billion immortal stones.

Unfortunately, Ling Feng tried several times, but even with his chaotic body, he was completely unable to affect the energy in the Beichen Crystal.

Therefore, at present, the value of Beichen Crystal to Ling Feng is just a very expensive gemstone.

However, with the help of the blood of Kuangshan's Sky Crystal, the Beichen Crystal can be smelted, and can also be melted into weapons or magic weapons to improve the grade of the treasure.


Shaking his head and sighing, Ling Feng had a wry smile on his lips and murmured to himself, "Could it be that you really have to reach the realm of the Immortal Lord before you can absorb the principles of the Immortal Source inside?"

After trying for a long time, Ling Feng finally gave up and stopped making unnecessary attempts.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng suddenly felt his chest feel slightly hot, his eyelids twitched, and he quickly took out a necklace from his arms.

But it turned out that this pendant was the star stone that Ling Feng had picked up at the Sea of ​​Stars.

Because he felt that he was destined to this thing, Ling Feng made it into a pendant and carried it with him.

It was originally just a whim, but unexpectedly, it suddenly became hot on its own at this moment.

Ling Feng opened the clothes on his chest and was surprised to find that the star stone actually carved a mysterious pattern on his chest.

It seems to be the star epoch mark on the star stone.

"Why is it so good that it suddenly gets hot?"

Ling Feng frowned, the heat just now was extremely shocking.

With Ling Feng's physique, it stands to reason that he is already invulnerable to all fires. It is impossible for ordinary heat to cause any harm to Ling Feng, let alone leave a mark on his skin.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, "Could it be that the Beichen Crystal triggered the power contained in this star stone?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and in order to confirm his guess, he took off the pendant, and was moved closer to the pendant by Beichen Crystal.

Sure enough, the Beichen Crystal shone with a blue-purple light, and the Star Stone actually began to flicker.

The next moment, a layer of dim red light appeared on the surface of the Star Stone, and the scorching power spread out in the palm of his hand. Ling Feng was in pain and could not hold the Star Stone.


The Star Stone came out of his hand and hit the surface of the Beichen Crystal directly. Then, with a flash of red light, the luster of the Beichen Crystal quickly dimmed in just an instant.

Then, it turns into powder and dissipates with the wind.

It was actually sucked dry!


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. He had never heard that star stones could absorb energy?

Doesn't it mean that the only characteristic of this star stone is that it is hard and indestructible, and other than that, does it not have any other special features?

But how could this star stone be able to absorb the Beichen Crystal?

After thinking for a while, Ling Feng took out another Beichen Crystal.

Today, I have to figure out what this stone is.

One Beichen Crystal has already been spent, so it doesn't matter if one more comes.

However, in the blink of an eye, a Beichen Crystal turned into powder.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and didn't believe this evil.

At this moment, the roar of a donkey sounded in his mind, "Boy Lingfeng, this is the Crystal of Beichen. If you think it's too much, give it to me! You actually feed it to a stone?"

This guy has already coveted those Beichen Crystals for a long time. The reason why he has not come out before is because he is afraid of being dragged out by Ling Feng to do hard work.

Now that the division of Beichen Crystal has been completed, this guy ran out.

"That's my thing too, you don't have to worry about it."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and raised his heart, one after another. In less than a dozen breaths, the thirty US Beichen Crystals in Ling Feng's hands were actually consumed by as many as twenty!

A black line shot up on Ling Feng's forehead. This big eater had eaten twenty Beichen Crystals in one go, and there was no reaction at all?

Fortunately, after swallowing twenty Beichen Crystals, the Star Stone seemed to begin to dislike the energy in the Beichen Crystals.

Even though Ling Feng took the initiative to bring the Beichen Crystal closer to him, the Star Stone actually stopped sucking.

Soon, the red light on the surface of the star stone also dissipated, and the scorching and terrifying power also disappeared.

However, there are some more blue-purple stripes on the carvings on the Star Stone, which seem to be evidence of absorbing twenty Beichen Crystals.

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

Twenty Beichen Crystals, that’s it?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, if you don't listen to the words of the mythical beast, you will suffer the consequences right in front of you, right?"

The taunting voice of a bitch suddenly sounded in his mind.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, but he still felt in his heart that there was a huge opportunity hidden in this star stone.

Otherwise, how could the Taoist principles of the Immortal Source, which can only be absorbed by the powerful Immortal Master, be easily absorbed by a mere stone?

This thing is absolutely extraordinary!

He put the necklace inlaid with star stones back on and shrugged. Although twenty Beichen Crystals were spent, there were still ten left, which was more than enough to complete the task.

And now...

There was an evil arc on the corner of Ling Feng's mouth.

Now that I have spent a huge sum of money in vain, I have to find a place to make up for it, right?

He looked coldly forward. In fact, Ling Feng had already noticed those pirate ships a few days ago.

The magic circle that blocks the induction of spiritual consciousness may be able to deceive others, but under the eyes of Ling Feng's emperor, it is useless.

Infinite vision means being able to see through all illusions.

It's still too early to deceive Ling Feng's eyes with a mere magic circle.

However, since the other party didn't take action, Ling Feng didn't want to cause trouble and waste time.

Now, the other party has obviously come towards them and is ready to take advantage of them when they return.

"Are you going to rob someone? You don't know who is robbing whom?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly. These pirates must have accumulated a lot of wealth by plundering ore ships in this sea area.

Just as Ling Feng was thinking, three pirate ships with skull flags flying appeared in front of them. They were like horns and were quickly surrounding them.

This is obviously a very skilled pirate team. By encircling a small ship in this way, they can prevent the other party from using their dexterity or speed to throw away their big ship.

In this way, the other party will be sealed in the encirclement, and they must either hand over their wealth obediently, or sink into the cold seabed together with their lives.

In an instant, Ling Feng directly sounded the alarm, notifying everyone to come forward to respond to the enemy.

Under the detection of the Emperor's Eye, Ling Feng already knew that there were a total of sixty-three pirates on the other side, and the strongest among them was probably about the same strength as Xiao Xianling, and he should only be a little immortal in the Talisman Realm.

Of course, it is also possible that he knew that his qualifications were not good enough, gave up on condensing the nine talismans and seal skills for promotion, and had already broken through to the Daoyan realm.

However, the overall strength is definitely no better than Xiao Xianling.

It can be used to test your own strength and see how far it has reached.

In addition, Cheng Tianyong is very well hidden. This time, Cheng Tianyong's true strength should be revealed.

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