Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3405 Do you think you are humorous?

"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"

When the alarm sounded, several people who were resting in their respective cabins immediately flew out and were ready.

"Is it a sea monster or a pirate? Damn it, I still couldn't escape it!"

Zhou Yan cursed and rushed out, "At this time, something went wrong."

Soon, Kuangshan, Zhou Yan, Huan Shen Qianjue, Cheng Tianyong and Nangong Ziling all gathered on the deck, their faces looking very solemn.

"It's a pirate."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and pointed ahead.

It was dusk, and the waning moon on the sea was like blood. Looking from a distance, three huge ships were bathed in the bloody sunset, and the flying skull flags looked extremely eye-catching.

"It seems that although our speed has increased since we switched to the boundary-breaking shuttle, we still don't have the flag of the Tianming after all, so the pirates are targeting us."

Kuangshan frowned and analyzed in a deep voice.

"That's not true. Those pirates don't care whether the Tianming or not."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "In fact, these guys were already targeting us two or three days ago. At that time, our ore ship was flying the flag of the Tianming!"

" have discovered it a long time ago?"

Everyone was shocked, and Zhou Yan even frowned, "Then didn't you tell me earlier?"

As for Kuangshan, Illusion God Qianjue and the others showed a hint of surprise.

They didn't find anything. How did Ling Feng notice those pirates?

"Those pirates obviously want to wait for us to return home before taking action. In this case, there is no need to tell everyone in advance to avoid everyone's concerns, which will affect the efficiency of mining."


Zhou Yan clenched her fists, but could not refute Ling Feng's words.

"Now what?"

Nangong Ziling looked at Ling Feng, a hint of hope flashed in her beautiful eyes, "Since you have discovered the other party a long time ago, you should have a countermeasure already, right?"


Ling Feng spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "Miss Nangong is too arrogant. What countermeasures do we have? Now that we are surrounded by the other side, we can only fight head-on."

"Yeah, at worst, just hand over your belongings."

Cheng Tianyong shrugged and laughed, "It doesn't matter to us rough old men. We might be able to save our lives after paying the money. You are such a delicate little lady. If I were a pirate, I would have to capture you anyway." Let’s go back and be a lady, haha..."


Nangong Ziling glared at Cheng Tianyong fiercely, this bastard was simply shameless and obscene!

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, knowing that Cheng Tianyong had such a personality and always spoke freely, but Ling Feng could also see that his nature was definitely not bad.

Otherwise, the singers and dancers in Ningxiang Pavilion would not be regarded as friends and confidants.

"Hey, I didn't expect that at my age, I still have to fight with others with swords and guns."

At this moment, he heard a "chi" sound and saw Kuangshan tear open the right half of his clothes, revealing his extremely strong and exaggerated chest muscles.

Then, there was another "clang" sound, and a giant sword as tall as a person appeared out of thin air behind him, exuding a frightening aura.

"What a sword!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but secretly praise.

He is worthy of being a master of forging, and he follows this method of craftsmanship and craftsmanship, while being fierce and domineering.

"I haven't touched my hands in hundreds of years. It's just the right time to relax my muscles and bones."

Kuangshan grinned, a hint of fanaticism flashing in his eyes.

This guy, I'm afraid he was also a ruthless character when he was young!

I just don’t know what happened to him to turn him into an old money addict.

Everyone stood ready, and at this time, the three pirate ships had also surrounded them.

I saw a bearded man wearing half armor, jumped up and landed directly on the pirate flag.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the figure burst out of the hole, the sound of whistling wind sounded, and a gust of strong wind swept across.

In just an instant, the bearded man landed firmly on the deck of Ling Feng's boundary-breaking shuttle.

"Well done, Master!"

"The master's strength has improved again!"

"As expected of the little white dragon in the waves, so handsome and handsome!"

Then, there was a burst of noise, which was the sound of the pirates fawning over them.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, the little white dragon in the waves, so slutty and handsome?

Good guy, that big man with the curly beard is as dark as black coal. Not only his beard, but also his chest is covered with chest hair, and you can barely see an inch of exposed skin.

No matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with Yingjun.


The big man with the beard, his whole body full of momentum and a arrogant attitude, walked back and forth in front of Ling Feng and the others, and then he said, "Are you just two or three kittens and puppies?"

"What did you say?"

Zhou Yan was the most angry and was about to explode, but Ling Feng held him down.

"That's right, it's just us."

Ling Feng took a step forward and said calmly: "This is the master, right? We are the ore ship of the Tianming, and we hope that the master..."


The big man with the beard glared angrily and said fiercely: "Tian Ming Hao? Can Tian Ming Hao scare me? Also, you are the one who calls me the boss? My name is Uncle Baoshan!"

"Uncle Baoshan? Pfft...haha..."

Cheng Tianyong couldn't help laughing, and even rubbed his shoulder against Kuangshan, "Senior, your name is Kuangshan, and he is called Baoshan. He is going to blow you up!"

"Do you think you are funny?"

Kuangshan rolled his eyes, this guy is really worried about the world being in chaos!

"very funny?"

That Baoshan's gaze immediately locked on Cheng Tianyong from Ling Feng.

"It's a little funny."

Cheng Tianyong covered his mouth, holding back his smile and said: "Then I won't laugh, huh, hahaha... No, no, no, I can't help it. Uncle Baoshan, please allow me to laugh for another thirty breaths, and I'll be fine soon." "

The flesh on Mr. Baoshan’s face trembled wildly.

I have been plundering in this sea area for so many years. I have succeeded and failed. I have encountered all kinds of ruthless characters.

But this kid is the first one who dares to laugh at his own name!

Moreover, he smiled so unbridled!

"Boy, very good, you successfully angered me!"

Baoshan was furious, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was about to spurt out blood.



A sound of joint friction exploded, and Baoshan's already burly and majestic body actually grew taller again.

What's even more surprising is that from the spine on his back, sharp bone spurs extend out, just like the fins of a shark.

Obviously, this Baoshan should also be a descendant of the ancient demon.

In the Immortal Realm, the descendants of ancient demons are looked down upon everywhere and either become slaves or become bandits.

And in a sense, the Tianjing clan is actually the descendant of the ancient demon.

Otherwise, we would not have ended up in such a miserable end.

"Boy, now, prepare to bear my uncle's wrath!"

In just an instant, Uncle Baoshan's eyes turned red, and with a roar, he slammed into Cheng Tianyong like a cannonball.

Then, his body rotated at high speed in the air, and the sharp bone spurs were like steel nails. If he were hit head-on, he would probably poke out several bloody holes.

Although Ling Feng knew that Cheng Tianyong must be hiding his strength, this explosive mountain was obviously not simple.

His furious blow also carried the power of a law similar to space locking. If it were him, he would not be able to dodge it and could only rely on his immortal golden body to resist it.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes to see how Cheng Tianyong would deal with it.

"How come you are such a person that you do whatever you say and you can't even take a joke?"

Cheng Tianyong quickly retreated, but unfortunately, he could not escape the blockade of Bangshan.

Just as the explosive mountain was about to hit Cheng Tianyong's chest, knocking him to pieces, a dark green light suddenly flashed in front of Cheng Tianyong.


There was a loud noise, followed immediately by a scream like a slaughtered pig.

It was the sound of an exploding mountain.

Baoshan screamed and was knocked out hard, and the bone spurs on his back also "clicked" and shattered to pieces.

His body was trembling violently, and he stared at the young man in front of him in disbelief, his face solemn and as sinking as water.

Blood dripped from his fingertips, and the severe pain in his back even caused him to collapse and become unstable.

However, in front of so many subordinates, he must hold back his breath and not lose his dignity as the head of the family.

At this time, in front of Cheng Tianyong, stood a wooden figure as tall as a person.

Yes, it is exactly the kind of wooden figure that is usually used as a target in martial arts training grounds.

And it was this wooden man who could bounce off the explosive mountain and even break the bone spurs on his back.

How hard is this wooden man?


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. What Cheng Tianyong said last time was definitely not the whole truth.

Mysterious guy!

"Click! Click!!"

Then, there was a sound of mechanical springs, and the wooden man quickly deformed, and finally turned into a round sphere, floating in front of Cheng Tianyong.

Cheng Tianyong reached out and took out the sphere, put it into his bag, put a faint smile on his lips, and squinted his eyes to look at the explosive mountain man.

"No one told you not to go on a rampage, right?"

Uncle Baoshan was so angry that his beard trembled. He was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

This is simply murderous and heartbreaking!

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