Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3406 The blueprint for dominating the Immortal Realm!

Uncle Baoshan, with a face as deep as water and a pair of big copper bell eyes, stared at Cheng Tianyong. His chest sometimes expanded and sometimes contracted. He took deep breaths a dozen times, finally clenched his fists, turned around and shouted, "Today, I will let you go." Horse! Move away!”


"what's the situation?"

"Withdrawing now?"

There were more than sixty pirates on the three pirate ships, staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

This doesn't look like the boss's style. He doesn't look like someone who would show great kindness!

These pirates probably haven't realized that the collision just now was not because their leader was showing kindness, but because he was completely suppressed by the wooden man.

Although most of this group of people seem to be young, they are probably hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and they are probably from some top power!

Having been able to navigate this sea area for so many years, Baoshan is not a brainless idiot.

He knew very well that even if he provoked Tian Minghao, he could not provoke young talents from such forces.

"Come when you want and leave when you want? Master, this is a bit unreasonable, isn't it?"

However, as soon as Baoshan turned around, he was stopped by Ling Feng.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and had a plan in mind.

Although this area of ​​​​the sea is secretive, it has been exploited once and was discovered by these pirates, which has been exposed.

If the news leaks out, then the remaining Beichen Crystal veins will most likely be plundered by other major forces.

Ling Feng didn't want to let such a big piece of fat go in vain.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the location of this mine is not exposed, all the pirates present must be killed.

Otherwise, you can only keep it for your own use.

As the saying goes, "Capture the thief first, capture the king first." If you want to conquer this group of pirates and guard the mines for yourself, you must first conquer the explosive mountain man.

In addition, work like mining is boring and tiring. If there are such a large number of pirates working as coolies for you, and you only need to sit back and enjoy the results, then it will be comfortable and comfortable!

Furthermore, these pirates were able to roam the open sea and have never been encircled or suppressed.

Their hiding place must be extremely secretive.

You can consider it as your own base camp.

To fight against the Xuantian Clan is not something that happens overnight.

In addition to its own strength, it also needs to recruit more forces of its own.

Judging from Meng Po's attitude towards him, the descendants of the ancient demon are a force that can be won over and become his comrades.

This Baoshan is also a descendant of the ancient demon. Through him, he may be able to contact more descendants of the ancient demon scattered in the fairyland.

Therefore, although his strength is not that great, he has the value of winning over.

"what do you want?"

Baoshan clenched his fists tightly and turned back to stare at Ling Feng, "If you push me too hard, the worst is possible!"

Veins popped out on Baoshan's forehead. He had more than sixty subordinates under his command. Although they were both good and bad, they were absolutely overwhelming in terms of numbers.

If we force a fight, at worst, both sides will suffer losses. If it alarms the behemoths under the sea, that's even better. Let's all die together!

"What you said is wrong!"

Ling Feng walked toward Baoshan step by step with a smile on his face, and Baoshan's pupils suddenly shrank.

There was an aura of terror about this young man that made even him feel suffocated and extremely frightened, as if an ancient divine dragon entrenched in the sky was looking down at him.

That aura is like the master of this world, looking over the world and dominating the entire world!

Baoshan's body trembled for no reason.

And in this stunned moment, Ling Feng's figure had already swept in front of Baoshan.

With a flash of purple light in his eyes, a soul-stirring light seemed to penetrate the void and directly invade the sea of ​​​​spirit of the mountain.

The Eye of the Emperor has the ability to amplify all eye skills, and this soul-stirring light is the magical power in "Original Creation".

In just a moment, Baoshan's mind was completely shocked by Ling Feng.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he unceremoniously pulled out a small part of the soul origin from Baoshan's spiritual sea.

The next moment, Baoshan seemed to shudder, and when he came back to his senses, Ling Feng's figure was very close at hand.

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Baoshan on the shoulder, "Baoshan, from now on, you are my subordinate and are responsible for mining ores for me in this sea area. Do you understand?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Baoshan's anger arose in his heart, "Me? I, Mr. Baoshan, will mine for you? Are you crazy or did I hear wrongly?"

"Is it?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, and Baoshan suddenly trembled, and there was a tearing pain in his mind, as if his soul was being twisted into a ball like a rag.

Moreover, if he is still dragging him desperately, he will tear the origin of his soul into pieces.

"What...what's going on?"

Baoshan broke out in cold sweat. What happened when he was stunned just now?

"Your life is now in my hands."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. He had to say that "Original Creation" was indeed a magical power that defied the heavens.

The content of this soul-stirring chapter is only the content of the Awakening Soul Scroll. It has such power before it has even reached the level of immortality.

"you you……"

Baoshan was so angry that he vomited blood. He never expected that he was fine when he came, and he was ready to kill a wave of fat sheep and return with a full load.

It's better now, I can't go back!

"You seem unconvinced?"

Ling Feng chuckled, "Do you think that since you have so many subordinates, if you really take action, our side will definitely lose?"

"As long as you know!"

Baoshan cursed and said: "You are a sinister villain, you are despicable and know how to use tricks and tricks. If you are capable, let's fight with open swords and guns!"

"Isn't it despicable to beat five out of sixty?"

"I use my ability to bully the minority, how can I be despicable?"

"Ha ha……"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, this guy was quite interesting.

He took a deep breath, took a step back, and then slowly spread his arms.

For a moment, within a few hundred feet of the surrounding area, the originally cold and dull seawater seemed to start to become a little restless.

Then, clatter!

The sea water rolled, and the water element containing the spirit of the fairy condensed into a warrior holding a halberd, overwhelming the sky and sweeping over.

At first glance, there are three thousand people!

Are you trying to bully the minority in front of me?

Ling Feng was secretly amused. With this command of command, he could carry an army of spiritual energy with him wherever he went.

"How about it? Now, I am using my ability to bully the minority. Are you convinced?"

Ling Feng squinted and smiled, which made Baoshan feel cold in his heart.


What kind of memorization did I have to do today? It must be too unlucky.

One is like this, and both are like this!

Do young people today hide themselves so deeply?

In fact, not only Baoshan and the pirates were suppressed by Ling Feng's spiritual energy army, Zhou Yan, Nangong Ziling, Kuangshan and others also had their eyes widened.

It was Cheng Tianyong. On the surface, he seemed indifferent to everything, but there was clearly a hint of horror in his eyes.

Manipulating the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and manifesting it into a war spirit are at least magical powers at the level of royal magic!

How could a mere mortal in the realm of mana, or a mortal from the lower world, possess such heaven-defying magical powers?

But at this moment, Baoshan lowered his head, his face was ashen, and he was completely desperate.


I was completely screwed this time.

"Bakuzan, you don't have to be discouraged in a hurry."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "Maybe, this is a blessing for you."


The corner of Baoshan's mouth twitched slightly. Is it a blessing for me, a good-hearted uncle, to work as a coolie for you?

"Don't take it lightly."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up slightly, and he said calmly: "You are a pirate here, licking blood from the edge of your knife, and your head is pinned to the waistband of your trousers. It looks great, but in fact, there are too many people in this sea area who want to get rid of you. Sooner or later, right?"

"Hmph, if you want my head, you have to see if I have the ability!" Bakuzan cursed.

"The reason why you are still alive today is just that the real strong men don't bother to attack you, not because you have any extraordinary abilities. You should know in your heart that piracy is not a long-term solution."

Baoshan clenched his fists. Although Ling Feng's words were merciless, they were indeed the truth and the truth.

If he really provoked a strong man of the Immortal Lord level to take action, his life would have been taken care of long ago.

Not even a chance to escape!

"If you are willing to stop here and serve me obediently, I can guarantee that in the future you will definitely get more than you would from being a pirate! And it will be countless times more!"

Ling Feng stared into Baoshan's eyes, with extremely strong confidence in his eyes.

Although he is just a junior in the magic realm now and has nothing, he is not even an ant in a place like the Immortal Realm.

But he has the ambition to overthrow the Xantian clan and change the entire fairyland.

This kind of ambition and this strong belief shocked even a man like Baoshan who had been licking blood for many years.

After a while, Bakuzan took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

He knelt down on his knees and bowed his head to Ling Feng, "My subordinate Baoshan is willing to serve his master as hard as a dog or horse!"

"good, very good!"

Ling Feng held up Explosive Mountain with both hands, and a blueprint for dominating the Immortal Realm was already taking shape in his mind.

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