Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3407 No one can be missing!

God controls the heavenly domain, and heaven controls Yuanyang City.

It has been a month since Tianzhi's entry-level selection started, and today is the deadline to deliver the task.

During this period, most of the two dozen teams that passed the first two levels of testing have returned.

For those teams that choose Level C tasks and Level B tasks, the passing rate is basically over 70%.

Even if it fails, there is basically no danger of life.

So far, a total of three of the five teams that have taken on five Grade A missions have returned.

Among them, the only team that successfully completed the mission was led by Wu Chengkong from the Holy Spear Immortal Sect, Zhong Ruoxin, the Young Palace Master of Sun Moon Immortal Palace, and Nan Xiaolie from Qianji Villa.

The other two teams that returned not only failed, but also suffered heavy attrition. The members who survived by chance also suffered varying degrees of injuries.

This is a Class A mission. Even though these people are already elites selected from a thousand, one in a thousand, when facing a Class A mission, they will still lose their lives if they are not careful.

For example, Ling Feng and his team were on a mission to mine the Beichen Crystal. They had to go to the far sea area of ​​the Sea of ​​​​Stars. They not only faced the ravages of pirates, but also more terrifying sea beasts.

It can be said that no Grade A mission is easy to pass.

At this moment, because it is already the deadline to deliver the task.

On the school grounds at the outer gate of the Tianzhi Organization, a huge hourglass stands in the middle of the school grounds.

The grains of sand in the hourglass flowed out little by little, and it was getting dusk, and the setting sun was about to sink into the valley.

This selection and assessment is basically coming to an end.

"It seems that no one will return."

On the high platform, Yufeng Immortal Lord Mo Qingfeng stood with his hands behind his back, searching the crowd with his eyes, but he still could not see Ling Feng's team.


Mo Qingfeng shook his head slightly. In fact, if it weren't for his sister Mo Yurou, he would still be quite optimistic about Ling Feng.

After all, a mortal who came here step by step from the lower world relied on his own strength.

Compared with the young masters and young masters of the big sects who were born in the fairyland, it is much more difficult.

Moreover, in the first two rounds of assessments, Ling Feng's performance, or the performance of this group of geniuses who ascended from the lower world to the immortal realm, was quite good.

Originally, if they accepted a B-level or C-level mission, they would definitely be able to pass it easily.

However, they chose the most difficult Grade A mission.

Now the deadline is coming, even if they don't die during the execution of the mission, according to the rules, as long as the deadline is exceeded, even if it exceeds one second, it will be considered a failure.

If you want to worship Tianzhi again, you have to wait another three hundred years.

Looking at the sand in the hourglass, which was about to drain away little by little, Mo Qingfeng couldn't help but shake his head and sighed: That boy is a talent, but it's a pity that it will be delayed for hundreds of years.

At the same time, among the crowd of onlookers, Xiao Xianling, Yue Yunlan, Tuoba Yan and Yu Junyao were naturally indispensable.

"It's been a month, why haven't you come back yet?"

Seeing that the hourglass was about to bottom out, Xiao Xianling was simply restless and couldn't help but mutter and complain, "It's all that brat's fault. If you have to choose an A-level mission, wouldn't it just be B-level?" Now it’s great, the deadline is coming!”

The three girls Yu Junyao also frowned deeply. If Ling Feng failed to stay in Tianzhi, it would be meaningless for them to stay.

Finally, they found a place to live in the Immortal Realm, and Xiao Xianling was very kind to them, and even taught them some cultivation methods.

However, if Ling Feng really couldn't stay here, they would definitely decide to wander with Ling Feng!

"It's all my fault for that brat Ling Feng. He's so self-righteous. He's obviously just a mortal from the lower world. He doesn't overestimate his own capabilities. He wants to take on a Class A mission. Now it's fine. Zhou Yan, who brought me back, is also a drag!"

At this moment, the woman Mo Yurou came over angrily, staring at Xiao Xianling with a pair of eyes, looking like she was going to accuse her.

"Hmph! It sounds like if Ling Feng doesn't accept his team, other teams will take him in!"

Xiao Xianling was not someone to be trifled with, so she immediately retorted. The two girls were always like this. When they met, they were at odds with each other, refusing to give in to each other.

The people around him were already used to it, so they stepped aside early to avoid the city gate catching fire and damaging the fish in the pond.

Seeing the time passing by, even the person in charge on the Wangyuntai, Yinxian Zun, was a little out of breath at this moment.

"Could it be that that boy is really going to miss his last chance?"

Jie Yinxianzun looked solemnly, shook his head, and then seemed to be relieved, "That's okay, if he really died during the execution of the mission, maybe it would be a kind of luck. After all, he has already Now that I know that person's existence, if he doesn't die, he can just leave Tianzhi and stay safe in the future, maybe he can save his life."

In any case, the existence of that person is of great importance. Although Jie Yinxian Zun has repeatedly warned Ling Feng not to mention it, there are some things that knowing it is a kind of original sin.

Finally, the afterglow of dusk began to dissipate, and the sky began to darken.

On the school grounds, crystal stones of various colors shimmered brightly under the movement of the formation.

And the grains of sand in the hourglass are about to run out.

"It seems that no other team will be able to return on time, then-"

Immortal Lord Yufeng waved his sleeves to put the giant hourglass into his bag.

Right now!

"Wait a moment!"

A golden light flashed from the sky.

Then, several figures were seen flying from the sky with a "whoosh whoosh".

Ling Feng and his party finally returned!

However, all the sand grains in the hourglass have drained away, leaving only the last strand of gauze, which is still fluttering in the lower half of the hourglass and has not completely sunk to the bottom.

In other words, before this wisp of gauze falls completely, they still have one last step...

Well, less than a breath of time.

However, although the sound had been heard, everyone could see that Ling Feng and the others were still at least tens of thousands of meters away from the school grounds.

Immortal Yufeng's eyes narrowed, and he immediately informed Ling Feng using the method of divine consciousness transmission. Even if they shouted in advance, as long as the sand in the hourglass fell completely, according to regulations, they would still be eliminated.

The breeze was surging, and the Immortal Lord Yufeng secretly manipulated the law of wind to speed up a few people slightly.

However, it seems that it is not too late.

"Damn it, it was just a little bit close!"

"Is it still too late?"

Zhou Yan, Nangong Ziling, Huan Shen Qianjue and Cheng Tianyong have all exerted their energy and sprinted as fast as possible.

Although they hurried slowly, none of them expected that something unexpected would happen when they returned from Tianyong City to Tianzhi Yuanyang City.

Therefore, another day was lost.

This led to such an embarrassing situation.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

At this critical moment, purple light surged in Ling Feng's eyes.

Time and space displacement!

In this case, if you want to reach the school within the deadline, you must either master the law of time and let time pause temporarily.

Ling Feng doesn't have this ability yet.

The second method is the law of space, which directly crosses a period of time and space and reaches the school grounds.

As it happens, Ling Feng still has some ideas about this.

"rely on you!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and pushed the time and space mark left by Taixu Zhoulong to the extreme.

In an instant, blood surged from Ling Feng's eyes, and purple light instantly enveloped him and the other four companions.

At the same time, in the school grounds, Xiao Xianling, Yu Junyao, Yue Yunlan, Tuoba Yan, and even Mo Yurou also emitted a faint purple light.

Time and space displacement is activated!

In an instant, no, it should be said that in the electric light and flint, the spatial positions of the two groups of people were replaced in an instant.

Xiao Xianling and the others were teleported out, while Ling Feng and the others were teleported back to the school grounds.

At this critical moment, Ling Feng could only immediately lock on to some familiar auras.

Xiao Xianling and the other girls naturally became the first choice.

And to complete five-for-five, Mo Yurou is considered a person he is familiar with in the school.

"Your Majesty the Immortal Lord, I am Ling Feng, come and deliver the mission!"


The figure flashed, and before the others could react, Ling Feng rushed to the high platform and successfully put the mission token into the wooden box.

And at this moment, the last grain of sand in the hourglass finally fell.

One breath!

An electric breath!

Ling Feng finally did it.

Immortal Yufeng looked at Ling Feng, took a deep breath, and finally nodded, "Well, the delivery was successful!"

The audience was in an uproar.

It’s really thrilling to step on this spot!

Also, they are on a Class A mission. With these few mortals from the lower realm, they can complete the Class A mission without any damage to anyone?

Among the crowd, Zhong Ruoxin, the young master of Sun Moon Immortal Palace, and Nan Xiaolie, the young master of Qianji Villa, couldn't help but glance at Ling Feng.

After all, what Ling Feng just displayed was the law of space!

If Ling Feng can obtain a Space Dao Fruit in the future, then he will be inherently superior to monks of the same level.

Only Wu Chengkong, with his arms folded across his chest, leaned back in his seat and seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed.

He doesn't seem to care about anything that happens outside.

Whoosh whoosh!

At the same time, Xiao Xianling and others who were sent as replacement objects by Ling Feng and were sent thousands of feet away have also flown back, which took almost ten breaths of time.

This shows how timely Ling Feng's operation was.

"This kid is quite clever!"

Although she was replaced, Xiao Xianling was not angry, but showed a faint smile.

As for Mo Yurou, she bit her silver teeth lightly. Although she was a little angry, it was not easy to get angry.

In any case, Ling Feng also helped Zhou Yan complete the task.

As for Zhou Yan, that was the person she brought back.


Zhou Yan, Nangong Ziling and other teammates wiped the sweat from their foreheads and cast a grateful look at Ling Feng.

In fact, Ling Feng could deliver the task by himself without any problems at all.

"Thank you very much! Mr. Ling!"

Nangong Ziling took a deep look at Ling Feng and saluted him.

Cheng Tianyong and Huan Shen Qianjue also nodded towards Ling Feng and cast a grateful look.

Even Zhou Yan, who had always been hostile to Ling Feng, clenched his fists and said, "What about that, thank you... thank you..."


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "We are all teammates, no one can be missing!"

He reached out to wipe away the blood and tears from the corners of his eyes. He thought that he had mastered the method of time-space replacement to perfection.

Unexpectedly, in a hurry, it was still a bit beyond the capacity to realize the replacement of multiple people.

But the result was still good. No one was missing and all passed!

"Finally, have you made it?"

On the Wangyun Terrace, as the general person in charge of this entry assessment, Jie Yin Xian Zun was slightly happy, but followed by a trace of bitterness and sourness.

"It seems that what needs to be faced must be faced. This is the fate of that kid!"

The next moment, Jie Yin Xian Zun stood up, flew out of his seat, and landed steadily in the center of the training ground.

"The deadline for the selection assessment has arrived. Next, it is to verify the completion of the tasks of each team and the awarding of the final rewards." Jie Yin Xian Zun looked at Ling Feng meaningfully, and then turned and walked towards the wooden box filled with task tokens.

According to the regulations of the assessment, the team that completed the task and returned in time can deliver the task token to the wooden box.

However, at the end, verification is still needed. If there are teams that are just trying to get by, they will be eliminated and will never be hired!

In the end, the team that successfully completes the task will not only become a new disciple of Tianzhi, but will also be awarded different rewards based on the difficulty of the task.

Everyone held their breath, obviously waiting for the last moment.

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