Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3408 Ming Shen Zun!

"Class A mission, pick up the mission team, five teams, return to the team, two teams."

About half a quarter of an hour later, the staff counted all the mission tokens, registered them, and presented them to Yufeng Immortal Lord.

After Yufeng Immortal Lord reviewed it, he finally handed it over to Jie Yin Xian Zun, who conducted the final verification.

"The first team is led by Wu Chengkong, and the team members are Zhong Ruoxin and Nan Xiaolie. The mission is to hunt down the wolf thieves in the Subei wilderness and seize the demon blood core of the wolf thieves leader."

Jingyin Xianzun looked at Wu Chengkong and his group, with a calm expression, and said slowly: "Wu Chengkong, have you brought back the magic core?"

"Lord Immortal, the magic core is here."

Wu Chengkong hurriedly stepped forward. In front of Jie Yinxian Zun, Wu Chengkong dared not be a little arrogant. He presented a jade box, which contained the demon blood core of the wolf bandit leader.

Jieyin Xianzun took the jade box, took out the magic core inside, looked at it, and nodded immediately, "The wolf bandits in Subei have been causing trouble for many years. It is a great achievement for you to destroy this wolf bandit. This assessment was verified and passed.”

"Thank you, Lord Immortal!"

Wu Chengkong, Zhong Ruoxin, and Nan Xiaolie quickly bowed to Jieyin Xianzun.

Passing the verification means that they are now disciples of Tianzhi.


Jieyin Xianzun nodded slightly, put the demon blood core back into the jade box, handed it to the staff, registered it, and added it to the inventory.

"The second team is led by Ling Feng. The team members are Zhou Yan, Nangong Ziling, Huan Shen Qianjue, and Cheng Tianyong. The mission is to mine Beichen Crystal."

Jie Yin Xianzun waved slightly behind him, and several disciples immediately came forward, each holding a jade plate in their hands, and walked up to Ling Feng and the others.

"According to the regulations of the task, each person needs to deliver a Beichen Crystal. Place your Beichen Crystal on the jade plate in front of you."


The five people from Ling Feng all responded, and each handed a Beichen Crystal into the jade plate.

Fortunately, in this operation, Kuangshan was successfully invited and a mineral vein was found. Otherwise, it might not have been possible to deliver five Beichen Crystals so smoothly.

After all, Beichen Crystal, as an associated mineral source, can be found occasionally in many large mineral veins. After being mined, it would be good to have one or two.

"Well, it is full of spiritual energy and has a faint hint of the power of the stars. It is indeed the Beichen Crystal, and it is the top grade among the Beichen Crystals."

Jie Yinxian Zun stroked his long beard and nodded again, "This assessment has been verified."


Before Ling Feng and his party were happy, Xiao Xianling and the other girls were so happy that they almost started dancing in the crowd.

"Thank you, Lord Immortal!"

Ling Feng and the others looked at each other, and then showed a hint of smile. Their efforts over the past month were finally not in vain.

"Next is the Class B mission. There are ten teams in total that have taken on the Class B mission, and there are seven teams that have returned successfully."

Jie Yinxianzun continued to read out the results of the assessment. Basically, most of the teams were genuine and there was no fraud.

After verification, they all passed the verification one by one and successfully became Tianzhi Sect members.

However, there was a team with a C-level mission, and there was some minor controversy during the verification.

Jie Yinxian Zun smiled faintly, and it still counted as that team, and the verification passed.

"Thank you, Lord Immortal, thank you, Lord Immortal!"

Several members of that team were busy thanking him profusely.

All the disciples, Duo Yinxian Zun also had a heart to love him.

No wonder they are all. Among the three deities, Jie Yinxian Zun is the most kind-hearted.


The Immortal Master Jie Yin waved his hand, smiled slightly, and then spoke again: "Next, the disciples who have completed the B-level mission and the C-level mission can follow my disciples from the Jie Yin Hall to their respective residences and pick them up later. The senior brothers of Yindian will inform everyone of Tianzhi’s sect rules and some precautions, so go!”

The Immortal Master Jieyin waved his sleeves, and immediately a group of disciples dressed in white, with a pale golden crape myrtle embroidered on the right chest, came to lead the way.

This golden crape myrtle flower is the seal of the Jie Yin Palace.

Correspondingly, there are the other two statues, the law enforcement hall controlled by Wuwang Zun, and the mark is the pattern of crossed left and right swords.

There is also the Zhitian Palace under the control of Ming Shenzun, which is responsible for Tianzhi disciples receiving tasks and redeeming task rewards. The mark is a three-legged cauldron.

The three deities are in charge of the three halls respectively, maintaining the daily life of the disciples within Tianzhi, and are the executors of the various functions and powers of the Tianzhi organization.

However, behind them, the ones who really have the say and actually hold the power are the Lord and the Council of Elders composed of eighteen powerful Immortal Emperors.

Of course, these are not things that new disciples like Ling Feng can come into contact with.

Soon, the disciples left the school one after another, leaving only two teams led by Wu Chengkong and Ling Feng who had completed the Class A mission, a total of eight people.

"You have successfully completed the Class A mission. According to the rules, in addition to being successfully promoted to Tianzhimen, you can also receive additional rewards."

Jieyinxian Zun narrowed his eyes, stroked his long beard, and said with a smile: "It's just that the responsibility of awarding rewards does not belong to me at Jieyin Hall. I will take you to Zhitian Hall to ask for help from Mingshenzun. Prizes to go!”

Yufeng Immortal Lord hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Sir Immortal Lord, I can handle these trivial matters for you."

"It doesn't matter, I have to have more contact with young people, so that I can maintain a young mentality!"

The Immortal Master Jie Yin laughed loudly, and then led a group of new disciples who had completed the Grade A mission and strode to the Zhitian Hall controlled by the Master Ming Shen.

Not long after.

Under the leadership of Jie Yinxian Zun, the group came to a magnificent hall.

The Zhitian Hall is divided into three halls: the Mission Hall, the Merit Hall, and the Alchemy Hall.

At this moment, it was the Hall of Merit that led the Immortal Lord and everyone there.

Seeing that the Yinxian Lord was coming in person, the disciples from the Zhitian Palace hurriedly went to inform the Mingshen Lord.

After a while, an old man wearing gray robes with white beard and hair strode out of the hall.

Although he looks a little older, he is still as old as a dragon and a tiger, like pines and cypresses evergreen.

This old man is the Ming Shen Zun among the three.

"Haha, Lord Mingshen, I brought a few little dolls to see you."

Master Jieyinxian came forward and greeted everyone with a smile. Mingshenzun glared at Master Jieyinxian angrily and said, "You old man Xiao, you are a good person. It's just a trivial matter, so why do you need to do it personally for Master Jieyinxian?" ?”

"Hey, Tianzhi's future is in the hands of these young children. How can it be regarded as a trivial matter?"

Jieyin Xianzun grinned and said, "How about it, are you ready with all the rewards for this selection test?"

"Of course everything is ready."

Ming Shenzun glanced at everyone, and when he found that there were actually eight people in total, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, and then a faint smile appeared, "Okay, let's not talk about the quality. The number of new disciples who passed the Class A mission this time, Quite a few.”

“The quality is of course second to none!”

Jie Yinxian Zun laughed loudly, "You old man, does your flesh hurt?"

"Hey, it's just eight Xuanzhen Pills of Creation."

Ming Shen Zun clapped his hands, and immediately a disciple from the Zhitian Hall presented a tray with eight porcelain bottles.

"There are a total of eight Xuanzhen Pills of Creation. After you take them, you will be able to practice quietly. I believe that within three years, you can be promoted from the magic realm to the talisman realm."

Ming Shenzun looked at everyone and said calmly.

"Thank you, Lord Immortal!"

Everyone divided the eight porcelain vases, and their hearts were filled with infinite ecstasy.

This pill is probably comparable to hundreds of years of hard work.

And Ling Feng even had a bold idea. If he could decipher the formula of the Xuanzhen Pill, then this pill could be eaten as jelly beans.

"Hehe, the elixirs have been divided, and there are also eight royal ways of immortality."

Jieyin Xianzun grinned, narrowed his eyes and looked at Mingshenzun, "How about it? Is Mingshenzun ready to open the library to these energetic dolls?"

"You don't need to remind me."

Ming Shen Zun looked majestic and solemn, and said with an indifferent expression: "I will open the library to you later. Within the third floor, you can copy any fairy technique at will, but remember, it is only limited to one, and it is for a limited time. An hour."

"It's only the third floor, you old man, you're so stingy!"

Jie Yinxian Zun frowned slightly, a little displeased.

"I'm just following the rules."

After Ming Shenzun finished speaking, he turned around and led everyone towards the library.

Unlike the approachable Jie Yin Xian Zun, Ming Shen Zun is obviously a business-like and selfless existence.

After a while, eight new disciples came to the library pavilion and immediately filed in.

This library has six floors in total, but only three floors below are open to the public.

Obviously, those precious classics were naturally not open to new disciples like them.

Ling Feng walked along the rows of bookshelves in front of him and picked up a secret book. On the cover, he saw the four words "Wild Flame Roar" written on it. It was a small magical skill of the fire system.

However, Ling Feng could only turn to the first page. In addition to the names of immortal arts, there were also some very simple introductions.

Then it couldn't be opened.

"Junior brother, if you want to continue to read the content at the end, you must go to the copying table over there and copy it down, otherwise you will not be able to read it directly."

At this moment, a staff member from the side walked forward with a smile. She was a girl dressed in white. She did not apply makeup, but she could not hide her natural beauty.

"Thank you, senior sister, for reminding me."

Ling Feng bowed his hand to the girl and put the secret book back in its place.

This design is obviously to prevent disciples from using their memory to forcefully memorize the contents of these secret books.

In this way, there is no need to use any contribution points to redeem it. If you come a few more times, not all the secret books in the entire library will be finished.

Speaking of which, Ling Feng was just taking chances and preparing to cheat.

He shook his head and smiled. It looked like his little plan was going bankrupt.

In desperation, I had to be honest and choose the secret book.

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