Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3409 The magic of infinite growth!

Since he only had one hour to choose, Ling Feng did not waste time on the first and second floors, but went directly to the third floor of the library.

The rest of them naturally set their sights on higher-level immortal arts.

Each of them can choose a royal magic, but the rules also stipulate that they can only choose one magic.

In other words, if you choose a small magical skill, you will have to admit that you are unlucky and have no chance with the royal magical skill.

There are obviously fewer bookshelves on the third floor than on the two floors downstairs, but there are still twelve rows.

The foundation of the Tianzhi organization is indeed terrifying. The treasures here may contain all kinds of magical arts that have been created and developed by all the tribes in the fairyland for millions of years.

Of course, except for secret techniques that are not spread to others.

Even if this kind of secret technique is collected, I'm afraid it won't be placed in the library where all disciples can see it.

Ling Feng strolled towards one of the rows of bookshelves, and among a large number of secret books, he randomly selected one based on his feeling.

"Sen Luo Wanxiang, is it wood magic?"

"Does the sword formation from this world still have this kind of magic?"

"The Dharma Eye that reaches the sky, the magic that condenses the Dharma Eye. This should be a kingly magic, right?"

The secret books were all-inclusive and dazzling. For a while, Ling Feng began to suffer from the disease of choice.

I really want to study every secret book, but unfortunately, I only have the chance to choose one of them.

Ling Feng could only pick it up again and again and put it down again and again. At least so far, there was no secret book that Ling Feng could give up "the whole forest" for.

While pacing in a daze, a tall and strong figure suddenly appeared on the opposite side.

When their eyes met, Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

What an amazing momentum!

The person who appeared at the corner of the bookshelf and almost collided with Ling Feng was Wu Chengkong from the Holy Spear Immortal Sect.

When I was on the school field, I had been listening to the geniuses from the fairyland, whispering and telling some legendary stories about Wu Chengkong.

Being able to enjoy a great reputation throughout the entire Divine Realm and being praised by those pretentious geniuses in the Immortal Realm must be something special.

With a flash of figure, Wu Chengkong crossed Ling Feng and disappeared at the end of the bookshelf.

He was not even interested in taking a look at the secret books that Ling Feng had just read.

Perhaps, in his opinion, there was no need for him to look at things that even this mere boy from the lower realm could not appreciate.

"What a cool guy!"

The voice of a bitch came in my mind, "It's even worse than this beast!"


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "If you're not convinced, why don't you go and challenge him?"


The bitch coughed a few times, "If this divine beast hadn't been a little dizzy and unwell lately, I would definitely fuck him!"

"I've only heard that a dead duck has a tough mouth, but I never thought a bitch's mouth can be just as tough!"

"You brat, you-"

The bitch almost jumped and started to curse, but was interrupted by Ling Feng, "I mean, bitch, you are the one who doesn't get up early for no profit. Why, did you find anything?"

"Why, have you discovered the value of this divine beast now?"

The bitch raised his head proudly, "Originally, this divine beast wanted to be kind and remind you that there is a good thing here, but with your attitude, it is difficult for this divine beast to speak!"

"Okay, okay, stop pretending."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "If you want any benefits, just tell me!"

"Hehe, this sounds like a human saying."

The bitch opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Fifty Beichen Crystals!"

"Why don't you go and grab it? Besides, I have so much?"

Ling Feng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. He didn't even have ten Beichen Crystals left on his body.

This bitch really dares to speak!

"It's not there now, but the mine hasn't been dug yet!"

The bitch laughed strangely, "Fifty pieces are all for emotional value. Others will take at least 500 pieces from this divine beast!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, "If you like to talk, don't talk, otherwise you will be defeated!"

Have you really taken yourself for granted?

"A magic that can grow infinitely, advance from a small level of magic, and eventually become a master of magic. Do some people think that it is not worth fifty Beichen Crystals?"

The cheap donkey was calm and seemed to be talking to himself, but every sentence fell on Ling Feng's ears.

The magic of infinite growth?


If this is the case, its value is more than fifty Beichen Crystals!

First of all, even if he obtained the royal magic, with his current level of cultivation, it would be difficult for him to truly get started.

But it's different with this kind of immortal magic that can grow infinitely. It can be done step by step, steadily, and its power can be continuously improved.

The value of this kind of magic is even higher than most of the master magic!

"Fifty is fifty!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said, "You bitch, I hope you won't exaggerate."

"Hmph, when did this beast lie to you?"

The bitch grinned, showing his big white teeth, "You brat, get ready to have your eyes blown out, turn left!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he acted according to the instructions of Jianlu.

"Leave earlier!"

Ling Feng blinked and moved forward without thinking enough.

However, after walking through the rows of bookshelves and reaching the first row, I still didn't give any further prompts.

"You bitch, you..."

"Keep moving forward!"

Ling Feng frowned and stopped thinking about it. After a while, he walked to the stairs.

"Stop, come downstairs!"

"Go downstairs?"

"Go downstairs when I ask you to."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, and chose to believe the bitch.

At this time, the new disciples who were looking for secret books on the third floor were all immersed in selecting secret books and naturally did not notice Ling Feng's actions.

Only Zhong Ruoxin, who came from Sun Moon Immortal Palace, seemed to have heard some movement. He raised his beautiful eyes slightly and saw Ling Feng coming downstairs.

"Why did you go down?"

Zhong Ruoxin blinked and couldn't help but feel a little strange. It stands to reason that the higher the level of the secret book, the higher the grade.

This guy doesn't even have this bit of common sense, does he?

Shaking his head, Zhong Ruoxin no longer thought about it. He just thought that this mortal from the lower world might have discovered the secret book of the third level. The grade was too high. Even if he got it, he might not be able to use it for at least a hundred years. Just practice.

Therefore, it is not impossible that he chooses to seek quick success and instant benefits and choose lower-level magic.

After a while, Ling Feng came to the second floor, but Bitch actually spoke again, asking Ling Feng to continue going downstairs.

Go directly to the first floor!

Ling Feng was a little helpless. The first floor was full of small magic arts. Would the precious secret books be placed here?

But then I thought about it, indeed, since it is infinite growth, then doesn’t it just start with a small fairy technique?


A rush of footsteps came from upstairs. The woman who was sorting out books by the bookcase and returning some secret books that had been accidentally misplaced couldn't help but turn her head and look in the direction of the stairs.

"You came down so quickly. Have you chosen the secret book?"

This woman is the senior sister who reminded Ling Feng before, named Qin Yao.

In fact, although she is usually quiet and gentle, she is just a disciple who manages books in the Library Pavilion, but in fact, she has another identity.

One of the Nine Glory!

Within Tianzhi, if the three deities and four wonders are the top leaders who directly and indirectly control all affairs of Tianzhi, then Liuyu Jiuyao is the absolute genius and leader among the disciples.

Whether it is Liu Yu or Jiu Yao, they are both absolute stars of the future.

Qin Yao is one of the Jiu Yao.

This is an achievement that Xiao Xianling, the granddaughter of the Immortal Lord, has not yet achieved.

Under the guidance of Jianlu, Ling Feng quickly went down from the third floor to the first floor. While searching for the so-called secret book that can grow infinitely, he happened to pass Qin Yao again.


Ling Feng nodded slightly towards Qin Yao as a courtesy.


Qin Yao raised her eyes and looked at Ling Feng, and couldn't help but be curious, "Junior brother, have you not chosen the secret book yet?"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "Yes."

"Then why are you down here? You can choose immortal arts at the highest level on the third floor, where you can find royal immortal arts."

Qin Yao looked at Ling Feng and said earnestly: "You must not just choose the small fairy technique just because you are not able to practice the king's magic for the time being. You have to know that even if you are a Tianzhi disciple , it will take decades or even hundreds of years to accumulate enough merit to exchange for a royal magic. This is a great opportunity given by God. You must not waste it in vain, otherwise it will be equivalent to a waste of natural resources. "

"Thank you, senior sister, for the reminder. Don't worry, I have a plan in mind."

Ling Feng smiled, feeling somewhat grateful towards Qin Yao.

It was just a chance encounter, and she could remind herself that she was a kind-hearted girl.

"Okay, I've said everything that needs to be said. How you decide depends on you."

Qin Yao sighed secretly in her heart. She was obviously a good seedling, but she was a little eager for quick success.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn’t have much to do with you, right?

Could it be that because this junior fellow student is so handsome, he...

Shaking her head, Qin Yao's little face instantly turned red. Fortunately, Ling Feng had already walked away and did not see the scene in front of her.


Qin Yao patted her chest, touched her hot cheek, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, my blushing appearance was not seen by this junior brother, otherwise I would be so embarrassed!

(PS: I have to say, EDG is awesome! I was so excited that I almost added an update, but fortunately, I had good concentration and held it back.)

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