Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3410 Flame Swallowing Immortal Technique!

"We're here! It's close to here!"

Following Jianlu's prompts, Ling Feng quickly stopped at a corner on the right side of the hall on the first floor.

But it turned out that in addition to the rows of bookshelves displayed in the middle of the hall, there were also some bookshelves hanging on the wall behind the library.

And it was filled with a large pile of messy books that were not even classified into categories.

The secret books placed on the middle bookshelf are placed one by one to avoid being blocked by other secret books.

However, these secret books hanging on the wall are not the same. They are just piles and piles placed randomly. There are even many fragments of the books that have been torn long ago, and even the sealing wires have come apart.

This is not so much a collection of books in the library, but rather a "waste" used to enrich the library.

Most of the magical arts listed in it are not of the highest level at all, not even the most inferior minor magical arts.

Therefore, even the staff of the Library rarely manage these books and just leave these ancient books in piles in the corner.

Anyway, in thousands and hundreds of years, it is rare for a boring disciple to waste precious time looking for secrets of exercises in corners.

Ling Feng picked up a few books at random, glanced at them, and shook his head.

Because these secret books are too damaged, some are missing the upper half, and some are missing the lower half.

Others are more exaggerated, with chapters randomly ripped out of the middle.

Even if this kind of secret book has some merits, it is so broken that if you practice it forcibly, you will probably end up going crazy.

Just like this, infinite growth?

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, he was afraid that he had been deceived by a bitch!

"Boy Ling Feng, don't worry. If this mythical beast says it exists, then of course it exists. In this pile of secret books, this mythical beast can sense its existence. You will be surprised when you find it."

The voice of the bitch came again in my mind, but it seemed a little lack of confidence, not as confident as before.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and continued to search patiently.

This huge pile of secret books is almost as good as all the books on the rows of bookshelves outside.

If he failed to find the secret book of infinite growth that Jianlu mentioned in the end, seeing that more than half of an hour had passed, he would not have time to select and copy the secret book, or he would be in vain.

When the time comes, I must first peel off the skin of a cheap donkey and make a leather coat!

Not far away, Qin Yao couldn't help but peek in Ling Feng's direction. When she saw Ling Feng actually walking to the corner where the scraps were placed, she couldn't help but frown.

After so many choices, I finally got there.

Is there something wrong with this junior brother’s mind?

Picking out scraps?

Time passed little by little. On the third floor of the library, Zhou Yan and others, as well as Wu Chengkong and others, had each selected their favorite secret books and began to copy them at the copying station.

But Ling Feng was still in the corner full of fragments, trying his best to find the so-called magic of infinite growth that the bitch said.

There is only about a quarter of an hour left. Although Ling Feng has an amazing memory and can basically memorize it after reading it once, he still has to find the secret book first.

It really doesn’t work, so I have to give up!

Ling Feng clenched his fists. If he really couldn't find it, he might as well just go back to the third floor and pick up a book of Wang Dao Immortal Techniques at random. It wouldn't be a loss.

However, just when Ling Feng was about to give up and picked up a secret book and was about to throw it away, Bitch suddenly exclaimed.

"This is it! This is the right one!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he looked intently.

This secret book had half of it torn off from the front. It was a complete fragment.

There’s not even a beginning, just start from the middle?

What's going on?

I'm going to practice hammering!

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and gradually became murderous.

"Don't... don't be impatient yet!"

Jianlu was so frightened by Ling Feng's murderous intent that he quickly said: "Take a look first, do you think it looks familiar to you?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, patiently, glanced at the fragment, and made a sudden jump.

"This...this is..."

"Did you find it? Did you see it? This beast didn't lie to you, did it?"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, indeed, the bitch did not lie to him.

Because, this fragment is actually...

Flame Swallowing Technique!

Yes, it was the Flame Swallowing Technique that Bitch had taught him.

However, strictly speaking, it should be "The Immortal Technique of Swallowing Flames"!

No wonder, Jianlu claimed that this flame-swallowing fire can grow infinitely, but in fact, after Ling Feng reached the fifth stage of flame-swallowing practice, he could no longer make any progress. Basically, Ling Feng spent most of his time now. One's own original fire is transformed into the demonic dragon's world-purifying fire for use.

This is completely inconsistent with the original description of Bitch.

But it turns out that what Bitch passed on to him was only half of the fragment.

Ling Feng finally understood, completely understood.

This is indeed the magic of infinite growth!

Moreover, it is possible to grow infinitely from the most low-grade unqualified skills.

The content of "The Immortal Technique of Swallowing Flames" is to start practicing from the sixth stage of swallowing flames, involving the power of more than six laws such as the law of fire, the law of burning, the law of explosion, the law of swallowing and so on.

In other words, just by practicing this immortal art, you can condense more than six kinds of Tao fruits.

Absolutely amazing!

Ling Feng was ecstatic in his heart. It was obvious that this "Fire Swallowing Immortal Technique" was absolutely extraordinary!

However, because half of the volume is missing, others cannot practice at all. In the hands of others, it is just a waste, but in your own hands, it is a treasure!

But, how did the bitch know that in Tianzhi’s library, there would be the second volume of the Flame Swallowing Technique?


Ling Feng didn't believe it.

But if you think about it carefully, the original owner of the donkey was actually Emperor Tianbai. Emperor Tianbai practiced the Heavenly Scriptures of Ten Thousand Ways and Transformations, and had thousands of Dharma signs, which were invested in the heavens and the worlds.

It shouldn’t be surprising that some of the clones have joined the Tianzhi organization.

Perhaps, the origin of this Flame Swallowing Art has something to do with Tianzhi.

Shaking his head, Ling Feng stopped thinking about it. Anyway, he had picked out the secret books he needed, and it was time to go to the copying station to copy them.

At the same time, in the courtyard outside the library, two old men were sitting in a pavilion playing chess.

It is Jie Yin Zun and Ming Shen Zun.

The two great immortals were playing against each other in chess, and they were going back and forth for a full hour, but it was still hard to tell the winner.

It's a pity that at the last moment, the benevolence of Yin Yin Zun Yi Thought actually laid the groundwork. In the end, he made one mistake and lost the whole game.

"Haha, Mr. Xiao, you lost again!"

Ming Shenzun stroked his long beard. They had known each other for more than ten thousand years. Although they were equally matched every time they played, he was always the winner in the end.

Not far away, Mo Qingfeng, who was standing by, couldn't help but glance at the chessboard. For a moment, he felt the sea of ​​spirit shaking, and his face turned pale.

It turns out that these two powerful immortals are more than just playing chess.

Mo Qingfeng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Although he was named Liuyu, he was already the leader of the younger generation among Tianzhi.

However, compared with the three statues, not even one of their little fingers can compare.

"You know, I never like to compete for victory."

Jie Yinxian Zun shook his head and smiled, not taking it seriously, and just said lightly: "It's almost time, and it's time for the juniors to come out."

Ming Shenzun stared at Jie Yinxian Zun, sighed softly, and couldn't help blurting out, "Hey, you are always so kind, aren't you afraid of cultivating a second Ning Kun?"

Hearing the name "Ning Kun", Jieyin Xianzun's expression obviously changed, and he stood up suddenly, but the stone bench behind him had turned into ashes in an instant.

"Sorry, brother Xiao, I didn't mean to mention that person, but I just hope you don't make the same mistake again."

Ming Shen Zun was obviously also startled by Jie Yin Xian Zun's reaction.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Jie Ying Xianzun still couldn't let go of that matter.

After all, that was once the most trusted disciple of the Immortal Master Jie Yin.

But his most trusted disciple killed his son and daughter-in-law with his own hands.

It is precisely because of this that Xiao Xianling lost her parents since she was a child, and she could only depend on Jie Yinxian Zun.

The Immortal Lord Jieyin did not speak, but remained silent for a moment, then turned to look at the Immortal Lord Yufeng, Mo Qingfeng, who was following him.

"Qingfeng, I'll leave the rest to you. I'm a little tired."


Mo Qingfeng nodded quickly in agreement. He had heard something about "Ning Kun" before, but the information that could be found was very sparse, and what he heard was just a few words.

But now it seems that Ning Kun should have been the direct disciple of Jie Yinxian Zun.

However, Mo Fei didn't dare to ask too much about this kind of thing. He had never seen such a terrifying murderous aura exuding from Jie Yinxian Zun.

Even the always strong Ming Shen Zun seemed to be a little afraid.

"Hey, that's all, I'll go too."

Ming Shenzun shook his head and smiled, looked at Mo Qingfeng, and said calmly: "Yu Feng, you understand the rules. After the inspection, take them away!"


Mo Qingfeng bowed quickly, and when he raised his head, the figure of Ming Shen Zun had long since disappeared.

But at this moment, the one-hour time limit has come, and it is time to take a look at what magic arts the new junior brothers and sisters have chosen.

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