Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3411 It’s probably fate!

An hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Soon, everyone had finished copying, returned the secret books to their original places, and came to the registration office in front of the library to register.

At this moment, in addition to the staff of the library in charge of registration, Immortal Yufeng was also standing aside, obviously also very interested in what kind of secret books everyone selected.

Especially Ling Feng.

Because of Mo Yurou, he had cheated Ling Feng once before, and he felt somewhat guilty.

Therefore, I pay special attention to Ling Feng.

"Junior brothers and sisters, please hand over your copied secret books to me one by one. After I help you record and register them, you can take the copied copies out."

The person at the registration desk was a man who looked very stocky and slightly bloated, but his voice sounded very soft and magnetic.

The first person to register was the phantom god Qian Jue. The secret book he copied back from the third level was called "The Power of Vajra".

It seems that the Phantom God Qianjue has clearly reached the end of the road of power.

Next was Zhou Yan, who chose a fire-based royal magic called "Immortal Void Flame".

Soon, everyone had registered, and the last one who came belatedly was Ling Feng.

However, even though he exceeded the time, no one would care about it. The senior brother in charge of registration just smiled and said lightly, "Junior brother, your movements are a little slow."

Then there was no further pursuit.

Ling Feng laughed a few times and handed the secret book to Fat Senior Brother.

Zhou Yan, Cheng Tianyong and others couldn't help but come over to take a look.

Because they were so obsessed with selecting the secret books, they didn't know that Ling Feng had selected the secret books on the first level, so they were quite looking forward to it. With Ling Feng's gifted eyesight, he should be able to select a very remarkable secret book.

Only Zhong Ruoxin from the Sun and Moon Immortal Palace had noticed that Ling Feng had gone downstairs early, and couldn't help but secretly chuckle. This boy wasted the opportunity to choose the king's immortal skills. After waiting for more than a hundred years, he was afraid that Even my intestines are turning green.

Thinking of this, Zhong Ruoxin couldn't help but pursed her lips and snickered.

"Junior sister Zhong, what is so funny?"

Nan Xiaolie turned around and glanced at Zhong Ruoxin. During the previous mission of hunting down wolf thieves, the three teammates had experienced life-and-death fights between them, and their relationship was relatively harmonious.

"Nothing, just thought of something funny."

Zhong Ruoxin narrowed her eyes and suppressed her smile, but she couldn't help but look at Ling Feng secretly.

She also wanted to know what kind of secret book Ling Feng would choose?

Great magic or small magic?

Anyway, Wang Tao's magic has no chance with him.

Who would have known that the secret book that Ling Feng took out turned out to be...

Only half a copy!

""The Immortal Technique of Swallowing Flames"?"

The fat senior brother took the secret book copied by Ling Feng and his eyelids twitched slightly, "It's weird, why don't I remember that there is such a secret book under the third floor?"

The fat senior brother frowned. It stands to reason that he has been in this library for more than a hundred years, and he should be familiar with the secret books in the library.


The fat senior brother's eyelids twitched, he opened the cover, took a closer look, and his suspicions were immediately confirmed.

Isn't this kid choosing secrets from the scrap heap?

He didn't choose from so many secret books, but went to choose the scraps, scraps?

When he usually organizes these waste products, he doesn't take a second look at them. He just piles them into a pile and doesn't scatter them.

"I'm talking about junior brother..."

The fat senior brother shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Do you usually have the habit of picking up leaks in the market?"


Ling Feng blinked, "Senior brother, why did you say this?"

"Junior brother, let me tell you clearly. This is a library, not a market for casual cultivators, and there is no such thing as picking up missing items. You... look at the books on the shelves, which one is not a good book on magic and secrets? , you choose one with your eyes closed, isn’t it better than this? You just... you just want to..."

The fat senior brother looked dumbfounded, "Junior brother, the secret book you chose is a disposal item in the scrap pile. It is only used to enrich the library. Strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as decoration and a waste product."


At this moment, a burst of laughter like silver bells sounded in the library, but it was Zhong Ruoxin who couldn't help laughing anymore.

She originally thought that Ling Feng would be able to choose a small fairy book for the last time.

The result is that it is a processed product, a waste product, a decoration?

It’s so funny!

For such a person, how did he pass all the tests and become a member of the Tianzhi clan?

"I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at that senior brother, I... I just remembered a funny thing."

Seeing everyone's eyes turning over, Zhong Ruoxin quickly waved her hands to deny it and covered her mouth, "I won't laugh anymore. I won't laugh anymore."

However, she was still snickering fiercely in her heart.

Where did this idiot come from? Being able to cultivate to this point is not all about luck, right?

Although Wu Chengkong and Nan Xiaolie did not laugh at Ling Feng, they could not help but look down upon Ling Feng in their hearts.

I thought that if I could stand out among so many geniuses, these mortals from the lower world would be considered number one.

Unexpectedly, he was just a country bumpkin who had never seen the world.

As for Zhou Yan, Cheng Tianyong, and Nangong Ziling, they were slightly surprised.

Logically speaking, with Ling Feng's eyesight, it wouldn't be possible.

Immortal Yufeng was speechless for a while. What on earth is this kid doing?

He did not believe that a young talent like Ling Feng, who could be valued by the Immortal Master Jieying, would be a stupid young man.

"Junior brother, it is not easy for you to be promoted to Tianzhi through the A-level mission. It would be a pity if you choose this waste."

The fat senior brother shook his head, "Although I can't make the decision, I'll let you choose Wangdao Xianju again. Let's do this. You can just pick a book on the first floor. I think the elders will turn a blind eye. "Senior Brother Yufeng, what do you think?"

"Senior Brother Jin has spoken. Junior Brother Ling, why don't you thank Senior Brother Jin quickly?"

Immortal Yufeng was not a pedantic person and immediately winked at Ling Feng, allowing him to choose again.

"Senior brother, I thank you for your kindness. However, there is no need to change the secret book. I want this one."

Ling Feng bowed his hand to Senior Brother Jin, "Just think of it as a gamble and pick something up. I think this secret book and I, um... are probably destined."

"Pfft...haha, it's fate!"

Zhong Ruoxin burst out laughing again. Damn it, this guy is a funny guy sent by God. Is he destined?

Fortunately, he could say it out loud, but this was just trying to make a fool of himself!

However, a pair of eyes came around again, and Zhong Ruoxin quickly covered her mouth, "I'm sorry, I'm really not laughing at that senior brother, I just thought of something funny. It's true. I'm not going to lie. swear!"

As he spoke, he held up three fingers together, raised his hand to the sky, and made a gesture of swearing.

Although she looked serious and vowed, she was trying her best to suppress a smile.

It’s really unconvincing!

Ling Feng shrugged, it didn't matter. In the hands of others, this Flame Swallowing Immortal Technique was indeed a scrap, a waste product, a garbage disposal product that was impossible to practice.

But when it comes to him, it is a unique and unique book that far exceeds the kingly magic!

Laugh, laugh. Only he knows whether he has made a big mistake.

As for Yufeng Immortal Lord and the fat senior brother, they also had good intentions, and Ling Feng was somewhat grateful to them.

I have only been in Tianzhi Organization for a few days, and most of the senior brothers and sisters here are quite humane.

This also gave Ling Feng a sense of identification and belonging to the Tianzhi organization.

The Immortal Realm is vast, and from now on, I will finally have a place to settle down.

"Hey, that's alright. If you insist, junior brother, then I'll register it for you."

Senior Brother Jin shook his head and sighed, somewhat helpless in his heart. Why would someone come to the library to pick up leaks? Do they think it is an antique market?

However, since Ling Feng himself was so insistent, he had no choice but to let him go.

After a while, Senior Brother Jin completed the registration. At this moment, even if Ling Feng wanted to change, it was too late.

Yufeng Immortal Lord looked at Ling Feng, and also secretly felt sorry for Ling Feng.

Shaking his head, Yufeng Immortal Lord took a deep breath, and then continued: "Junior brothers and sisters, I will take you to your residence next. Although you are all new disciples, after all, you have passed through A Outer disciples who have been promoted to level 1 tasks are the key training targets of Tianzhi. You can each be assigned an independent garden in Qianlin Realm."

"In time, if you are promoted to the Talisman Realm, you only need to pass the promotion assessment, and you can open up a cave of your own in the mysterious world where the Immortal Lords live."

"Thousand Lin Realm? Mysterious Realm?"

Wu Chengkong and several immortal geniuses from the Shenzhi Heaven Realm had heard about it for a long time, but Zhou Yan and others had never heard of it.

Yufeng Immortal Lord was also quite patient and explained with a smile: "In Tianzhi, there has always been the so-called Nine Heavens. In fact, it is divided into nine different areas from the outside to the inside. The outermost layer is The so-called outer world, then Tianmen world, Zhoutian world..."

"New disciples will live in the Qianlin Realm before they are promoted to the Talisman Realm or pass the promotion assessment. Only after promotion can they live in the Xuanmiao Realm. As for the places where you participated in the selection and assessment before, they are actually the Qianlin Realm and the Xuanmiao Realm. The place where they meet, and this library is actually the more central Yuanyang realm.”

"Further inside, there are places where only existences above the elder level can enter and exit. You should be out of reach for the time being."

After Immortal Yufeng gave a concise introduction, he stopped talking and led the group to Qianlin Realm.

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