Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3413 The terrifying legend of the dark night!

After Ling Feng greeted Xiao Xianling and the girls to enter the lobby and take their seats, Xiao Xianling took out a thick "Disciple's Manual" and threw it in front of Ling Feng.

"The Tianzhi organization has strict rules. This manual contains the laws and regulations that need to be followed daily. In addition, it also explains clearly how to go to the mission hall to receive missions and how to redeem meritorious rewards. "

Xiao Xianling had a calm expression, glanced at the tea table beside her, and frowned slightly, "You said that in such a big mansion like yours, there isn't even anyone serving tea or water. Even if I'm here, I don't know. Show me some tea!”

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, but couldn't help but look at Tuoba Yan aside.

For things like this, when I was in the lower realm, I always had Tuoba Yan, the "maid", to take care of things for me.

Now, didn’t Tuoba Yan get snatched away by you?

If Ling Feng were alone, he would spend most of his time in the mansion either cultivating or refining elixirs, and there would be no such thing as human kindness.

It doesn't exist at all!

Is it possible that we still expect that bitch to change his temper?

"Seeing that you are all alone, now I will fulfill my original promise and let Junyao and Yun Lan be free."

Xiao Xianling smiled slightly and looked at the three Yujunyao girls with her eyes, "When I signed the spiritual pet contract with you, it was originally a temporary measure. Now, I will terminate the contract, and you can stay with this brat in the future. ”

The faces of the three women all turned slightly red. Xiao Xianling made a hand gesture and muttered words for a while. As three rays of colored light rose from the bodies of the three Yu Junyao women, the next moment, the colored light turned into light all over the sky. Click and disappear into the hall.

The spiritual pet contract was also terminated, and the three Yujunyao girls regained their freedom.

Now that Ling Feng has his own mansion, he can settle the three girls there and no longer needs to follow Xiao Xianling.

"Thank you Sister Xiao, long live Sister Xiao!"

Yu Junyao had the most lively and cheerful temperament. She stepped forward and gave Xiao Xianling a bear hug, rubbing her cheek against Xiao Xianling, looking very intimate.

"Thank you, Sister Xiao!"

Tuoba Yan and Yue Yunlan also bowed to Xiao Xianling at the same time. Although Xiao Xianling sometimes had a weird temper, even a little unreasonable and unreasonable, she was indeed very kind-hearted.

"Tsk tsk, you are so happy just to stay with this brat. If one day this brat marries you, you will be so happy that you fly to heaven!"

Xiao Xianling spoke freely as always, making all the girls in the hall blush with embarrassment, and even Ling Feng almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Although Ling Feng already understood Yu Junyao and the others' affection for him, he had not completely pierced the window paper after all.

What's more, when three women are together, this scene is difficult to clean up!

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect.

Of course, Ling Feng couldn't be completely indifferent to them.

But to him, the threat from the Xuantian clan was like a thorn in his back.

The situation of his parents and grandfather made him even more worried.

Now, in order to help him gather information, Yan Jinghong has infiltrated the Xuntian clan and may face huge threats at any time.

Under such circumstances, how could he think about his children's personal relationship?

What's more, he doesn't know who he loves in his heart.

In his mind, there was always a vague figure that he had never seen before, but yet seemed extremely familiar.

But, who is she?

Ling Feng took a deep breath, waved his hands quickly, and said haha: "Miss Xiao, no, I should call you Senior Sister Xiao now. Senior Sister, besides this booklet, is there anything else you should pay attention to? Please give me some advice, senior sister!”

"You are smart, yes. You can read this manual later, but there are three things you must pay attention to."

Xiao Xianling raised a finger, "First, in addition to the three years that new disciples can be exempted from all tasks and practice in seclusion on their own, every year in the future, they must submit a certain amount of merit to Zhitian Hall on time. "Disciples who fail to complete the task will be punished by a certain multiple, and those who fail to pay the full amount of merit three times will be directly removed from the Tianzhi and will never be hired."

"Of course, if you have extra money, you can also choose to directly pay the merits for the next few decades within one year. The maximum limit is one hundred years."


Ling Feng nodded, this was also to allow the disciples to carry out various tasks of Tianzhi, instead of staying within the sect and working behind closed doors.

"The second thing is also very important, and that is about the Jiuyao New King Ranking that happens every sixty years. I think you should already understand what the so-called Jiuyao means. Every sixty years, Tianzhi Nei All Immortal Lord-level disciples who have reached the Talisman Realm can participate in the competition for the Jiuyao New Lord Ranking. Those who successfully win the top nine can replace the previous Jiuyao."

"It changes every sixty years. It seems that Jiu Yao's position is really in demand!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. For a strong immortal, sixty years simply passed by in a blink of an eye.

"That's more than just a hot commodity!"

A hint of hope flashed in Xiao Xianling's eyes, "The next Jiuyao New Monarch Ranking will be six years later. Hey, this time, it's my turn to show off my power! As for you..."

Xiao Xianling glanced at Ling Feng with her peripheral vision, "I estimate that in six years' time, you should be able to be promoted to the Talisman Realm and become a little Immortal Lord of One Talisman. In the lower realm's rankings, your participation is the key. You are here to cheer me on, do you understand?"


Ling Feng said "Oh", six years, then we'll see.

"Then there is the third thing, which is also the most important thing."

Xiao Xianling said, and raised a third finger, "That is, when nothing happens, don't go to Yuanyang Lake, or even pass by!"


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, Yuanyang Lake, sounds a bit familiar?

Could it be...

His eyelids twitched. It couldn't be the strange place where he accidentally got lost.


Ling Feng swallowed and asked weakly: "What can I say?"

"The matter is related to a terrifying dark night legend. In the area of ​​Yuanyang Lake, let alone the maze there, it is easy for people to fall into it. It is said that on the night of the full moon, some disciples heard that there was a legend coming from Yuanyang Lake. While hearing the terrifying roar, I feared that there was some terrifying existence suppressing the bottom of the lake. Not to mention, in the past hundred years, a total of nearly two dozen disciples have mysteriously disappeared. "

"So, no matter what the circumstances, never go near there, especially at night, absolutely, absolutely, never go near there, do you understand?"

Ling Feng's scalp was numb, he went there by himself.

However, I have never seen a scary monster. I just saw a figure that looked a little thin and was playing the piano.

Jie Yinxian Zun warned himself that he must not reveal even a word about this matter to anyone.

Seeing Ling Feng's expression was different, Xiao Xianling couldn't help but frowned, "Hey, I'm talking to you, why are you in a daze!"

"No, I'm just a little shocked. There is such a place in Tianzhi. So don't the elders care?"

"This is the strange thing. Even among the three, the most stringent law enforcement immortal, Wuwangzun, only explicitly prohibited anyone from discussing the matter. The so-called investigation ended in nothing. So some people suspect that maybe that The ferocious beast suppressed at the bottom of the lake may not even be able to deal with the three powerful ones. "

"Anyway, just don't go looking for trouble!"

Xiao Xianling rolled her eyes, "You ask so many questions, but don't say you want to see it! I tell you, don't even think about it!"

"I know, I know."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Seeing Xiao Xianling's serious face, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

As expected of a grandfather and grandson, their tone of voice was exactly the same.

Xiao Xianling and Jieyin Xianzun warned themselves that their tireless appearance was almost carved from the same mold.

"I know, I won't ask for trouble."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, but the more their grandfather and grandson said this, the more curious Ling Feng became.

He is obviously just a person who plays the piano, but why is he rumored to have become a monster?

Who is that person? Even Tianzhi must acquiesce in his existence and exist in the same world with him?

Ling Feng shook his head. As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, it would be better for him to stay out of trouble.

As everyone knows, from the moment he saw the figure clearly from the fog, he could no longer stay away from the incident.

Next, Xiao Xianling told Ling Feng some chores, big and small. I have to say that this woman was really troublesome. She obviously threw the manual to Ling Feng, but she almost read it in front of Ling Feng. .

Ling Feng looked hopeless, but he had no choice but to deal with this woman.

Finally, at sunset, Xiao Xianling left with a still unfinished expression.

However, in the middle of Lingfeng's Heavenly Palace, there are three more girls: Yu Junyao, Yue Yunlan and Tuoba Yan.

Finally, it became more popular.

As for the other disciples, in fact, according to the regulations in the manual, they can directly buy back some slaves with the blood of ancient demons in the trading market, or young masters such as Wu Chengkong who originally came from the powerful clans of the Shenzhen Heavenly Domain. Then you can directly send some servants back within the family.

After all, from the moment they obtained their own independent courtyard, they were no longer the most ordinary outer disciples.

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