Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3414 Your Majesty in White!

Time flies, Ling Feng has been a Tianzhi disciple for three months.

In the past three months, Ling Feng had been in the Heavenly Palace, refining the Xuanzhen Pill of Fortune.

I have to say that the potency of this pill is really powerful. Ling Feng has been refining it for three months, but he still hasn't been able to fully refine it.

No wonder Xiao Xianling told Ling Feng before that it would normally take at least five years to completely refine this elixir.

In the process of refining the Xuanzhen Pill, one's own cultivation level will also increase, and even within a few years, he will be promoted to the Talisman Realm.

In this way, he has just reached the threshold to participate in the Jiuyao New Lord Ranking.

And after Ling Feng overcame the tribulation on the ancient road in the wild, he had already half-stepped into the threshold of the seventh level of the magic realm, and now he got this Xuanzhen Pill of Creation.

In just three months, Ling Feng had already broken through to the eighth level of the magic realm, and in less than a year from the time he broke through to the immortal realm, he was directly promoted to the eighth level of the magic realm.

This kind of speed can only be described as "defying the heavens", which can barely be described.

Ling Feng was practicing in seclusion, and the three girls Yu Junyao could only stay in their Heavenly Palace and did not dare to leave randomly. They were idle and began to practice hard.

Above the Immortal Realm, the spirit of the Fairies is full, and the speed of their cultivation is naturally far beyond what they can compare to in the lower realm.

What's more, the three women secretly competed with each other, and even Yu Junyao, who was usually the laziest, began to work hard.

The other two women looked at it, and naturally one was more energetic than the other, so they doubled their efforts and practiced hard.

Therefore, the speed of improvement of the three of them is quite good. In the past three months, Yue Yunlan and Tuoba Yan have successively broken through the ancestral realm. As for Yu Junyao, she is already in the early stage of the ancestral realm. With such training, The environment has also been elevated to a small level.

At the same time, Your Majesty, who originally planned to be in seclusion for more than half a year, came out of seclusion early and left Yuanyang Cave Heaven.

For a moment, the three deities everywhere in Yuanyang Realm stared at each other at the same time, and they were actually summoned by the Lord.

"That's it for today's lecture."

A fat man in a lake, wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat on his head, took off his raincoat and put the fishing rod aside.

But it turns out that the so-called teachings given by the Immortal Master Jie Yin were actually given to several direct disciples of Jie Yin Hall——


The three halls under the control of the three deities will have their own direct disciples, who are among the most qualified elites among the three halls.

And even the proud men like Liu Yu and Jiu Yao are proud to be the direct disciples of the Three Lords.

And if we can go one step further and obtain all three true descendants, given time, our future will be limitless.

However, the qualification requirements for true disciples are not only extremely strict, but also there will only be one true disciple among the three deities.

In fact, as long as you accept a true disciple, it is equivalent to passing on your inheritance, mantle, and even your status as a sage to this disciple.

Generally speaking, within three hundred years of accepting a true disciple, the position of the palace master will also be passed on.

The original three will choose to retire and become a member of the honorary elders of Tianzhi.

The three deities of each generation are passed down from generation to generation in this way.

None of the three deities of the current generation have any true disciples of their own.

In fact, hundreds of years ago, Jieyin Zun had actually selected a disciple who could succeed him. He did not even choose his biological son, but placed all his trust and expectations on him. On that disciple's body.

It was Ning Kun who had accidentally let the Lord Ming know something before.

But the result is...

Perhaps because he was stimulated by this incident, he has always been the most calm and calm, with a calm mind and no obsession with power. So far, he has not accepted any true disciples.

As for Mingshenzun and Wuwangzun, they will not give up power easily.

Unless they can receive a prodigy that even shocks them, they will probably have to sit on the thrones of these three statues for at least another thousand years.

"You guys go on, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Jieyin Xianzun looked back at these direct disciples and saw that they were all sitting very calmly by the lake fishing, and nodded with satisfaction.

However, among the crowd, a girl gave him a headache.

This woman is naturally Xiao Xianling.

Although Xiao Xianling's cultivation level is still a bit lacking, she is her granddaughter after all, so no one will say anything if she is accepted as a direct disciple.

"Farewell to the Immortal Lord."

Seeing Jie Yinxian Zun stand up and leave, more than ten direct disciples did not let go of the fishing rods in their hands.

This was the first thing that the Immortal Master Jie Yin entrusted to them, without any distractions.

Xiao Xianling, on the other hand, was so excited that she threw down the fishing rod and ran quickly in the direction of picking up the Immortal Master, "Grandpa, where are you going? Can you take me with you?"

The Immortal Master Jie Yin rolled his eyes at his granddaughter angrily, and his figure flashed, turning into a ray of light and disappearing into the sky.

"Okay, let's dismiss!"

As soon as the Immortal Master left, Xiao Xianling immediately patted her butt and left directly.

Cultivation is boring enough in itself, but grandpa just let them fish here when they have nothing to do.

And sometimes we fish for ten or eight days without even moving.

Xiao Xianling's restless temper was unbearable.

"I haven't gone to see that brat for a long time. I wonder if he has broken through again?"

After thinking about it, Xiao Xianling swaggered straight towards Tianzhu.

The other direct disciples shook their heads and smiled bitterly, that is, Miss Xiao could be treated like this.

They still have to fish here honestly.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several rays of light streaked across the sky and finally landed on a huge golden disk.

This golden disk seems to be suspended in the void out of thin air, and everything within a thousand miles is covered by the disk.

And above the sky, nine-colored rays of light shrouded and fell on the disk, but they were unable to cover up the light all over the sky.

Under the disk is a huge wilderness, filled with the fragrance of flowers and fragrant grasses.

The flowers and plants growing on it are all unique treasures rarely seen in the outside world.

And in this space, they are just like the most common flowers and plants, competing for beauty and flourishing.

Further away, there are eight golden sky pillars, which connect to the nine heavens above and Qingming below. They can be vaguely seen among the sky pillars, and there seem to be pieces of colorful clouds floating in them.

Above the colorful clouds, an old man with white beard and hair sat cross-legged.

These old men are members of the Honorary Elders Group, and almost 60% of them are experts at the Immortal Emperor level.

However, they are all at the level of the Sun Wheel Realm or the Moon Wheel Realm, and have not yet reached the level of the Broken Immortal Emperor.

However, this lineup alone is enough to shock the world!

In one of the colorful clouds, there were nearly twenty powerful Immortal Emperors.

And there are as many as eight such colorful clouds in this space.

In other words, there are more than a hundred Immortal Emperors here!

And on the golden disk guarded by the colorful clouds, there stood a huge magic circle. Amidst the surging colorful streams of light, the world around the sky evolved and formed within the magic circle.

In front of the magic circle, stood a man in white clothes. He was tall, with a handsome and resolute face, and his eyes were like the stars, the sun and the moon.

This man is the real master of the Tianzhi organization, and he is also the one mentioned by the three deities, Your Excellency.

The original plan was to stay in seclusion for more than half a year, but now, I have come out ahead of schedule.

The next moment, three rays of rays of light fell in front of the golden platform at the same time. They were none other than Jieyin Zun, Mingshen Zun, and Wuwu Zun.

"Kowtow to your Majesty!"

The three worshiped together. The white-clothed Master gently flicked his sleeves. The three of them felt a soft support, gently lifting them up. They quickly bowed to the Immortal Master Jie Yin, "Thank you, Master." superior!"

The Lord in white clothes nodded slightly, and his star-like eyes fell on Jieyin Xianzun, "Jieyin, you are responsible for handling the selection of new disciples, what is the result?"

"Reporting to your Majesty, this selection has been successfully concluded. There are a total of one hundred and twenty-seven new disciples, among whom there are a total of eight disciples who have completed the promotion to Grade A."


A faint smile appeared on the white-clothed master's face, "Among the selections in the past few thousand years, this year's selection has the most disciples who have passed the Class A mission."


"Okay, well done. The disciples of the Jie Yin Palace selected the best for Tianzhi this time. You should be credited with a meritorious service."

Jie Yinxian Zun smiled faintly, turned around and walked to the throne in front of him that emitted soft white light, and sat down.

"This is a matter within my jurisdiction. I dare not take credit for it."

"Okay, you don't have to be too modest when I greet you."

The Lord in white clothes interrupted the words of the Immortal Master, and asked some things about the Lord Wuwang and Lord Mingshen. During his retreat, he learned that everything was as usual during his retreat, so he retreated. All the people.

For a moment, the colorful clouds in all directions dispersed, and all the elders retreated to meditate in caves. The gods of Ming and Wuwu also left one after another.

In the huge space, only Jieyinxian Zun and Baiyi Zun were left.

"Jie Yin, what else do you want?"

The white-clothed master's deep eyes looked at Jieyinxianzun, and Jieyinxianzun was shaken all over. He secretly exclaimed that the power of heaven was unpredictable. After the master went into seclusion, his aura became even more terrifying.

I'm afraid, there has been another breakthrough.

It should be noted that after crossing the Broken Realm, each level of cultivation level is improved, and the strength is completely different. At the ninth level of brokenness, the difference between each level is almost like the difference between immortals and mortals.

And Your Majesty, you are already at the seventh level of fragmentation and have been stagnant for more than ten thousand years?

Now, has we finally taken a step forward?

And you must know that even among the five Immortal Emperors in the Immortal Domain, only the strongest among them, the Sky Patrol Thunder Emperor, Yi Ting Immortal Emperor, has reached the legendary ninth level of Shattering.

In other words, the current emperor has become one of the five immortal emperors. At least, he is on par with the other four among them.

Thinking of this, Jie Yinxian Zun took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and then said solemnly: "There is indeed something that I want to report to you..."

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