Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3422 Fixed Wind Banana Fan!

"I have a treasure called the Dingfeng Banana Fan!"

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Cheng Tianyong actually took out a fan-like treasure from the space magic weapon.

"Dingfeng Banana Fan?"

Everyone looked at the huge-looking "fan" in Cheng Tianyong's hand.

At first glance, the Tao does indeed look like a banana leaf, about five feet long, green and integrated, like an innate treasure rather than artificially made.

Generally speaking, magic weapons born innately contain the power of the laws of heaven and earth, and are much stronger than artificial magic weapons.

For example, if it is also a top-grade fairy treasure, a magic weapon conceived innately can be comparable to the top-grade fairy treasure.

If the Fengfeng banana fan in Cheng Tianyong's hand is really an innate treasure, then it may really have the effect of dispersing most of the fog in the sea area within a range of nearly a thousand miles.

In this way, they no longer need to wander around like headless flies in the Misty Gorge to easily find the entrance to the Xuanyuan Cold Island.

"Yes, this banana fan is... hehe..."

Cheng Tianyong was quick to talk for a moment and wanted to show off the origin of this magic weapon, but he reacted in an instant, laughed, made a haha, and changed the subject: "In short, Brother Ling, you first sail the boundary-breaking shuttle to the mist Outside!”


Ling Feng nodded and gave Cheng Tianyong a meaningful look.

All in all, he and Cheng Tianyong have known each other for more than three years.

However, in the past three years, Ling Feng had been practicing in seclusion and did not have much interaction with Cheng Tianyong.

However, after all, he lives in another courtyard next to his and is his neighbor.

According to Yu Junyao and others, unlike other newly promoted outer disciples, Cheng Tianyong is not like others. In the past three years, he has spent almost no time on cultivation. Instead, he just looks around when he has nothing to do. Wandering around in the west, or building relationships with other inner sect brothers to try to contribute points.

Therefore, among all the new disciples, Cheng Tianyong has the most contribution points, even more than the trio of immortal geniuses headed by Wu Chengkong.

But what surprised Ling Feng was that even though three years later, his strength had broken through to the Talisman Realm, and he had been promoted to a one-talisman Immortal Lord, condensing a strange fire Talisman, he still couldn't see through the depth of Cheng Tianyong. .

Just like when he was still in the magic realm, it seemed that Cheng Tianyong was about the same level of cultivation as himself.

Now that he has been promoted to the Talisman Realm, his cultivation still really wants to be similar to his own.

Either he had already broken through to the Talisman Realm early on.

Or, there is some kind of magic weapon on him that can perfectly hide his aura.

All in all, Cheng Tianyong probably has no fewer secrets than himself.

What he experienced after being kicked out of Tianyong City by the Cheng family was probably not as lighthearted as what he said before.

However, this does not affect her becoming friends with him.

Everyone has their own secrets. Speaking of which, your own identity is probably a huge secret in the first place.

Not long after, Ling Feng controlled the boundary-breaking shuttle and left the range of the Misty Gorge.

From a distance, looking at the sea fog stretching for thousands of miles in front of them, it is no wonder that they were trapped inside for several days and could not find the entrance to Xuanyuan Han Island.

Without the senses of time and space, the whole person seems to be wandering in the void, and all he can do is probably go with the flow.

"Brother Cheng, it's up to you now!"

Ling Feng stopped the boundary-breaking shuttle and looked back at Cheng Tianyong.

This guy was rubbing elbows on the deck, looking eager to try.

"I've been waiting for your words for a long time!"

Cheng Tianyong raised his sword eyebrows, grabbed the handle of the Dingfeng banana fan with both hands, jumped up, and flew directly into the air, suspended in the air.

Then, I heard him growl, clenched the banana fan and slapped it forward fiercely.

Hoo ho ho!

Suddenly, the strong wind surged.

On the surface of the fixed-wind banana fan, several inscriptions seemed to flicker. Then, a hurricane roared, tearing apart the heaven and earth. Even the boundary-breaking shuttle behind Cheng Tianyong started to tremble violently.

The sea of ​​stars, which had always been calm and calm, suddenly stirred up terrifying waves!

After all, the sea is not like land. Such a terrible storm, even if it were placed on land, would probably stir up land dozens of feet deep, let alone on the ocean.

The terrible waterspout swept across the place.

As the fog dissipated, the terrible storms came one after another, becoming more and more unscrupulous, causing people's heads to break and numb.

The corner of Ling Feng's eyes twitched slightly. Although he also expected that the power of the fixed-wind banana fan would be quite large, he did not expect that it would be so "destroying the heaven and the earth"!

"Run now, rush!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and took advantage of the power of the storm to clear the way. As long as he followed the storm, he would have a chance to perfectly avoid those rough waves.

"Brother Cheng, come back!"

Ling Feng roared and made a hand gesture, and saw the boundary-breaking shuttle flying directly into the air, along the direction of the storm, and shot out with a "whoosh" sound like an arrow from a string.


The next moment, the original location of the boundary-breaking shuttle was hit by a huge wave.

If it were one step too late, the boundary-breaking shuttle would probably fall apart.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the fixed-wind banana fan could have such power when used at sea!"

Cheng Tianyong, on the other hand, had a look of surprise on his face. Looking at the spectacular scene in front of him, he was actually a little obsessed. It wasn't until he heard Ling Feng's urging that he flew towards the boundary-breaking shuttle with a look of reluctance.

A storm opened the way, and the terrifying power of the wind even tore the void apart.

Faintly visible under the blue sky and white sun, there were streaks of dark red thunder surging among the clouds.

That fixed-wind banana fan probably has a lot of background!

But at this moment, Ling Feng no longer has time to think about these things.

He stared ahead, concentrating on controlling the boundary-breaking shuttle to follow the storm.

At the same time, I secretly prayed in my heart that Cheng Tianyong's fan made a huge noise, but he must not wake up those giant beasts sleeping on the bottom of the sea.

After all, this is the outer sea of ​​​​the stars, a real far sea area. The giant beasts sleeping on the bottom of the sea have strength ranging from the Immortal Lord level to the Immortal Emperor level, but there is no limit to it!

I just hope that this small storm will not wake up those terrible monsters, otherwise, I am afraid that they will die before they can get out of the battle.

Fortunately, so far, everything has gone relatively smoothly.

Ten breaths!

Thirty breaths!

One hundred breaths!

The storm is still continuing, sweeping forward crazily. Ling Feng controls the boundary-breaking shuttle to follow closely, while condensing the Eye of the Emperor and displaying the ability of infinite vision.

At this moment, the fog was dispelled, and his infinite vision could finally be used normally.

Finally, his eyes lit up and he discovered a space in front of him, with golden light surging and strong fluctuations of space-time tides.

"That's it!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed and found it. There must be the entrance to Xuanyuan Cold Island.

As long as you pass through here, you can successfully reach the legendary Xuanyuan Cold Island!


The boundary-breaking shuttle accelerated instantly and slammed into the golden light.

The greatest ability of the boundary-breaking shuttle is not to sail on the sea as a ship, but to break all barrier seals and come and go freely.

Even if there is any barrier outside the Xuanyuan Cold Island, the boundary-breaking shuttle can completely ignore it.

However, the moment Ling Feng was about to drive the boundary-breaking shuttle into the golden light.


A loud noise came from the direction of the tail wing of the boundary-breaking shuttle.

Ling Feng looked back and saw that the three souls almost died.

He saw a huge tentacle, which he slapped hard on his head. The tentacle was so big that it could not be described in words.

The sky was filled with darkness, and the entire sky seemed to be shrouded.

The impact just now was because the tail of the boundary-breaking shuttle was lightly rubbed, and then the entire stern fell off directly.

Ling Feng was sweating crazily on his forehead.


too big!

If he had to use something to compare, Ling Feng first thought of Po Meng's true identity.

That is a huge thing that can rival the entire planet!

"Hurry up……"

Mo Yurou panicked, her voice was trembling, and her beauty turned pale in an instant.

Xiao Xianling grabbed Ling Feng's arm tightly, "We bumped into... we are about to bump into him!"

Those huge tentacles were about to smash the boundary-breaking shuttle to pieces, and they might all be buried here.

"Void jump!"

At this critical moment, Ling Feng was heartbroken. Purple light flashed in his eyes, and he actually led the entire boundary-breaking shuttle to jump through time and space and rushed directly into the golden light.

In an instant, blood and tears burst out, Ling Feng's vision went dark, and he was almost blind!

There was a vast expanse of white in front of me, and all objects could not be seen clearly.

Ling Feng knew that in the next few days, he might have to experience the feeling of being blind again.

But luckily, I finally managed to save a small life and a whole boatload of companions.


The huge tentacles slapped heavily on the sea, and the next moment, they disappeared without a trace.

The power of the storm gradually dissipated, the sea fog spread again, and everything returned to tranquility, as if nothing had happened.

It seemed that Ling Feng and the others had not completely disturbed the huge beast sleeping on the bottom of the sea. In other words, maybe the monster just turned over slightly.

But no matter what, Ling Feng and his party were finally safe and successfully entered Xuanyuan Cold Island.

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