Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3423 Successfully landed on the island! Patrol flag!


The moment he hit the golden light curtain, Ling Feng's eyes were temporarily blinded due to excessive stimulation of the laws of time and space.

The mana in the body was directly drained, and the boundary-breaking shuttle lost control directly. It was like a meteorite from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

Even due to the high-speed friction with the air, the entire hull burned, and the blazing flames enveloped the entire boundary-breaking shuttle in an instant.

However, Ling Feng's current situation was such that he was powerless and could no longer control the boundary-breaking shuttle.

"How are you, brat?"

Xiao Xianling saw Ling Feng's eyes were bleeding, and he slumped down helplessly. She frowned and quickly stepped forward to support Ling Feng.

"Don't worry about me yet, quickly stabilize the boundary-breaking shuttle!"

Ling Feng felt his heart bleed. This boundary-breaking shuttle was a rare treasure. Just because it could ignore all barriers, he could use it for the rest of his life without being eliminated.

It would be a shame if it crashed here.

The remaining people looked at each other, and with a few "swish" sounds, they all flew off the deck, each showing off their magical powers.

First, Cheng Tianyong waved the wind-fixing banana fan, and the wind roared, greatly slowing down the speed of the boundary-breaking shuttle.

Then, Illusion God Qianjue jumped up and displayed the power of moving mountains and unloading ridges in the air, forcibly holding the boundary-breaking shuttle in mid-air.

Zhou Yan followed closely and directly sacrificed the Tuo Emperor's ancient divine flame. He swept around the boundary-breaking shuttle. The originally blazing flames were immediately absorbed and assimilated by the Tuo Emperor's ancient divine flame. Then, they all poured into Zhou Yan. inside the body.


The next moment, Nangong Ziling also performed a trick. For a moment, it was like spring rain, and the temperature on the deck quickly dropped. The hull of the ship, which was still emitting black smoke, finally returned to normal.

With the close cooperation of the four people, the damage to the boundary-breaking shuttle was finally reduced to the minimum level.

It's just that a large piece of the tail part of the boundary-breaking shuttle was smashed off by the giant underwater beast, which may have affected the overall function of the boundary-breaking shuttle to some extent.

We can only wait until we return to "Xiao Feng Camp" on Yanlong Island to see if the old blacksmith Kuang Shan can repair it.

With the cooperation of Cheng Tianyong and the four others, after a while, the somewhat broken boundary-breaking shuttle finally landed steadily. Ling Feng performed a hand trick and took the boundary-breaking shuttle back into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

The black shadow flashed, and the bitch appeared again.

This guy is really useless for not getting up early.

Now that everyone has worked hard and finally entered Xuanyuan Han Island, when the time comes for harvest, he is willing to give it up.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so amazingly cold. There must be a rare treasure with cold attributes on this island!"

As the bitch said this, he couldn't wait to look here and there.

"What a shameless bitch!"

Mo Yurou couldn't help but cursed lowly, and couldn't help but glance in the direction of Ling Feng, only to see Xiao Xianling still supporting Ling Feng, while Ling Feng looked weak, even with his head resting on his head. On Xiao Xianling's shoulders.

That is to say, Xiao Xianling's figure is tall enough for Ling Feng to lean on her.

"Tsk, tsk, what are you doing! In broad daylight, please be careful of the impact!"

Seeing Ling Feng resting on Xiao Xianling's shoulder, Mo Yurou felt unhappy for no reason and couldn't help but make sarcastic remarks.

Speaking of which, Mo Yurou had tried to make Ling Feng fall under her pomegranate skirt before, but it was a pity that Ling Feng couldn't get rid of her.

Now that I see Ling Feng and Xiao Xianling so close, I feel naturally uncomfortable.

It's not that she has a good impression of Ling Feng, it's just that she refuses to admit defeat and doesn't want to lose to Xiao Xianling in any aspect.

This is a woman's desire to win, and it can be said to be vividly reflected in Xiao Xianling and Mo Yurou.

Xiao Xianling blushed and realized that the posture between the two was somewhat intimate. She could even feel Ling Feng's breath hitting her neck.

This was the first time she had been so close to a man, and her body actually became a little stiff.

Although she wanted to push Ling Feng away, Ling Feng was indeed too weak now.

Just seeing the blood from the corners of his eyes sliding down his cheeks, she couldn't be more cruel.

In any case, Ling Feng was so weak just to save everyone's lives from the tentacles of that deep sea beast.

"This lady is happy, but you can control it!"

Xiao Xianling bit her silver teeth and rolled her eyes in response to Mo Yurou, "If a white-haired monster like you is given to others for free, they may not be able to rely on you!"


Mo Yurou was so angry that she stamped her feet repeatedly, almost going crazy.

Xiao Xianling's words stung the pride in her heart.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, yes, I'm happy to do it!"

When Cheng Tianyong saw that the two women were about to start a fight, he hurriedly stepped forward to fight with Shini, and even shamelessly stretched his neck to lean on Mo Yurou's shoulder, and said with a smile on his face: "It smells so good! "


Mo Yurou frowned and kicked Cheng Tianyong on the buttocks, knocking him until he fell off the ground. He rolled on the ground more than ten times before he stabilized himself.

"You pervert, stay away from me!"

Mo Yurou glared at Cheng Tianyong, but after being so disturbed by Cheng Tianyong, she was too lazy to vent her anger on Xiao Xianling.

At least Cheng Tianyong proved that she is still attractive as a woman.

"Deserve it!"

Nangong Ziling on the side saw Cheng Tianyong being kicked away, and secretly chuckled in his heart, but his face remained calm, as if he didn't care.

At this moment, Ling Feng was helpless. He didn't expect that the cost of directly teleporting the boundary-breaking shuttle would be so terrible.

In the final analysis, his cultivation level is still too low, and the ability of the law of time and space is somewhat out of reach for him.

Although Ling Feng himself didn't want to just lean on Xiao Xianling, he had no choice. He could no longer stand firmly at this moment, and he couldn't see, so he could only use Xiao Xianling as his crutch for the time being. .

After a while, Cheng Tianyong rubbed his butt and came back, laughed, and said with a smile: "Now that Brother Ling is injured, we will temporarily camp on the outer island to rest."

Everyone thought for a moment, but no one refuted.

However, Zhou Yan couldn't help but said: "Ling Feng is injured and should take a good rest, but we can't just wait here. I suggest sending a few people to explore the situation nearby. If you are lucky, you might be able to find him. Where’s the Xuanhan Lingzhu?”

"Well, that makes sense!"

Cheng Tianyong laughed, "Just do as you said, Brother Zhou, I choose to stay and camp!"

Zhou Yan rolled his eyes, already knowing that this guy was hopeless.

"Then I'll go find out what's going on."

Zhou Yan volunteered, and since he was the one who made the suggestion, he naturally wanted to set an example.

"Senior Brother Zhou, I'll go with you!"

The first person to speak was Nangong Ziling. The reason why she chose to go out with Zhou Yan to investigate the nearby situation was also very simple.

I don’t want to stay with Cheng Tianyong!


Zhou Yan nodded, "Is there anyone else?"


Illusion God Qianjue also stood up slowly, as always, he cherished his words like gold.

In the end, Zhou Yan and the others teamed up to go to the nearby area to investigate the news, while Ling Feng and his party stayed here and set up camp.

"Hey, Zhou Yan, take this!"

Just when Zhou Yan and others were about to turn around and leave, Mo Yurou suddenly stopped Zhou Yan and handed over a piece of talisman paper.

"This is a transmission note. If you encounter any situation, just send it directly and I will be able to arrive in time!"

After Mo Yurou finished speaking, she slapped the transmission talisman into Zhou Yan's palm.

"Thank you, senior sister!"

Zhou Yan held the transmission talisman tightly and glanced at Mo Yurou gratefully.

Ling Feng was secretly surprised. Although this woman had a bit of a venomous mouth, she still had some responsibilities as an inner disciple.

It seems that she is not entirely annoying.

The sea is immeasurable and stretches as far as the eye can see.

Although there are a lot of mining ships in the calm sea area outside the Stars, ships that penetrate deep into the waters of the Misty Gorge are quite rare.

At this moment, in the sea fog, another large ship actually appeared again.

Different from Ling Feng's previous boundary-breaking shuttle, this large ship is more than a hundred meters long. It is more like a luxurious giant boat than a ship.

And the flag flying on the mast of this big ship is the Ice Soul Flag belonging to the Xuntian Ice Tribe. Once this flag comes out, all pirates in the sea area with a radius of thousands of miles will be frightened. There is no one who dares to risk his life. Come and provoke.

In the Immortal Realm, the word "Xantian" is a symbol of strength and status. Any member of the Xantian clan has the power of life and death for ordinary immortals.

Looting the ships of the Xantian clan is equivalent to digging one's own family's ancestral grave and destroying one's own family.

And the people on board this big ship were Yan Jinghong and his party.

And Ling Feng and the others were the same as before. After arriving in this sea area, the first thing they had to face was the troublesome Gorge of Mist.

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