Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3425: Patrolling the Sky with Murderous Intent! The calamity of Lingfeng!

"What are you doing in such a hurry? I gave Zhou Yan a transmission note. Just ask and see if you can see!"

Mo Yurou glanced at everyone with a contemptuous look, and immediately took out the other half of the pair of transmission talismans that she had given to Zhou Yan before. She raised her slender jade fingers and scratched the talisman a few times. A golden light flashed, and Mo Yurou immediately Asked: "Hey, Zhou Yan, what's going on over there?"

However, the golden light flickered on and off, but there was no response from the other half of the transmission note.

"Answer me! Zhou Yan, Zhou Yan?"

Mo Yurou shouted to the transmission talisman for a long time, but there was still no response from the other side.

This time, it proved that Zhou Yan and the others might indeed have encountered an accident.

Otherwise, there wouldn't even be time to reply to Mo Yurou.


Cheng Tianyong frowned slightly and looked at Ling Feng and the others, "What should we do? Brother Huan Shen is with them, but they still can't cope. I'm afraid..."

Cheng Tianyong said, his expression became increasingly gloomy.

The strength of Illusory God Qianjue is naturally far beyond the level of Zhou Yan and Nangong Ziling.

The three of them acted together, but all lost contact. I'm afraid the situation they encountered was not optimistic.

"Zhou Yan! Zhou Yan!"

Mo Yurou still held the transmission talisman and tried to get in touch with Zhou Yan, but unfortunately, it was all in vain.

"What are you still fantasizing about? There will be no reply!"

Xiao Xianling grabbed Mo Yurou's wrist and stared at Mo Yurou with a serious face, "You and I are leading the team for this mission. As senior sisters of the inner sect, we have the responsibility to our junior brothers and sisters. So, you better calm down and wake up now, do you understand?”

Mo Yurou was stunned for a moment, then raised her eyes and glanced at Xiao Xianling in surprise.

This willful young lady seems to have grown up a bit over the years.

"You don't need to teach me a lesson!"

Mo Yurou slapped Xiao Xianling's palm away with one palm, bit her silver teeth, and said in a deep voice: "I know my responsibility!"

"As long as you know!"

Xiao Xianling took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "We can't continue to wait here, otherwise, the longer it takes, the more dangerous the situation for Junior Brother Zhou Yan and others will be."

"I'll go find them!"

Mo Yurou immediately activated her magic power and was about to fly away.

"Listen to what I have to say first!"

Xiao Xianling frowned and grabbed Mo Yurou, "Our current strength should not be spread apart. You and I must act together."

"Then let's go!" Mo Yurou's face was filled with anger.

"It's just Ling Feng's current situation..."

Xiao Xianling sighed. Although she was a little worried, she gritted her teeth and said, "Cheng Tianyong, just stay and take care of Ling Feng."

Cheng Tianyong was left alone, plus Ling Feng, who was blind and in a weak state. If they encountered danger, they might not be able to deal with it.

But if Ling Feng is brought with him, Ling Feng's current state may become a burden.

"No need."

Ling Feng stood up and smiled faintly, "You all go, I will stay here waiting for you. Don't worry, there is no danger around here. I can do it by myself. What's more..."

As he spoke, Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, his face full of confidence, "Although I can't see for the time being, my spiritual perception is still there, which is not completely equivalent to being blind. Although I am weak, I am not ready to die! Don’t worry, don’t worry about me! If you step back ten thousand steps, there will still be a bitch beside me!”

Everyone's eyes simultaneously looked at the donkey who was leaning on the rock with a piece of weed in his mouth, eyes closed, and concentrating.

This guy, is he reliable?

Feeling the suspicious eyes of everyone, the bitch spat and spat the weeds aside, "What are you doing? This beast is very strong, okay?"


Xiao Xianling took a deep look at Ling Feng. Time was tight and she could no longer think about it. "Okay, be careful."

After saying that, Xiao Xianling turned around and flew away in the direction where Zhou Yan and the others had left.

"Brother Ling, don't die!"

Cheng Tianyong gave Ling Feng a thoughtful look, "I also hope that I can go back to Ningxiang Pavilion to listen to music with you in the future!"


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, this guy is really...

"Definitely next time!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and responded with a smile. Although he couldn't see, he could sense that the auras of Xiao Xianling and others were disappearing.

"I wish you good luck."

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, never expecting that one day he would become a burden to others.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng knew that he had to recover as soon as possible, otherwise, not only would he not be able to help others, but he might not be able to protect himself.

On this Xuanyuan Han Island, there are many dangers. No wonder it is assigned a Class A mission, and more than two inner disciples are required to lead the team to accept this mission.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng immediately put aside his distracting thoughts and sat cross-legged on the spot.

After entering the Immortal Realm, it seems that he was suppressed by the power of the world in the Immortal Realm, and the ability of the immortal golden body has been greatly reduced.

What's more, his eyes, due to excessive stimulation of the laws of time and space, are injuries and cannot be recovered immediately by the power of flesh and blood reconstruction.

A conservative estimate would probably take three to five days to recover.

But now I'm afraid he won't be allowed to recover so slowly.

Some extraordinary means must be used.

If the Emperor's Eye's own recovery ability is used, this process may be greatly accelerated.

This is also the reason why Ling Feng deliberately wanted to drive Xiao Xianling and the others away.

If there were outsiders present, he really wouldn't dare to use the Eye of the Emperor unscrupulously.

"You bitch, protect me!"

Ling Feng called out in the direction of the cheap donkey.

"I know, I know."

The bitch was a little impatient, but he still turned over and jumped up, looking around with a serious face.

At critical moments, the bitch is still reliable.

Since being promoted to the Immortal Realm, Jianlu's strength has also developed rapidly in the past few years. It seems that the fairy spirit energy of the Immortal Realm has also inspired his talent as a divine beast.

In the past three years, it was not just Ling Feng who had broken through from the magic realm to the talisman realm.

Even a cheap donkey has crossed the threshold of the immortal path and successfully became a "fairy donkey"!

Ling Feng's face straightened and he put aside all distracting thoughts.

The next moment, the yin-yang fish floated in his eyes, and the heavenly eye and the human eye were opened at the same time.

Even, a blood line slowly appeared between the eyebrows, the blood line tore open, and a blood-red vertical pupil opened.

All three eyes open!

Since he ascended to the Immortal Realm, this is the first time that Ling Feng has used the Eye of the Emperor so "unscrupulously".

The billowing spirit energy gathered crazily.

Ling Feng's guess was indeed correct. When he activated the Eye of Emperor with all his strength, the self-healing ability of the Eye of Emperor was indeed stimulated.

The eyes were slightly burning, and the eyeballs that were originally created due to excessive activation of the laws of time and space began to regain some feeling from numbness.

A wave of heat surged near his eye sockets, and Ling Feng's originally dilated pupils began to slowly refocus.

At this rate, he should be able to see the light again in an hour or two.

Time passed bit by bit.

However, just when Ling Feng was about to fully recover, he suddenly sensed that a figure was slowly approaching about a dozen miles to the southwest of him.

"Oh no, Ling Feng, someone is coming!"

Then the voice of a mean donkey sounded, "Besides, the person who comes is not good!"

Ling Feng didn't need to remind him, Ling Feng had already noticed it.

The speed at which the opponent is approaching is obviously getting faster and faster.

At the beginning, it seemed that it was just a normal approach, but then, as a terrible cold air swept across, there was clearly a hint of hostility and murderous intent in this cold air!

But Ling Feng was very familiar with this cold air!

That is the power of Xantian Ice Soul belonging to the Xantian Ice Clan.

Not only because of Yan Jinghong, but also because of the Xantian bloodline flowing from his mother in his body!

"It's the Xuntian Ice Clan!"

Ling Feng can be 100% sure that the guys approaching are from the Xuntian Ice Clan.

On this Xuanyuan Cold Island, how could we meet someone from the Sky Patrol Ice Clan?

Ling Feng was puzzled, but at this moment, it was the critical moment for his eyes to recover, and there was no room to look back.

If the healing is forcibly terminated and the Emperor's Eye is closed, the time to restore the eyes may be delayed indefinitely.


A ray of blue light, like an arrow from a string, streaked across the horizon.

In just a few blinks, Ling Feng appeared a hundred meters away.

It was a young man in a blue robe, with a stern face and a hint of evil between his eyebrows.

This person is none other than Shui Changdong!

"Wha...who is that person? Stop!"

The bitch roared, and the demonic energy was activated. The muscles all over his body suddenly flexed and turned into a giant beast more than three feet tall, intercepting the opponent.


Shui Changdong smiled coldly and waved his hand, and the donkey was shot away like a ball.

There is no room for parry at all.

"The remnant of Heaven's way? Hahaha, it turns out to be the remnant of Heaven's way?"

Shui Changdong laughed crazily and said, "It looks like you are still injured? It just so happens that anyone who encounters the remnants of the law of heaven will be killed without mercy!"

Murderous intent emerged, and in an instant, Ling Feng felt as if he had fallen into an icy purgatory. The current calamity may be...

There is no escape!

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