Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3426 Heavenly Demon! A stab in the back!

"Any last words, please explain them quickly?"

Shui Changdong stood with his hands behind his back, walking towards Lingfeng step by step with the posture of a superior.

Every time he took a step forward, the air around him became colder.

When he was only thirty steps away from Ling Feng, the whole world seemed to have been frozen by ice.

The Xuntian Ice Tribe is naturally best at ice laws.

As a direct descendant of the Shui clan, Shui Changdong is not the most talented disciple in the clan, but his innate bloodline advantage alone has surpassed many geniuses.

What's more, he is a real Dao Fruit Realm Immortal Lord, with a total of eight Dao Fruits!

And with his talent, it is only a matter of time before he can gather the Nine Fruits and advance to the realm of Immortal Lord.

His strength is probably not much inferior to that of Yufeng Immortal Lord.

Ling Feng's face was as dark as water. Is he going to use up the second chance to save his life that Po Meng gave him so soon?

It should be noted that the ray of spiritual thought that Po Meng left in his body could only be used three times.

When I was in Tianyong City before, I didn't know the situation and used it once in a daze.

Now, if you use it again, there will be only one last chance left.

You know, this is the second time that I have left Tianzhi since I was promoted to the Immortal Realm.

On average, one life-saving charm is used at one time. Isn’t it a bit extravagant?

But right now, it seems that life is at stake!

Ling Feng gritted his teeth. At this moment, his Emperor's Eyes were extremely hot. It was the critical moment to regain the light and completely recover.

Even, he couldn't distract himself and actively summoned Po Meng's spiritual thoughts.

Otherwise, if you are distracted even a little bit, all your previous efforts will be wasted!

It seemed that he still had to resist the opponent's attack, waiting for Po Meng's ray of divine will to take the initiative to come to the rescue.

Although the opponent is strong, Ling Feng is still certain if he can withstand the next blow.

"not talking?"

Shui Changdong had a cold smile on his face, "It seems that your injury is very serious. Anyway, I am always willing to help others, so I will give you a ride and help you reach bliss as soon as possible!"

Ling Feng's forehead was covered with sweat, and large beads of sweat slid down his cheeks.

Although the surrounding temperature had almost dropped to freezing point, with a bone-chilling chill, Ling Feng could not stop sweating.

Above his head, a line of white steam steamed up, which was exactly the sign of three flowers gathering at the top.

It’s just one step away from complete recovery.


The sound of the sword surged, and a sword of black ice with flashing blue light slipped from Shui Changdong's sleeve.

"I have only heard of the Tiandao clan, but now I actually see them alive."

Shui Changdong looked at Ling Feng playfully, with a hint of contempt flashing in his eyes, "I only heard how great the Tiandao clan is. After the ancient demon war, the five Xuntian clans and all the clans in the Immortal Realm finally united. The evil demons of heaven are killing people, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

The devil of heaven?

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Sure enough, history is written by the victors.

He was obviously from the Xantian clan, betrayed his former master, usurped the throne, and was actually composed into a hymn of righteousness and slaying evil spirits?

Such distortion of history and beautification of oneself is such a shame!

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, his mind was slightly confused, and a countercurrent surged in his body. He already had it in his heart and quickly suppressed his distracting thoughts.

"Today, let me kill the demons and eliminate you, the remnant of heaven, completely!"

A hint of fanaticism flashed in Shui Changdong's eyes.

If he took back the head of this remnant of heaven, wouldn't it be a great achievement? Maybe Immortal Emperor Hao Cang would also accept him as his direct disciple!

Thinking of this, Shui Changdong was even more delighted.

His eyes were fixed on Ling Feng like a hawk.

Not to mention that Ling Feng was seriously injured. Even at his peak, he was just an ant who had just entered the Talisman Realm. He couldn't make a single move in his own hands!

"Boy Ling Feng, run!"

At this moment, a roar came from far away, and it turned out to be the donkey that was kicked away by Shui Changdong. He turned back angrily and rushed over with a roar.

Although usually when faced with danger, this guy can run faster than a rabbit.

But at the critical moment of life and death, he did not choose to abandon Ling Feng directly, but vowed to protect his master to the death.

This is also the reason why Ling Fengfeng tolerates the donkey repeatedly and tolerates the greedy and shameless habits of the donkey.

Because deep down in the heart of the bitch, he is absolutely loyal to himself and will never betray himself!

This alone is enough.

But this time, Bitch was too impulsive.

With just his strength, wouldn't his death be in vain?

"Tsk, tsk, what a monster that protects the master!"

Shui Changdong smiled coldly and raised his palm slightly, "Then, I will send you down first, so that your master will not be alone on the road to hell!"

"Fuck you, this mythical beast is a mythical beast! Do you understand the mythical beast!"

Black evil spirit surged all over the bitch's body, and his eyes seemed to be stained with a layer of blood, and he seemed to be determined to die.

Shui Changdong smiled coldly, and the divine beast made a weak grab in front of him.

In an instant, he saw a huge frozen hand holding the donkey's body firmly in his palm.

As long as he has a thought, killing the donkey is as easy as squeezing an ant to death.

"Bitch ass! Poof——"

Seeing that the bitch was under threat of death, Ling Feng finally couldn't hold it any longer, stood up suddenly, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

But in anger, Ling Feng finally opened up the last bloodline in his eyes and restored the light.

He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were about to burst, he stared at Shui Changdong, and roared hysterically: "Let him go!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Dongyi, the water chief, was arrogant and stared at Ling Feng condescendingly, "Are you even qualified to bargain, even as an ant?"


In an instant, the sound of broken bones was heard, and the donkey let out a roar. The bones in his body were as if they had been crushed to pieces.


Ling Feng's eyes widened, and he saw that the donkey was already bleeding from all its orifices, with more air coming out and less air coming in. He only had half a life left.

His whole body was trembling slightly with anger, and the Shura Eyes between his eyebrows became scarleter.

The bloody curtain swept across, and the Shura Killing World spread on its own.

"Innocent boy, why do you still want to fight with me?"

Shui Changdong was completely indifferent and did not take Ling Feng seriously at all.

He suppressed the opponent's two-level realm from a distance. Even if he closed his eyes and let him use his hands, he would not be defeated.

"You're just an ant, why bother Brother Shui?"

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind.

Shui Changdong looked back with a sneer on his lips.

The person coming was none other than Yan Jinghong.

He alone is already a sure winner, plus Yan Jinghong, two against one, will the opponent still have a way to survive?

Although he didn't like Yan Jinghong very much, and he looked down on this "lower ant" who was lucky enough to become the Immortal Emperor's direct disciple, but no matter what, he was a member of the Xuntian Ice Clan.

Shui Changdong had never thought about it, and it was impossible for him to guess that Yan Jinghong and the remnant of Heavenly Dao in front of him were actually old acquaintances.

A strange color flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, Yan Jinghong?

Unexpectedly, they would meet here in this way.

Moreover, it seems to be a true prophecy.

As I said before, if Yan Jinghong had been present when he was being hunted by the Xantian clan, how would he have chosen?

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Although he and Yan Jinghong didn't even make eye contact, he never doubted Yan Jinghong from beginning to end.

He knew that Yan Jinghong would never betray him.

"It turns out to be Brother Yan!"

Shui Changdong smiled coldly, "The ship was destroyed by the giant beast before, and we all got separated. It seems that Brother Yan was also lucky and did not fall under the tentacles of the giant beast!"

"It's all thanks to you, Brother Shui."

Yan Jinghong quietly approached Shui Changdong and looked at Ling Feng and Jianlu with a slightly ferocious look.

"Brother Shui, are they the remnants of heaven?"

"That's right, look at the third eye on his forehead, it's the Eye of Shura. Brother Yan, you're lucky. It's your first time to act, and you've gained a lot of experience."

Shui Changdong looked proud, and then looked at Yan Jinghong warily, "But Brother Yan, these two prey are mine, and I will take their lives!"

"Of course, of course!"

Yan Jinghong waved his hand and said with a smile: "How dare I argue with you, Brother Shui? I just want to help Brother Shui."

"Brother Yan, just watch the show from the sidelines!"

After saying that, Shui Changdong turned around and saw Yan Jinghong.

The two rays of light were like sharp rays, almost piercing Ling Feng.

These are the unique ice-cold eyes of the Xantian Ice Clan. Although they are far inferior to the Eyes of the Emperor, with the power of his eyes, just one look can put Ling Feng into desperate situation.

He was like a cat catching a mouse, teasing Ling Feng, letting him escape in the ice world he had arranged, but he did not notice at all that Yan Jinghong behind him was getting closer and closer.

In the end, he will pay a heavy price for his arrogance and pride.


A scream suddenly echoed through the void.


A cold ice knife suddenly pierced Shui Changdong's lower back, and then, all the internal organs in his body seemed to be completely frozen.


Shui Changdong suddenly turned around, and what he saw was an extremely cold face.

"you you……"

Shui Changdong looked at Yan Jinghong in disbelief. He never imagined that Yan Jinghong would stab him in the back.

Wasn't it always him who should do this kind of thing?

"Brother Shui, haven't your elders told you to never expose your back to people who don't understand you?"

Yan Jinghong raised his palm and gently pushed his body aside.


Shui Changdong's body fell heavily and was quickly frozen into ice. Then, he was trampled to pieces by Yan Jinghong.

The knife that stabbed Shui Changdong just now was a top-quality immortal treasure given to Yan Jinghong by Immortal Emperor Hao Cang.

The power of ice contained in it is difficult for even a powerful immortal to resist.

What's more, it's just a piece of water.

"As expected, you are still so crisp and insidious in your actions."

Ling Feng gasped slightly and raised his eyes to look at Yan Jinghong.

"It's you, you're so embarrassed!"

Yan Jinghong met Ling Feng's gaze with a faint curve at the corner of his mouth.

Their eyes met, and the two immediately looked at each other and laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

We haven't seen each other for three years, but we still have such tacit understanding and trust.

This is probably the true friendship between life and death.

"Laugh! You are all... laughing your ass off. Please save this beast..."

The hearty laughter was interrupted by the roar of a donkey. After a period of silence, there was a new round of wild laughter, one after another, lasting for a long time...

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